Gloriosa: Shades of Grey

Full Name: "Percival McKlingston the Third, for the time being"

Age: "Somewhere between the dates on my headstone."

Gender: "Bent."

Personality: "You? You want to know about me? You want to know what I'm like, how I think, how I tick in my clock? I'm cocky, I'm arrogant, all bark, a black sheep, smoke and mirrors, a conspiracy theory, loaded dice, a slight of hand, a con man and a rigged game. I'm untouchable. I'm untraceable. I. Am. God."


Background: "Another one of these piss shot questions? Let's cut a deal here, I tell you what you want to hear, and you pick a card. I travel, been all over the world, I've seen more faces than you can count, ripped money out of the hands of foolish naive people of all ages and why? Because I can. Because I mastered the game everyone else only takes a crock shot at. I hold all the cards, right here, in the palm of my hand,. I've robbed blind men of fortune, stolen the hidden kiss off women's lips without ever knowing their name, I've taken candy from little children. I have left more blood on the ground than you have in your body, And how you might asked? Why they stepped into my circus tent, under my big top, and they paid the price.

And they will continue to pay the price because I can't be stopped. But all they see is all I am, I'm just a ring master as I've been for years, and I can promise you one hell of a hair raising show because that is what I do. No clowns or acrobats, I run the freaks of the show. I give voice to the bearded ladies, the failed lion tamers, the side show freaks, the hook hangers, and broken ballerinas. I sow up broken heart strings and I give a second chance to those society has outcast onto the streets and I make them stars. And you? You're just another sucker sitting in my stands, oogling at those less than you while we nick your pockets, while we steal who you are, and run off in the dead of the night leaving you without a clue and not a cent to your name.

So before you really piss me off, I'll ask you only once. Do you really want to know who I am?"

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