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Fantasy Giorna High School for Mystical Teens

Thalia Raiz

Tattoo Goddess
Make as many as three students and one teacher!

Character Sheets












Teacher (Additional Character)






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 "Please. Call me Bones"
 "Eh...i was 17 when i died...guess that makes me 19 now,doesnt it?"
 "Not that it matters now, but i do prefer women..."
 "I WAS male..."
 "Im a skeleton. What do you think i am?"
Personality: this is a wip. I have trouble putting it to words...
 Has a soft spot for girls, especially when their crying.
 Doesnt care for when people point out the obvious.
 Makes crappy jokes.
 Severe astraphobia, fear of thunder. Denies heavily.

Haruka Kake (Kara)


Gender: Female

S.O: Heterosexual

Race: Oni (see 'The Oni')

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Appearance (Written):

   Kara stands at ~7'5" (227cm) and weighs 320lbs (145.2kg), which is roughly average for her race. She has bright orange skin, with amber eyes and short brown hair which only reaches about chin-height. She has a slender, yet firm build with visible muscles -- proof of her physical prowess. Two horns extend upwards from her temples, they seem quite rough to the touch, but are actually quite smooth... Not that many people would be able to touch them to find out, given her height. The glow of her horns is a light yellowish orange, proof that she has the ability to control the ethereal flow of Lightning to some degree (see 'The Oni').

   For clothing, Kara usually wears very little clothing (see the image to the right), but also wears a necklace with three items connected to a ring. The first two (IMG) serve to translate outside languages into the Oni language for the wearer to hear. The last (IMG) translates the wearer's words into the most-used language in the area (roughly). She usually has the necklace tucked into the leather bindings around her chest.


   Spontaneous and energetic, Kara is constantly filled with energy and vigor (partially due to her race, and partially due to her nature). She moves according to her natural instincts >80% of the time, which often gets her in trouble, but she can act (slightly) mature when the time calls for it. Sometimes. Overall, she's an overly large girl with the mind of an innocent child, filled with a limitless source of energy.


   As with all the other Oni, Kara was born to her community and raised as a part of one big (emphasis on big) family. Like all Oni, her training was started at a young age in order to cultivate both her physical and ethereal traits... But it was found early on that she had very little talent for the latter. Luckily, the talent she lacked in magic was more than made up for in the former, and the time that would have been devoted to enhancing her control on her Lightning affinity was granted to physical training instead. With her natural upbeat attitude, she trained harder than any child her age in order to fill the gap made by magic talent, and as she matured, Kara proved that her effort was worth it. By the age of 13, she could match or even exceed the strength of some of the best warriors of her Tribe (most of which were double her age).

   There was only one problem, however... Kara was... How can I put this delicately... Simpleminded. If she had been an Orc or an Ogre her physical abilities would have placed her at a seat of power -- perhaps even allowed her to be a Chieftan -- but to the Oni her lack of mental abilities couldn't be permitted. Still, she was family. Rather than casting her out and dismissing her efforts for naught, the heads of her tribe decided to send her off to a certain Academy to learn... Something -- anything -- not related to fighting, hunting, or physical training. Using their race's naturally-reclusive trait to butter up schools that wouldn't normally accept Kara's type, the chieftains managed to secure her a spot in Gioma as a foreign exchange student of sorts. The reason of 'You must share the culture of the Oni with the outside world' definitely wasn't an excuse for packing Kara up in a crate like a wild animal and sending her off. Definitely not.

Stengths & Weaknesses:

+ Has high resistance against Physical Attacks, as well as medium resistance against Magic Attacks due to her trained body and Racial traits

+ Has an absurdly high Alcohol Tolerance (Oni of ages 5+ are permitted to drink Alcohol in her tribe)

+ Good at Hunting and Gathering due to her upbringing

+ Is incredibly positive

± Possesses a child-like innocence

- Largely unaware of other people's opinions and moral values (clothes, for instance)

- Sometimes gets ahead of herself

- Can sometimes get a bit cocky

- Her Lightning Magic is usable purely because of her horns, and cannot be enhanced (Her magic is Low-grade at best; it's at the level where she can deliver small bolts of electricity, but it'd only be akin to a static shock)

- Dumb as a bag of bricks

Likes & Dislikes:

++ Fighting strong opponents

+ Eating (The Spicier the better)

+ Drinking (Strong alcohol only)

+ Gambling

+ High places

+ The sea

+ People who like any of the above

+ People with an open mind

± Know-it-alls

- Bullying the weak

- Sweet foods

- Cold places

- Eerily quiet places

- Cramped places

-- People who give up too easily


- Uses a lo' a' cu' off words a' points. Think Irish, but without the accent.

- Doesn't understand a lot of longer words, resulting in stu... Stutter... Stuttering and impropererer prnouncilirinatoon.

- Ends a lot of her sentences with "Kara" or "Karana", which earned her her nickname.

The Oni

Believed to be a distant cousin of Orcs and Ogres, the Oni live in small, tight-knit communities -- usually found within mountainous regions, or areas with low visibility (such as dense forests). Unlike their brutish relatives, Oni are usually quite slim, and smaller in appearance. Furthermore, whereas most Orc & Ogre Tribes focus on brute force to settle disputes, the Oni choose to settle scores with a friendly spar... Only some of which end up with one of the two being seriously maimed.

Another distinguishing trait of the Oni is their Horns, which vary in size and appearance. These horns aren't merely growths on their heads, however, as they allow the Oni to focus the power of the Ether (otherwise known as Mana) like natural Catalysts (or Wands). The size of the horns is reflective of how much Ether a specific Oni can command, and the slight glow emenating from the horns themselves distinguishes what form their Ether can take (i.e what element(s) they can command). Unlike other horned animals, Oni's horns do stop growing at a certain age, and are very difficult to re-grow, meaning that the power of an Oni's magic is set in stone the moment their horns stop growing (usually ~15-20 years of age), and they lose the ability to manipulate Ether entirely when their horns are lost.

Other natural traits of the Oni includes high regenerative abilities, and naturally high levels of strength and stamina, only improved further with training. A disciplined Oni is often seen as a match for hundreds of their short-tempered counterparts, and an undisciplined Oni is often likened to a wild Hurricane.
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View attachment 196895
 "Please. Call me Bones"
 "Eh...i was 17 when i died...guess that makes me 19 now,doesnt it?"
 "Not that it matters now, but i do prefer women..."
 "I WAS male..."
 "Im a skeleton. What do you think i am?"
Personality: this is a wip. I have trouble putting it to words...
 Has a soft spot for girls, especially when their crying.
 Doesnt care for when people point out the obvious.
 Makes crappy jokes.
 Severe astraphobia, fear of thunder. Denies heavily.

Haruka Kake (Kara)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

S.O: Heterosexual

Race: Oni (see 'The Oni')

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Appearance (Written):

   Kara stands at ~7'5" (227cm) and weighs 320lbs (145.2kg), which is roughly average for her race. She has bright orange skin, with amber eyes and short brown hair which only reaches about chin-height. She has a slender, yet firm build with visible muscles -- proof of her physical prowess. Two horns extend upwards from her temples, they seem quite rough to the touch, but are actually quite smooth... Not that many people would be able to touch them to find out, given her height. The glow of her horns is a light yellowish orange, proof that she has the ability to control the ethereal flow of Lightning to some degree (see 'The Oni').

   For clothing, Kara usually wears very little clothing (see the image to the right), but also wears a necklace with three items connected to a ring. The first two (IMG) serve to translate outside languages into the Oni language for the wearer to hear. The last (IMG) translates the wearer's words into the most-used language in the area (roughly). She usually has the necklace tucked into the leather bindings around her chest.


   Spontaneous and energetic, Kara is constantly filled with energy and vigor (partially due to her race, and partially due to her nature). She moves according to her natural instincts >80% of the time, which often gets her in trouble, but she can act (slightly) mature when the time calls for it. Sometimes. Overall, she's an overly large girl with the mind of an innocent child, filled with a limitless source of energy.


   As with all the other Oni, Kara was born to her community and raised as a part of one big (emphasis on big) family. Like all Oni, her training was started at a young age in order to cultivate both her physical and ethereal traits... But it was found early on that she had very little talent for the latter. Luckily, the talent she lacked in magic was more than made up for in the former, and the time that would have been devoted to enhancing her control on her Lightning affinity was granted to physical training instead. With her natural upbeat attitude, she trained harder than any child her age in order to fill the gap made by magic talent, and as she matured, Kara proved that her effort was worth it. By the age of 13, she could match or even exceed the strength of some of the best warriors of her Tribe (most of which were double her age).

   There was only one problem, however... Kara was... How can I put this delicately... Simpleminded. If she had been an Orc or an Ogre her physical abilities would have placed her at a seat of power -- perhaps even allowed her to be a Chieftan -- but to the Oni her lack of mental abilities couldn't be permitted. Still, she was family. Rather than casting her out and dismissing her efforts for naught, the heads of her tribe decided to send her off to a certain Academy to learn... Something -- anything -- not related to fighting, hunting, or physical training. Using their race's naturally-reclusive trait to butter up schools that wouldn't normally accept Kara's type, the chieftains managed to secure her a spot in Gioma as a foreign exchange student of sorts. The reason of 'You must share the culture of the Oni with the outside world' definitely wasn't an excuse for packing Kara up in a crate like a wild animal and sending her off. Definitely not.

Stengths & Weaknesses:

+ Has high resistance against Physical Attacks, as well as medium resistance against Magic Attacks due to her trained body and Racial traits

+ Has an absurdly high Alcohol Tolerance (Oni of ages 5+ are permitted to drink Alcohol in her tribe)

+ Good at Hunting and Gathering due to her upbringing

+ Is incredibly positive

± Possesses a child-like innocence

- Largely unaware of other people's opinions and moral values (clothes, for instance)

- Sometimes gets ahead of herself

- Can sometimes get a bit cocky

- Her Lightning Magic is usable purely because of her horns, and cannot be enhanced (Her magic is Low-grade at best; it's at the level where she can deliver small bolts of electricity, but it'd only be akin to a static shock)

- Dumb as a bag of bricks

Likes & Dislikes:

++ Fighting strong opponents

+ Eating (The Spicier the better)

+ Drinking (Strong alcohol only)

+ Gambling

+ High places

+ The sea

+ People who like any of the above

+ People with an open mind

± Know-it-alls

- Bullying the weak

- Sweet foods

- Cold places

- Eerily quiet places

- Cramped places

-- People who give up too easily


- Uses a lo' a' cu' off words a' points. Think Irish, but without the accent.

- Doesn't understand a lot of longer words, resulting in stu... Stutter... Stuttering and impropererer prnouncilirinatoon.

- Ends a lot of her sentences with "Kara" or "Karana", which earned her her nickname.

The Oni

Believed to be a distant cousin of Orcs and Ogres, the Oni live in small, tight-knit communities -- usually found within mountainous regions, or areas with low visibility (such as dense forests). Unlike their brutish relatives, Oni are usually quite slim, and smaller in appearance. Furthermore, whereas most Orc & Ogre Tribes focus on brute force to settle disputes, the Oni choose to settle scores with a friendly spar... Only some of which end up with one of the two being seriously maimed.

Another distinguishing trait of the Oni is their Horns, which vary in size and appearance. These horns aren't merely growths on their heads, however, as they allow the Oni to focus the power of the Ether (otherwise known as Mana) like natural Catalysts (or Wands). The size of the horns is reflective of how much Ether a specific Oni can command, and the slight glow emenating from the horns themselves distinguishes what form their Ether can take (i.e what element(s) they can command). Unlike other horned animals, Oni's horns do stop growing at a certain age, and are very difficult to re-grow, meaning that the power of an Oni's magic is set in stone the moment their horns stop growing (usually ~15-20 years of age), and they lose the ability to manipulate Ether entirely when their horns are lost.

Other natural traits of the Oni includes high regenerative abilities, and naturally high levels of strength and stamina, only improved further with training. A disciplined Oni is often seen as a match for hundreds of their short-tempered counterparts, and an undisciplined Oni is often likened to a wild Hurricane.



Name: red 

Age: 18 

Sexuality: straight 

Gender: male 

Species: looks human but is actually half human half snake. His bones are flexible just like a snakes muscles 

Personality: tends to be a rebel and likes to cause trouble. He is a lone snake. He finds it hard to make friends so he just talks to his best friend which happens to be a king cobra snake 

Strengths: running fighting and escaping those " hard to escape " situations 

Weaknesses: English math and making friends 

Other: has a pet snake. His snake is a king cobra named cobra. This is really his only friend. don't worry. He doesn't bite 
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Project 4-1.jpg


Age: 16

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Species: Werebear. (A different strain of Lycanthrope, so any credited attributes apply to her.) 

Personality: She is a generally nice girl. Very calm and chill. Tends to herself most of the time, but very social. 

Strengths: She's socially flexible, self aware, comfortable in her own skin, "One time I threw this dude off a bridge. No he's not dead...but he wishes he was." She didn't really throw anyone.

Weaknesses: She can get a bit hot headed, so she's temperamental. She can't handle anything to stressful. 

Other: WHEN STRESSED OR UPSET, HER BEAR FORM ASSUMES SHE'S IN DEFENSE MODE. SHE WILL UNWILLINGLY CHANGE. ("Once, I was taking a math test and all I remember is Bearing out.")

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View attachment 197493


Name: red 

Age: 18 

Sexuality: straight 

Gender: male 

Species: looks human but is actually half human half snake. His bones are flexible just like a snakes muscles 

Personality: tends to be a rebel and likes to cause trouble 

Strengths: athletic stuff 

Weaknesses: writen stuff 

Other: don't worry. He doesn't bite 

Can you add a little bit more on personality,  strengths and weaknesses. 

View attachment 197781


Age: 16

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Female

Species: Werebear. (A different strain of Lycanthrope, so any credited attributes apply to her.) 

Personality: She is a generally nice girl. Very calm and chill. Tends to herself most of the time, but very social. 

Strengths: She's socially flexible, self aware, comfortable in her own skin, "One time I threw this dude off a bridge. No he's not dead...but he wishes he was." She didn't really throw anyone.

Weaknesses: She can get a bit hot headed, so she's temperamental. She can't handle anything to stressful. 

Other: WHEN STRESSED OR UPSET, HER BEAR FORM ASSUMES SHE'S IN DEFENSE MODE. SHE WILL UNWILLINGLY CHANGE. ("Once, I was taking a math test and all I remember is Bearing out.")

View attachment 197837


Appearance: 15337e68728df802b437af677917c3d5.jpg

Name:Misa Zachary


Sexuality: Asexual

Gender: Female 

Species: Warlock


Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind. Does not like conflict and avoids doing things that will generate conflict. Loyal and faithful. Private. Timid and prone to discouragement. Socially uncomfortable. Suggestible and not self-confident. Lower energy. Fears drawing attention to self. Very well-developed senses Flexible and open-minded. Likely to be original and creative. Enjoys the present moment. Disorganized, easily distracted. Prone to confusion. Not interested in leading or controlling others. Not aggressive. Timid, fearful, anxious, guarded, not confrontational , indecisive, modest, 


[COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)]DEXTEROUS: A physical talent, the ability to precisely and skillfully move the small muscles of the hands and feet. Ideal for assassins and thieves. Increases likelihood of successfully sneaking.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)]DIPLOMAT: A mental talent, the ability to use skillful oratory to sway others to your way of thinking. Increases the likelihood of being able to talk one's way out of trouble[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)].[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)]PERCEPTION: A mental talent, having an eye for details sharper than average. Allows the character to occasionally notice things others don't.[/COLOR]


[COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)]FEATHERWEIGHT: In exchange for being able to do slightly more damage  and sneak attacks, [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)]body is frail, and unable to endure punishment. slightly increases sneak and damage, decreases resistance to attacks.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)]INTROVERT: gives off an unfriendly aura, making others wary . Decreases likelihood of people reacting to you in a friendly way.[/COLOR]


Appearance: View attachment 197917

Name:Misa Zachary


Sexuality: Asexual

Gender: Female 

Species: Warlock


Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind. Does not like conflict and avoids doing things that will generate conflict. Loyal and faithful. Private. Timid and prone to discouragement. Socially uncomfortable. Suggestible and not self-confident. Lower energy. Fears drawing attention to self. Very well-developed senses Flexible and open-minded. Likely to be original and creative. Enjoys the present moment. Disorganized, easily distracted. Prone to confusion. Not interested in leading or controlling others. Not aggressive. Timid, fearful, anxious, guarded, not confrontational , indecisive, modest, 


[COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)]DEXTEROUS: A physical talent, the ability to precisely and skillfully move the small muscles of the hands and feet. Ideal for assassins and thieves. Increases likelihood of successfully sneaking.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)]DIPLOMAT: A mental talent, the ability to use skillful oratory to sway others to your way of thinking. Increases the likelihood of being able to talk one's way out of trouble[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)].[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)]PERCEPTION: A mental talent, having an eye for details sharper than average. Allows the character to occasionally notice things others don't.[/COLOR]


[COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)]FEATHERWEIGHT: In exchange for being able to do slightly more damage  and sneak attacks, [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)]body is frail, and unable to endure punishment. slightly increases sneak and damage, decreases resistance to attacks.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(34, 34, 34)]INTROVERT: gives off an unfriendly aura, making others wary . Decreases likelihood of people reacting to you in a friendly way.[/COLOR]



Harvey Harp

         tumblr_nse31pGZIR1seyt9ho1_400.png          tumblr_static_7syelyali0w04ws8sw8kso840.png          tumblr_o1raeaXVyY1u8wfz9o1_500.png          tumblr_inline_o5vng8Zy3H1td53az_540.png


  Harvey Harp




  Cisgender; Female

Sexual Orientation:

  Demiromantic Bisexual




  At the short stature of 4'9" (149.352 cm), Harvey can easily be mistaken to be thirteen to fourteen years old. With her mesmerizing orange orbs, her hair and wings are as blue as those of the vast sky. Her young petite appearance is a racial trait of Harpies, as having a smaller frame and lighter body makes it easier to fly. Frequently being mistaken for a child or a young teenage girl, she thinks the reason why this happens is because she has a mostly-flat chest. As  a Harpy, she has talons, made of metal, instead of feet and blue feathered wings instead of hands. Her wings have exposed thumbs like a bat, each ending in a sharp black claw. Because of this, she is capable of grabbing things. Though most Harpies are repulsive to look at, she's not like most of them. She's usually seen wearing cut-off pants and a black tank-top, since sleeves would be impossible to wear.


  Harvey is characterized as boisterous, exuberant, and unorthodox. Relatively, she's naive, simple, and slow to understand principles or situations. She often requires an oversimplified analogy in order to grasp explanations, and can even forget someone's name right after meeting them. Though, she is aware of her faults, and admits she acts strong to mask her embarrassment and frustration about them. She is heedless to formality and social standings, addressing certain people with nicknames instead of honorifics. Despite her quirks, Harvey is said to have a personality that draws people to her, inspiring friendship and loyalty through acts of genuine kindness that could change a person's world view. She is thus able to build meaningful relationships she lacked in early life. And, despite her naivety, Harvey can be quite observant at times, picking up on things others miss and retaining information casually gathered through conversation. Aside from this, she is also opportunistic and knowledgeable when it comes to combat, surprisingly, with the advantage of being quite manipulative. At combat, she tends to become a whole different person; someone strategic. Though, nobody can really tell what Harvey really thinks about. She's a very unpredictable girl, seeming to have "multiple personalities".


  +Harvey is nimble on her feet and in the air.

  +Harvey is strategic, opportunistic, and calculating when it comes to combat. 

  +She is skilled at hand-to-hand combat.

  +She has incredible eyesight.

  +She is flexible and acrobatic.

  +She can easily steal food.


  -Her lack of socialization skills.

  -She cannot fly when she is drenched.

  -Ranged combat.

  -She is klutzy most of the time.

  -Slow learner.

  -She is very forgetful.




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Harvey Harp

         View attachment 198431          View attachment 198428          View attachment 198409          View attachment 198434


  Harvey Harp




  Cisgender; Female

Sexual Orientation:

  Demiromantic Bisexual




  At the short stature of 4'9" (149.352 cm), Harvey can easily be mistaken to be thirteen to fourteen years old. With her mesmerizing orange orbs, her hair and wings are as blue as those of the vast sky. Her young petite appearance is a racial trait of Harpies, as having a smaller frame and lighter body makes it easier to fly. Frequently being mistaken for a child or a young teenage girl, she thinks the reason why this happens is because she has a mostly-flat chest. As  a Harpy, she has talons, made of metal, instead of feet and blue feathered wings instead of hands. Her wings have exposed thumbs like a bat, each ending in a sharp black claw. Because of this, she is capable of grabbing things. Though most Harpies are repulsive to look at, she's not like most of them. She's usually seen wearing cut-off pants and a black tank-top, since sleeves would be impossible to wear.


  Harvey is characterized as boisterous, exuberant, and unorthodox. Relatively, she's naive, simple, and slow to understand principles or situations. She often requires an oversimplified analogy in order to grasp explanations, and can even forget someone's name right after meeting them. Though, she is aware of her faults, and admits she acts strong to mask her embarrassment and frustration about them. She is heedless to formality and social standings, addressing certain people with nicknames instead of honorifics. Despite her quirks, Harvey is said to have a personality that draws people to her, inspiring friendship and loyalty through acts of genuine kindness that could change a person's world view. She is thus able to build meaningful relationships she lacked in early life. And, despite her naivety, Harvey can be quite observant at times, picking up on things others miss and retaining information casually gathered through conversation. Aside from this, she is also opportunistic and knowledgeable when it comes to combat, surprisingly, with the advantage of being quite manipulative. At combat, she tends to become a whole different person; someone strategic. Though, nobody can really tell what Harvey really thinks about. She's a very unpredictable girl, seeming to have "multiple personalities".


  +Harvey is nimble on her feet and in the air.

  +Harvey is strategic, opportunistic, and calculating when it comes to combat. 

  +She is skilled at hand-to-hand combat.

  +She has incredible eyesight.

  +She is flexible and acrobatic.

  +She can easily steal food.


  -Her lack of socialization skills.

  -She cannot fly when she is drenched.

  -Ranged combat.

  -She is klutzy most of the time.

  -Slow learner.

  -She is very forgetful.



Papi! Right? Knowing me I probably butchered the name... Any ways! Accepted!

Name: Alister Irving (Professor Irving)



Species: Warlock (inhuman) 

Other: Alister is a bit of a mad scientist in some ways, just with a lot more optimism. A warlock who has a passion for magic and potions, he finds teaching his students an always riveting experience. Born in a marsh and raised by his mother, an infamous witch thousands of years old, it wasn't until his 200th birthday he was allowed to leave the marsh and see the world. A romantic at heart, Alister finds entertainment in adventure novels and has trained fencing in his spare time which after hundreds of years practice he has become phenomenal. 

+ Enthusiastic


+ Excellent at magical arts

+Leadership skills

-Experiments sometimes go awry, explosions have happened to happen

-Easily distracted

-Sometimes a bit awkward 

- Sometimes one track minded when it comes to an objective. 

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Name: Alister Irving (Professor Irving)



Species: Warlock (inhuman) 

Other: Alister is a bit of a mad scientist in some ways, just with a lot more optimism. A warlock who has a passion for magic and potions, he finds teaching his students an always riveting experience. Born in a marsh and raised by his mother, an infamous witch thousands of years old, it wasn't until his 200th birthday he was allowed to leave the marsh and see the world. A romantic at heart, Alister finds entertainment in adventure novels and has trained fences in his spare time which after hundreds of years practice he has become phenomenal. 

+ Enthusiastic


+ Excellent at magical arts

+Leadership skills

-Experiments sometimes go awry, explosions have happened to happen

-Easily distracted

-Sometimes a bit awkward 

- Sometimes one track minded when it comes to an objective. 

View attachment 198537

You should make a character before a teacher... Accepted none the less.
Name: Mamori 

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual 

Gender: Female


Personality: Mamori is a strong willed, fearless young woman. Since losing her family when she was young to hunters she has been fiercely independent. She's very smart making high marks and often puts her best foot forward while performing any task. Being a natural leader Mamori tends to take point in and outside of the classroom. 



+Incredible speed

+ Willpower

+Ability to communicate well with others (personable)



-Has many, many pet peeves

-An intense irrational fear of any kind of mask whatsoever. 








Cosmo won't be interested if he's not having fun. At least, that's what you have to hook him with. Keep him around long enough and he might start to care, even though he'll never admit it. He usually has a big stupid grin on his face and does everything in his power to aggravate others. It seems he's hardwired to do the exact opposite of what you ask. It's rare to seem him serious or emotional. His coping skill is to paste his previously mentioned stupid grin on his face and glaze over any issues that might be troubling. On the bright side, he's good at cheering others up with a little fun and games. He's the kind of guy... er... fox that you'll either want to punch a thousand times until he's not smiling anymore or love him and gravitate towards him. The first scenario is the one that happens most often, however...



- Quick Thinker/Analyzer

- Fast Reflexes

- Flexible

- Loyal

- Trickster


- Hyper

- Self Centered

- Apathetic

- Distrusting

- Overconfident

CS Design by Pyosimros









Sexual Orientation



Name: Mamori 

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual 

Gender: Female


Personality: Mamori is a strong willed, fearless young woman. Since losing her family when she was young to hunters she has been fiercely independent. She's very smart making high marks and often puts her best foot forward while performing any task. Being a natural leader Mamori tends to take point in and outside of the classroom. 



+Incredible speed

+ Willpower

+Ability to communicate well with others (personable)



-Has many, many pet peeves

-An intense irrational fear of any kind of mask whatsoever. 


View attachment 198968





Cosmo won't be interested if he's not having fun. At least, that's what you have to hook him with. Keep him around long enough and he might start to care, even though he'll never admit it. He usually has a big stupid grin on his face and does everything in his power to aggravate others. It seems he's hardwired to do the exact opposite of what you ask. It's rare to seem him serious or emotional. His coping skill is to paste his previously mentioned stupid grin on his face and glaze over any issues that might be troubling. On the bright side, he's good at cheering others up with a little fun and games. He's the kind of guy... er... fox that you'll either want to punch a thousand times until he's not smiling anymore or love him and gravitate towards him. The first scenario is the one that happens most often, however...



- Quick Thinker/Analyzer

- Fast Reflexes

- Flexible

- Loyal

- Trickster


- Hyper

- Self Centered

- Apathetic

- Distrusting

- Overconfident

CS Design by Pyosimros








Sexual Orientation




Question to both of you before I accept you: what's a Kitsune? 
A Japanese fox spirit. Usually associated with trickery.






Cosmo won't be interested if he's not having fun. At least, that's what you have to hook him with. Keep him around long enough and he might start to care, even though he'll never admit it. He usually has a big stupid grin on his face and does everything in his power to aggravate others. It seems he's hardwired to do the exact opposite of what you ask. It's rare to seem him serious or emotional. His coping skill is to paste his previously mentioned stupid grin on his face and glaze over any issues that might be troubling. On the bright side, he's good at cheering others up with a little fun and games. He's the kind of guy... er... fox that you'll either want to punch a thousand times until he's not smiling anymore or love him and gravitate towards him. The first scenario is the one that happens most often, however...



- Quick Thinker/Analyzer

- Fast Reflexes

- Flexible

- Loyal

- Trickster


- Hyper

- Self Centered

- Apathetic

- Distrusting

- Overconfident

CS Design by Pyosimros








Sexual Orientation




Name: Mamori 

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual 

Gender: Female


Personality: Mamori is a strong willed, fearless young woman. Since losing her family when she was young to hunters she has been fiercely independent. She's very smart making high marks and often puts her best foot forward while performing any task. Being a natural leader Mamori tends to take point in and outside of the classroom. 



+Incredible speed

+ Willpower

+Ability to communicate well with others (personable)



-Has many, many pet peeves

-An intense irrational fear of any kind of mask whatsoever. 


View attachment 198968

You guys are accepted!


Name: Paarthornax

Age: 32

Sexuality: striaght

Gender: Male

Species: Dragonborn Half dragon half human

Personality: Very friendly in human form. easy going. When in dragon form, very aggressive. Unless i met you while human, im hostile towards most people.

Strengths: physical strength, fire, will power, fearlessness.

Weaknesses: love, water 

Other: uhh not sure what to put here,  may change as i go on. 


Name: Paarthornax

Age: 32

Sexuality: striaght

Gender: Male

Species: Dragonborn Half dragon half human

Personality: Very friendly in human form. easy going. When in dragon form, very aggressive. Unless i met you while human, im hostile towards most people.

Strengths: physical strength, fire, will power, fearlessness.

Weaknesses: love, water 

Other: uhh not sure what to put here,  may change as i go on. 

I like to have fellow rpers to be fluent in grammar and this post is kinda not showing that...

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