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Fandom Gladius: A Multi-Fandom RP (Open and Accepting)

Venkman: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
Venkman smiled "There's good Vampires and bad Vampires. I've met a lot of nice ones. You're the first half-Vampire I've met though, and you seem alright."
He placed his hands on his pockets "I have a question though. Are you affected by sunlight? We're going be to travelling for quite some time."
Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

Peter W: Darkened Skies (Gladius-III)
"I take it you don't have a phone, either?" Peter asked Farator "That's okay, I can show you when we get a minute."
"I believe you." Michael told Chris "You might look like one of the killers, but if he trusts you..." He pointed at Peter "I do too."
"Oh yeah. I think he's just covered in blood because he fell in the river." Peter smiled "Plus, he saved me from that fish-hybrid." He pointed at the decapitated head on Chris' belt

Michael smiled and nodded.

"Quick, to the Windmill!"

billthesomething billthesomething TrueBananaz TrueBananaz

Markiplier: Rush Valley, Xing Empire, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
"Just a second." Mark called as the girl started to walk away "Where did you say that green cloaked guy went again?" He asked. Mark would need to track them down, or at the very least report the girl's findings to the police. He'd help them where he could, but if they tried to stop him from helping he'd have to go off on his own to stop the killer.
He'd heard about Alchemists, superpowered beings with the ability to shift the world around them in some way but the chances of the police in this city being made up of Alchemists couldn't be likely.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Karla: Mos Eisley, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)

Ilka smiled over at King "Wonderful. Now..."
Karla raised a hand.
"I'm having second thoughts. I ain't working for a slaver." Karla started to stand up, approaching Ilka and starting her down "You can take this job and shove it up your scaly a..."
"I'm not a slaver." Ilka folded her arms
"Are you sure?"
"I think I'd know if I was enslaving people." Ilka scoffed "So if you still want to get paid, you'll sit down and shut up."

Karla raised a finger.
"Karla, think about this...Think about what that money can go towards."
"I'll be good." Karla sighed, sitting back down.

Ilka looked over at King "Who's your friend?" She asked "I know you, I know the Tiefling. I don't know this person."

GearBlade654 GearBlade654 Zerohex Zerohex Freshet Freshet
Harley Quinn: Omega (Gladius-IV)

Aria looked over at Victor.
"Oh, you don't know?"
"Earth's gone." Harley sighed "Well, kinda. It's been like..."
"Scattered." Aria cut her off "Different versions of it."
"The closest thing to Gotham is New Metropolis. The two cities got merged in two and it's ruled by a baldie."
"Lex Luthor." Aria added
"He's not as cool as the Lex from my universe."

Rysesaka Rysesaka

Douglas Ken: Seoul-Don, Tellestia (Gladius-I)
Music filled the ears of the men, echoing throughout the nightclub as they entered. Douglas cleared his throat, loosened his tie and walked further inside, making his way towards a bar where other people were dancing.

The place stank of Vampires, but there were others in the mix. There was a Werewolf on the dance floor, though currently in a human form, and what appeared to be a melting pot of other beings. There were a few zombies, who were identified by pale skin and white hair, at least four Merfolk, one of which sat at the bar and kept herself hydrated by taking salt water inbetween alcoholic drinks.

Having to use a stool at the bar was some kind of goblin, who had his disguised lowered and sat in all of his green glory. He'd been told Goblin blood had a kick to it by some Vampires.
Spellcasters were in the Asylum too, but he couldn't smell them out. It took other signs, like a young woman's drink being spilled over a man currently trying to chat her up despite nobody touching it right as another potential suitor rolled in, or a man sitting in one of the corners of the nightclub counting through a set of playing cards that seemed to glow for a split-second.

He walked over to the bar, sitting next to a zombie currently eating a human brain using a knife and fork as a fairy, about the size of a praying mantis flew past his head. She had a purple glow to her form and smiled as she sat next to a drink almost her own size.
The bartender, a large Ogre woman with facial piercings leaned over to Douglas.

"What'll it be?" She asked
"Whiskey. And tell whichever sister is in that I want her."


Alva Bòideach: The Citadel Presidium (Gladius-I)
"That's not a ro...Automated American." Alva said.
She wasn't sure if she should tell the crazed Maid robot about the AI Samus carried, as far as she saw it that was her business and it wasn't like the maid was trustworthy. She'd lied to an authority figure for one thing, and insisted on Alva being her master.
"That alien's walked away now, so you can drop the act." She kept her hands on her waist, giving the maid a firm glare. The way she saw it she had to stand her ground against the automated American if she wanted to be left alone.

She looked over at Samus "Shall we go?" Only to see that she was back with the Quarian and sighed.
"You can go now. We've got enough to deal with, thanks." Oliver said "Besides, when that alien gets back from lunch I'm gonna tell him you committed fraud."
"What? She's broken some kind of law at least."
The Quarian started to tap away on the omni-tool, displaying the image of a ship:

"Curabitur scout craft. It's weapons have been deactivated, but it wouldn't take much to get them back online..."

Specialist Specialist Shining Wizard Shining Wizard

--Sougo Tokiwa || Woz--
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

"My lord is one who travels through the past and future in his own will, shaped his world in his whim, and rules his world with an iron fist who stands before you. However..." Woz explained before turning to Sougo, who doesn't look anything like the one he described. "He is still at the point in his life where he is unable to accept his role; I have brought to you the past self of the ruler of time that I knew beforehand, Oma Zi-O. It will come to pass where he would become the ruler of time that I had described."

"I am familiar with time travel. More so than perhaps you understand." Doom said "Although, how can you know that Sougo will become ruler of time when the events that brought us, all of us to Gladius have distorted the timeline beyond repair."

The tour guide didn't seem to notice Kanna, probably based on her smaller size.
"Now, can anybody tell me about Servo Guards?" The Tour guide asked "Anybody at all, don't be shy?"

--Kazumi Sawatari, Gentoku Himuro and the Three Crows--
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

"We've been weapons used in a civil war in a country split into three regions by an alien wall." Gentoku answered once asked about their experience, "We've been enemies once before, I can confirm that they're more or less experienced veterans in the battlefield."

"I can vouch for these guys, too." Kazumi said, regrouping with the head agent.

"Alien wall?" Stevenson asked, raising one of his eyebrows "What kind of aliens? XCOM was set up to deal with the threat of an alien invasion, and SHIELD was designed to defend Earth from internal and external threats so alien life is something I myself am quite familiar with."
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Steve Rodgers: Brymor Crossing, Sword Coast North (Certh, Gladius-II)
With the Dragonborn lady in the capable hands of what passed for a doctor, Steve dashed to the outskirts of the town. He got the feeling that he was being watched but kept moving on. There was a child's life on the line and he didn't have time to waste.
He managed to catch up with Ulfi and within moments they reached the end of the bridge.

He stopped, for lying there was a man in metal, medieval armour. He looked up at the two, coughing up a mouthful of blood.
"Tried to stop 'em...Got a knife in the back for me troubles."
"It's okay son. You tried."

@Freshet @Donder172 @FistOfTheBorkStar
"You have tried your best. And your struggle will not go in vain. We will bring these people to justice." Ulfi said "I will promise you that." She added calmly
Namorae: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
She grimaces at the mention of sunlight. “It’s unpleasant, and I can’t see great in it, but given tinted lenses and not staying out in it too long, there are no true ill effects.” She explains. “But considering how bad it is for father, I’m glad it’s only this difficult.”
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Jesus Christ: The Commonwealth, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
DrBones DrBones Noivian Noivian Ennuis Ennuis The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
"I'm not a machine though, I'm an android." 6O noted, much to Jesus's dismay. Before he could point out the ridiculous implications of that specification, he held back and reminded himself that arguing it would probably just piss him off even more. But then something else came to mind.

"How exactly are you going to refer to yourself?" he asked her "Because even if you don't go spouting off about upgrades and models, a name like 6O seems kinda suspicious, right?"

He didn't know just how much of a problem these people learning about her composition was, but eh would be damned if he'd have to shoot his way out of a post-apocalyptic baseball stadium because of someone else's inability to adapt. Of course, that also meant the others with them were even more of a risk, but he was fairly confident that he could work his way out of it without losing the potential resources offered. Robot girl, a tad bit harder to explain. Then again the others hadn't yet revealed the full extent of how much their universes differed, so he'd probably have to deal with it no matter what. the realization made his scowl deepen even further.

"Well... hm..." she gave a hum of thought, thinking about that for a moment "I guess I'll just go by my classification then, going by a job title shouldn't sound to off... right?"

Jesus merely shook his head before watching as Harry called out to what seemed like a guard. After identifying himself, Harry turned back and once more ran through how this was going to go. But Jesus was more interested in how he had referred to himself: Sole Survivor. There was a lot of power behind a title, as it portrayed a major trait that most knew someone by. Jesus was the Savior, and he made sure that all who he worked with or against knew why.

"Sole Survivor, eh?"
he noted "Given the state of this wasteland I'd expect almost everybody to be considered a survivor of something or other... What exactly makes you the outlier?"
Victor Zsasz
Afterlife Club, Omega
Wild Space, Gladius-IV

"What?" Victor's smile turns into a frown and as for Headhunter, he just raised his eyebrows with his mouth open.

Victor is also well aware about the Multiverse due to the teachings he learned from Professor Hugo Strange. The evil scientist from Gotham. Victor realize that the people he knew is now dead. Victor sighs.

"So the people we knew are dead?" Headhunter asks Aria.

"Too bad they didn't make it. I'm gonna miss all of them, especially Jim." Victor replied, his facial expression is sad like he lost someone he cared about.

Victor just shakes it off and decides to focus on getting out of the asteroid. According to Harleen, Gotham still exists but it is in the city called 'New Metropolis'. Victor heard about Metropolis, the clean and peaceful counterpart of Gotham but he never went there and as for Harleen, she stated that someone's ruling New Metropolis by the name of Lex Luthor.

"Never heard of Lex Luthor. Judging by his name..? He is boring." Victor said.

"Me neither, never heard of this guy." Headhunter said.


"By the way, my name is Victor Zsasz." He said as he fixed his suit, looking at Aria and then to Harleen.

"And this is my companion, Headhunter."


"Hey, what's up. Nice to meet you all." Headhunter said as he waved his hand.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Sandrino Imperial
The Asylum, Seoul-Don
Tellestia, Gladius-I

As Sandrino entered the nightclub, he observes his surroundings and he sensed everything. Vampires and werewolves although Sandrino also discovers new type of species which he raised his eyebrows. Species such as goblins, zombies and people who looks like a fish.

Sandrino follows Douglas to the bar and sits besides him.

"I want a drink that contains blood. Any type of blood, please. I need to regenerate - same as the dark one inside me." Sandrino said to a female bartender who is an ugly-looking Ogre with facial piercings. It's his first time seeing these kind of species but Sandrino needs to play it cool.

"The nightclub owners of this establishment are sisters?" Sandrino asked Douglas.
Samus-007/Gladius I: The Presidium
[Interacting with: The Mad Queen The Mad Queen , Shining Wizard Shining Wizard ; Open to Interaction]

'Is that thing tou- Samus, don't piss it off.' The Spartan just nodded in agreement as the mechanoid approached her, and rested its hand on her torso. Aside from the frictionless field beginning to crackle against the machine's metallic-coated hand, Boss and Samus both awkwardly had to cope with this... thing, whatever it was, was mistaking her for another bot. Samus muted her external speakers, and hissed. "How am I supposed to deal with this?"

'Do I look like the dipomatic type? You need to work on your people skills.'

"Don't patronize me!"

Samus unmuted her speakers and glanced toward Alva and the others, taking a step back from Torgo as softly said "Excuse me." and made her way to the Quarian to look at the ship. "Boss, pull it up." Something flashed across the Spartan's crimson HUD, and a moment later Samus spoke up. "How much for the ship plus full restoration of all onboard systems?" She was going to get somewhere, hopefully. "When is the soonest you can do it?"

Vasu 'Koromai/Gladius IV: The Badlands; New Metropolis;
[Interacting with: Open to Interaction]

Vasu growled, seeing the shadow of the chair move lightly to reveal that there was no one at the front desk. Turning around and striding back outside of the PD, he had seen a bridge that lead to a rather more destroyed cityscape, but even that alternative seemed better than being here for a second longer. Vasu retracted his steps; leaving New Metropolis and setting his sights on the bridge once he exited the city. He began to head there, hands clenched into fists. He was growing tired of this nonsense.
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James Gordon
Outside GCPD, Mega-Gotham
New Metropolis, The Badlands, Gladius-IV

Jim looks at the two men running away from him but the other one stood on his ground, showing no fear of Jim's transformation as an infected. Jim is lowkey impressed by this one although the man's life depends on his choices.

"It is almost as an Arkham experiment." Jim approached the man.

"I got infected by the Tetch virus. The virus is airborne which I warn you to stay away from me IF ever I get wounded. Looking at my blood, touching my blood or smelling my blood will get you infected and make you go insane and start killing people for no reason because the voice commands you to do it. Not unless you are able to tame the virus like I did." Jim explained to the man about the Tetch virus.

"You can run away if you want but I'm going to ask you. What the hell happened here?" Jim asked the man the current status of Gotham, his facial appearance is still in infected form.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

The man took a few steps away from Jim, but still stood his ground.
"I'll, um...Keep that in mind."
He looked Jim up and down "Didn't take you for an outworlder, but I guess the suit gave it away. I suppose I should fill you in. It was an alien invasion or some shit, tore up Gotham, Metropolis and every other city in the world. Big black void with tendrils that consumed things. Some folks call it The Great Hunger but I just call it a bastard..."

Specialist Specialist

Carl Johnson
Inside the Staff Room, The Tavern
Tavern of Worlds, Gladius-II

"What the fuck am I seen' rite' now?!" CJ was surprised that there is a dwarf man and a fat reptile that can stand. CJ isn't himself right now and he is still in the status of hangover. CJ is trying to straighten his posture while attempting to have a conversation with these very odd-looking people.

"The hell you n*ggas talkin' bout?! Lemme go back to mah hood now or else imma blast yo weird-lookin' asses!"

The lizard cracked his knuckles.
"Listen here..."
"Wait!" The Halfling cried, raising a hand "Listen, kid. Your hood. It's gone."


Venkman: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
Venkman smiled "That's okay. I was just worried in case you'd burst into flames or fall unconscious."
The way she replied to sunlight reminded him a little bit of Jolie, but he shook if off. From what he knew, she'd made it to Gladius but he couldn't be sure if she was alive. She was tough though, so he'd like to think that she made it.

With the snap of his fingers, Venkman summoned his motorcycle from The Twilight and climbed on.
"Alright, let's go."

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

The Sole Survivor: The Commonwealth, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
"Six-O..." Harry muttered "What about "Sibyl?" He suggested "Sounds close enough, at least in terms of human names and um..."
He looked at Jesus "You'll pass for a Ghoul, I guess. That's a human who's been exposed to a lot of radiation and somehow managed to survive. Immune to radiation, they live longer and they get a lot of nasty scars for their troubles."

He was starting to head inside but stopped as Jesus asked him what he was a survivor of.
"Vault One-eleven. It was an experiment done by these bastards named Vault-Tech that promised salvation and refuge for people when the bombs fell. Turns out most, if not all Vaults were really fronts for twisted experiments."
He shook his head "Mine was tamer than some of the others. Freezing people for the future. Went wrong and everyone died but me and my infant son. He was taken though and I had to go get him back."

He left the other details. It had been several years, but it was still very painful to talk about. Only Cait, the Railroad and a few other close allies knew that not only Shaun was his son, but what Shaun had become. A monster that went by "Father" who had led the Institute and had been put down by Harry himself.
The other Shaun, the Synth was safely tucked away at Fort Independence. The cover-story he told everybody else was that Shaun had been in the Institute for experiments, given the lack of radiation poisoning in his system and he'd managed to rescue him during the raid on the place.

People bought the story, and he didn't feel the need to change it. In a few years, given Shaun's slowed ageing it would be more difficult to explain but for now he went with it.


DrBones DrBones Noivian Noivian Ennuis Ennuis GrieveWriter GrieveWriter

Harley Quinn: Omega (Gladius-IV)

Harley reached for one of her guns, not drawing it just yet. She'd heard the name before, a notorious serial killer who marked his skin with a cut for each life he'd taken. Due to his clothing, Harley couldn't be sure if this Victor kept up the same tradition but she wasn't about to take any chances.
"Victor Zsasz? Last I heard fake Nightwig beat you to death. Though I guess, Multiverse schmultiverse." She shrugged "Tell me this though, why ya goin' to Gotham anyway?"
"If you're all heading there, you could always take the same ship. Only if you play nice."
She glared at Harley "Do you have something to share with the class, Harleen?"
"Don't be shy."
Her bodyguards drew guns on her.
"If you insist." Harley grinned
She pointed at Victor using her other hand "That man is a serial killer where I come from. Don't know the other fella though."
Rysesaka Rysesaka

Douglas Ken: Seoul-Don, Tellestia (Gladius-I)
The Ogre searched Imperial up and down "Sure."
She handed him a martini glass filled with vodka before reaching under the bar and producing a vial that she added to the drink "A Positive."
"Oh. I'm told that one has a sweet taste to it." Douglas wore a shit-eating grin as the Ogre handed him a small glass of whiskey "Cheers." He passed her a twenty, followed by a ten "Keep the change."
"What change? That A Positive stuff is expensive."
"Just trying to be nice."

The Ogre walked to another side of the bar to serve someone, another Vampire by the looks of things as Douglas noticed their fangs. He turned to Imperial.
"Aye, twins. Malkavians too. One is madder than the other, though so I hope for our sake we run into that one."

Namorae: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands
Namorae tilts her head, seeming confused by the appearance of the motorcycle. Bikes haven’t been invented yet in her world, not to mention motorized vehicles. She gets the idea though, getting on behind Venkman, and wrapping her arms around his chest, since she can’t find a saddle horn or anything else for her to grip.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Cortova: Mos Eisley, The Badlands
Cortova walks into the bar, removing the helmet of her exosuit, and sitting at the bar, not paying much mind to those around her. She’s pretty pleased with herself right now. Ever since she found the Hunting Grounds, a lot less of her money has gone to feeding the swarm, leaving her more of a buffer to treat herself, and upgrade her equipment. Everybody’s happier about it. Still, running a ship takes money, so it’s around time to find another job.
Jesus Christ: The Commonwealth, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
DrBones DrBones Noivian Noivian Ennuis Ennuis The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
"Sibyl..." Operator6O sounded it out a bit before smiling beneath her odd face apparel "That actually sounds pretty cute... thank you."

Jesus didn't hide his eye-roll, instead focusing on the explanation that Harry gave him, "Ah, evil corporation? I get ya, I've dealt with like, three so far. Though I will agree that cryogenic preservation is immensely tame compared to what the ones from Nevada were like. I will question their timing, apocalypse doesn't really strike me as the perfect time for inhumane human experimentation."

Then again, if they actually had some form of government in place to stop it, perhaps this Vault-Tec merely used its sudden destruction s an opportunity to circumvent it. A good idea if they manage to survive the bombs.

He didn't have long to ponder this before the group finally found themselves inside Diamond City and, to be truly honest, it looked better than most of the stuff in Nevada. Sure, Nevada was a desert wasteland full of depressing grey facilities and endless waves of easily slaughter-able mooks, but any improvement is still an improvement.

He had yet to see a ghoul, but from their description they sounded similar to his zombies. He wasn't sure if that was enough of an insult to his appearance to warrant agitation, but he'd hold off until he met one face to face. He wasn't so sure about their origin though, as he was fairly certain that that was not how radiation worked at all. But he reminded himself that perhaps this universe's idea of radiation followed comic and horror movie logic. If that was the case, then he just knew he'd have all kinds of mutated bullcrap waiting for him out there.

"Well, I can honestly say this is better than anything Nevada offered." he said as he folded his arms and nodded to the shops below "So you guys use paper currency, bullets or favors?"

"I take it they don't have forms of open connections anywhere?" Operator 6O added hopefully "Like an open terminal that anyone can use?"

Marcus Wright
Location: New Metropolis- Near Asylum Asylum (Gladius- IV)

Marcus kept his plasma rifle nearby as he nodded, watching Jolin check for a second. "Nothing?"

Marcus nodded "I have your back just in case someone attacks us."

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Kanna Kamui
Gladius-I: Cynthia

Kanna remained silent when the tour guide asked a question about those Servo Guards. Obviously she has no idea about them, so why are you looking at her then you dumb-dumb? The Mad Queen The Mad Queen , you baka!
Messier: Diamond City, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)

The revelation that Diamond City wasn't named after diamonds both disappointed and confused the girl. Why name a city after something it doesn't even have? But regardless, she decided to go because she didn't really have anything better to do. Plus there was always the chance of finding something just as good as a diamond. During the walk to the City of Lies, the girl simply listened to the Shaper as she was the most interesting of the group, or rather the idea of Shaping was interesting. The goal of it sounded similar to Fusion, but the process was quite different, Messier would have to find out more later.

When the city came into view, Messier's hopes vanished. It looked more like a trash pile's trash pile than a settlement. "Wow, this is... Wow. Alright." She wasn't really speaking to anyone in particular, but spoke loud enough to be heard. "Sure, I guess this works." While the group waited for the gate to open, the Shaper insisted that Messier should follow her, as if she were a child.

"Hey now, I'm no kid, I can protect myself. After all, I have the power of Fusion on my side." She had wanted to say more, but the sound of metal on metal pierced the air and forced a grimace on the Fusionist's face. Surely even people living in a mountain of garbage could do something about that gate. "Anyway, I don't really have a master unless you're talking about Marona, but I don't know where she is." Despite how important Marona was to Messier, she wasn't too worried about her going missing since Ash is always by her side. "Anyway, I wanna see if I can find anything useful here and I don't think I can do that if I'm following you." And with a wave, first to the Shaper and then to the others, Messier headed into the city on her own.

DrBones DrBones The Mad Queen The Mad Queen GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Venkman: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
Venkman started the bike and pulled off, leaving a trail of dust behind as it pulled away from the Graveyard.
"You alright, kid?" He asked
Calling her kid probably wasn't accurate at all. She could have been at least a century older than him, there really was no way of telling unless Venkman was a Vampire himself.
They'd need to go South, that way the'd at least avoid the Wasteland and Venkman could use the Twilight for transport from there. He noted a few ghosts watching as the bike made it's way to the edge of the Graveyard itself.

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

The Sole Survivor: The Commonwealth, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
Harry smiled over at 6O, seeing her smile and then turned to Jesus.
"I guess Vault-Tech wanted to make sure humanity survived in some form. The Institute wanted that too, but they went about it in a way that threw any morality or sanity out the fucking window."
"We've just seen the aftermath of their experiments. It's not been pretty." Cait added "As for money, we deal in bottlecaps here. A few people take favours, I guess but it's mostly caps."

Harry flicked Jesus a nuka-cola cap for good measure.
"I've got more, but I'm not made of money. Just say the word."

He walked further into the city, turning around to keep an eye on the outlander newcomers while Cait and Dogmeat stayed by his side. It didn't take too long for him to be approached by a familiar face.

More details on this character can be found on the lore page
"General." He offered a handshake
"I'm retired, Preston." Harry smiled, returning it
"I know, and I wouldn't have called you if this wasn't important."

He nodded in the direction of the newcomers
"Friends of yours?"
"Picked them up along the road."
"Can they fight?"
"I think some of them can. Maybe the Jesus guy and the one with the cloak."
"Okay good. We might need their help too."

"What is it?"
"I think it's better if I show you."

He led Harry towards a small house akin to one you would find in a shanty town. Common in Diamond City, of course and opened the door. Illuminated by a small lightbulb that barely filled the room despite it's small size were two Minutemen standing guard in front of a creature that was chained up. From an early glace, it appeared to be some kind of mutated animal. Just smaller than a man, but not by much.

The moment the door opened it looked up and hissed.
"A new kind of mutant?" Harry asked "Where'd you find it?
"Maybe the MoJave. I heard they have all kinds of freaky shite up there." Cait said
Preston said nothing in response, simply staring at the creature with a grim look on his face.

"Mutant?!" It hissed "How dare you!"
"It talks?"
He took one step towards it "Do you have a name?"
"My name doesn't matter."
"Okay then, what are you? Some kind of Vault-Tech experiment? New type of Super Mutant?"

It started to laugh
"Experiment? I was born from the breeding pits beneath this world! A world that will soon be consumed! This city, and everything you know will be lost."
"You sound like a Super Mutant." Harry scoffed

It lunged forward, pulling on it's chains.
"I am no mutant. I am pure! I am part of the swarm!"
Harry got a closer look at the creature, able to see it's face and skin behind a set of torn leather armour. It had the face, tail and fur of a rat yet it stood on two legs like a man.

Cait responded by punching the mutant rat square across the face.
"We've gathered that whatever they are, they're based in the north. The far north. Rat's been rambling about having thousands of them, maybe more." Preston explained "It's all it talks about. We've tried making it talk about strategies or anything but...We can't get a thing out of it. Keeps saying that whatever we do to it, it can't be as bad as what it's warlord will do."
"I've heard that one plenty of times." Cait rolled her eyes.
"Who's your warlord?" Harry demanded, glaring down at the rat
"He will wear your flesh as armour and keep your heads as ornaments!" The rat spat
"Why didn't you call me earlier?" Harry asked

"A few days ago, I just thought it was a Vault-Tech or Super Mutant thing. The moment that changed, I sent that message."
"What changed?"
Preston reached into one of his pockets, producing a holotape "You'll want to listen to this."
Scribe's Journal. Day One of our expedition to the north. Recording this for archive purposes. Jonathan says there's not much point to it, but I disagree. Um...We've got enough supplies to last us a few weeks, so I'm hoping we find something up here. There's been plenty of rumours about this place, but from what we know, nobody's been up here. At least not this far.

Day Three. Uh, sorry I forgot to record yesterday. We ran into some trouble and I lost track of time. Somebody stole half our food in the night, and Johnathan's been pointing fingers. At one stage he even accused me of hogging it for myself, but I shouldn't feel too attacked as he's been accusing everyone but himself, obviously.

We, um. One of our guards reported seeing something the other night. Double shifts have been the norm since, uh the theft about...Four nights ago? He said he saw a rat but it wasn't a rat. Like, a huge rat on two legs. It wouldn't be the weirdest thing on this planet, no doubt. Oh, and it's day six. For archival purposes, it's day six.

From there, the tape changed. Harry heard the sounds of gunfire and screaming with some hissing inbetween.
"Oh my God, they got Jonathan!" He heard the Scribe yell, making no effort to hide the panic in his voice "There's hundreds of them!"
The sound of footsteps followed as the Scribe ran, panting heavily as he tried to make a break for it. Based on what he heard, the Scribe didn't get far. Screaming was followed by the sounds of flesh tearing from bone and then, silence.

When the tape ended, Harry paused for a moment and then looked up at Preston.

"I got two question: One, where'd you find this and two, where did you find that rat?"
"The tape, we picked up off of an arm the rat was carrying and it was just outside of the Commonwealth. There were four others with it, but they didn't make it. They attacked so the Minutemen gunned them down."

Harry ran a hand down his face
"Well, you're the General so what's the plan?"
"We need to find out if these rumours are true. If they're not, we'll all sleep a little better and if they are, well we'll need to prepare the Minutemen and you'll need to get in touch with the Railroad."
"If what that rat's saying is true and there's thousands of those things..."
"That's what we need to find out. We found a notebook the scribe had been carrying. I guess the rat took that too. It had coordinates so I'm launching a scouting mission to the North, the far north. See if all this is true."

DrBones DrBones Ennuis Ennuis GrieveWriter GrieveWriter

Jolie Baptiste: New Metropolis, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
Jolie nodded "Thanks."
She led Marcus deeper into the asylum. A corridor filled with open cell doors lay in front of them. She would still need to go into the depths alone, but that would have to wait. Securing the upper levels was the priority.
She passed by a cell with a half-opened door and peered inside. It was empty, but the walls inside was covered symbols. Bats. Every corner had a bat etched into the wall.
She slowly backed out and closed the door.

Looking at Marcus, Jolie shrugged and placed her hands at the side of her mouth.
"Je suis ici (I'm here)!" She called, her voice echoing along the cold corridor of broken stone and rusted steel. If there was anything, or anyone on the floor surely it would have gotten their attention.
Silence followed for a solid minute or two before Jolie started to walk deeper into the Asylum.
"I think it's clear, but do keep an eye out."

Even with her heightened senses, she wasn't picking up on anything aside from Marcus' heartbeat and breathing.

darkred darkred
Namorae: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands
Namorae holds on tight to Venkman, not particularly minding his calling her a kid. Her father straight up refers to her as ‘child’ sometimes, and she does look young. Besides, she has other issues. “It is very fast, and very loud, but I am fine!” She replies, having to raise her voice to be heard over the motor. She is also aware of the ghosts, but there tend to be some around her at any given time. They like having someone see them. She wonders where they’re going, appreciating the speed of this strange machine.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Solution: The Commonwealth, Badlands, Gladius-IV
Solution's face soured when Messier not only flagrantly disregarded her orders, but mentioned that she didn't even know where her master was. Grimly writing Messier's usefulness off, Solution moved into the city on her own.

The state of this "city" was disappointing, but expected. Filthy refugees wandered aimlessly between shanties, and the central bazaar was a bare handful of shacks lined up by filthy merchants hawking necessities: food, medicine, clothing, various keepsakes, and weapons. The weapons intrigued Solution the most, as she inspected a hand-made weapon on the counter of an especially foreign-sounding merchant.

The device was not like anything she'd seen before. It held the same projectile orifice and thorn-bladder as a Shaped baton, but its design encouraged it to hold a lop-sided posture unsuited for the swinging motion that encouraged batons to eject their thorns and it seemed to be encased entirely in metal and wood. Whatever organic components were kept inside this weapon, they were kept tightly inside their casing. The merchant acted confused when Solution asked him how they kept their batons from suffocating or overheating-- clearly, they were only used to salvaging weapons. She didn't even know if this was capable of firing anymore.

Solution spent a solid half of an hour calmly questioning other townsfolk. Receiving nothing but blunt rejection and slack-jawed grunts, she came to the conclusion she had been dreading. Any hope of finding a reliable source of information had deflated by the time she had been given a single scrap of parchment with pointless local gossip printed on it. The text was surprisingly clean for peasant's work; each letter had been inscribed with the exact same sarifs and proportions, something she wouldn't have expected even among her fellow Shapers. The young urchin who had given her the parchment plainly explained that they had a "printing press" do the work for them. Perhaps, if this old empire had creations shaped specifically for copying writing perfectly, and these creations were still alive, there was someone who she could use here.

Solution hoped that whoever handled the Printing Press would know who had shaped it. She composed herself, brushing the filth from the bottom of her robes and ordering her entourage to wait next to the urchin. With as much authority as she could muster, Solution marched smartly into Publick Occurrences. Inside was yet another peasant, a brown-haired woman wearing clothes that looked markedly better-kept than her peers. Going by her bright red coat and distinctive hat, this woman must be the one keeping this Printing Press fed and healthy.
"Hello, there!" Solution said to Piper, cheerfully presenting herself, "I've heard you're caring for a 'Printing Press', and I feel you may know someone I can get some help from. Do you mind if I ask a few questions?"

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Ennuis Ennuis
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  • Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi: Diamond City, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
    “Wiseguys eh?” remarked the strange looking fellow before he gave a dismissive wave, “Jus’ don’t do anythin stupeed.” Giuseppe turned towards Ashe and gave a beaming grin followed by a thumbs up,

    “Ah most excellent!” Verdi clapped her hands eagerly before she strolled into Diamond City proper and began looking around. Verdi gave off a distinctive frown as she kept one hand on her hip before turning back to Ashe, “...Is this one of those deals due to ah, stormy weather? You know people camping out in an are-

    It was there and then Verdi was struck with some inspiration!

    Verdi snapped her fingers as she gave off a great grin. “A benefit tour! Yes, this will provide an excellent start, make the people aware of the – hurricane? Tornado? Something, I’ll etch out the details later!” And so the rock-star began snapping her fingers.

    “You know, I could go for some grub? I think you can too – don’t worry I’ll comp it!” With that Verdi began checking through her purse to make sure what cards she had, “Hhm, hopefully their readers are still good...” Though with that check done she shut her purse, adjusted the guitar on her back and headed to a peculiar looking noodle stand being maintained by an expy of the Forbidden Planet robot and sat down at the stool.

    “...Got any salt ramen?”

The Dark Enforcer - The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Zerohex Zerohex GearBlade654 GearBlade654 Verdi - Thepotatogod Thepotatogod Nameless Mook - The Mad Queen The Mad Queen FistOfTheBorkStar FistOfTheBorkStar Donder172 Donder172
Operator 6O: The Commonwealth/Diamond City, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Freshet Freshet
Almost as soon as they walked into Diamond City, the group began splitting up in search of their own goals. Even Harry seemed to be busy with something. She watched as Jesus glared down at the cap in his hand, practically seeing the wheels turning in his head as he looked up and stared at his back until that Preston fellow led him away.

Finally, Jesus closed his fist around the cap and began looking around before walking off, leaving Operator 6O all on her own. It was a terrible thought, but she was quick to realize that it was the first time she was truly without guidance in this strange scenario. Jesus hadn't even waited before ditching her. Which meant she'd have to move forward on her own, and that meant gathering intel as best as she could.

It was hard referring to herself as Sibyl, her designation had been a part of her for so long that using anything else just didn't fit right. Even so, no one seemed suspicious of her origin. Apparently, they weren't the only Outlanders that had been experienced. That was what the natives called them, Outlanders.

Operator 6O did what seemed like the best idea and immediately sought a terminal she could work with. However, the only ones openly available for use were extremely limited in terms of what they said. It was mostly related to the current shops open in Diamond City, and some even related to the history of this place. But there was no shared network to crack, nowhere she could possibly link up with other stations. So while she knew a bit more about the Commonwealth, she had absolutely no idea how she was supposed to get in contact with her fellow YoRHa units.

That left speaking with the locals, who were surprisingly forthcoming. By the end of the sixth dialogue initiated with a Diamond City resident she was certain that no such network existed in this world. Or at least, no network capable of aiding her in what she was attempting to do. On the plus side, she managed to receive quite a nifty piece of wood from the edge of the Diamond which she figured would help if she ever needed to throw it at someone and run. Everybody else around here seemed armed in some manner. Or... well at least enough for her to feel compelled to start gearing up as well. And while she wasn't a combat model, she could probably hit pretty hard with it.

"Okay, Wooden Board acquired."
she mumbled to herself, realizing that her entire time searching for information had culminated in her finding a piece of wood. With a defeated sigh she returned to the center of Diamond City, where a rather large smoking stack rose from a single establishment manned by a single robot. Immediately, she could tell it wasn't the same as the machines that YoRHa had waged war with for centuries. It didn't have similar visual characteristics, and seemed far more limited because of it.

Curious of it, she approached the establishment just as another woman came and began asking about dishes. Yes, this was some kind of food store. Androids had no need, but the idea of eating had always seemed fascinating to 6O.

She was almost lost in her own curiosity when she noticed the stranger's attire, and how much it clashed with the rest of the city. Almost like...

"Excuse me,"
she asked, walking over and trying to get a better look at her "are you new here too? I mean, an Outlander?"

Torgo put her hands on her hips as the citybot stepped away to buy an exceedingly dangerous weapon of space terrorism from a Space DMV official in a manner that clearly violated the Swords, Spaceships, And Firearms Control Act. Obviously the purple gypsy behind the counter was not to be trusted, but Torgo's android brother clearly had experience with this sort of thing. Probably from slinging Red Ice in the districts. Torgo had heard there was a lot of it going around in the hub cities.

More importantly, the Master (provisional) was clearly having some misconceptions about her servants and needed to be set straight. Torgo pivoted on one heel to face the rest of the group and wagged her finger at Master (provisional) and company.

"Do not be silly, Master (provisional). It is patently obvious to Torgo that this friendly machine is no Automated American. It is, in fact, clearly of Korean manufacture. But more importantly..."

Torgo took a moment to remove a stack of index cards from the neckline of her dress, reading them off in succession.

"...Are you the sort of person who comes home tired and crashes on the couch without picking up after yourself. Do you find cleaning to be a chore and consider yourself a disgusting slob. Is your house better characterized as a twisted garbage hell of your own creation. If you answered yes to none or more of these questions, then does Torgo have an offer for you."

Torgo unceremoniously dropped the rest of the index cards on the floor and made a heart shape with her fingers.

"Surprise. It is DX Mecha-Maid Pretty ★ Torgo, here to clean your apartment and warm your heart for only 25 easy payments of $4.99 plus shipping and handling. Numbers are limited, so act now."

Specialist Specialist The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Venkman: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
Venkman grinned "Hold on."
A few minutes into the drive, the bike passed through the middle of two beached aircraft carriers and Venkman started to slow down.
"We're being watched." He whispered, under his breath "And not by the dead, by something else. Act natural and don't do anything until I say so." He kept his eyes front and his voice as low as possible.

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

The Sole Survivor: The Commonwealth, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
The reporter studied the Shaper, admiring her strange clothes.
"Um, sure. Ask away." Piper smiled, one eyebrow raised "Let me guess, you're one of those outlanders, right?"
Across the town, Harry sat on a rotted bench as he tried to process the new information.
"Alright, so when do we..."
"As soon as possible."
"Alright. I'll need to swing by Fort Independence, pick up some gear."
"No need." Preston smiled

The roar of engines and the sounds of blades could be heard across the city as three Vertibirds descended, touching down inside of the town.

"Picked these up from the Brotherhood. Or what was left of it."
"Sorry about the mess." Harry smirked
"Hey, you did the right thing. No need to apologise."

Harry shrugged
"What about those people you came in with?" Preston asked "We're still trying to hold things together in the Commonwealth, so we can't spare too many Minutemen."
He stood up from the bench "I'll go see. Don't take off without us."

He walked around the city, trying to track down the outlanders that had followed him or perhaps even come across somebody who'd be willing to help. If they could be bought, it was worth a chance as well given how many caps he had to spare.

DrBones DrBones Ennuis Ennuis GrieveWriter GrieveWriter

Peter W: The Windmill, Darkened Skies (Gladius-III)
Michel Rosen led the group to the outskirts of town and through one of the houses. The path then took them through an underground tunnel that led to an open, green field. Sitting right in the middle was a windmill. It and the field glowed with colour amongst the darkness that covered the world of teenage psychopaths and demons.


"Lovely, isn't it?" Michael asked

Children played in the field with wooden swords while a dog, a Golden Retriever chased them, barking and wagging her tail.
"Welcome to the Happiness Brigade. Welcome to the Resistance."

Peter raised a hand "This is lovely, but what about my wife?"
"I think the killers have her. They abduct normal people all the time and try to break them."
"Oh dear."
"Yes, it's horrible."
"I need to go find her then." He tried to put on a firm expression but failed "Come on, postman." He turned to Postal Dude "We need to get your parcel as well."
"Wait!" Michael cried "We're your best chance. You may have defeated that fish easily but the killers have far worse creatures on their side."

billthesomething billthesomething TrueBananaz TrueBananaz Rysesaka Rysesaka

Karla: Mos Eisley, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)

Karla looked up as the Dark Enforcer barrelled into the cantina.
"Well, I don't think there's any other people called King here..." She muttered "Hey! Baldie!" She shouted over at the Enforcer, pointing at King with her tail "We're over here!"

Ilka smiled "I've heard of this one too. The Dark Enforcer."
She glanced at King "How the two of you came to know each other is another matter, but he'll do nicely."
"What do you want us to do, anyway?"
"How much do you know about the northern regions of this planet?" Ilka asked the group
"Does she mean the Spires of Cruelty or the Machine City?" Gunther asked , eloquently
"I'll ask."

Karla raised a hand
"Do you mean the robot place or the mountain bit?"
"The mountains. There are plenty of mercenaries working in the Machine City already. This job is a little different, shall we say."

GearBlade654 GearBlade654 Zerohex Zerohex Freshet Freshet

Alva Bòideach: The Citadel Presidium (Gladius-I)
"The ship's due to be scrapped for parts, so it's free." The Quarian said "As for restoring it, that'll be pricey. You're looking at a few hundred thousand credits, at least."
Alva just groaned, resting her left palm on her face "Okay. Where do I sign?"
"What?" Oliver snapped
"Look at it this way, Oliver. If I take her, it'll be her out of trouble."

She turned back to face the maid, breathed in and tried to stand up as tall as she could.
"I'll pay for your services, under one condition. No more breaking the law, okay? You just committed fraud on a space station and I have absolutely no idea what the penalty for that is. They could throw you out of an airlock for all I know, or given that you're an...Automated American..."
She almost said the r-word.
"They might just take you apart."

Specialist Specialist Shining Wizard Shining Wizard
Steve Rodgers: Brymor Crossing, Sword Coast North (Certh, Gladius-II)
Steve put pressure on the guard's wound.
"Snatchers." The guard uttered "Kids were taken by snatchers..."
"Don't try to talk, we're gonna get you help."
"Forget about me, you gotta save those kids." He coughed "There's a...A hidden passage. Under the bridge. The best guess is that they took them there."
"Hold on, soldier."

Steve leaned down, picking the guard up despite his metal armour and carried him back towards the healer he and the nameless one had dropped the mother off at. From there, he asked about the hidden passages.
The healer, an Elven woman Rodgers mistook for another alien filled him in.
"If you head to the docks under the bridge, there's sewer tunnels beneath them. Normally you'd find rats down there but pirates have used it to transport illegal cargo before."
"He mentioned snatchers. Does that mean anything?"
"You're not from around here, are you?"
"No ma'am."
"They kidnap people and sell them. It's a really nasty business."

So snatcher was just another term for a slave trader? Unfortunately he'd come across them during ops before, mostly to break up rings involving human trafficking. He'd hoped that slavery was something just in the history books but that was the idealist inside of Rodgers. Once he was out of the healer's place of business, he caught up with his unlikely new companions.

"I think I know where they are. We need to get under this bridge and head into the sewers."

Freshet Freshet Donder172 Donder172 FistOfTheBorkStar FistOfTheBorkStar
Namorae: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands (Gladius IV)
Namorae tenses a bit, before relaxing again. “Understood.” She’s replies lowly. She’ll have to trust him to know what he’s doing here. “I am ready.”
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Farator: The Windmill, Darkened Skies
Farator steps out of the tunnel, cries out in pain, and sprints back in, hissing. Sunlight. Probably the only place here with it, and probably the only safe place. He touches the skin of his face, feeling it burned. “Gods damn it.” He mutters, looking at the group where he stands in the shadow. “I cannot enter in daylight. I should wait here till nightfall.”
Rysesaka Rysesaka TrueBananaz TrueBananaz billthesomething billthesomething

  • Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi: Diamond City, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
    Of course, there was no response to the robot as it could only understand yes or no. Such was the limits of its processing capabilities. This however did not stop Giuseppe from tapping on the counters several times whilst leaning forward to continue the inquiry.

    “...Salt Ramen? Tonkotsu? Sanratanmen? Cooooooome on, woman has to eat after all!” Verdi declared exacerbated as she began to rub her temple. “Especially the astounding Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi!” Yet these declarations did not phase the machine. Nor did they really attract any further attention. Such was the limits of its processing capabilities.

    As Verdi continued to drum her fingers on the counter-top, it appeared she garnered the attention of a different refugee! Spinning around on her stool Giuseppe glanced at 6O, performing a cursory up down gaze, as she proceeded to ask her question. And of course, Operator 6O could easily take a better look at the Rock n Roll Revolutionary, dressed in her sleek leather jacket which was currently unzipped revealing a lot of bare skin, revolutionary jean asymmetrical jean shorts and different colored stockings, with a dash of make-up but not as much as needed when performing. And as always she had her faithful guitar Risorgimento, alongside smaller belongings.

    “Oh no!” Verdi brushed a few locks of her hair away as she shook her head and frowned at Operator 6O, “I’m not taking shelter here with the other refugees. I’m sorry for your loss -” Verdi reached over and pat the android’s, that wasn’t her body-guard, shoulder. “However I will be doing a benefit tour for the place! Just need to talk to, and well FIND, the manager here. Buuuuuh-” Verdi lazily glanced over her shoulder to peer back at the robot maintaining Power Noodle before glancing towards the other machine. “Kinda want some grub first, and the machine doesn’t want to compute.” She remarked thumbing back towards the robot.

    Clapping her hands she glanced between Ashe and 6O, “Hey when I get this thing to work, come on, what do you want? I’m comping.”

Verdi - Thepotatogod Thepotatogod GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Nameless Mook - The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Donder172 Donder172 FistOfTheBorkStar FistOfTheBorkStar
Steve Rodgers: Brymor Crossing, Sword Coast North (Certh, Gladius-II)
Steve put pressure on the guard's wound.
"Snatchers." The guard uttered "Kids were taken by snatchers..."
"Don't try to talk, we're gonna get you help."
"Forget about me, you gotta save those kids." He coughed "There's a...A hidden passage. Under the bridge. The best guess is that they took them there."
"Hold on, soldier."

Steve leaned down, picking the guard up despite his metal armour and carried him back towards the healer he and the nameless one had dropped the mother off at. From there, he asked about the hidden passages.
The healer, an Elven woman Rodgers mistook for another alien filled him in.
"If you head to the docks under the bridge, there's sewer tunnels beneath them. Normally you'd find rats down there but pirates have used it to transport illegal cargo before."
"He mentioned snatchers. Does that mean anything?"
"You're not from around here, are you?"
"No ma'am."
"They kidnap people and sell them. It's a really nasty business."

So snatcher was just another term for a slave trader? Unfortunately he'd come across them during ops before, mostly to break up rings involving human trafficking. He'd hoped that slavery was something just in the history books but that was the idealist inside of Rodgers. Once he was out of the healer's place of business, he caught up with his unlikely new companions.

"I think I know where they are. We need to get under this bridge and head into the sewers."

@Freshet @Donder172 @FistOfTheBorkStar
"They haven't met us yet. We will go there and shut their operation down. Wouldn't be the first time I would find a base of operations in sewers." Ulfi said, remembering the Thieve's Guild. "We have no time to lose, let's go." She added not very long after. She moves towards the docks, to the bridge at a steady pace. Regardless if Steven or the Nameless one remained, she went on her way. She was confident she could take on a few snatchers.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Freshet Freshet FistOfTheBorkStar FistOfTheBorkStar
The Dark Enforcer: Mos Eisley (Gladius-IV)​
Behind his shades The Dark Enforcer just narrowed his eyes at the radioactive mutant gesturing with their tail. As he began a deliberately poor effort of cleaning his fist, simply just wiping it against his already bloodied enough pants, Steel Chambers gave a brief sneer. "Gee, haven't heard that one before Sunburn.” Rolling his head around he strolled up near the table of the group, took a chair from a different table and placed it near them. Lazily he sat in it backwards, resting his right forearm upon the top rail.

He simply gave a knowing expression towards Ilke as she brought up that yes, she knew him. It was hard to not pick up on The Dark Enforcer, as usually you could find scores of bodies in his wake. Idly making a finger gun gesture towards King with his currently laying arm, which was simply a gesture and not implementing pieces of the arsenal, The Dark Enforcer spoke.

“Turk don’t go yapping about the story to ‘em. Cause, we don’t even know if we’re going to have to kill them or not yet. Rather not waste time telling the story to contractors, especially those that might not live to see the next mission for doing something stupid.” plainly remarked The Dark Enforcer as he began gesturing towards the bar-keep. “Yo Barman! Gimmie a cold one, you know the ones.”

“Eeyyaaaaaa-” yawned out The Dark Enforcer as he glanced at the group, “Don’t care much for geography. I’m in the market of massacre, not some school-house teaching. Just give the details about the job. How many need killing? What are we stealing? What’s my pay?”

These lines of questioning were briefly paused by The Dark Enforcer scratching at his back. “YO BAR-KEEP, THE COLD ONES.” He shouted gazing towards the bar-tender before glancing back at the group.

“And speaking of pay, what’s the up front?”

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Zerohex Zerohex GearBlade654 GearBlade654
Samus-007/Gladius I: The Presidium
[Interacting with: The Mad Queen The Mad Queen , Shining Wizard Shining Wizard ; Open to Interaction]

'I don't think we can affoard that. I have an idea.'

"Boss, no." Samus hissed.

'Just trust me on this one. She said it herself; we're not going home. The UNSC won't mind a few empty pockets.'

Another few flashes on the Spartan's HUD, and the Quarian's Omni-Tool flickered to life with a red unauthorized access message. The only significance was the acceptance or denial of a 200,000 wire transfer of credits from an unknown source. The Spartan's visor was staring directly ahead at the Quarian's; It could only be assumed that a mixture of horror, panic and pleading was possibly etched onto the unknown face of the woman behind the helmet.

Vasu 'Koromai/Gladius IV: The Badlands; New Metropolis;
[Interacting with: The Mad Queen The Mad Queen , Rysesaka Rysesaka ]

However, something caught his eye. Right before the doors shut behind him, he overheard two beings conversing about... The Great Hunger? That sounded... Something was off. Really off. Turning back swiftly, Vasu pivoted and began to stride at an alarmingly fast gait toward the individual who spoke. "What is this about this 'Great Hunger'? Is it a subspecies of The Parasite?" Vasu spoke in a gravelly low tone; towering over the Human before him as his beady black eyes didn't appear to scan him over, but merely stare him down. "What do you know about this enemy?" If it was anything, the growing urgency of the need to obtain any bearing on his location was seemingly palpable with each word he spoke. This alien was a warrior tried-and-true, and didn't seem diplomatic in the slightest when it came to casual conversation. That, or he was just really bad at it. Perhaps both.
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Solution: The Commonwealth, Badlands, Gladius-IV

Solution's mood brightened when Piper noted that, yes indeed, she might know something after all! Questions swarmed inside her head, each begging to be answered. Solution knew that, whatever she asked, they would have to be simple; even a person with the knowledge to keep such a complex creation active might only be as helpful as a particularly well-trained Servile.

"Hm? Outlander? Yes," Solution answered, "I am not from here, not that it matters much. I'm hunting for authorities on matters astronomical and magical, and I'm hoping to build a list of names to consult. Now, onto my questions..."

Solution drew a well-used journal from the folds of her robe, and withdrew a feather and inkwell from a conveniently-located pouch. Immediately, Solution went into a barrage of questions.

"Your 'Press', how do you keep it healthy? Is there someone you have to speak to, or do you have an Essence Pit in-town?" Solution chattered, hungry for knowledge, "What do your town's peasants do to get by? I've seen medicine and metal goods with your merchants, despite there being no smithy or apothecary-- where do they get their wares? Are there any towns nearby? If so, what are they known for? Do your countrymen approve of the use of Shaping, or are they intimidated by it?"

Solution paused for breath. "Oh, yes, one last thing. Where can I find the nearest tavern?"

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

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