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Fantasy Genshin au.

Name: Melody Mockingbird
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Vision: Anemo
Affiliations: Not part of anything yet
Jessica From Reverse 1999

Melody was born near the Whispering Woods. All of her relatives are all astronomers or astrologers, and Melody was no exception to follow in their footsteps. She was a obedient and helpful child but was also curious of a land outside the Whispering Woods. She was only able to explore beyond the woods because she got lost when she and her herd were moving to another clearing.
Other Information
-She is a Centaur.
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  • I...I want to heal everyone...! To show everyone that even fire can be a medicine!





    109.1 lbs.

    hair c.


    eye c.


    hair styling

    Long and Wavy or in braided buns


    Small and Petite

    body mods.




♡coded by uxie♡

Curious if this is still proceeding and if there's room for any more! I've wanted to be a part of a Genshin RP and this looks chill enough for me to manage even with my anxieties around more intensive rps >-<
It is, things may be really slow right now if that's something those still interested are comfortable with. I will continue to be away for the rest/majority of this month.
heyyy, i'm feeling tired so i won't fill the sheet rn. {who asked?}
Hiyya all,
I'm incredibily interested in exploring the timeline where adeptus and yokais are much more prevalent! Do you all have the general of when this might take place? For example, before the fall of Khaerinah, or when the Archon war is still on going?
Hiyya all,
I'm incredibily interested in exploring the timeline where adeptus and yokais are much more prevalent! Do you all have the general of when this might take place? For example, before the fall of Khaerinah, or when the Archon war is still on going?
Before Khaenri'ah's fall, most-likely. Adeptus and Yokai were still up and going, since {SPOILERS FOR CLOUD RETAINER'S QUEST}

Xianyun cured a drought at that time, I think?
Hey all! Based on the people who have people reacting to my message in the interest check, here's all the visions characters have that have been taken already ^^

Pyro: Taken
Anemo: Taken
Dendro: Taken
Cryo: Taken (?)
I have an idea for a geo character that I might try to put together. If we still plan to try to put this together ourselves or contact the original GM o.o
The two ideas I have are for a sand-based geo character, a former guard in King Deshret's empire who got buried alive and reawakened in the present day with their former life gone to the sands, and a dust-based geo character that is a follower of the fallen God of Dust in Liyue, a monk of sorts that helps ease the sick and dying while contemplating the end of all things o.o
Hey all! Based on the people who have people reacting to my message in the interest check, here's all the visions characters have that have been taken already ^^

Pyro: Taken
Anemo: Taken
Dendro: Taken
Cryo: Taken (?)
can i also use my dendro oc? she's way more developed and more story-rich, while my electro oc is probably considered a wip-
Alright, I'm indecisive so I'm just going to throw out all my ideas and let someone else say what they like >-<

- (From above) A former guard in King Deshret's empire, they were caught in the collapse and buried, but reawoke far in the future by some miracle. Stoic and taciturn, they search for a new meaning or master now that their life has been swept away under the sands.
Geo or Hydro, Catalyst or Polearm

- (From above) A follower of the God of Dust and a half-qilin, they work as a monk to ease the dying into the next life. They spend a great deal of time contemplating the end of all things, and are poetic and lyrical in all things.
Geo or Electro, Sword or Bow

- An oceanid abandoned by their kin for their selfish ways, they take on human form and integrate into human society as a way to cope and find new family. They have bouts of vanity and narcissism, but at their core they are lonely and eager to please.
Hydro, Sword or Polearm

- A pair of abandoned Tsukumogami, a drinking gourd and a weapon, who fuse and set out on a journey to find new purpose. They are jovial and love helping people, but their need to be useful can drive them to extreme, and perhaps comical, lengths.
Hydro Electro or Geo, Sword Polearm or Claymore

Any that pique your interest or that you would like to see expanded upon?
Very interesting ideas ^^
So far, i really like the Tsukumogami and the half-qilin ideas, want to expand a bit on them? 👀
So the half-qilin I mostly came up with because I wanted a character that revolves around dust, and followed the God of Dust. They are a monk that travels to remote places to give final medically treatment to dying patients, so help them go gently into their good night. Kind of like a self-employed hospice care service, but at no cost. They are poetic and like to think long and hard on philosophical and sometimes morose topics, such as death, finality, and nihility, but they still enjoy more lighthearted topics and are definitely a people person. I imagine they would get along well with our group and give them some things to think about, while also being able to help out in a fight thanks to their vision. I thought about geo originally, but I also liked the idea of electro and how it would initially conflict with their desire for a geo vision, but they would eventually come to accept it and the vitality and energy that comes with electricity. It would contrast their personality and help to drive some growth and self-understanding.

The Tsukumogami idea was one that popped into my head while I was thinking about Yokai that aren't represented yet in Genshin. I've always loved Tsukumogami (Touhou helped with that) and I thought it would make sense if a couple of Tsukumogami teamed up to increase their power and travel to find new purpose after being abandoned. They would likely be bright and cheerful, as well as having some spooky powers like similar to a Poltergeist, and use their abilities to help people and make them feel useful and wanted again. Deep down they would have a strong fear of being replaced or forgotten, so they would always go out of their way to make an impression and be of service, even at great cost to themselves. There's also room to explore the original owners of the gourd and weapon: who they are, their families, what happened to them, if they have any descendents to meet, and things like that. I believe they would be a jovial addition to the group to match with the more timid and gentle members of the group already submitted, as well as having some serious fears that they can work on in terms of growth throughout their journey.
What other elements are either not taken or needed? I can help fill in whatever is needed.

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