The Wolverine
The werewolf grumbled deep in his chest as she pressed against him, his abdomen tightening slightly at her movements, and he kept his hand on her hip to try and keep her from moving too much. His head leant back against the rough hewn, cool wood of the headboard. His red clad dreadlocks clacked a little as he moved his head back and forth in a gentle shake of the head, eyes focused on the ceiling to try and redirect his brain, and his inner Wolf. Her body was so enticing, but he held back, and listened intently to her questions as she nuzzled into his chest.
"Zhey cannot separate us easily. Zhat is why they zhrew zhat blade." His hand at her hip rose to rub at the inflamed blade entry point. It wasn't deep, but the blade hadn't been large; it had not been intended to kill, whether he had stepped in front of it, or allowed it to hit Panyin. It was a test, and one he had both failed, and passed. It had been the proof they required to know Panyin was both important in the control of the Wolf, and in other ways. They'll have noticed her vials, her belts of alchemist items; they'll know to rescue the life of a werewolf whom had gone into a situation expecting to die, she would have skills that would bring such a beast from the brink. They were not stupid; they will have done their research.
Wy'Ziot bowed his head a little as she spoke of not dealing with the feeling she experienced. He remembered those days; the time when he was young, trying to get to grips with his Wolf. He began to work with her hair again, gently teasing and rubbing his fingers through it to calm her, and himself. She was so soft! "Zhe Volf... 'e vas vonce alvays in control. Ve Born Verevolves are alvays in competition vizh our Volves. Some are more Volf zhan Man, and chose to stay as zheir Volf more. Ozhers, like me, stay more as Man." He thought for a moment, and stopped stroking her hair, taking her hand into his, marvelling at how little of his palm was taken up with her hand. "As a child, I ran most of zhe time as a Volf. Moons above, I vas an annoying kid."
Wy'Ziot chuckled to himself, fingers playing with her's for a moment, before trailing down into her palm, then to her wrist and forearm, tracing patterns as he had with her back. His other arm and hand supported her lounging body, hand rested on her thigh. "But I realised, if I vanted a chance to see zhe Vorld, I 'ad to learn to live vizh my Volf. 'E vas a child, too. So I learnt to live vizh 'im. Learnt to differentiate our zhoughts. It meant I could learn more easily vhen 'e needed somezhing. Vhen 'e vanted to come zhrough. I learnt 'ow to 'old 'im back, vhen 'e got angry, because of zhings ve saw... experienced..." His voice trailed off, and a low growl rumbled his chest. His hand stilled on her arm, and pulled back, to rub his chest, soothing his own feelings. He could feel the Wolf, not wanting to discuss what they had experienced, not yet.
"Suffice to say, 'e still suprises me sometimes vizh 'is ferocity to some zhings." He gave a sheepish smile, and placed his hand so they were both on her thighs, which still straddled his own. Her sudden change of topic caught him off guard, and he accidentally pulled s coy smile, and pursed his twisted lips in a playful smirk. "Ah, djou noticed. Volfman... Volfie... zhat is 'ow zhey know me. Few know my real name zhese days. I 'ave alvays been Volfman. It used to be endearing, from friends I 'ad vhen zhey found me as a young man, gave me and my... condition... a purpose." He rested his scarred cheek upon her hair, and closed his eyes, feeling tired with all the questions and thinking he was having to do to assuage her curiosity.
"Zhe issue is zhey know I am not easy to kill. And zhat if zhey try... if zhey try zhey could anger zhe zhing inside zhat makes me the legend I am to zhem." He frowned then, and his smile disappears. "I am not a legend for vhat I do... or 'ave done. I am nightmare itself for many of zhose killers. And inspiration. Zhe Volfman. Somezhing zhey aspire to be like. None of zhem can come close. Most vill never live as long... Zhey never live as long..." The werewolf's hands tightened a little on her legs, and his head dropped back against the headboard of the cot again, and he breathed deep. "Djou are not a veakness. For zhe most part, zhe Contractors are people 'oom 'ave come togezher because zhey 'ave nozhing else. Ve're family. Dysfunctional, sure. Zhere are zhe bully kids, and zhose zhat get on vell. But zhe Contracts... and zhose 'oom dish zhem out... zhey do not stand for zheir people fighting, and vill put a stop to it, vone vay or anozher." He smiled again, and squeezed gently once more, hoping she was still awake.
"Zhey cannot separate us easily. Zhat is why they zhrew zhat blade." His hand at her hip rose to rub at the inflamed blade entry point. It wasn't deep, but the blade hadn't been large; it had not been intended to kill, whether he had stepped in front of it, or allowed it to hit Panyin. It was a test, and one he had both failed, and passed. It had been the proof they required to know Panyin was both important in the control of the Wolf, and in other ways. They'll have noticed her vials, her belts of alchemist items; they'll know to rescue the life of a werewolf whom had gone into a situation expecting to die, she would have skills that would bring such a beast from the brink. They were not stupid; they will have done their research.
Wy'Ziot bowed his head a little as she spoke of not dealing with the feeling she experienced. He remembered those days; the time when he was young, trying to get to grips with his Wolf. He began to work with her hair again, gently teasing and rubbing his fingers through it to calm her, and himself. She was so soft! "Zhe Volf... 'e vas vonce alvays in control. Ve Born Verevolves are alvays in competition vizh our Volves. Some are more Volf zhan Man, and chose to stay as zheir Volf more. Ozhers, like me, stay more as Man." He thought for a moment, and stopped stroking her hair, taking her hand into his, marvelling at how little of his palm was taken up with her hand. "As a child, I ran most of zhe time as a Volf. Moons above, I vas an annoying kid."
Wy'Ziot chuckled to himself, fingers playing with her's for a moment, before trailing down into her palm, then to her wrist and forearm, tracing patterns as he had with her back. His other arm and hand supported her lounging body, hand rested on her thigh. "But I realised, if I vanted a chance to see zhe Vorld, I 'ad to learn to live vizh my Volf. 'E vas a child, too. So I learnt to live vizh 'im. Learnt to differentiate our zhoughts. It meant I could learn more easily vhen 'e needed somezhing. Vhen 'e vanted to come zhrough. I learnt 'ow to 'old 'im back, vhen 'e got angry, because of zhings ve saw... experienced..." His voice trailed off, and a low growl rumbled his chest. His hand stilled on her arm, and pulled back, to rub his chest, soothing his own feelings. He could feel the Wolf, not wanting to discuss what they had experienced, not yet.
"Suffice to say, 'e still suprises me sometimes vizh 'is ferocity to some zhings." He gave a sheepish smile, and placed his hand so they were both on her thighs, which still straddled his own. Her sudden change of topic caught him off guard, and he accidentally pulled s coy smile, and pursed his twisted lips in a playful smirk. "Ah, djou noticed. Volfman... Volfie... zhat is 'ow zhey know me. Few know my real name zhese days. I 'ave alvays been Volfman. It used to be endearing, from friends I 'ad vhen zhey found me as a young man, gave me and my... condition... a purpose." He rested his scarred cheek upon her hair, and closed his eyes, feeling tired with all the questions and thinking he was having to do to assuage her curiosity.
"Zhe issue is zhey know I am not easy to kill. And zhat if zhey try... if zhey try zhey could anger zhe zhing inside zhat makes me the legend I am to zhem." He frowned then, and his smile disappears. "I am not a legend for vhat I do... or 'ave done. I am nightmare itself for many of zhose killers. And inspiration. Zhe Volfman. Somezhing zhey aspire to be like. None of zhem can come close. Most vill never live as long... Zhey never live as long..." The werewolf's hands tightened a little on her legs, and his head dropped back against the headboard of the cot again, and he breathed deep. "Djou are not a veakness. For zhe most part, zhe Contractors are people 'oom 'ave come togezher because zhey 'ave nozhing else. Ve're family. Dysfunctional, sure. Zhere are zhe bully kids, and zhose zhat get on vell. But zhe Contracts... and zhose 'oom dish zhem out... zhey do not stand for zheir people fighting, and vill put a stop to it, vone vay or anozher." He smiled again, and squeezed gently once more, hoping she was still awake.