Gloriosa: Shades of Grey


The Purple Sage
Apply Skin to these bones:

Full Name:



Personality: (at least for the start of the rp, remember, all about character development, and this may evolve over time as well.)

Appearance: (Description or image. If image, please remember, I have a hateon for anime in a "realistic" setting.)

Background: (come on, show off. Show me what you've got.)
Full Name : Clarisse Maxim

Age : 19

Gender : Female

Personality : Clarisse (Clair for short) is a hardy little girl. Her short stature belies her strong will and she wears a perpetual pokerface around people she doesn't know and most people she does know. Her extremely short temper is rather renown. That, coupled with her stern demeanor, has earned her more people fearing her than friends. But she is always surrounded by an air of authority and an aura of confidence. Despite her seemingly indifferent attitude towards this lack of friends, she often finds herself wondering what was wrong with her. But she is yet to find a reason to change, given that her personality has many many admirers, thanks to her frankness and the ability to call a spade a spade. Her smile is one of legends, in that it has never been seen in public. The last time a person was rumored to have seen her smile was the first time she tried on a pair of ice skates. But that was one time, just one person and just a ghost of a smile. No more.



Background :

Hi there, my name is Clarisse. Welcome to my life!

Sorry, my friend wrote that. She gets overly excited about such stuff. Ugh, why am I writing this again? Oh yeah, to remind myself how my life is / was in the very possible eventuality that I go crazy in this world. Yep.

Ah yes, my name is Clarisse, but no one but my dead grandmother calls me that. I'm mostly Clair to everyone else and Max to a select few. My life, simply put, is far from normal. I have a brother actually. Had, at least. He died in a freak accident. Suicide, they called it. No, he wasn't the brightest bulb in the Christmas tree though. There was no way he could commit suicide using a food processor and a length of tie that strangely resembles my dad's. Naw, not suspicious. He'd just 'lost' the tie a week ago.

The next to go was mum. She just had to take a bath with dad's electric razor that just 'happened' to be plugged in and switched on. Me? I have no intentions of following suit. Got me good grades, finished school 4 years in advance, got into a uni about the same age with a scholarship as most got into college. I'm studying to be a doctor by the way. Why? Because I can and want to. Because my massive ego wouldn't let me do anything short of it.

The only scary thing about it all is the world outside of my house and school. Strange creatures unlike any that I have ever met before. 'Men' the call them. Apart from my father and my brother, I had never seen any of them before. The miracle of studying in an all girls' school. Added to that is the fact that none of them want to talk to me. My friend told me smiling would help. Me? Smile? Heh.

There you have it. I now live in a single apartment with no 'official' room mates, though my friend says she wants to stay over and practically lives with me here. Who is she? I've known her all my life. She's right next to me now. You can't see her? I don't think anyone else can, I'm afraid. No one but me.

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Full Name: Sammie Vienne

Age: 18

Gender: That thing with ovaries...?


Sammie is pretty damn hardheaded, and is perfectly aware of this. She's a joker to say the least, and her quick and untamed wit can come off rude sometimes. She dislikes those who are shy and timid.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.a3d1c27eb238decdfe1a509c193936aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15684" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.a3d1c27eb238decdfe1a509c193936aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


It takes a lot to grow up without parents, but she never thought it was that much to fuss about. People always act all down and dopey because they're adopted. Sammie didn't really give a damn. She was raised in a poor neighborhood, around poor kids, and barely enough food for her family. She was strong though, and believed only the best could endure circumstances like her own.

Black sheep.



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Full Name: Jason Cain Parker (JC)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Much unlike what his middle name suggest, Jason is rather gentle and kind. He's easygoing and cheerful most of the time, so becoming one of his friends, which he is very loyal to, is quite easy. He can be encourageous and suportive, but he has the tendency to make lame and weird jokes, which usually lead to very awkward situations.

Due to having a peaceful and protected life, Jason is quite naiive and innocent, which are not a good combination with the severe lack of experience in the real world. He is always too optimistic for his own good, but he is quick to adapt to situations even when they are against his nature.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/handsome-teenage-boy-with-dark-hair-and-hazel-eyes.jpg.d1ee6dfbea4edb6bcebd13d43e5c73aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15500" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/handsome-teenage-boy-with-dark-hair-and-hazel-eyes.jpg.d1ee6dfbea4edb6bcebd13d43e5c73aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


You can only describe Jason's life by one word: normal. He is the most ordinary kid, growing up raised by loving parents, has normal friends, plays normal sports, above average grade,...Everything was ridiculously ordinary, which doesn't mean that it was a boring one. He had a pleasant and peaceful life that every kid dreams of, achieving his goals with hard work and supportive parents. Except for a few flaws.

It all changed the day he figured out his ability. Not understanding, for the first time in his life, he chose to keep secret from his parents. Slowly, he changed, dragged down by the knowledge, feeling guilty like he was betraying people he loved.

He started losing interest in what he once thought was the most important things in his life. Looking his parents in the eyes became harder and harder everyday, which shouldn't be that bad, he thought. It was just a lie. Every other kids lie. But not him, not to his perfect family, it wasn't the way he had chose to live, but even so, he still couldn't bring himself to reveal the secret. He wasn't sure his family would understand. He himself didn't understand.

Jason was not really an outcast, but close. He's easy-going and loyal, which won him plenty of friends, who all like and respect him, but no one close enough, no group that felt that he really belonged. He had no best friend, or even childhood friend for that matter. Known and liked by everyone, but hang out with no one. He considered his parents the closest, but even though they loved him to no end, they had busy jobs and could not be there for him all the time. So Jason became the lonely guy in a friendly world.

Black Sheep. In a flock of dark-blue sheeps. An assimilated outcast.



  • handsome-teenage-boy-with-dark-hair-and-hazel-eyes.jpg
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Full Name: Elliott Manchester Doddledale.... (Eli)

Age: 20

Gender: Male (Why of course only the manliest demeanor for Eli.)

Personality: A TRUE ECCENTRIC! He takes everything seriously but adds a light note of comedy onto it, for his personal enjoyment. He is dramatic in his actions, as well as his speech. He likes to upsize any situation and a lot of the times he can give you random sexual innuendos, to "lighten" the mood. If you get to know him he is actually a pretty well represented individual, being smart and cunning, as well as being protective.


Background: (WIP for when I don't have anything better to do. I'll fill it in later... yeah.)

Black sheep.
Full Name:

Emilyn Rasberry






Emilyn is a huge stoner. Half of the time you speak to her she is at least half baked, so when you talk to her you never really know what you're going to get, the conversation could go anywhere from Emilyn believing she's a ghost and her explaining how and why she is, to her having a four hour deep conversation about religion and politics. Even without the weed she is known to be a little spontaneous and weird. She's usually friendly unless provoked, then what she likes to call her "black side" comes out, despite her being grown in a family full of one side, rednecks and the other, rich white people.



Emilyn was raised in a close-knit and loving family. She had like; a shit-ton of siblings and she lost count of them along time ago. Needless to say, she doesn't have a problem talking to people or being around children. In fact, she loves children, especially funny children also, pugs; that is very important information to hold onto, she loves pugs like she loves other things she loves, like Donuts.

Emilyn moved out of her family's home when she was 18-almost 19 and in with her then current boyfriend, less than a year later they broke up and then got back together and then broke up again because he cheated and freaked out about commitment. It was pretty dramatic and heartbreaking but Emilyn's not the type to dwell on things for very long. No, within a few months she was back on track, kicking it the only way she knew how, with a mind full of optimism, a pocket full of green, and her Pug, Puddin', by her side.

Nowadays she has her own apartment in a shitty part of town by herself with Puddin' and as her means of income, she works at a adult romance store where she spends all day fending off creeps, selling dildos and trying not to act high in front of her boss who could really care less if she was or not. She drives a crappy 1997 honda civic that's AC is broken and she doesn't get along with her old man neighbor at all. His name is Jimmy and he's a 70 year old aggressive creep who likes to watch Jerry Springer naked and complains about anything and everything about Emilyn to Emilyn.

The Blackest of Sheep
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Full Name: Mark Wei

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Personality: Mark is naturally bright and energetic, and tends to be a bit overbearing sometimes. However, his boredom overshadows his natural qualities, causing him to become reserved and grumpy for the majority of his day. He is stubborn to a fault, and rarely admits he'd wrong, choosing to blame other people instead. He's a tad impulsive, and longs to discover something new and interesting. Because of this, he's constantly switching hobbies and likes in order to find what interests him the most. He also has a bit of a childish side, and the one constant hobby that he retains is playing pretend and make-believe by himself.


Background: For the first seven years of his life, Mark lived a loving and happy life with his parents. Everything started going down hill when his father left for work related reasons, and rarely returned home. This resulted in fights with his mother, and led to a divorce between them. He had to choose between his mother and father, and chose to remain with his mother in London. Both parents remarried eventually, and both favored their new children over him. He always tried his best to gain their attention, through good grades and athletics, but it never really worked. Mark wasn't apart of their new families. He was just a reminder of the old family, of their old partners.

Black sheep. Baaaaaaa.
Full Name: Kaleb "Batman" Smith

Age: 24

Gender: male

Personality: Kaleb is outgoing and generally good natured. He has a rather moody side about him though, easily able to fall into a depressive state if things begin to look towards the worse. Though he often disguises his sadness behind a mask of comic references and subpar humor.

Kaleb's battle with depression and college lifestyle have culminated in his tendency to drink heavily. The young man can often be found at the pub when not working or attending classes, reasoning that its "as good a place as any other".

Kaleb's orphan upbringing has also led to identity issues, due to this he often finds himself throwing himself into new roles, only to find that he later dislikes them, and moves on. For instance, last year Kaleb was a hipster, then an preppy athlete, followed by a flannel wearing music snob. He tends to go through fazes, often times finding one thing he identifies with and generalizing an entire subculture to try and find a good fit. He now dresses casually, nothing notable or fantastic, though he has taken to getting tattoos that better characterize himself given his past experiences.

These tattoos have allowed Kaleb to better identify himself and cope with his lack of real parents. Though the nuns he grew up with would hardly approve, he loves each tattoo, and has a tendency to get new ones after new or exciting experiences.



Kaleb was orphaned at a young age, left on the doorstep of an orphanage in the Bronx. He spent his young years playing pranks and doing chores as the orphanage requested. Though he soon began to learn to pick pockets, and steal for money on the streets. As he started he was often caught and beaten, either by the nuns at the orphanage or else the people who inevitably found him stealing. The kid didn't learn to turn his life around until a kid offered him a comic book on his 11th birthday, it was the only gift he'd receive. And after reading the story of Batman, a story he so identified with, he decided to dedicate his life toward good deeds.

He began to help the nuns more and more, and take on jobs to help those even less fortunate than himself. His good deeds were soon noted, and he was soon put into a foster care service. He did well with his foster parents though he couldn't help but feel as if he didn't fit in. Eventually he got a part time job and began enrolling in community college, though he soon grew bored. Something was missing, he struggled with an identity crisis for quite a while. At one point even legally changing his middle name to "Batman" in an attempt to find purpose.

Despite his rather comical antics, Kaleb soon fell into a depression, after talking to a counselor at the student medical facility he decided he needed a real change in his life. This change would come when he saw a flyer for a Study Abroad program in England. He soon packed up his bags, wished his foster parents well and headed for the UK. Though he had no idea what the country of his ancestors had in store for him.

So far his stay in London has proved uneventful, he got a job at a cafe, he enrolled in classes, and he got a few tattoos. Despite his diminished expectations, he has made the best of things, after finding a doctor he even began taking antidepressants though the side effects are somewhat troubling. Often resulting in sleepwalking and extremely vivid/weird dreams. He has reasoned that without the cheaper cost of healthcare in the UK he would have no way of affording his prescription on his income, and has come to appreciate his move a bit more as a result. (though nothing cool has happened, and doing his cockney accent impression got old after the first month)

He has found a comic book shop near his home, and frequents it almost daily. Now finding himself living a rather routine life. Though he hates it, the routine that is, and often goes to the pub to compensate after work every day. Granted the irony of creating a new routine in the process is not lost on him. He has recently picked up smoking, though he assures people he only smokes when he drinks. (That's a lie, and quite alarms people when he smokes on a work break) He has begun to slack off on taking his medication as well, though he takes enough of it to remain in good spirits, he occasionally has bad days where he's bound to call in sick from work, or go do something terribly irresponsible to cope with his emotional state...

Blackitty Black Black Sheep!

Full Name: Ravana Magar.

Age: Twenty-three

Gender: Male

Personality: Ravana is a fierce protector and endless optimist. Having grown up in the Dharavi slum in the heart of Mumbai as the oldest child in a large family he had responsibilities not only to earning money for his family but keeping their spirits up. Though lacking in formal education Ravana taught himself to read Marathi, Hindu, and English so he could read stories to his young siblings.

Growing up in poverty in a different culture did have an effect on the generally upbeat man. Quick to joke, he is more comfortable joking about starvation and death than most and can make new acquaintances uncomfortable. He also has illusions of grandeur, imagining the day he'll be able to sweep through the cramped and crooked streets of Dharavi and buy out his family. His optimism and his drive to better the situation of his family has led Ravana on many fools' errands and caused as much harm as good. However, Ravana refuses to loose his faith in humanity and clings to his ideals.



Ravana is tall and thin, standing at 6'2" with a long body and limbs. His time in London has filled out his muscles somewhat but he still eats little and keeps his figure trim. He hair is very dark and his eyes are uncharacteristically bright for Indian men.


Ravana was born in his families cramped, shared apartment in the slums of Mumbai. From an early age Rav, as he was called by his family, took immense joy from brightening the spirits of his fellow sufferers. His earliest memories were being told stories by his mother as she'd prepare dinner. The nights without food were the nights without story. Rav believes this is where his passions for cooking and story telling originated.

When he turned six he began working in a small restaurant down the street from his home. The owner of the restaurant was a family friend and payed for the help with helpings of food Ravana would share with his family. His tasks began simply with fetching water, stirring curries, ladling out portions, etc. However, his upbeat presence and desire to learn made him a favorite in the small eatery and was entrusted with more and more responsibilities. By the time he left India in his late teens he was head chef and advised the owners on managerial decisions.

As he grew up in the slums he became a part of the local community, the tightly knit network of families in his section of the area worked together to ensure that everybody had enough to eat and a place to sleep. This instilled the belief in Rav that all people were like this. When he was ten and delivering food for his restaurant he crossed the path of a group of older boys who promised him sweets in exchange for help rescuing their pet dog who was hiding in a hole to small for them to fit in. Ravana, ever trusting, agreed to help. The strangers led him to a crumbling building with a small hole in the foundation. Ravana dropped to his hands and feet to investigate, handing his parcel of food to one of the other children to guard. Soon as he was on the ground one of the larger kids kicked him swiftly in the ribs. They held him down and stole the food, the money he carried for change, and his shoes. In return they gave him a large bruise on his chest and large cut on his face. Most would have learned their lessons, but for Ravana this was only the first in a series of misfortunes propagated by his trust in the goodness of man.

Black Sheep.
Full Name: Ashley D. Plaskett

Age: 21

Gender: Male


Probably one of the long-term effects of his using, Ashley is known to be irritable, moody, apathetic, exhausted, and depressed. He has seen hallucinations before, and is a generally shaky and deluded individual. Before he started using he was typically arrogant, unsympathetic, rebellious and frivolous. The only good qualities he possess usually come out when he is 'high' but generally he has mellowed out since rehab.



(Notes: He is much thinner, and malnutritioned as a result of his drug dependency)


A recovering junkie, Ashley got into drugs early in life- a mere 15 year old who got introduced into the wrong gang of people. Born in Brooklyn and raised on the streets was what he liked to call it- but the streets all knew him as the rich kid. His parents were divorced and neither was emotionally capable of handling him and opted to 'buy' his love. The people he would call his real family wouldn't be introduced to him until he hit 15-yrs of age.

Ashley was led in by Jordan, someone who he had often caught skipping their boarding school at the same time as him. It was Jordan, who was 17 in contrast, that introduced him to the back-alleys and providers of the drug life. Soon enough, Ashley was hooked on cocaine, and he had the money to provide for his addiction. Jordan would reap from these benefits, and showed Ashley how to inject the drug- to get a stronger kick while losing less powder. For two years Ashley continued his addiction, living on the streets now that he had dropped out of school.

It was around this time his parents finally took notice, but it was too late for Jordan- he had died of a drug overdose at 19. Ashley freaked out and wouldn't touch the stuff...when his parents had gave him the ultimatum to send him to a treatment facility, agreement came meekly. The treatment center, as it turned out- was in London... Although the boy had originally not agreed to this course of action, it was too late now. He had his 18th birthday during his first week in the center and spent the next two years 'recovering' from his addiction. He was released at 20, but has still gone back for monthly meetings with the nurse who took care of him.

Black Sheep.
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Full Name: Mary K. Shelley

Age: 21

Gender: Female


She’s innocent and naiive. She’s impressionable and innocuous. Mary is a well-mannered, well-raised, pure girl that knows little of the world and believes what she’s told rather easily. She strives to make friends with everyone she meets, treating all people with kindness and is readily accepting of any faults. And though she’s easily swayed, there are a few things which she holds true and good and irresolvable. She’s devoted to being a loyal and true friend, helping others, not getting tattoos, and not drinking alcohol.



About 5'8", of average weight, and an easy smile. Mary usually wears plain, casual clothes. And when she meets a person, she makes eye contact without hesitation. When she lets her hair down, it passes her shoulders and touches her collarbone.


“Do not slouch, Mary Kaitlyn Shelley! Back straight! Head high! A lady must be of good posture.”

“Be patient, do not speak out of turn. You know better, Mary Kaitlyn Shelley.”

“Smile, always smile, even if you do not like them. And say not a hinting of hatred; the walls have ears and words only multiply.”

Mary obeyed.

She took the words of her parents and accepted them. She incorporated them into herself.

Mary was aware, because she was told, that her parents paid for her life. They provided for her every need, and considered her every want. They loved her, as parents do, and they expected obedience in exchange for their love.

And she gave it in abundance. Mary devoted herself to school, to good manners, to stifling her own thoughts, her own doubts, and taking on the mentalities served to her by her parents.

She was well-off, and wont for nothing. Mary was comfortable until she moved away for college, to the London School of Economics and Political Science, an ocean away from the comfort of her home and the defining nature of her family.

There she was challenged, she was formed anew. Mary discovered that she had nothing all this time; that every thought in her mind, but for a few, were not hers. She had no conviction, and she knew nothing of the world.

A year later, Mary had determined what to stand for. She clung to a few teachings of her parents, many of her professors, but most things she accepted that she simply did not know. She knew that she loved kindness and helpfulness; she knew that she admired chivalry and gentlemanliness; and she knew that she wanted to be a good impact on the world. But above all this, she knows that she has no idea what ‘good’ is.

But this can be said about Mary; she's never been called a black sheep.
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Full name: James Wilson

Age: 20

Gender: Male


He's a genuine psychopath. He doesn't feel any sympathy for others, in fact he's quite the sadist. His favourite thing to do is to set up elaborate traps, little rat runs for people to try to get through, although he always rewards someone who gets past with a quicker death.

However, he is highly proficient at presenting a facade of himself, a polite, well-mannered man. He tries to appear helpful and perfectly pleasant, as one would expect a decent person to be. He can go for weeks using this fake personality, all the while secretly building traps and such, and right when someone's started to trust him, BANG! They're half dead in a dark room, surrounded by weird contraptions built to hurt them in imaginative ways.


He has dark, short hair, kept smart and well-trimmed. He has a clean shaven, handsome face, with deep blue eyes. He can often be found wearing a suit, he wears them almost like casual clothing, although he certainly treats them better, and he only wears a tie for smarter occasions. he stands at around 5 feet and eleven inches, with a medium build.


He was born and raised in England by his parents, who were wealthy bankers. They were rarely home, so he was raised by nannies and such in early life, later being looked after by butlers and servants. He was able to learn to project false emotions, and eventually he managed to twist his carers around his little finger. When his parents were home, he could use guilt to manipulate his parents into doing anything. He was educated in private education, but he soared miles above other students, and By the time he was 18, he had completed all of his university courses, and now lives in a quite large house of his own, although he doesn't need any servants or such, as he is quite independent.
Full name: Elijah Lefou

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Personality: Kind and easy-going, not the type to go ballistic over nothing nor be uptight about meaningless things. Elijah tries to look at life through rosy glasses, he does his best to always see the silver lining and have a glass half full mentality. Which is not easy to do in the world he lives in. Being a cop means he often encounters the more evil aspects of humans and as such it is more easily to become cynical and bitter, which a lot of his collegues have become while on the beat. Never cutting slack and always on their guard, something Elijah is unable to do, unless absolutely necessary he won't enforce his position of power (or handgun/baton).

He's the type of guy/cop that gives people the benefit of the doubt, although he is easy-going in that aspect, he has a great 'feeling' for people and their true nature, which has often saved his butt from getting 'capped'. While he is easy to get along with and often a welcomed soul amongst people of all kinds, he has a few things he hold dear to his heart and can get you on his 'black list' very quickly when those lines are crossed. The main things that can get you on his bad side are:

- Insulting/Hurting his family, girl, friends, ...

- Crossing his principles (Examples: Unnecessarily hurting others or doing evil deeds. He realizes there are times when the times are tough for some people and that they resort to 'evilness' but in those cases he is quicker to forgive and even let things slide...Depending on the situation and event in question of course)

As you can see, he's fairly reasonable and mellow, always in for a good laugh or to crack lame jokes that will make you laugh eventhough they're not funny in themselves.


Often seen in uniform, eventhough he despises it as it usually has a negative effect rather than a positive ones, even on the harmless ones. When he's not in unform he's often seen depicted as in the picture, although less serious!


Occupation: Cop


Despite his goodhearted and carefree nature, he wasn't always like that. It were actually the obstacles in life that he had to endure and overcome that made him 'see the light'. As a young child he had been the son of an abusive father and a neglecting mother, leaving him with few options for family, which he found in a gang at a young age. They were closer to him than his real father and mother, but it didn't last. Almost overnight, the gang he was in changed hardcore and went from being family to him, to a living nightmare as he witnessed them shoot up a few rival gangmembers. At first it wasn't so hard, but when he started to realize what exactly this 'family' of his had done, taking lives and destroying entire families along with it...Over a streetcorner?... It made him sick to think about it all and so he left, literally. There was nothing holding him back or keeping him in his hometown anymore, neither of his families would really care he left anyway.

As a young adult he found himself in London, all alone and with no place to go, he was literally and officially homeless for quite a while until he found a savior in uniform. A cop much like the one he has become himself, took him in, raised and changed him into a fine young man. But then his mentor got killed, but instead of becoming bitter and going on a destructive spree, he decided to live on in his honor, and with the mentality and morals the man had blessed Elijah with.

EDIT: Forgot to include BLACK SHEEP eventhough I had read it, damn it x(
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The Gregory Twins.

"We have never admired those that call themselves a black sheep, it just proves that they are the one and the same as the people they claim to be 'different' from."
- The Gregory Twins

Speech Colors [For Future References]

Claire - Green

Jake - Red

Both - Blue

Note; Yes, they are fraternal twins and yesh, they don't look like each other much but Meeeh! -shrugs,-

Full Name: Charlie Claire Melanie Gregory - "The name is Claire. CLAIRE Gregory."

Age: 24 - January the fifteenth - 23:28

"Oh my god, am I really so hideous that you can't see that I'm a girl? Mommy!!!" - Note the sarcasm, as it was all said with a fake gasp and an eye roll.

Personality: Claire is, without the constant sarcasm, quite the social butterfly as she tends to blend in easily with others. And whilst the young lady isn't very loving, she is not cold and WIP

Height; 180 cm + 4 cm high heels nearly all the time.

Background: (come on, show off. Show me what you've got.)

Full Name: Jake Brendon Charles Gregory - Brennie-bou or Chazz by his adorable little sister.

Age: 24 - The Fifteenth of January - 23:24

Gender: Male

Jake is very straightforward, not wasting his breathe or words. In fact, besides the 'cold' smile and a laughter without warmth, good ol' Jakey doesn't show his emotions clearly. This leads to many misunderstandings between him and others, but as he only deems 'family' important, it doesn't bother the young man much. Most find him to be the shadow of his social butterfly of a twin sister, though the man is not quite dotting as her, he does have, in some sense, a sister complex himself.

Height; 192 cm


Background: (come on, show off. Show me what you've got.)
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Full name:

Lyndelin Huang Yue Lin

Age: 24




Her teachers and lecturers have admitted that she was unnaturally bright. A startlingly swift learner and a hard worker, she is dedicated to her assigned job to the very end. Even after her small incident with the authorities, which cost her a few years in education, she was still able to keep up with her studies and even made a great improvement to her already good marks. "That's all well and good," you say, "but how is she with people?". Well, there's the kicker. Her attempts to turn her own life around sort of caused her to suffer something akin to dissociative identity disorder. Once a temperamental and easily angered girl, she is now a stoic statue when talking to people. Her former personality has faded into obscurity, leaving her with the latter, but her dressing and her choice of hairstyle hints at the dormant state of the violence-inclined "other".

She lacks a humor detector, and cannot understand sarcasm. She is also always the one who laughs last, and it's because she doesn't get the joke. Always the voice of reason, because there is no other mode, she is calm and composed at any given situation, even at the face of impending doom. Because of this, it is hard to converse with her using humor or analogies, because she will always take them literally.

There are a few things that she can and will be very protective of, where shades of her 'other' self may surface. The defenceless, those she calls friends and her family. Touch a single hair on the last one, and there will be hell on Earth.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befe43720_womeninformaldressforoffice.jpg.5974ea9b5910ada07dbf3bd291083d0e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15661" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/57a8befe43720_womeninformaldressforoffice.jpg.5974ea9b5910ada07dbf3bd291083d0e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background: In a world of choices, there is only two ways where a criminal can go: the same way he was headed the first time, right on down to hell, or to redeem themselves through massive willpower and pure strength of character.

Lyndelin is the eldest of three children in a family of six (her grandmother, her parents, her siblings, and Lyn herself) and stayed in Beijing until she was 5, when her father got a transfer to London. As a youth, she was tempestuous and flared up easily. Her doctor said it was probably from the stress that her parents were causing her, forcing tuitions after tuitions of various subjects including violin classes and Judo onto her, as well as puberty. Mixing both of them together made her extremely volatile. To cut a long story short, shit happened, she got into trouble with the street gangs, having joined one side of the ongoing 'turf war'. It ended with her having broken a few limbs and caused a permanent skull fracture on one of the opposition. Her troupe was arrested for their violence and their crimes before that and she was accused and subsequently pronounced guilty of causing 'irrepairable damage'. She was then sent to be incarcerated in a juvenile detention center.

Her repentence came swiftly. Having brough shame to her family, she was distraught and suffered from depression for a few weeks, before she decided to improve herself and redeem herself in the eyes of her family. Being the eldest, she was expected to be a role model for her younger siblings. While still in incarceration, she continued her studies with more energy than before. It wasn't long before her choice in this path to turn it all around took its toll on her personality. Once active, cheery and burning with fire, she turned into an emotionless machine that toiled day and night to achieve her goals.

Years passed, and she was soon released from the detention center, whereby she went on to pursue a bachelor's degree in Social Work. She was already forgiven by her family as far as they were concerned, but she herself was not satisfied. She needed a job to support them. She could change all she want, but she would always love her family more than anything else in the world. It wasn't just for them, however. As a social worker, she could, theoretically, aid those in need of help, draw them away from the path she had trodden before. She had witnessed, herself, that not all are dedicated enough to make a change, even as their parents cried and beat their chests behind the glass during their visits.

Concurrently, she has been registered with the Health and Care Professions Council as a professional social worker and is just taking her first few cases. Still fresh, she doesn't have a lot going on.

Is a black sheep of black sheep a black sheep or not?



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Full Name: "Okay, so, like, hi~ My name is Allison Breeze, like a summer breeze, right? I mean it's such a pretty word and stuff, so I'm, like, so glad that I'm named after a Breeze~ I'm a pop star diva singer idol, too, so obvi I've gotta have a swaggie stage name. It's Tiffani, I mean isn't it so cute? I feel like it's such a good descriptor of myself. It means "manifestation of god", whatever that means, so it, like, totally describes me~"

Age: "I'm seventeen. I know that's a bit too young to be a pop diva, but I think it's okay. My parents let me out of school, so I don't even have to care about that grade crap. I mean look at how smart I am!"

Gender: "I'm, like, a girl, I mean duh! You must be pretty stupid if you think I'm a smelly guy!"

Personality: "I'm, like, such a nice person! I always donate to charity and help whenever I can, because I just hate to see people be sad! But I really don't think I'm that special, because I'm just a normal pop star, just like anyone else. No one thinks that I'm normal, just because I'm famous, but I wanna be like other people too! Everyone is always kinda quiet around me or hesitates to speak just because I'm famous, I mean I get it, but I'm not gonna, like, post a mean post about you on Twitter! Hell, I'll even take a selfie with you, for #fanselfie! I hope that this helps you understand me a bit more, and how I'm really just like you."


Background: "So, the awesomeness that is me was born in the great year of 1997~ My daddy was, like, the biggest singer in, like, all of California and I went to allll of his concerts! Seeing him sing inspired me, like, soooo much to just believe in myself and want to sing myself! So he got me guitar lessons and a super hawt private lessons instructor! I was only seven, but I really wanted him to be my bf. I kept telling him how cute he was and he kept on, like, just ignoring me! I knew he was just playing hard to get, I mean, what else would he be doing? So, the next week he quit on us, mostly because daddy was way too cheap to buy him more. So next I decided to teach myself how to sing and I was totally amazing at it. I was in choir at school and everybody marveled at my super swaggie voice. It was like I was a siren and no one could resist me! When I was in middle school I found YouTube. I started to upload videos of me singing and sooo many people left hate comments. I knew they were just jealous of my amazing skills, because they were all just stupid haters and I knew that I shouldn't let them get to me. One day I asked my mommy and daddy if I could become a real singer. They knew it was my passion so they said I could. We all moved to London because I told them that's where 1D, the totes hawtest and amazing band ever, got their start. And now I'm Tiffani, inspiring kids all over London!"

"Oh em gee, black sheeps, like, are sooo totally cute!!!"
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Full Name: Eilum Gregory

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Personality: Ignorance is bliss ... love is hell ... friendship is mutual exploitation ...

I didn't always see it, but then again who would want to bear witness to such harsh truths? I was naive and a fool ... Now it is clear though. Everything comes as a trade. Friendship and companionship only work so long as there is still something for the other person to gain from your presence. Love is a simple matter of trading pleasure for companionship and comfort ...

I'm rambling, it would seem. In short, what I mean to say is that if your presence doesn't serve an advantage for me then you are wasting my time. I won't trust you insofar as I can throw you. Honestly, I don't know why I'm taking the time to tell you this in the first place. My keyboard is a far safer place for me to be. The words that I scrawl there are safe from prying eyes and abuse ... My studio is more secure and comfortable than this hellishly crowded cesspool ...

I believe we're done here. I'll be going now

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/120104_TECH_codeYear.jpg.CROP.rectangle3-large.jpg.12f4b2e797c02fb85df3a678fd2e6738.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15906" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/120104_TECH_codeYear.jpg.CROP.rectangle3-large.jpg.12f4b2e797c02fb85df3a678fd2e6738.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

University started off simply grand - it was a simple schedule of attending class during the day, gaming at night, and fitting studying rather sparsely. Doing that equated to raking in the praise and marks that were my due. First semester found me celebrated for my wit and scores and a favorite among my professors. Unfortunately after that things began to change and rather quickly at that. You see, something interfered ... something big ... something i foolishly believed in back then. I fell in "love." The girl was a pretty little thing and sharp as a tack, but there were bits to her personality that i soon began to recognize as being just a bit off ...

It is the purview of youth to be reckless and illogical while in the thrall of love, however, and this situation was where my shatter originated. She was so far gone to despair ... it didn't take me long to notice the ways in which she tried to hide the fact that her smile never quite managed to reach her eyes. That didn't matter though. I believed I loved her and thus everything would be alright. I thought I could save her. I trusted that I ... It was after about five months of being with her that I found the note she'd left tucked into my sock drawer. Of course, thinking it something light hearted, I'd opened it.

The thoughts and emotions that flit through my mind as I tried to come to terms with the suicide note held in my shaking hands were quite simply indescribable. I don't even know where to begin. The bitch had decided to abandon me and in the worst possible way. She had fucking shattered me. At least if she had still existed somewhere I would have had the simple satisfaction of knowing that the person I'd believed that I'd loved was still out there ... Then maybe ...

Anyway … I fell into the depths that had once held her after she so unceremoniously erased herself from the world. Functionality fled me and there were weeks that would pass without me being aware. Hospital rooms and medication became things of habit rather than rare occurrences. Eventually, after several long months of treatment, I was granted the ability to leave after some haughty twit decided that while I was still bananas I was no longer a threat to myself or others. It was then that I locked myself away and began writing.

“There’s nothing for you to be ashamed of,” cooed my parents when I failed to hold down classes or a job. “You’ll make it through … we can cover rent …” That was a year and a half ago. Since then I’ve been little more than a parasite living off of their funds and working on half finished novels that will never actually manage to see the light of day. People have become things of story and rumor – beasts that I interact with only insomuch as survival demands – but that is fine. That is all I need. I’m …

It’s a bit strange. I thought to put that I was happy and when that registered to me as false I thought to put that I was alive. It strikes me as funny that even in the safety of this personal journal I feel the need to lie about such things. I’m not alive. I’m not happy. I exist …


Black sheep



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Full Name: Louis Alexander Cavendish

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Personality: INTP

Appearance: Louis is a fragile figure, five feet, nine inches (1.7 meters) and 120 lbs. This makes him very trim in a suit, and his comfortable clothes are sweaters and jeans a size and a half too large. Thick dark hair grows to his shoulders and when he knows he’s going to be dealing with others he grooms up nicely, but if he can get away with days or a week or two without people, his hair rapidly become clumped and greasy and a beard overtakes his face and neck. In the last decade gray has worked its way into his hair and he stopped concealing it a couple of years ago. His thinness gives his face a stretched, lined look over sharp cheeks and a knife blade nose, and his knuckles are big on formerly delicate fingers. His eyes are a solid gray blue and his complexion is mildly colored by hours in the sun without protection.


Background: Straight facts: born to a minor Earl and his lady six months after their marriage. Three younger siblings. Raised to be respectable, obedient and Roman Catholic, educated in business and architecture. At nineteen he tried to come out, and was rewarded by finding out he was illegitimate. He was removed from the family will, his younger brother inherited the title he’d been raised for, but his believed father still loved him enough to make sure he never had to worry about money. In gratitude for this love, Louis stayed in the closet and celibate. Yes, really.

Over the course of the next twenty years, Louis multiplied his financial means with extravagant building and renovation projects that kept his name known to anyone he wanted to know him, including his mother whom he turned to hate after his believed father’s death. To avoid the temptation of men and the difficulty of women, Louis isolated himself to only those he had a business relationship with. In his twenties he did some dirty turns on drugs and alcohol but despised this weakness of himself despite the creative peaks he could never reach again after. His free time is given to drawing up construction plans and designing urban gardens. Not without irony, his favorite animal is a black sheep.
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Full Name: Stephen Alen Long

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Personality: Stephen, while not anti-social, is not a very "out-there" person. He prefers a few close friends over large crowds, and isn't big on conversation with people he doesn't know. He will make an attempt to get to know you and become friendly with you if you make a good impression on him, but usually just sticks to his small circle. He's usually calm and not quick to anger or really become emotional in any way, and prefers to quietly follow over lead. When asked a question, he will answer, but isn't big on opinion questions, as he doesn't want his opinion to anger people. He prefers to be, if not invisible, at least in the background.

Because of this lack of confidence in himself, he's never been very successful with women, despite how attractive he is. He's shy around them, and also doesn't really fall for anyone, he just has short, passing crushes usually. He's not really worried about finding love, because it will mean standing out to someone, and, as stated, he really doesn't like to stand out.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.25e03e064e761a6445a1c414bf6d10a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16059" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.25e03e064e761a6445a1c414bf6d10a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Background: In all honesty, Stephen should have had an extremely boring life. He was born into a middle class family in the heart of suburban London. He went to school just like every other kid, did his homework. He played soccer in the fall, and ran track in the winter and spring. And while he wasn't the best soccer player, man could he run. He could be put in almost any running event, other than hurdles, and could usually beat most, if not all, of the other kids. He especially liked the mile, and was the record holder at his school.

Other than his running ability, the only thing that made Stephen's life exciting was his eccentric and "wipes-his-ass-with-a-£100-note" rich uncle. Every summer since he had been young, Stephen's uncle, Jarod, had taken him to a different exotic location, without fail. Egypt, China, Russia, the Dominican Replublic, Canada, Jamaica, Brazil, etc. The list goes on and on. Jakob had neither kids nor a wife, and Stephen was his only nephew, so he was absolutely spoiled. When he turned 17, Jakob bought him a 1981 Aston Martin Vantage, that Stephen still has to this day, with a few personal modifications.

Stephen attended college for about a year and a half, but it really wasn't for him, he couldn't find anything he really liked. So he works for one of the major sports corporations as a tester for new shoes, cleats, etc. He makes decent money, but he wishes there was more in his life.

Because I cannot come up with a creative way to insert this, Black Sheep.



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Full Name: Kurt Marxx

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Personality: While initially he puts up a guise of joviality and boisterous cheer when meeting anyone he knows or needs to appear as such to, he has lately become closed off to strangers and very introspective. He constantly casts an air of deep thought unless provoked otherwise, in which case he once more puts on an act for the individual who did such. He is rather instinctive with much of what he does and runs off a mix of that and a serious level of creativity not many people understand, including his own family. He rarely thinks in conventional terms and this helps quite thoroughly with some of his work and is only a hindrance others. Such is the life of a "eccentric" architect like him. He has quite the number of buildings and structures throughout the world, and especially in his home city of Seattle, that have a very..... interesting flair to them. He tends to be random and loud as he works or enjoys himself, and never has problems having a drink with a new acquaintance or co worker. It's not uncommon to find him singing merrily with just about anybody in the nearest tavern or pub, his voice ringing out into the streets. This is true even more so as of late. He takes bad news poorly and tends to throw himself violently into his work when depressed or upset.

Appearance: Originally very tall for his age, at 5' 2" in the third grade, he hasn't grown an inch taller since then. While this puts him barely equal height to some women he meets he has no problems involving lack of confidence for being short. He is rather stout and muscular, his build making him look like a dwarven linebacker. He should have a beer belly but it hasnt quite developed to that point yet, although he doubts it's too far off, referring to his current stomach size as "festively plump". His body is covered in thick hair that shows his natural hair color of a oaken brown, he's hairy right down to his knuckles. His jawline and face is squarish on the sides and pointed at the chin, with a small cleft in it. Although it's rarely seen behind his beard, which he changes the color of quite constantly, and adorns with random objects. Currently his beard is a explosive orange color adorned with small cogs and tiny pistons, while his head hair, which is in dreadlocks that are surprisingly well maintained and in a pony tail most of the time, is a vibrant purple with streaks of sky blue in it.

He has deep, deep green eyes that make the most vibrant tree look dull, and they are constantly moving, searching, and observing the world around him. His eyebrows are thick and bushy, close to his eyes to the point of almost touching them. He wear a monocle with small ancient symbols inscribed on it over his right eye, and his left eye is pierced with a bone from a lemur. He has a few burn scars and cuts around his eyes and nose, and on the knuckles and fingertips of each hand. His fingernails are all painted a metallic silver color and he has two tiny rounded of metal embedded in each finger. Generally he wears whatever strikes his fancy that day, but the most common thing, despite the otherwise odd appearance and personality, is simply a randomly colored flannel and jeans. Even in the fanciest of suits he always wears a pair of Nike's with green and orange coloring that he has fit in and worn since the seventh grade.

Background: Kurt Marxx was born to parents Senator Jason Marxx and Dr. Kate Marxx, on September 17th in the Seattle Children's Hospital. In the very room that most days his mother delivered other children to the world. His father was happier that day then any he could remember prior., his mother doubly so. They were all too happy to have finally had a child after years of failed conceptions. He was brought home to the loving household he would know until his late teens.

He was an inquisitive, rambunctious child who never stopped playing with his Lego's, blocks, and Tinker Toys and more then once fell into his toy box and got locked in. His parents made small jokes about his aptitude and destiny to eventually become a construction worker of some kind. When he started elementary school he was made fun of for his love of math and science and for drawing by himself. This led to him becoming isolated, standoffish, and eventually violent, but after an incident with another boy where he hit him after the kid poured milk on his drawing at lunch Kurt's father sat him down for a serious talk. The talk about how he gained enough respect from his coworkers and peers for a backing to become Senator. To truly be accepted you had to be who you were regardless of others opinions, you had to take a stand and speak out for what you believe to be right and true. Stick to your morals and belief unerringly and it will work out. Just avoid violence to the very very best degree you can, for it breeds naught but hatred and fear. Be friendly to all who have not disinclined you to do otherwise, and you will find that even those you once called enemy may become friend.

This conversation changed Kurt's attitude toward others. Causing him to specifically seek to be as individual and different and weird and all those sorts of words as possible during middle school. This worried his mother tremendously, but hardly made his father bat an eyelash, he was completely unfazed. But his mother convinced his father to see if he was okay, and he did so with a field trip of sorts. He took Kurt to the Space Needle, which awed him just by standing in it's shadow. His father took him up and down and all around the building all day long, and told him all sorts of facts abut culture, history, and the actual construction of the Space Needle. Which did more then it's fair share of inspiring and awing Kurt at every turn. It was a long day but not long enough and at the end of the day they sat in a little steakhouse looking up at the Space Needle from an angle. His father looked with a smile at Kurt and asked him if he enjoyed the trip. He responded happily, "I think i found my calling. I know what i want to do when i grow up. I will be an architect that will leave a wonderful mark on the world. That is my dream!" His father simply smiled in response.

In high school Kurt met a girl he instantly fell for and, despite the doubts he shared with just about every human who's ever loved, she loved him back. Her beauty, intelligence, kindness, and humor enraptured Kurt. And though he didn't know it yet Marie Soo would one day become his wife. It was around this time he began classes that would lead to his career as an architect, as well as being the time his mother became pregnant once more, to the joy of everyone in the family. But the pregnancy caused unforeseen complications, that eventually led to the death of Kurt's mother. At school when he got the news, Kurt openly wept in front of his classmates, to the surprise and silence of all. None of them had ever seen him in any other mood but happy. At his mothers funeral Kurt swore to dedicate the first project he built to her. It was also here that Kurt would meet the one man he thought he felt hate for. The man who was apparently the family lawyer.

In Kurt's junior year something broke inside Kurt as another tragedy befell him. His father had supposedly been found in his office, where he killed himself. Kurt could not understand how his father, the man who exuded strength and kindness even after the death of his wife, could possibly kill himself. But Kurt, who's only loved one left was Marie, soon had a theory as to what really happened. When the will was read, by the slimy lawyer who apparently only ever showed up during funerals, it said to give the lawyer all property and money owned by the Marxx family aside from a single apartment set aside for Kurt near the Space Needle, and a fund for college. And this brought Kurt to the conclusion that the lawyer must have killed his father and changed the will to give himself all except a few assets to avoid total suspicion. But when he brought this opinion to the police they said they already checked this possibility and found no evidence. They immediately had him gather his possessions and escorted him to his apartment. Thus taking away the home he had been raised in and leaving him in an unknown place. Here he lived with Marie Soo for the rest of high school and college, until they got their jobs and their home after marrying.

With unique views and more unique looks Kurt was a popular newbie on the architectural scene. This may have been assisted by the reputation of his fathers name, but Kurt would like to think otherwise. This first project was a children's playground in Olympia, the capitol of Washington state, which the happily pleased clients allowed Kurt to name. And to this day Kate Marxx Public Playground is the most popular children's playground in the Pacific Northwest. With that and a couple more projects Kurt was able to buy a waterfront home for Kurt and Marie to start the family they both wished for. Nine months later Alia Lily Marxx was born in the same room as Kurt, delivered by the same doctor. This was the home Kurt knew up to just recently.

Kurt received a private contract to work in London about seven months ago. His wife encouraged him to accept but wanted to stay with Alia at their home in Chicago. So he went to scout out the job and area, and to begin the contract for about a month, at which time he would go home to his family for Alia's birthday. It was a week prior to his departure that the event that lead to the "Enhanced" humans in London happened. And to his great surprise, and excitement as well, Kurt found that he was Enhanced as well. He was all too happy to show his power to his family, and set off early for his trip, but he found only tragedy when he arrived home. A fire had started from a tipped over stress relief candle and burned down his house, killing his family and destroying almost everything inside. The only remaining object was his daughter's stuffed sheep from when she was a baby, the wool turned black with the ashes of those he loved.

[And as is his personality, when he is faced with great tragedy he throws himself into his work. Immediately returning to London after the funeral.]
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Full Name:









She is very open-minded towards others and life in general. She hate pickles with a passion, but loves to dip her dark chocolate bars into melted cheese like one would use chips. She’s a little strange, but has no problem conversing with others. She’s very open about herself, and isn’t embarrassed to tell her “secrets” to anyone. She can’t stand when people can’t treat another human being fairly. She hates being lied to, and if she is lied to, she will waste no time in punching the offender in the face. She’s never had a steady relationship, and prefers it that way. She’s dependable as far as getting things done goes, but she’s hard to get close to, even with her “open” personality.



She is 5’6”, 130LB. Her eyes are amber colored.



She was raised in a middle class family sort of situation. She always had food on the table and her parents did what they could for her. She attended a private school until she graduated high school. When she was 14, she hung out with kids that smoked under the bleachers, partied when she could, and just ignored her parents altogether. She hated the stupid uniforms she had to wear to school, they reminded her how she had to pretend to be something else when wearing them, and when she could she would shove on a loose tank top and tight, black jeans. Her parents let her do what she wanted basically, not caring to deal with her at home, and usually too tired from their own jobs to spend the effort to fight with her. It wasn’t until the cops started bringing her home at 16 that they realized out of sight, out of mind didn’t really work.

So, the solution was to send her to live with her aunt one hundred miles away, close to London. Needless to say, her aunt was very strict, but not in an unfriendly way. It took a year, but slowly Kat started to respect her aunt, especially after her aunt saved her from going to jail on a few occasions.

At 18, she met Freddy, her aunt’s best friend, and he gave her a job at his auto shop. At first, she was just the secretary. Then, she fell in love with Freddy’s old motorcycle, and soon that love spread vehicles in general. But the motorcycle was still her favorite. She never went to college, not because she wasn’t smart enough to, but because she just didn’t feel like it would benefit her.

Instead, she works at an auto shop downtown. She lives alone in a small flat in London, and doesn’t usually spend much time there. It’s a place to sleep, and that is all. When she’s not working on cars, she’s riding cross-country on her motorcycle.

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Full Name: Kiyo Fender

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Personality: From the moment you make eye contact with her and give her a smile, she will give you not a smile but a glare. Kiyo is not very friendly toward others that she doesn't know, she hardly ever tries to make new friends or try to communicate. She steers clear of everyone and find them to be her enemy. Though she may not look it behind her intense glares and her small hisses , she is quite the cheerful girl , the only thing wrong with her reaching out to others is that she doesn't like getting close to people. She has a thing for being betrayed and forgotten due to past events which makes her think ahead of what has yet to come and make multiple assumptions about what could happen. Of course this is only a small piece of her nice side, the rest is suffocated by her psychotic like mentality and her being a female dog to anyone. Kiyo has very little patience and over time her tolerance level became so thin if you blew on it , it would wither away. She has a quick temper and will snap despite if your talking to her or anyone else. She is not your bundle of joy and far from you normal mean person. She is not gothic nor does she find self pittying a pleasure to see or hear. Her usual saying to all those who complained about her attitude and bi polar like personality was that she was one of a kind.


Kiyo stands to be 5'5 but due to the height of her afro she is 5'7. She has brown skin, that of milk chocolate and very smooth skin. She has dark solid brown irises with a faded blue ring around her eye due to the lack of food consumption. Unlike the picture her hair is more tamed forming an actual afro. She usually wears her afro in a form of a Mohawk and rarely puts it up in a puff. She wears nothing but jeans and long shorts that have three pockets on each side. For her shirts she wears mainly black tanks, and dark colored T-shirts. For her shoes she wears converses that are usually black and white or black and green. Occasionally she would slip on a pair of tennis shoes that are either white with blue lining or black with red lining. She has small beauty marks on her right arm , her left shoulder, her left chest and underneath it. On her left bottom arm she has a tattoo starting from the end of her palm and going down. The tattoo says "lost soul" in Japanese.

Background: You would think living in a family of five , going to school ,graduating, loving and much more was normal for anyone. Kiyo had all the requirements but her life was far from normal. First you had the former military father who had resigned to take care of the rest of the children and more that came later. He was the one that wanted everything I'm uncultured and span, everything on time with out delay even if the house was built or made the way it was. You then had the mother who herself had a hard childhood and "thought" she was doing any better with her children. Granted she was at a few points, it was when she was drunk and thought everything was lies was when the issue rose. Next was the big sister who was to be a role model yet she was nothing but a disgrace and was a whore. You had the little brother who was the golden egg and was told to learn from his siblings, mainly speaking about the child who was forced to learn from the elders sister mistakes, put on a tight leash because of the idiot elder sister and formed into something she did not want to be. Yes that child was Kiyo, a child that used to smile and love going home, but now is nothing but a ball of anger and emotional disabilities.

One would say your parents are you everything and your siblings are you precious gifts given to you by god himself. Kiyo however had other thoughts. One god did not exist, where was his proof and where was he when she prayed for a life that would not break her, suffocate her from the terrors of the world. She thought life was nothing but a curse and death was the perfect escape but she was not the one to just end her life, no she decided to live through the world and show this "god" that she does not need to pray to live on. Kiyo also hated her siblings for everything that they did. Her sister was nothing but a whore who was addicted to sex and found that doing crude things on her was ok. Forcing her down to see what sound she could make, Kiyo most certainly got back at her. A smiple 20 dollars to see and sleep with her sister, it was quick money for about 2 months till she caught a disease. Her brother was worse, the fact that he was trying to be her angered her. There was no other like her and she would not accept the thought of their being another. She admits to herself and her close friends she did try to murder each of them once, each tactic different from the other. She had also admitted that she was diagnosed with being emotionally unstable, no doubt the cause was her past.

Ever so often, 1 ever month her right eye would turn red. Most thought it was pink eye but calmly she stated it was nothing but stress formed over years by her family and school. The day she moved out was like bells ringing in her ears. It didn't take her long to move into a smaller apartment, big enough for just her. She carried most of her things with her along with her stuffed animals she had gotten from her previous boyfriends. Out of all of them who broke up with her for dumb reasons like not being able to play with her hair, this one was different and lasted for quite sometime. Of course happy things ended and his feelings faded so the relationship ended. She kept the bears because she loved stuffed bears, she had to rename them from the figures she created in her mind. The white one was Solmon, the tan one was Tetsuo and the black smaller bear was bane. Each she called out as if they were there but to her they are. She wasn't sure if this was just her imagination feeding her to make it seem like reality or if she had truly lost it that she was seeing things, never the less she treated them like family and would call out for her brother using anue.

I bet your curious on why she calls out to nothing, well the answer is quite simple. During her time within her home with her family she would often get verbally abused, mistreated and lost within her sisters mistakes and lies that always seemed to have her in it. Slowly she began to break within, silly the way it sounds but it was true. Most people get depression which is to them the worst case you could have but to her it was nothing but a pinch. She started to hate the world, hate reality so one night she formed a world within. She's only told one person about this place because he invaded her without her permission, spouting out thoughts of what she was really like and how she really was. Shocked she began to fear him, because he was seeing her for who she truly was. Her bold cold front was being knocked down and she didn't like it so she distanced herself from him and any others who could do what he did. Till this day she continues to distance herself and tries not to get close. She fearing of being to close to someone but also not wanting to be alone. Complicated girl Kiyo is and very hard to read, though she has made friends within her job, drawing animations and handling game designs.

If you think about it O.o Im brown and have black logically I'm a Black Sheep.

Full Name: Georgia Anne Geller ( Also known as “Gage”)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Personality: Gage is more than meets the eye. With her height, her tattoos, and her style, she is rather hard to approach. While it is true that she is more than capable of taking care of herself, she is kind and caring, especially toward animals, children, and women. She is a no nonsense type of person and doesn’t allow anyone to demean or belittle her, especially men. She is ready to prove herself again and again that she can hold her own against any man. She has a hobby of tinkering and can be usually found taking apart common household items and putting them back together.



Ebony hair, though usually confined in a ponytail, falls past her waist in slight waves. Her lightly tanned skin plays host to a broad collection of various tattoos, mostly which play tribute to her deceased sister. She is never seen without makeup, which is usually dark, and her grey eyes are never without eyeliner. She is rather tall for a female, standing at 5’11”, and has a muscular frame. Her normal attire consists of black combat boots, jeans, and either tank tops or t-shirts.

Background: Gage grew up under the care of her dad, a world class MMA fighter, after her mother died in robbery gone wrong. Her sister, seven years older than her, became her mother figure and took care of her when their dad was out late fighting or drinking. Gage was raised to be a fighter and to be tough, but nothing could have prepared her for when her sister died. Gage had just turned eighteen and was going on a trip with her older sister when another driver collided with their car. She managed to escape with only minor injuries, but her sister was pronounced dead upon arrival to the hospital. Wanting to get away from it all, Gage moved a world away to the UK. Four years passed as she adapted to the new culture. Now, she works as a bartender in a London pub and tinkers or rides her motorcycle in her spare time.

Is it too late to be a black sheep?
Full Name: Mars Celeste Ayres 'Cici'

Age: 23 years old

Gender: Female

Personality: Cici is... sarcastic and prefers to do things her own way, being bossed around and told what to do is not something she enjoys. She's completely rebellious, there's no point if giving her rules when she'll find ways around it or just break them anyways. Mars listens to music almost 24/7 and always sings to the songs when they catch her attention. When she was in high school most people said it was hard to approach her because of her straight-forward personality that seemed to scare everyone away from her. Because of a lot of misunderstandings Mars was always in fights when she was in high school and therefore her reputation was 'Dangerous Red', which she thought was ridiculous. Cici considers herself a tomboy of some sorts, she use to always use her skateboard but now that she's older she upgraded to a black Suzuki, best upgrade ever if you ask her. She doesn't understand the meaning or importance of being in love, in truth she doesn't see the point of any of it but she tries her best to not ruin the image on love for others. Mars definitely enjoys getting things for free and doesn't mind if she didn't have to work for it or not, if someone wants to give her a gift then who was she to deny it? Gifts always made her happy, she even had a large safe put into her home and keeps all the things she feels is important inside there... which are a lot of shiny pretty things. Want Mars to do something for you? Make sure its not something stupid and then just give her some candy, bribing her with candy seems to usually work.


Background: Mars was born in a filthy rich family that was always busy with the business that's lasted the family for generations. She was born the eldest sibling out of 2 brothers and 1 more sister but none of them got along. Her family owns their own hospital that soon sky rocketed into fame which soon led to them being able to branch out several other hospitals around the world. Since Mars is the eldest she is next in line to inherit to hospital, the pressure on becoming a doctor is something she wants nothing to do with. While Cici tries her best to avoid it all, her siblings have always been in a 'war' for the position. Since she was young Mars was always alone even with the 6 family members that she lived with. Even though the people around her pitied how she was raised, Mars doesn't really care and sometimes just uses the pity from others for gifts. Mars is almost done with her training on becoming the head of the hospital but dreads the day the title is actually given to her. To escape reality she usually rides her motorcycle around or stays home drinking. When she had turned 17 years old her parents had divorced and they both went their separate ways, telling Mars that she could continue to live in the large mansion without having to worry about the bills, it was a deal that sounded all to sweet for Mars. Of course she accepted it.

I have yet to see a black sheep in real life O.o ... is that strange?

I'm not really satisfied with her buuut I'm to tired so I'm just gonna send her in x]
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Full Name: Gerry/Gerald Allen Edwards

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Personality: A rather laid back individual most of the time, but has a very crazy streak about him, especially when music is involved. Seen as a loner and very quiet, but can be very vocal about certain subjects and is protective of those he holds dear (arsehole bandmates included).


Background: Gerry was born outside of London, moving there when he was just 19 to pursue a dream in music. Of course, that didn't happen right away and the boy had to push down his "rock star" fantasy for awhile and actually work for a living. Through some strange circumstances involving a poor pothead, he acquired an old film camera and began fiddling around with photography, learning the craft through the years and eventually making quite the name for himself as a freelancer.

Throughout this time, he kept the "dream" alive by buying a better guitar and playing some open mics and pub gigs for cash, eventually landing him with his current group of friends and bandmates. Not exactly a large act, their band 'Divine Winter' has a cult following around the area. None of the members, Gerry included, really care much about the big time for now, happy with the very limited fame and non-existent fortune they've got.

Black Sheep caught in a Divine Winter. owo

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