Glorious Font of Mountain Dew (OOC) [Incarnadine Waters]

I finished my character's backstory, and kckolbe and I were introduced to the campaign. That... seems to be all.
waiting for you guys to summon them, and then storm the tower!!!!!

(my character can be a bit too rash at times, in case you didn't notice)
Teribly sorry for falling so far behing everyone, I have not been feeling at all well this month.

SRC, last I checked in your thread, there was an agreement that somebody should do a specifc thing, but notwho. ^_^ ;;
I have been trying to summon elementals. All free time that can be divided by four hours that does not include sleep is spent summoning elementals.
Axelgear said:
Oh my...
Is there anyone in or nearby the grain silo? And how'd his attack go?
Sighes. ^_^

That was the dramatic tension I was trying to build. Nazir has to pull a crazy stunt that will let him kill the eye heading for the grain silo (or at least knock it away) and snatch the children off of the falling building in one action. ^_^ ;;

Sorry i didn't break it down better. ^_^

Please do not accept any more players. It is pretty obvious that you can't handle the ones that you do have. To be honest, I would like to see about 5 players in the game...due to the vast quantity of personal NPC's you seem to want to run. I know that this might mean that I will loose my spot, but its the best thing for the game.
*pained waive*

Sorry i haven't sent you an away message before.

I'm having such a nasty streak of itchies right now that i cann't keep my usual posting pace, or even the posting pace that i keep when I'm waiting for 2 people to get back (and one of hem prompty quits on me because i have too many blisters between my fingers to type.) Please permit me to get my health issues taken care of before you give up on me.
Aw. Worry not, I'll be here, Unless it gets dropped into the void forum I silently stick around until there is something I can contribute towards.

With that said. I myself have found myself feeling quite on the low depressive streak of, why am I doing these. So my post rate has critically taken a dive in many others. >> Hopefully if things turn around (As I so desperately hope) I may regain my drive.
Here, you can have mine.

It's not doing me much good, as shown by how much I've been getting done on this site, but maybe you can get more out of it than me...
If i had a picture of myself in shorts only today and a month ago you'd have an idea of what a hideous ride my life has been lately.

After at least 3 months of truly painful levels of going to the wrong doctor at the right time or the right doctor at the wrong time, I got to my dermatologist with identifiable symptoms of (norwegan?) scabies too blatant and severe to ignore even when they eluded his microscope. 3 weeks of scabies specific treatment later, the moments of hell on my skin are past. I'm still covered neck to toe in hives, but there is normal, healthy flesh between said hives, and they are all healing, no new ones are appearing. The agonising flare ups that would take me midsentence and force me to either scratch or just trash 'til they past are also gone, making me able to be a normal internt participant again.

* * *

All right, folks, do you want me to scramble around and save this plot line, or shall i take those who still wish to play with me. We divide into groups of 4-6 players and run unrelated storylines that don't run into each other?

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