Glorious Font of Mountain Dew (OOC) [Incarnadine Waters]

Due to real life issues, I must withdraw from every game I am in. Feel free to take over my character or drop them completely. While I may be able to return one day I doubt it will happen in the near future. Have fun everyone.
Hey everyone, gonna be joining the game soon, working out a character now. This is kckolbe from E and RPOL. Just a month in a half until I leave this country and can access E again.
Welcome back indeed.

Okay, things are straightening out.

We must bid fairwell to Asuryan as well.

now, with only pheonix kensai and KC coming into the final group, would it be easier for them to just join us at Yume's Manse before we leave and come upwith another reason why we have to go on the pre-mission?
Either way is fine with me.

Though if we're starting soon, I guess that means I should finish up the backstory and sort out what to do with choosing a Solar mate...
I am probably doing this wrong, but if xp cost for raising an ability is based on current rating, what is the cost to raise a favored ability from 0 to 1? (Buying a new type of craft)
Anyone else think that 5 points is nowhere near enough for virtues? If you spend those 5 evenly, and no bonus or xp, you have a selfish, sniveling yet hot-headed character with no backbone. I think 1 dot in each should be granted, the way attributes are.
You start with one dot in each virtue, yes. The point of having five is so that you can be average in all save one stat which will be high enough to have the Great Curse apply, and you can raise it higher or another one to above normal by taking a flaw in another.
Ok Folks, For thre next couple of days I may not be around due to moving up to college and all that jazz.
Background is... about halfway done, maybe? Hopefully a bit more. I didn't have much more planned, but I should probably put something in there about her Manse and Mentor and such...

If all goes well, I should have it done tomorrow afternoon. Though every time I try to set a date I always end up missing it.

After this I just have one more background to write, and one sheet to finish... except for those two games, and... then there's... khaah.

I wish I had worked a bit harder on everything before now.
Aaaaaaand... done.

Though I suppose I should put a bit in there about her Backgrounds.

Do you want a full description of her Manse with its powers and everything, as per Oadenol's Codex, or just a basic description?

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