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Nation Building Ghost in the Machine

what are you talking about? She wants a ride off the planet, shes getting one. Galumora isn't an idiot, how the hell is she supposed to keep something like that, Graviational bull shit and all its glory, under lock and key? However, since its an intelligent being obviously. there are other things one can gain by helping said person out. This whole thing has intrigued her, adventure is something she and her mother both loved. Shes smack dab in the middle of what looks like a big one.

"member, the Dredge love confrontation not for the love of fighting but for the challenge. They love proving themselves and going beyond the limits that they could only dream of. Their government isn't called Ascension for nothing eh?

Geez Atom c'mon. Ive played smartly so far, taking some risks and granted dumb ideas but on the whole I like to think ive been making the right calls. (Galumora has by what her char development allows) Give me some credit
You've not taken into account that the AI has a specific location in mind and a way to get there already planned.
Well then no I didn't, since she needed a ship I thought she needed the Ship. I figured she might need to go somewhere obviously, but I didn't figure she already has a way to go there.

I mean obviously she wants/is gonna need to go somewhere, that's easily the next plot point, any one who reads can tell that. Otherwise the whole Borg coming to murdalize our faces off and getting her out would have more or less no point.
Her going somewhere has nothing to do with the plot actually. She's got her own plans in fact.

But yea I hope galu is willing to let her catch walk out.
ehhh, she will be most likely in a good mood after her little.... soiree with the Nefarian borders. Galumora will ask some questions and the like, she is an Intel broker after all, show her the data she took and ask if she can translate it etc. But remember man, the Dredge hate slavery, hate being confined, you could say its one of the few things besides her mother that could seriously PISS the Lady of Ravens off. She wont keep the AI captive, she couldn't even if she tried and she knows it. Not with the current equipment she has and she wouldn't try any way. Her mother spent a good third of her life in captivity and when she died Galumora got those memories... well a gist of them. Dredge Lineage holder stuff is weird.

I just hope the AI knows what a favor is, or debt. . . eh I doubt it.
She does. But she also disliked the way she was brought onboard without prior warning. The only reason she's not blasting anyone is due to present allies, the NGs. So she's kinda playing it slow. Fair warning though, she won't want to wait for galu. She'll want to leave right now. She's been on that planet waiting plenty.
She wanted off the planet, shes got what she wanted, and if shes got a way to head to where she needs to be then why hasn't she already left the planet if it was that simple?
She had no way to do so. The planet was her prison. Why do you think she didn't just deactivate the borgs?
some type of coding or linked G field keyed in to her person specifically then? Yea that would do it I suppose. Bah, who cares, flubtonium was being used for all I know.

Anywho, the Dredge are her allies as well, they lost people as well getting her sorry butt outta there. rather helpful for killing that war machine.

But again, so Rom has something he wants to do so I wont warp out yet, that all right Atom or is the AI just going to kill us all if we don't leave immediately.
She's gonna want to leave the ship like, now. She won't become hostile unless you try to stop her.

She's not leaving the plot or current events. She'll be involved in fact. But she's got a destination in mind and a way to get there and she's ready to go.
Contact the lady of Ravens my good man. Her crew is neutral more or less. The Nefarians will call you monstrous six eyed freak as they did mine. They don't like aliens much.

And all right Atom, I can be happy with that, as long as it wont hurt Galumora crew or the ship in any way will it?

No offense Rom *grins*
Yo uh... Rom... I have a quick question about the infiltration team... Were they Briefed on the Dredge? and if so, what exactally were they told?
right im terribly sorry about the delay in me post, my internet exploded last night and I couldn't post it.

But oh so their expecting Nagashira type warriors? Oh this is gonna be good
My Aliuu would kill you regardless. Unless you have pheromones that they can recognize they'll attack you.

Thanks for the offer but they'll have to pass up on them. :P
@Jarkov Malachai

Only the dreadnoughts are using guns my good man. The nightguards, as by their trade would be rather silent and quick, and rather hard to detect as the armor also prevents any form of thermal scan. They're also ahead of the squad, rushing through the ship.

The dread's on the other hand would be moving slower and are the ones using the loud, easily dectectable ranged weaponry.

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