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Nation Building Ghost in the Machine

Rushing through the ship? Then their even more boned! *cackles in glee* the Dredge are not using thermal my good man, their not even using sight to detect the Nightguards. Those soldiers are at a major disadvantage, rushing forward in an ENEMY SHIP which they have no tactical scans of, equipment doesn't work right inside... and its the home of the Dredge who have the home field defending advantage? Those 3 nightguards were just obliterated by Moroc and the other Dredge. Galumora just went Alien on that other guy.

Read through my post again, I don't ever put random things in for no reason, they all have meaning. Apex will remember why... well hopefully he will I don't know hes been iffy this whole time.
@Jarkov Malachai

True, but not Nightguards lay lingering behind anyone. Which means one of ur little Dredge's just chomped on a dreadnought instead. Not a good thing. Especially since you seem to be heavily underestimating both divisions. Dreadnoughts are no simple kills my friend.
I don't doubt it, capabilities just under Nagashira? that's some serious stuff right there... however. Nagashira's capabilities will not work in this type of fight. This is a time tested and proven strategy that has worked since when man first drew blade against his brothers.

Also, no matter how strong a Dreadnaught is, or how tough the armor, there are always weak spots in every system. And one of those is the head/helm. A single Dredge is more than capable of snapping the necks of a Dreadnaught... 'specially when its the Lady of Ravens doing the snapping.

Though that's why we have this though, to discuss stuff and be reasonable with one another. But those three Nightguards? A single Feral killed two of them, a feral with nothing but its instincts and survival drive. Not two Dredge vs three, coming out at a foe who thought they were concealed. Dredge with intelligence, drive, and defending their own home. . .

Though actually I wonder guys, whats your opinion on survival instincts? Does our intelligence hamper our capabilities to survive in short term life or death scenarios? We second guess the decisions our instincts and reflexes make?
@Jarkov Malachai

Of course they could if they knew exactly where to strike. But to snap one's neck you'd need a pretty good grip, and given that the armor is rather slick, and the armor itself is made of an imensely powerful metal, the helmet, while being a weaker spot isn't an instakill, as the metal itself requires very little of the material to protect the wearer, and especially since the dreadnought will likely be fighting back as soon as the struggle begins. Also, as I mentioned before about being slick, the dredge is going to find it rather hard to get a good grip, ,and since this is the first contact a dredge has had with a Dreadnought it'll be rather hard for them to instantly go for the weakest spots. That's something you learn during combat with your enemies, not as soon as you enter. Partially why Nagashira tore through hundreds of legionaires on the surface. That and they're also only basic footsoldiers so their abilities aren't going to be top notch and I would expect thousands upon thousands of legionaires to even get close to bringing down Naga. Nagashira is actually likely going to be a key character in the future given she survives, which is likely given her abilities.

Also, I don't necesarily think our intelligence hampers our survival instincts but instead improves them. While second guessing my slow us down, it could also be determined that someone who's a little more aware and intelligent of the fact that they need to think fast will need to not second guess their acts so much and act more upon instinct. Honestly it was our intelligence that allowed us survive so long, and should it hamper us, evolution would've taken it's course and the more intelligent would've died out, or at least been far rarer. Idk though, just a thought. Could be proven otherwise. Really deep conversation really.
course their Dreadnaughts, its not like I can just rush out and kill em all with Galumora, she isn't uber strong and tough like Nagashira... her skills are much more... well shady. *chuckles*

Though lets keep track of how many Nefarians there are, lets make this an epic bit of horror. There were four cloaked drop ships with I think there was what 50 total nefarians and Nightguards? Ill have to check and of course correct me if im wrong. One ship got in, split 50 into 4 = 12 to 13 men I think.... that's not enough honestly. Rom you want to say 15-17 made it in?
But yeah, pretty much, don't expect quick kills on dreadnoughts. Nightguards, holding the weaker armor of the two will be easier to kill if you could find them naturally and of course don't have their suits rigged with bombs but too, don't expect them to go down as easily or quickly as the legions on the surface.

Two got in actually, I mentioned the last one slipping in just before the doors closed. The other two were on the other side of the ship so they had no chance to even get near entrance itself before the doors snapped shut.

Also while I like the idea of a horror survival, it would've been far better suited if legionaires were sent. Sorry but given the dread's capabilities, along with their equipment I can't in any mind just allow them to get picked off willy nilly without a struggle. Unless of course they were up against a boss faction. Then they'd be killed at a greater disgression.

@Jarkov Malachai


After a long bout of writing and being kicked form my XBL party I've finally posted.

And most notably, enter: the contractor. Easily going to be the most mysterious and least explained point of this thread, but nonetheless very important.
How do the Dreadnaughts fight then? because seems to me that all they do is go in firing indiscriminately and uh... there isn't enough room in the Cruisers Cargo Bay for two of the drop ships. Its not THAT big a ship. Remember all that preparation in my earlier posts I was talking about, yea all that was moving stuff out of the cargo bay so that there would be room enough for ONE ship.

ah shit im getting distracted, sorry guys but my internets on the fritz again, fuck my life. Ill try to get a post in tonight but don't be surprised if it doesn't come in till tomorrow night, its barely holding itself together as it is right now.
Actually the dreadnoughts are better in close combat. As I mentioned previously they too hold the wrist blades that the nightguards have, and mind you they hold quite a reach. Combine that with tougher armor and more aggressive training, you'll have a more tougher fight than presented previously. It'd be better to fight the dreadnoughts at a distance on a large open plain, which is why none were deployed against Nagashira as it was evident that she excelled in that field whereas the dreadnought's capabilities would be more limited.

Also I had the idea that there was enough time to switch out the ships before the doors shut, if not than only one.

Also, Galumora's conversation is probably far more interesting at this point.

@Jarkov Malachai
Don't forget you have an AI to release before shit hits the proverbial fan.
*grips the bridge of his nose*

Rom... you didn't read anything I said at all...

Galumora isn't on the bridge, Galumora isn't talking to the AI, Galumora is the one who snapped the Dreadnaughts Neck, she didn't bite it, or claw, she snapped his neck. Moroc and the other Dredge are the ones who just obliterated the Nightguards. Nagashira and Aligora are on the bridge with the AI as well as Lieutenant Valerian.

@Atom I wont have time tonight but ill try to work on it before all my shit explodes, got like five tabs open trying to catch up on all my other rps. may be a while but I will do my best.

Also Rom... Galumora is as strong as a Dreadnaught, and shes got four arms. And a dense bladed perhensile tail that's pretty much another arm, and a tongue that can pierce steel at close ranges only though. like a foot or less, real close so that's generally stupid when you can just grab hold of your opponents arms with one pair and then gut them with the other.

One V one, a dreadnaughts going to loose. One v two, skill comes into play. Close range combat they may be good at but the Dredge LIVE in close quarters.

though im going to avoid one v twoing any dreadnaught even with Galumora, shes to smart for that.
It is, but it's also fairly weak compared to metals actually used. If metal is even used. I imagine synthetic materials with far more density and strength are used.
Again, would be rather hard to merely snap his neck. Even being as strong doesn't warrant a kill sweep, in fact if she's just as strong, while I agree she probably would win against one dreadnought it wouldn't be a quick fight. Kill sweeps would be more relative to what we had where lowly soldiers went up against the Dredge. If they're even in skill, we'd probably have more of an even fight.

Also my bad about the whole Galu thingy, I wasn't entirely clear on that part, sorry bout that part. Thought it was two seperate Dredge's. I'll correct it but she still would be moved to speak with the Contractor regardless.

@Jarkov Malachai
nice new avatar by the way, really gives me the essential feeling of 'were fucked' *chortles*

All right then Rom, damnit though, can we say shes in a sort of time between time? Shes kinda important for murdering all your Nefarians as of the moment and while moroc and the other Dredge are highly capable in their own right, id not like to take chances. Mind If the whole 'fight thing kinda pauses while Galumora's gone and resumes when shes come back?... and ah crap, people are yelling at me in my other rps *sighs* if I suddenly don't reply you will know my internet finally killed itself. Fair warning and my most sincere apologies. I love a good intelligent debate. Ill get back to you rom on the whole intelligence thing.
@Jarkov Malachai

Read what the contractor says, he explains what happens to Galumora's absense. She will still, in some strange, convoluted sense still be able to fight the Dreadnoughts. Although yes, at times events will literally pause in time.
Thank you, I just sorta glazed over that whole bit because I was slamming my face into the floor, desk and everything else. Not entirely your fault, just people being derps IRL and on other places. My days sucked, hopefully it will get better. Off I go to re-read and figure out how to murdalize things.
Hello all, I was recently accepted to the RP and am trying to find a good spot to introduce my character without causing much of a distraction. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!
@Seymour There's currently a huge fight going on at a borg world. And since that's the beginning to our first major plot boss, it's a key time to introduce yourself and get involved.

@Jarkov Malachai

We all have those days, no worries my friend. I also will get things wrong in my posts from time to time since I have to read through like 4-5 posts before replying.
riiight, internet went down there for a bit, wont be long now before it shits itself completely on me. 'pologize for my language, as you can most likely tell from my cursing as opposed to my usual demeanor. Im a wee bit pissed off.

Any who... how much force do you think those Dreadnaught helms can take? . . . or armor in general? id like to know what I can get through and what I cant so when I do get around to writing this up, ill have it down right and balanced.
@Romulus VenZiel

It seems you didn't copy over the last bit between the Xandarian officer and your soldiers. I [finally] have a moment to type so if you could summarize/find and repost it that'd be great.
Sure, let me go find it.

Also @Jarkov Malachai

I'd say a couple thousand pounds. A little less for the helmet. It's why the door's had trouble crushing that one in the retconned post but still eventually did kill him. Very resilient armor.
There are weak points in every system. *mutters to self* The helm, joints are one. Power sources for armored suits, encumbrance if they are not. No system is foolproof, even ive not managed to do so, even with the Foragers Corp who ive worked with for a long time... there are weak points, flaws... I simply have to find them... well Galumora does and then exploit them...

Also for the intelligence vs survivability debate. I agree that a well in tube being, both body and soul, that their intelligence is not a hamperance as it can guide survival instincts in the right direction. It certainly is a benefit in the long term. However, acquiring that state of perfect balance is an extremely hard thing to do. The Final Sybill, Mikhail, for me and mine characters have achieved it. Seen a couple other characters to but not many at all in my rp history. Sages are cool though. *grins* cant argue with a sage, if you do you only come out of it feeling like an ignorant asshole. I speak from experience.


Nuk's guardians looked wary at the Xandarian commands, their fingers tensing on the triggers as their other hand gripped their weapons tightly, as if their steel tight grips would keep the Xandarians from taking their guns away. Nevertheless, Nuk gave a curt nod to the men, giving no argument to the Xandarians and beckoning for them to hand over their weapons. The two bulky soldiers shared a glance, before tossing their weapons to the Xandarian soldiers silently, giving no complaint as their commanding officer had ordered.

"Very well then Captain, my men have complied to your request, now, this prince you have promised?" Nuk asked, giving the Captain a very polite, knowing smile, his hands remaining behind his back, refusing any gesture of greeting, eager to swiftly achieve his goals.

Le post.

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