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Fandom Gladius: A Multi-Fandom RP (Open and Accepting)

Operator 6O: The Commonwealth/Diamond City, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Freshet Freshet Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
"Refugees?" Operator 6O murmured in response

Though as she thought about it, the people around her seemed convinced their planet was decimated in a type of nuclear war, so perhaps a few of them could be classified as refugees depending on origin. The Outlander seemed to have been given a type of musician background, and was currently having issues with a certain robot running Power Noodle. One which 6O had actually gotten info on during her search earlier.

Shifting the wooden board in her grasp, she glanced between the Outlander and her companion, who also seemed like an Outlander given her style of dress "Well, I'm not from around here either, nor am I hungry. I'm Sibyl, and I'm pretty sure that's Takahashi."

She pointed to the robot manning the establishment "I've collected some intel from the locals, and I'm afraid he only sells noodles. I think you're supposed to just say 'Yes' to him and he'll give it to you for this area's currency: Bottle Caps."

That information had literally nothing to do with finding the remnants of YoRHa but... well, if it could make one human's life just a bit less tedious she might as well give it.

"But in terms of a manager..." she thought for a second, "The closest thing I could think of would be Harry, he seems to be in a position of respect."

She stepped away from Power Noodle and thought about where she last saw him "I believe he was right over..."

Operator 6O trailed off as the sound of engines drowned her out, and several flying vehicles descended into the city.

"In that direction." she pointed before spotting Harry moving through the town, but before she could call out to him someone rudely bumped into her on his way by, "Hey!"

"What?" they bit as they spun around to her, and she immediately recognized the scarred appearance and sunglasses "Oh, I see you're still prancing around here."

"Jesus?" she said, trying to lean past him and keep an eye on Harry "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Meh, some part of me had held out hope that you and the rest of those idiots managed to get yourselves killed before I'd have to suffer your blatant incompetence again." he looked past her as well, spotting Ashe and Verdi "And seems you managed to pick up even more rabble along the way, woohoo."

Ignoring his insults once more, 6O shifted to the side and waved Harry over before pointing behind her "Harry! I think these two over here are Outlanders as well. One seems to be looking for a Manager."

Shifting to the side, Jesus spoke to him as well "Those Helis that just flew in mean anything? Because I checked the exchange rate on these Caps and this?" he lifted the caps he'd managed to scrounge up from the ground around the town "Won't even get me some noodles."

"But wait, there's more. Order now to receive a free-"

Torgo halted her sales pitch abruptly, unsure if her audio sensors were malfunctioning. The otaku seemed to be against it, but he also appeared to be a fat idiot that nobody listened to anyways, so this was fine. Apparently fully-automated space communism and the free spaceships that came with it gave everyone in these parts quite a lot of money to throw around. More amazing yet, the space millennial had decided to purchase Torgo.


If there was ever a time to doubt the (pending) Master's judgement, it would be now.

Running back to the Master (pending), Torgo took both of the space youth's clammy hands in her own and stared deeply into her prospective Master's eyes. Then, Torgo's mouth opened with a soft whirring noise and disgorged a pen into the (pending) Master's hands as a segment of her forehead retracted to reveal a small touch panel.

"Your purchase is acknowledged and appreciated. Please place a credit or debit card into the unit's mouth. Afterwards, please authorize the transaction via signature or fingerprint."

There was a brief pause as alarm bells sounded throughout the office, shutters slamming down to cover the doors as the space gypsy cancelled the transaction and shouted for security. This was to be expected; it was a well-known statistic that humanoid automatons lacking synthskin accounted for over 70% of mechanoid crime rates.

"Additionally, would you prefer to set behavior parameters before or after the current crime is resolved: Y/N."

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Specialist Specialist
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King: Mos Eisley, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)

"That's the guy alright", King gestured towards the door with his cigar still between his fingers as The Dark Enforcer made his way through the joint dripping blood and people chunks as he went. Disgusting, but not necessarily a rare thing, and the patrons mostly ignored it given it wasn't their problem for the time being. Of course, Barkeep didn't want Chambers as a bouncer because then there'd either be no clients or no joint left within the week, so the cyborg had nothing to worry about on that front. In fact, the owner of the establishment tried his level best to ignore the bald menace as he went about his business, brusquely dropping a lone beer bottle with a blue ribbon on the table while shooting his part time security a mean stinkeye.

As for the Turk, he betrayed no reaction and simply sat, observed and listened to the group while Chambers took his seat, sizing up his would be employer and her goons, taking a long drag waiting for details that never came. Right then. "Know a little, people go and never come back or they come back scared shitless over what sounds like nothing special to me", he started, blowing jets of smoke out his nose as he leaned forward on the table. Shades still on, of course, but it was quite clear he was looking at Ilka dead in the eye. "So, lets take things through the proper steps. I might not put it like Enforcer does but we're professionals, some more than others, and not about to leap in blind. An introduction would be in order, given you seem to know of us, and then details would be good".

Back to the mouth went the cigar as the fistfighter finished his piece: "And I have to say I agree, slaver work is not what I do".

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Freshet Freshet GearBlade654 GearBlade654

  • --Minako Arisato--
    The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

    "Hm?" Minako turned around upon being called, the man asking where the cloaked figure went. "Oh, right. I think it went that way." She said, pointing at the direction where she believed the figure disappeared to; east.
James Gordon
Outside GCPD, Mega-Gotham
New Metropolis, The Badlands, Gladius-IV

"That's fucked up." Jim implies that this so-called Great Hunger is very dangerous. An alien invasion that destroyed or what remains of this new place but what Jim didn't understand is the integration of Gotham, Metropolis and the other cities of the world.

He turned back to normal since Jim didn't see him as a threat.

"So, who's ruling this place now?" Jim asked.

After Jim asked, a tall alien-like creature suddenly intervened in the conversation which cause Jim to be surprised by its sudden appearance. Jim is cautious for a moment, looking at the tall alien creature from head to toe. He began to ask by saying,

"What are you and where the hell did you come from?"

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Specialist Specialist

Carl Johnson
Inside the staff room, The Tavern
Tavern of Worlds, Gladius-II

After the female halfling said that CJ's homeworld is gone. He vomits again, puking at her right in the face. The puke smells like beer. He fell down on the ground as he can't take the headache and the hangover effect anymore, knocking himself out instantly.

Victor Zsasz
Afterlife Club, Omega
Wild Space, Gladius-IV

Victor is confused on what Harleen said, saying that he got killed by a fake 'Nightwig' but after she mentioned about the Multiverse. He quickly understands that she's not talking about him but the Victor Zsasz of her world. Headhunter is confused too although he started to get the content about the Multiverse. When Harleen asked about why Victor and Headhunter will go to Gotham because,

"I thought we're going back to Gotham - well the Gotham where we came from but I'm curious about this Gotham that the boss (Aria) mentioned." Victor smiled.

"I'm guessing we are going to meet new rivals if we are going to stay there." Headhunter replied, chuckling.

"True." Victor lowkey lipbites.

When Aria's bodyguards raise their weapons towards her to explain why Harleen can't be with Victor Zsasz and his companion because she said Victor is a serial killer from her world which cause Victor and Headhunter to raise their eyebrows, looking at each other for a moment and shift their attention back to Harleen, as Victor Zsasz is a deadly hitman and a recently turned crime lord in Gotham - his Gotham.

"A serial killer? What a bullshit you're talking about." Headhunter reacted to what Harleen said, shaking his head.


"I'm guessing your Victor Zsasz is more crazy and more psychotic than me." Victor paused for a moment, "Killing people for fun isn't my expertise. I only kill people if I get ordered by boss which I don't anymore or when I get hired by my clients, depends on the price OR I only kill where I'm in the situation between life and death."

"Does your Zsasz kills people for profit? No, it means your Zsasz and me." He said as he touch his chest, implying me is himself, "are not the same and we are different people, yeah?" Victor was serious until he somehow grinned at Harleen for a moment.

Sandrino Imperial
The Asylum, Seoul-Don
Tellestia, Gladius-IV

Sandrino looks at the martini glass that is made up of vodka. The Ogre puts something in his vodka which cause Sandrino to look at the Ogre until Douglas gave good remarks on it.

"Are you sure?" Sandrino doesn't trust people putting some ingredients on the drink because of his past experiences. Traitorous vampires under his domain at that time, trying to poison him by putting something in his drink although all of he attempts were failed because he can't die by poison but can cause irritation to his throat. Since he is really thirsty and he has no choice, he decides to drink it.

"I feel rechristened." Sandrino implies that his energy is regenerated. He smiled for a moment.

Douglas then explained about the sisters, saying that they are also Malkavian vampires. One is madder and one is not although Sandrino remembers what Douglas said about the Malkavians which cause Sandrino to rebut.

"You said these sisters are Malkavians and Malkavians are insane but why did you say that the other sister isn't madder but you hoped that you want to encounter her? They're both insane but you want the other one to meet her instead the mad one? I don't understand." He said, trying to justify his confusion.

Chris Walker
Windmill, Resistance Territory
Darkened Skies, Gladius-III

The trek to where the safe place is being held takes about many minutes. They went to the outskirts of the houses and entered an underground tunnel that will led them to an open, green field. As Chris exits to the tunnel, his eyes got hit by a sunlight which cause him to cover his eyes by his burly hand for a moment.

"Agh!" Chris reacts to the sun hitting his eyes.

He haven't seen a sunlight for several years since he only stayed in his prison cell, caged and being experimented by the Murkoff doctors and scientists. Moments later, he stop covering his eyes as he finally get used to the sunlight. He smelled the fresh air despite having no nose no more. Chris never felt refreshened for several years. You can tell that Chris is happy being in this place. He can see kids get chased by a Golden Retriever.

"You have a nice place here, old man."

Chris observes the place until Micheal cried.

"I'm sure they'll get killed easily." Chris said in a casual manner.

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood billthesomething billthesomething TrueBananaz TrueBananaz
Marcus Wright
New Metropolis, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
In Arklym Asylum


Marcus nodded, hearing Jolie's confirmation it was safe to go on. He followed suit and nodded "Right, it's clear."

The half terminator eyed things as they went deeper into the Asylum. There wasn't much to look at so far.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Venkman: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
Venkman started to slow the bike down, glancing up and seeing humanoid figures moving amongst the wreckage. He looked straight back down and gently started to speed up. They'd definitely seen him staring up he still held onto hope that they weren't hostile. He started to turn a corner and saw another one standing directly on the dusty road.
"Crap." He muttered, slowing the bike down to a halt. They wore a duster and a hood, covering most of their body but he could tell that they were at least semi-human by the look. Five fingers, Caucasian, blue eyes.

He stepped off the bike, gently raising a hand to his new companion and took two, cautious steps towards the figure.
"We're not going to hurt you. We just need to get past."
"Angel." She spoke
"What did you say?"
"Angel." She repeated, turning to Namorae "Daughter of Farator."

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

The Sole Survivor: The Commonwealth, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
Piper started at the Shaper with a raised eyebrow.
"Okay, you're gonna have to slow down." She shook her head "Essence Pit? Shaping? I'm not sure what you mean. Look, these might have been things back in your universe but, I've never heard of them here."
She paused, processing the new information with her hand rested on her chin "Did you just get here? Am I the first person you've talked to about stuff like this?"
Harry was looking for the other Outlanders he'd come in with, and heard 6O call his voice. He started to walk over.
"Glad I found you. We've got a situation." He said "I think it'd be best if those of you who can't fight stay behind. Diamond City's safe, and I'll put in a word to make sure you're looked after. A couple 'a caps tossed your way, maybe some temporary accommodation and you'll be set for a while."
He sighed deeply, looking down with his hands on his hips. He looked up again, a tired look in his eyes
"Those that can fight. I'm gonna need your help."

DrBones DrBones Ennuis Ennuis GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Freshet Freshet Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

Peter W: The Windmill, Darkened Skies (Gladius-III)
"You're a Vampire?" Peter gasped "Wait, Vampires are real?!" He gasped again. Mutants, teenage serial killers, aliens and extra-dimensional beings intent on devouring reality were one thing, but Vampires were another. He had so many questions, was Dracula real? What about those teenage books, were they at all accurate?
Could Vampires get blood diseases, given their diet? Ebola, AIDs, Malaria. They were the real horrors, far scarier than any Vampire. They were more like the Count from Sesame Street in comparison.

"Is your friend okay?" Michael asked
"You got any factor forty?" Peter asked "It might do the trick."
"I'll ask."

He looked to Chris
"Thank you." He smiled "It's a safe haven away from the killers. Jeff may have gone down easily, but the rest are a lot stronger."

billthesomething billthesomething TrueBananaz TrueBananaz Rysesaka Rysesaka

Karla: Mos Eisley, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)

"Sunburn?" Karla chuckled "That's real original, baldie. Heard that one more times than I've got toes. Not one of my favourites, but not the least either."
She folded her arms "Anytime somebody thinks they've got an original joke, I've heard it before. A dozen times, probably."

When the bald cyborg mentioned not knowing if he'd have to kill them or not, Karla just smirked again.
"And I thought I threw subtly out the window. You've managed to throw it out the window and straight into a meat grinder."
"Play nice." Ilka demanded "If you want to get paid, you'll play nice."
"He started it."
"I don't care who started it. I'm finishing it. Now sit down." She said through gritted teeth

She looked at Enforcer and King.
"Only fair." She stood up from the table "My name is Ilka Mezhil and my client is paying good money for a group of..."
"Is that name supposed to mean something?" Karla asked. One leg was crossed over the other, with her tail swinging back and forth like the pendulum of a grandfather clock.
"Let's just say I represent some very rich people." She glared at Karla "Not the Yuan-Ti." Venom oozed from her words at the mention of her race "And they're very concerned about something in the north. Concerned enough to pay good money for people to investigate and...If the situation calls for it, do some damage."

Her gaze shifted to King "Like you, I thought it was just stories. That changed a few days ago. My client picked up a SECIELD transmission from a drone they sent up there. It went dark, two days ago."

Reaching into her cloak, Ilka threw a disc into the middle of a table. It displayed a holographic video:
The drone was in the north, surrounded by mountains and frost. Although grainy with moments of static covering the screen, shapes could be seen moving in the distance, right before the drone was hit and fell to the ground.

The footage got more blurry, and barely-visible shapes moved towards the drone, dragging it away. They appeared to be humanoid at least, standing on two legs but due to quality of the footage it was hard to tell. It was dragged through a cave by two of the beings, and the footage cut out. When it resumed, the drone had turned on what was left of it's night vision and thousands of sets of eyes stared directly into the camera as it was dragged further and further away. There was the sound of something smashing, and then the footage turned to pure static.

"That's where it ends." Ilka said, blankly "Upfront pay is four hundred gold pieces, negotiable if you're wanting a different type of currency and if you succeed it's closer to five hundred thousand.
Karla whistled
"Again, negotiable."

GearBlade654 GearBlade654 Zerohex Zerohex Freshet Freshet

Alva Bòideach: The Citadel Presidium (Gladius-I)
Alva was about to sign when the alarm bells sounded and the Quarian officer was shouting for backup. Something had gone very wrong.
"What's going on?" She asked the Maid. She looked up, seeing Samus was in some kind of trouble but kept close to The Maid "Is there any way of helping her without breaking the law?" Alva asked
She wasn't just asking to stay out of trouble, she didn't know how law was carried out on the station. Did they put criminals in an airlock? Send them to work in mines orbiting a desolate planet? There was no way of her knowing.
"I'm sure we all just sit down and talk about this." Oliver tried to reassure with a smile, but he was ignored by Alva who kept her attention on the Maid
"You've been here longer than us. Can you help that soldier or not?" Alva asked "Oh, crap...And without breaking the law?"

A few more C-Sec officers had arrived on the scene, three in total. Two Turians and one human.
"More aliens." Oliver sighed

Specialist Specialist Shining Wizard Shining Wizard
Steve Rodgers: Brymor Crossing, Sword Coast North (Certh, Gladius-II)
Steve ran ahead, making his way under the bridge within moments and following the docks at the guard had instructed. He looked behind, checking to see if the Namless one and Ulfri were still behind him. He was about to go into unknown territory, as were they and he didn't want the group to get separated. Depending on how big the sewers were, they could be the ideal place for an ambush.

A manhole cover lay in front of him, large enough for the Hulk to fit through without smashing the sides by the looks of things and Steve pushed it aside. It was made of some kind of heavy steel but with his superhuman strength it moved with little effort.
The smell was powerful, but not overwhelming.
"Anyone got nose-plugs?" Steve joked. He wasn't sure if he'd managed to lighten the mood, but it was worth the effort.

Freshet Freshet @Donder172 @FistOfTheBorkStar
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Namorae: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands
Namorae gets off of the bike as well, her eyes fixed on the one speaking. “I have not spoken that name since I came to this world.” She says, her eyes narrowed, sizing up her opponent. “I would appreciate it if you removed yourself from my mind.”
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Farator: The windmill, Darkened Skies
The man sighs as Peter starts rattling off questions. “Yes, I am a vampire. I take it that my kind do not exist in your world?” Might as well try to learn about these people.
Venkman: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
"I apologise." The figure bowed "I simply wished to speak with you. What shall I call you instead?"
"We're busy." Venkman shook his head
"Disciple of Archangel, this is..."

Venkman took two steps forwards, his fists clenched
"I'm not the disciple of anything. Now get out of our way. We've got places to be." He spat through gritted teeth
"I did not mean to off..."
"Then stop talking. Whatever it is you're pushing on us, I don't care." He started to walk back towards the bike
"We know what the blue light is!" The figure shouted

Venkman stopped in his tracks "What?"
"The light that brought everybody here. We know it's source."

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood

Harley Quinn: Omega (Gladius-IV)

"Seems like he's tellin' the truth." Harley shrugged "Alright, I got my eye on ya, but it's like you ya said, you're different from the other Victor."
The guards slowly lowered their guns
"We should get along a lot better than I did with the other one."
Aria smiled, looking at Victor "Are you sure you have to go to Gotham? It sounds like I could use you and your friend on Omega. Always looking for extra guns, and with your client out of the picture, well..."
"I'm headin' to Gotham. Ain't stayin' in space."
"I know, Harley. It's a shame. I think you'd fit in here."
"Maybe. But I got somethin' I need to do."

Rysesaka Rysesaka

Douglas Ken: Seoul-Don, Tellestia (Gladius-I)
Douglas smirked "Malkavians are crazy, but not all of them are unreasonable. Therese is what I'd call an exception."
He went back to scanning the dance floor and felt a tap on his shoulder.
"There she is." The Ogre pointed "She's asked for you."
"Feck..." Douglas sighed, lowering his head "It's the madder sister."


Taking a break from the dancing, Jeanette sauntered her way towards the bar, gesturing with one, seductive finger for Douglas to walk towards her.
"Come here, duckling."
Taking a deep breath, Douglas finished his drink with a swig, faked a smile and made his way towards the dance floor.


Jolie Baptiste: New Metropolis, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
Jolie took a moment, shutting her eyes and resting a hand against the wall. Although she hadn't felt cold in decades, the wall of the Asylum was cold to the touch. She wondered what kind of experiments had been done back while it functioned, and who roamed the halls.
Using Spirit Touch, she felt some of the twisted past. Years before it fell, something dark and twisted had rested against the very same wall but that was long gone. She saw a smile akin to a Cheshire cat that shook her to the core and pulled away.

"It's nothing." She told Marcus "I have these...Abilities. I'm kind of psychic. I couldn't tell you your future based on whatever star sign you are, but I get these feelings if I focus."
Turning away from the half-Terminator and walking down the halls she called back "There was something here, but it's long gone."

The first hallways had been clear. The rooms of a few patients lay empty, equipped with beds, a toilet and a desk. It was as basic as it got.
"I'm going to keep looking."
She still needed to come up with an excuse to travel to the depths of the Asylum by herself, but hoped that a room along the way would interest Marcus.

darkred darkred

Carl Johnson
Inside the staff room, The Tavern
Tavern of Worlds, Gladius-II

After the female halfling said that CJ's homeworld is gone. He vomits again, puking at her right in the face. The puke smells like beer. He fell down on the ground as he can't take the headache and the hangover effect anymore, knocking himself out instantly.

CJ would come to on the walkway of the Tavern, lying next to a green, hovering dumpster that gently tried to nudge him out of the way.

Markiplier: Rush Valley, Xing Empire, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
Mark dashed off, Chica behind him with her tail wagging.
"Thank you!" He called back at Minako "You've been a great help!"
He made little effort to hide his powers, pushing to his top speed within seconds and kicking up dust behind him. Needless to say, Mark got a few glances from civilians as he passed through, making an effort not to bump into anyone.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod

"Let's see...How about one planet eating alien parasite thing with a box used to bring about the end of the world by creating Black Holes?" Kazumi confirmed, "Although we lost most of the times we fought the bastard when he's still growing, we managed to pinpoint his weakness...Although that was up to my other allies' whether or not the plan to fuse two universes was successful or not, most of us were all dead by then." He sighed, hopefully answering the agent's inquiry.

"Most of our equipment were made from the chemicals that the Skywall produced before that alien regained it's body." Gentoku explained explained even further. "From the bottles to the suits, the very reason how we're able to transform lied to how much Nebula Gas we are immune to."

"This planet eating parasite sounds awfully close enough to The Great Hunger." Stevenson said "Perhaps it has a similar weakness?"
He removed his sunglasses, revealing a set of cow brown eyes "As I'm sure you're aware, we've been trying to find a weakness since it first arrived and destroyed the Multiverse. Anything you know, anything could be worth looking into."

He pocketed his glasses and took a few steps towards the group.
"If it's cohesive it could be your ticket off this planet." He whispered "Working with SECIELD high command."

--Sougo Tokiwa || Woz--

"That is now far beyond my knowledge." Woz admitted, opening his book. "Even the record of time that I hold no longer states my Lord's upbringing, however, it is my duty to see it through."

"Duty?" Doom asked. He turned towards Sougo "And what is your duty? I have heard plenty from your mentor, but you have been mostly quiet."
The tour guide looked over the group, noticing the newcomer.
"Oh, hello." He smiled "Where did you come from?"

Topless Topless
Namorae: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands
Namorae huffs. “You may call me Janice. It is the name of this face.” She says shortly. She feels threatened, tense and anxious. She doesn’t know if these people are a threat, but Venkman is obviously angry. That clues her in that they should be ready to fight. But she does want to know how she got here.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Solution: Publick Occurrences, Diamond City, Badlands, Gladius-IV
Solution gave Piper an impatient look. "Of course you're not the first person I've spoken to on these matters. You're the first person I've spoken to with a shred of authority around them. Maintaining an organism intelligent enough to reliably copy writing demands proper education and specially-Shaped nutrients, which I'm assuming you have with you." Solution's tone grew desperate. "Are you implying you don't know how to keep your Printing Press alive?"

Solution took a moment to catch herself. Of course a different country wouldn't share terminology with Shaper civilization, even if they shared their common language. Proper communication would require simpler terms.

"Look, I'm only asking for some information. Where can I find someone who can read? Where does this place get anything more complex than scraps looted from houses? Where can I go to do anything worthwhile? Can you answer those, please?"

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
Shafaqat: Gravityvale, Near the dog park
Shafaqat is afraid. This is not an entirely new or rare state for her, but seriously. Where is she? She fell asleep in her safehouse, and woke leaning against a building. She gets to her feet, her blue eyes narrowed with suspicion. Then she hears a man speaking, and peeks around the corner, seeing a very large man, with a very large dog. Who is he? Better to keep quiet, wait and see.
The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
King: Mos Eisley, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)

Right, name rings a bell. Some kinda ganger known for poisoning people instead of shooting them, King reckoned with some slight degree of contempt. Sure, he didn't think much of folks that couldn't kill a man while looking at them in the eyes, but poison? Now that just wasn't sporting or any real fun. Still, he kept those thoughts to himself as he leaned back and watched the video with obvious interest. First, obviously they shouldn't even be seeing it, but it wasn't as though SECIELD or any group of the type had particularly good security so that didn't narrow down potential employers in this clusterfuck world. Second, well, he playfully blew out a little ring of smoke and shrugged. "It's something, true, but not a whole lot to go by isn't it?".

"It's not about the money, mind, the money seems good to me", The Turk followed pre-emptively, straightening up on his seat to project his considerable height and letting his shades slide down ever so slightly once more. He was, beyond of a shadow of a doubt, taking this very seriously. "Too good to just scope things out. We're going in as a kill squad for something big, and I like things nice and clear before that sort of work. So lets say you can't tell me who we're really working for, hell lets say you really don't know what we're up against, then give us estimates. What do you expect us to deal with, and what are we really doing there?". Taking a slight pause, King raised his cigar once again and a slight sizzling could be heard across the table as he put it out on his tongue.

As he did so, the fistfighter took a good look around just so he could briefly meet the Enforcer's eyes. He had the go ahead to play his cards, his style. Maybe that way they'd get somewhere.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Freshet Freshet GearBlade654 GearBlade654
Lucas Kellan/Shadow 1-8
Gladius II


Not too much farther from the GravityVille Dog Park, A Vektan Elite spy is already having his O.W.L drone scout out the area around him for any information as "Shadow 1-8" holds his Spoofer railgun nearby.

Where was he and what happened to New Vekta?

Lucas waved the O.W.L back to him once it found someone...

As to whom, he doesn't know.

Instead, the O.W.L drone beeps out signals to Lucas representing symbols that it found some close sign of people.

Lucas scans the environment searching the dog park until the O.W.L drone parks itself on his back.

There he found a tall man with a thick beard, ( The Mad Queen The Mad Queen ), Shafaqet ( Eliasdagood Eliasdagood ) and a black-haired man with glasses ( Necromantic Necromantic ) all looking as confused as him.

The Vektan spy wasn't sure what to think at first, but he was very cautious.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Necromantic Necromantic
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Ren Amamiya: GravityVale, near The Dog Park (Gladius II: Certh)


Ren looked up at the tall man that had approached him with a very large dog. From his spot sitting on the ground, he was looking straight up and still couldn't see his face, though that was more or less because of the man's very impressive, very fluffy beard. This man had to be at least seven foot tall, but otherwise appeared mostly human- was he a cognition of somebody? This could have been how a child saw their father, it was nothing for children to exaggerate how their parents looked. But....could a young child even have a skewed enough view of the world to have a Palace? Ren looked down at his clothes for a second and noted that he was still wearing his school uniform. He couldn't write off the possibility that he'd accidentally hit the Metaverse app on his phone and somebody nearby just so happened to say all the right keywords for him to walk in without noticing yet.

"... I'm fine." He replied, digging through his bag for his phone. "Have you seen a black and white cat nearby? He's... Trained to stay in my bag, but he's not there. He'd probably be loudly yowling." Could a cat even be trained to stay in a bag? As Morgana had human intelligence, Ren never actually had to train him, so he had no clue whether or not that was possible. Then again, lying to a cognition wouldn't have any real repercussions because they weren't an actual person, so badly lying wouldn't matter in the end. He pulled out his phone and unlocked it. The Metaverse app wasn't open.

So that... Dog... Was real? And the man... Was also real?

He quickly looked back up at the giant man, a shocked expression on his face, before he started to stumble to his feet. This was reality, not cognition. A man at least two foot taller than him was standing in front of him with a frightening looking dog. He couldn't fight off a giant of a man who was built like a truck or a dog in the real world! Then again, the man's voice had come off genuinely concerned when he asked Ren if he was okay, so he probably didn't need to fight, but that didn't change the fact that he was genuinely frightened by what was going on. "This really isn't Shibuya?"

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
The Dark Enforcer: Mos Eisley (Gladius-IV)​

“ ‘Ey toots, if that were the case you wouldn’t have just ripped off my answer.” The Dark Enforcer stated plainly as he focused on the actual contractor here giving the spiel The other mercs didn’t matter as much as getting some nice, simple details about the job. As long as The Dark Enforcer had those he could easily finish a job.

“Only if those pieces are pressed around some of that sweet latinum. Cause pieces by themselves don’t go for what you think they go for. If you can’t do that just wire credits.” The Dark Enforcer remarked, on the matter of money, as he wedged his right thumb underneath the beer’s bottle-cap. By doing this he flicked the cap a great distance towards the back of the bar, aiming specifically at the bar-tender and letting it whiz by Karla’s head, as the bottle gave out a refreshing hiss. The Dark Enforcer took a quick swig from the bottle and shortly after wiped some of the foam from his mouth.

Aaah, that hits the spot. He said as he forcefully, but in his case fairly gingerly, slammed the bottle back down onto the table as he stared at Mezhil. Stretching out his cybernetic shoulders, The Dark Enforcer listened to King as he made his statements to clear up the matter, alongside meeting his gaze and acknowledging it.

“Sounds to me...” The Dark Enforcer sneered, “Someone didn’t case the place properly. That’s step one for any job – one that is to be done by the employer, not the hired muscle. Seriously, all you got was blurry drone footage? Lady, invest in better drones before hiring a kill squad. Actually, scratch that. Invest in your own drones. You do realize stealing footage can leave a trail right? While I personally don't mind killing the owners and associated with, that's an extra fee. But I’ll level with you right here and now; if you can’t provide us with details of what to rob, or what to kill, I’ll just destroy that entire mountain. Cause that’ll answer the question of what is there; nothing anymore. Now if you don’t want me to just have some fun with King and wreck a nation, you’ll answer this man’s fine questions and give us more details – or we’ll just kill everything there.”

The Dark Enforcer grabbed his beer and took another swig.

“How’s that sound? Oh... and up front means that chunk of change now, babe. Fork up what you got to me, and whatever I might owe to ol’ Barkeep.”

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Zerohex Zerohex GearBlade654 GearBlade654
Marcus Wright
New Metropolis, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)

-Open for Interaction-


Marcus eyed the room and shrugged "Works for me. I didn't exactly bring too much on me."

Marcus frowned as he turned back before heading into the room "I don't exactly take being brushed off lightly. Also, I'm stronger than you think. "

He may have looked human but he was actually a strange hybrid mix of terminator and human.

In fact, Jolie could see a light piece of Marcus's skin flake off the metal underneath.

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

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Jesus Christ:The Commonwealth/Diamond City, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
Freshet Freshet Thepotatogod Thepotatogod The Mad Queen The Mad Queen
His interest was peaked, not by robot girl or the idiots she managed to gather, but by the prospect of getting temporary accommodations if he stayed. At least, if what Harry said were to be taken as truth. However, the prospect of going on whatever mission he needed help with also appealed in a certain way. It could give him a much larger view of the happenings in the area, and Harry would have to serve as a guide throughout it. He'd probably learn more useful stuff if he was out there dealing with whatever trials they so happened to need dealt with. Besides, given what he'd seen of the place so far, it wasn't like anything he'd seen so far had been too different from Nevada. If anything, this wasteland was far more appealing, at least it actually seemed to follow it's own rules instead off making up new ones to break.

But then his pondering was interrupted by Operator 6O, who gave an embarrassed chuckle at Harry's mention of fighting "W-while I'm probably more durable than the average man, I'm not exactly fit for this."

"Then just don't go." Jesus stated

"But I wouldn't want anyone to get hurt! It's an andr-" she paused, remembering what Harry said earlier "My comrades and I are actually rather devoted to the preservation of human life so."

She raised a wooden board for emphasis, and Jesus just sighed. It honestly looked like she'd just pried it off of a wooden fence somewhere. So just to keep from having to argue with her, he raised his hand towards her. The android yelped as the wooden board literally flew out of her hands and into his grasp. He spun it a bit before giving a dissapointed grumble and snapping it in half.

"I think I'll actually learn something from an outing such as this." he stated as he turned away from a disheartened looking Operator 6O and looked back at Harry "So count me in, maybe putting some bullets into something will help me... adjust."
Messier: Diamond City, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
Near the middle of town, Messier found a nice spot in the shade to rest. So far to her knowledge, this was the one enjoyable part of these ruins. She had hoped the local weapon shop would have had something interesting, but all they seemed to carry were incredibly underwhelming clubs, which the merchant had an unhealthy obsession for. It was clear to her that coming out here was a mistake and she needed to get away from it all, hopefully to somewhere closer to civilization. Real civilization, not just bums living in a dump vaguely shaped like a town.

She could walk, but that could take a long time even if she went in the right direction the whole time. There were also no boats, or even water for said boats, which was another oddity that finally dawned upon her. Perhaps that strange flying device could be her way out of this hell, but the girl had no money on her and while violence was always an option, she had no idea if she could even operate the thing.

"This place sucks. If anything deserved to get wiped out by Sulphur it's this place."

Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi: Diamond City, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)

“Bottle-caps? Generally work with paper and cards you know…” Giuseppe tilted her head and rested it against her right arm as she began searching through her purse for other such change. With a beaming smile she nodded towards Ashe, not paying attention to Model A’s assessment. “You got it! As soon as I find some spare, really bottle-caps? Okay call me old fashioned but I like money as money.”

Though she did shoot him an annoyed stare; but Verdi was definitely not paying any attention to them. No ma’am. However she realized she had made a mistake that could hurt her credibility as a rock-star! Verdi’s face reddened as she held out both of her arms and began waving her hands.

“That is to not say that I am NOT a revolutionary who WOULDN’T use bottle-caps as money! Hell I’ll use paper-clips as money! I carry a fair amount of lipstick so I can use lipstick tubes as money!” After lowering down and taking a breath out she glanced towards 6O.

“OH, thanks for getting the manager for me darling!” Verdi declared with a wink to the android which called itself Sibyl. This was followed by her waving towards Harry.

“Hey, so like you’re the building manager right?! Iunno what you are talking about with fights, Musik isn’t for fighting but for the expression of the soul, so if you are worried about my concert inspiring a riot well...” Verdi gave off a modest chuckle as she moved a few locks of her hair away from her face.

“...What can you do for reorganizing the place so I can do a concert? You know, a benefit show for the refugees here! And since we are talking about it like, you know, for a charity maybe we can reduce the price for renting out the building!”

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen Thepotatogod Thepotatogod GrieveWriter GrieveWriter
Brymor Crossing, Gladius-II
The orcs of Sauron were transporting a number of cages through the sewer. It was always a pain going topside- the light hurt their eyes, being creatures of night and darkness. It was why they operated out of these fetid sewers. Well, that and the fact that the mysterious fungus and slime underfoot reminded them of the spawning pits they called home. The orcs of Gruumsh couldn't stand the dampness of the sewers, being creatures of field and mountain. The green-skinned creatures were far larger and more powerful than they- and they tended to crush their smaller grey counterparts into submission whenever they crossed paths. Which made the sewers and even better choice for their lairs. To top off the wonderful putridity of the sewers, this was easily one of their larger hauls of slaves yet. They were fortunate enough to capture several peasants, mostly women and children. But today there was also a larger, more muscular man with callused hands- probably some kind of farmer or one of the horse barbarians from the horde near Kara-tur. They were lucky enough to catch him unarmed in an alleyway- a foolish move. Nobody should travel the backstreets of Brymor without a sword. It had been swift work to knock him unconscious.

For now, they brought the captured people to a holding area- a large cistern, scantly lit except by their cooking fires. The gelatinous cubes that slid down the sewer tunnels to dispose of waste- after all, why else would there be ten-by-ten sewer tunnels in a roughly square shape- seldom came here. This had once been the home of an Otyugh, a friendly sort that loved to wallow in trash and effluence that the gelatinous cubes missed. But then again, that's why the cooking fires smelled so foul. As the time dragged on, it didn't take long for one of the orcs grew drunk and bored. He staggered over to the cages. They must really have done a number on the man. Grunting, he looked between the cages on either side. On the right, there was a peasant half-goblin farmer. On the left, a pretty sea elf girl. Or maybe it was a Malenti. On the one hand, physical assault was always entertaining, and any orc's way to spend an evening. On the other, the OTHER kind of assault was pretty fun too. It was a quick decision for the orc as he trudged towards the woman's cage, intent clear on his face as he licked his gnarled lips.

That was when a weathered fist came down on the back of his neck, causing him to slump over like a sack of potatoes. The goofy-looking man in the cage reached through the bars and pulled the orc closer by his legs. Once the orc was close enough, the man pulled the keys off the orc's belt and set to unlocking the door. The woman blinked in confusion as the man opened his cage before moving to the others present.

"...How are you standing? You've been unconscious for the last few hours!"

The man shrugged as he kept going through the keys, eventually unlocking her door before moving to the others.

"Oh, no, I was just playing possum. I let myself get captured when I found out there were people in trouble. Just needed to get at the keys."

"...You could have been killed!"

The man looked at her as if she were speaking the language of Limbo.

"...Yeah, but there were people in trouble."

"...Was... Did you plan this?"

The man shook his head. "Well, the plan WAS to wait for them to take me to the mastermind so I could beat some sense into him. But ah... certain things accelerated the timetable."

The woman's expression only grew more confused. For a moment, she thought this might be some kind of orc plot. But aside from the stupidity and utter revulsion at initiative the orcs of Sauron showed, there was another point in the man's favor. As he helped a child to their feet, she noticed the horrific bruise at the base of the man's skull. He HAD been attacked.

"...By Pelor's perfect petticoats, who are you?"

Putting the child on his shoulder after seeing a nasty cut on the boy's leg, the man gave a toothy smile and a thumbs up.

"My name's Gen. And I'm getting you all home safe."

Of course, the orcs had grown curious- there was no sound of assault, physical, verbal, or otherwise. They approached in the darkness, leaving Gen to sigh as he handed the child to the elven woman. He stamped the ground, leaving his feet at shoulder width as he inhaled deeply, bringing his fists to his stomach. Suddenly, a belt made of wood and gold appeared around his waist, as he pulled a lever at the side. As it spun rapidly, a strange music filled the air. He threw off his orange jacket, revealing toned arms and a black tank top. Soon enough, the belt came to a stop, replacing the yin-yang symbol in the middle with a few simple lines: ☲. He turned to the people behind him, weaving out of the way of an Orc's axe as it flew through the air.

"...You guys are going to want to stand back."

The cistern burst into light and sound. Whistling and shrieking filled it as fireworks flew from the belt, bursting near the ceiling. The orcs shrieked and recoiled as the light, smoke, and sparks of the fireworks engulfed the man, and a booming voice aged with wisdom echoed through the dark tunnels. The music came to an abrupt stop.


When the smoke finally cleared, Gen inhaled deeply once more, engulfed in a suit that called to mind the honor guard of imperial China and the mighty phoenix. A single-edged sword in the hand, he drove the blade into the ground and jumped onto the pommel, balancing on one foot as he looked at the slavers. The woman, seeing an opportunity, motioned for the group to begin leaving. The Orcs took this as their cue to begin slowly advancing. From his perch on his sword, he gazed down at the orcs, his voice firm and stern. There was no malice in it, only certainty.

"I'll say this now, and I'll say this once. I didn't come here to fight you. I came here to stop you. And anyone who comes past this sword will leave with at least one broken limb."

Another axe flew through the air towards Gen- this one, however, he kicked, sending it up into the ceiling, never breaking eye contact with the orcs.

"Have it your way."

With that, the man leaped from atop the sword, planting his feet firmly before striking at the lead orc's throat with an open palm.
Venkman: The Western Graveyard, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
"Janice it is." The figure said
"And call me Venkman. That name's dead and is the cult." Venkman spat. His mind raced with question after question "How do you know us, and where is the blue light coming from? The source of it?"
"The Blue God. The one True God."

Venkman chuckled
"You're just making me ask more questions. Just answer the last one and we'll be on our way."
He had to contain his anger. The hooded figure had rubbed him the wrong way but giving them a reaction could be what they wanted or it could have been a genuine mistake and he was about to cause an incident. He hoped it was the latter and took a breath to regain his composure.
"How do you know who were are? Are you a Mage?"
"Not the kind you would know, Venkman. As for how we know, a messenger of the Blue God told me. He told me to find you two here. To deliver a warning."

Eliasdagood Eliasdagood
Karla: Mos Eisley, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)

Karla looked to her fellow mercs as the recording finished and managed to move aside as the bottlecap hit the bartender in the back of the head. He out out a rather loud "Oof!" and slumped forwards, rubbing the back of his head and looking around to see who'd thrown the cap. Thankfully, he wasn't able to place the throw due to his back being turned so he just grumbled obscenities under his breath and went back to work.

With the strength of the Dark Enforcer, it wasn't an ordinary throw and it would definitely leave a bruise. This made Karla quite happy and she watched the bartender react with glee, trying to hold in a laugh. She gave the Enforcer a subtle thumbs up and cheeky wink.
"Nice." She whispered

Even if she was to burst out laughing, the cantina was still packed but she didn't want to risk getting barred. King was still the bouncer, and she wasn't looking to mess with him anytime soon. She sat back and listened to the mercs questioning Ilka before raising her tail like an arm.
"Baldie and King are right. I love money as much as the next bitch, but...I don't want to be signing up for a suicide mission without knowing that it's a suicide mission. That's something you should really advertise. Some grainy footage and spoooooky eyes in some underground place. It's not really...Eh. It's not much to go on."

"That and, you are hiring a bouncer with a mean hook, a cyborg who can throw things really hard, a bounty hunter, a Knight with big ass sword and me. Not really the best people to investigate a vague threat. We don't investigate things so much as we destroy them or steal them. Sure, I'll do a stakeout before a heist but even then it's mostly Gunther watching while I..."
She stopped herself when Ilka raised a hand. Not because Ilka indicated for her to stop or anything but because Gunther tapped her on the shoulder.

"That was a test. You passed."
"What? Why bother testing us? You already know who we are!"
"I've heard of your exploits since arriving to this planet, but I wanted to see for myself that you were different than the typical scum you find around Mos Eisley Normally, with the money I'm offering they'd just jump right on board." She grinned "Sign up for any old shit."
"So, what's the real mission?" Ser Richard asked

Ilka placed the holographic disc back in her pockets.
"SECIELD wasn't the only group to send a drone to the north. My client is a Colonel in an army on this planet who I have to protect the identity of. They want this northern threat dealt with before it gets out of hand, failing that to bring back credible proof of this army's existence so that they can rally support and deal with this northern army with the backing of their people. An army of mutant rats lives underground and they'd rather not send their own soldiers up there for obvious reasons."

She paused, taking a swig of a flask she kept inside of her robes
"A few thousand, that's the estimated numbers."
"A few thousand, what? Wererats?" Karla asked
"No. Different from Wererats. The disappeared people weren't infected. They were eaten. Or turned into trophies. My client learned that from the remains of a few scouting parties that were sent up there."

GearBlade654 GearBlade654 Zerohex Zerohex Freshet Freshet

Jolie Baptiste: New Metropolis, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
She stopped in her tracks, turning back to face Marcus "Okay. I won't like to you anymore Marcus. I'm here looking for someone that's beneath this Asylum and then I need to cross to pretty much the other side of this pl..." Jolie stopped as she saw the metal underneath a piece of torn flesh and looked straight into Marcus' eyes.
"If we're being truthful, then I need you to answer a question of mine. What are you? You're not human, at least not one hundred percent. Are you a cyborg?"

darkred darkred

The Sole Survivor: The Commonwealth, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
"I know how to keep the press working, but it's not alive or anything." Piper kept one eyebrow raised, getting more confused but also more curious each time the Shaper opened her mouth to speak.
"So long as it's in English, I'd be happy to read something for you." She suggested with a smile "And people just find things. Pre-War tech's just lying around. I know a few people who are obsessed with that stuff. Mass-produced before the bombs fell so it's everywhere. All the other stuff, people make themselves. At least in the Wasteland."
She sat down "There's more complex stuff out East if you're looking."
The other outworlders were looking to him as a figure of authority. He somewhat regretted telling the group he could get things done, but he didn't mind helping where he could.
"I'm not the building manager per say, but. I know a guy. The expert on all things music here is a man named Travis. He works at the radio station and I'm sure he'd be happy to help you with your concert!"
Travis still owed him. Big time.
"It sounds like a great idea." He grinned

Despite Diamond City being better protected, people were still low. There were plenty of outworlders within the walls and for those native to the Wasteland they'd seen the Great Hunger in action. He wished he could have stayed behind to see the concert for himself, but Preston needed his help. He looked to Jesus next.
He turned to Operator 6O. Jesus was right, she wouldn't last long if there were as many of the rat-creatures as Preston feared.
"If you want to help people, maybe there's something else you could do." He suggested "This city is full of refugees. Some of them injured and others homeless. If you want to preserve live, then preserve theirs. You won't be good to anyone if you come up north with us and get torn apart by some giant rat-thing."

DrBones DrBones Ennuis Ennuis GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Freshet Freshet Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Rubeus Hagrid: GravityVale, near Dog Park (Gladius II: Certh)
Hagrid reached down, giving Ren a hand up.
"Aye, no. Yer in GravityVale. It's a strange place, it is but not unpleasant. Their laws are a bit weird if you ask me but so long as ya keep on yer toes ya should be okay. Just um..."
He leaned in closer "Stay away from the Bowlin' Alley and tune in to the radio show at night. You'll be alright, kid."

He leaned back "You said yer cat went missing, too?" A look of concern was plastered across the giant's face "Oh, dear." He stroked his beard "Well, we'd better go find him then." His concerned look changed to a reassuring grin as he looked down at Ren "Me 'a Fang 'ill help ya, kid."
He looked at the giant dog "Ah, don't worry about him. He don't mind cats, not at all. And once ya get past his droolin' he's alright, he'll not touch ya."

He stroked Fang's head, having to reach down a bit to touch him.
"Now, what does yer cat look like, then? Plenty 'a cats in GravityVale. I hear there's even one at the radio station that has no gravity. I'd like to see him for meself but they won't let anyone in unless ya work there. Tried to apply for a job meself just to get a look at 'em a day ago. I didn't get it, but oh well."

Necromantic Necromantic darkred darkred
Marcus Wright
New Metropolis, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)


"I am being honest here, Jolie. It's hard to explain. You can call me a cyborg, but even I don't remember what fucked up things Skynet did to me over the years. I'm half human and a half terminator."

"I prefer being called "Human" even though I'm not.

Marcus eyed Jolie "You really want to know who I was?"

"I worked as a criminal in my past life, doing crap to survive."

The Mad Queen The Mad Queen

Jolie Baptiste: New Metropolis, The Badlands (Gladius-IV)
It made sense now. Marcus being away from the war, why he'd been guarded. There was a good chance members of the Resistance would look at him as a monster if they saw the metal underneath his flesh. Infiltration Terminators were something she'd heard of, but Marcus still had a beating heart. A human one, for that matter that pumped blood around his veins. Terminators didn't have that. Underneath the flesh there was just metal.
"Well. Marcus. That's...I'm sorry for what they did to you. I should be honest with you too."

Jolie shut her eyes for a moment and when she opened them they were completely black. She opened her mouth to reveal her fangs, too. Within a few seconds, her eyes returned to normal and her fangs retracted.
"I'm well... It's a bit obvious." She lightly chuckled "I can hear your heartbeat as it pumps blood through you. Human blood. You may not be one hundred percent, but you're a lot more human than I am, Marcus. I hope that counts for something."

Placing her rifle over her shoulder, Jolie looked back into his eyes.
"As for what you did. I've found that it doesn't matter as much as you think..."
Marcus was a stranger, but she felt that he needed to hear her out, even if it meant sharing a thing or two.
"I did some awful things decades ago. I was angry and I took it out on whoever got in my way. But I got a second chance, to do good. I think that's more important. What we do now. How we atone for it...It's not by beating ourselves up, letting that guilt eat away at us. It's by doing better."
She added a half-smile for good measure.

darkred darkred

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