Genero School of the Arts [RP]


Blunt and Sharp
Feeling like she could find the way even through the milling press of students with her eyes closed, Midnight stomped her way across the atrium, squinting in the sun pouring in through the glass ceiling that reflected off every metallic, marble or glass surface and whatever bits of shiny the students were wearing or carrying. It was a little dimmer in the hallway of A4, but no less crowded as girls were running from room to room, looking for friends, or being kicked out of the wrong rooms in the case of some of the freshmen. Midnight had to smirk at that.

At each end of the hall were cork boards full of pinholes and lined with thumbtacks waiting for a purpose. The beginning of the year was always disconcerting to her when they were so blank as opposed to layered with posters, fliers, reminders and advertisements. All that was there now was a dull list of rules--
which was redundant since every dorm room had a copy tacked to the door as well--the names of all the teachers students should go to with various problems--those would be the first things covered up--and The Mission.

Midnight wrinkled her nose as her dark gaze fell on it, and then continued on down the hall to her room, the same as last year, but now with a new roommate. She entered by slamming the door open, half-hoping to startle the newbie, if they happened to be inside, but mostly just to hear the satisfying crack of the door handle against the wall.

She grinned. "Home sweet home."

Another year at Genero didn’t sound too appealing to Adrian; he would have to go through the same misconceptions and weird looks that every other year gave him. It was a more welcoming school then most others to his preferences, but that didn’t mean it was perfect…two years at the school gave him that knowledge.

A-3 seemed to be the building this year, and he wandered the halls despite knowing exactly where his room was. It was better to let the whole floor know who they were living with instead of having the hurried whispers behind his back. Sometimes, he wished they just gave him a room in the girl’s dormitory…
Thomas came through the front gates to the school rushing past the various girls and boys, his guitar was strapped to his back next to his bag.

he came to the locker room, he hated it here, where the douchebags would spray dehoderant at the asthmatic kids, and pop the collars on their polo shirts.

where the girls would huddle in their little groups, and gossip at anyone who passed by, pointing and giggling at the "fat" kids and the such.

his locker was next to a boy named Adrian, an alright guy, but they had never really been friends.

he opened his locker, to find it empty except for a dead rat, one of the stupid girls pased by and shrieked, pointing at Thomas and calling him a freak, and running away.

but he soon turned back to his locker, picked up the dead rat gingerly by the tail and dropped it into the bin.

he put his bag into the locker, closed it, picked up his guitar and ran off, because when that stupid girl would come back with her boyfriend and all her friends, they would kill him.
Caleb walked through the front gates, went to his locker and took out his microphone and decided to walk around for a bit. When he found a place to be alone he began singing "just be friends by luka (vocaloid) and he never missed a beat. He began to pack up his stuff to head towards his room. "Another year should be okay i guess"
Bag of clothes over her left shoulder, school bag over the right, a box of thin mints in one hand and a paper in the other, Marié walked slowly. A faint trace of a limp on her left that could have been passed off for all the weight had it not been for the odd colored and shaped skin peeking out from the area between her skirt and knee sock begged to differ.

A girl a little in front of her opened the door into the dorm building before looking back and seeing her and holding it open. Marié watched her carefully as she approached, noting her eyes flickering down for a moment before back up to her face. "Here, let me help you..." The girl made a move to grab one of her bags.

"Do it, you die." Marié said sharply as she turned towards, leaving the kid standing there open mouthed as she went for hallway A4. Popping another thin mint into her mouth, she moved around people carefully eyes scanning the doors for her new room. She had been moved since last year to a room she didn't know in a dorm section opposite of last time. She didn't have a problem with it, though she was worried how her roommate would react to her.

It wasn't really her 'lack of', more so her 'like of' that worried her most though. Thinking about it a little, it would just be better to not tell them, and hopefully not get found out in case they were a homophobe or something. Because really, wouldn't that be great? Putting another cookie into her mouth, she spotted the room number, as well as saw the back of someone standing in the door way.

Moving towards the door, she stopped to the side of the door and spoke up hopeful of not startling her, "Excusez-moi, but are you a resident to this room?"
Charlotte skipped cheerfully, taking in all she could. She examined her map of the school layout for the hundredth time that day. Her hands shaking from excitement and legs feeling like Jello caused her to drop her bags with a large thump on the ground. Once again she examined the map almost as if it were some strange new addiction.

Grabbing her bags, she slung them over her shoulders and continued her walk. Although she knew it would have been wiser of her to visit the office or the dorms first, Charlotte decided to wander around aimlessly until she found something interesting which wasn't often hard for her in new environments. After a long while of walking, she caught a glimpse of the beautiful Track. One look at the smooth oval with the white markings was enough to make her mind explode. "I can't wait for this school year," she whispered.
Midnight tipped her head slightly so her bangs fell back and she could look at the girl turning her face. "By and by," she answered airily. Light from the doorway across the hall spilled out and glinted in the ruddy threads of the girl's smooth crown, exactly at Midnight's eye level. She took a step back to face her fully and then reached out to trap a handful of silky hair in her fingers. "Very pretty," she complimented, and then let go lightly so no tangles would remain.

With pleased, half-smirk she did a half-spin on her heels and stepped inside her room, tossing her bag onto her bed which was across the way by the window. "This is how Vivian and I set it up last year," she said over her shoulder, strolling over to her side. Longer than wide, there were two windows on the far wall from the door and pairs of matching furniture: two twin beds--
one pressed into the corner of the door wall, one set perpendicular in the corner to the right window where Midnight now lounged--two wardrobes--facing opposite directions and creating a partial barrier between the two halves of the room--and two desks--each set perpendicular to the bed. "I'm keeping it this way. She was afraid of the windows."

She leaned over and pushed the nearest one up, letting a warm breeze swell into the room, stirring old remnants of paper like a breath of memory.

--- Merged Double Post ---

GM Post: In case it was unclear, you may room with anyone you wish of the same gender, up to three other people, RPer's or NPCs. You don't have to clear it with me
Caleb walked into his room to see someone who had hair that looked like his, was a bit taller and sketching something. "well um hi there are you my room mate?" Caleb blushed

"I guess so. Names Richard this is my second year here, who are you? You new here?" Richard winked

"This is my second year actually, i came a year early because of my talent." Caleb was trying to not make eye contact.

Richard laughed "Your lucky, so you know where your going then?"

"Of course, but you could still show me around I mean i doubt I went throught the whole place," Caleb was turning to walk out.

Richard smiled "Maybe."
Raising an eyebrow at her intriguing new roommate, Marié ran the hand with the paper in it through her hair once before following into the room. "C'est bein." She said almost automatically. Personally, she didn't care, but this did seem like it might be a nice set up. Setting her bags down on the floor in between the wardrobe and bed that were, given where the other girl went, hers, she bit into another thin mint before frowning, letting the chocolate covered treat rest between her lips as she thought.

Holding the box out around the wooden clothes box, she silently offered some while her eyes looked down at her stuff. A friendly gesture from a generally not so friendly person. A rare one at that, since she hated sharing her cookies with anyone. The only reason she was doing it now was out of good will, and the hope that they wouldn't end up hating each other like last year. Narrowing her eyes for a second at the wall at the thought of the wench that babied her and made obnoxious comments every single day of last school year, Marié's hand on her paper tightened for a moment, almost crumpling the thing up without meaning to.

Folding her paper one handed before she did it more harm, she put it into the side of her shoe, as opposed to a pocket, rubbed the back of her neck as a silence formed, one that felt very awkward for her. So, as a way to break it, she decided to get on the subject of names. " Marié Sanders, and you?"
Kelsey hid her mouth with a hand as a yawn escaped her. She hadn't even bothered getting back on the right sleeping schedule for school and she was already paying for it. She was exhausted, and if she didn't need to lug her bags to her room, she would probably already be taking a nap. Luckily one of her bags had wheels and she had piled everything but her guitar onto it. It really wasn't that much but it was heavy and having it on wheel really helped her out, all of the weight would have been on her shoulders and back otherwise.

She headed straight for the dorms with every intention of getting some more sleep once she got there as long as her roommate didn't keep her up. Just a short nap and she would be fine. When she arrived at the room she had been assigned, and opened the door, she peeked in to see that nobody was there yet. She tugged her bags into the room and closed the door behind her. After rolling her bags over to a bed, assuring they wouldn't fall over, and leaning her guitar against the wall she plopped down onto the bed and fell backwards onto her back. She heaved a sigh and closed her eyes.

Her shoes clunked onto the floor and she slipped them off of her feet. As tired as she had been, and still was, she didn't feel like she was going to fall asleep. Regardless, she was going to relax like this for a while. She could unpack once she felt like she had some energy, or maybe when someone showed up and she felt like she had to get up and introduce herself. For now though, she was comfy and she wasn't about to move.

OOC: Next one will be better, I promise 8D
Midnight drifted while her new roommate shuffled about, gaze sliding around the room without any real focus, half smiles rising and falling off her face. She didn't realize the girl was offering her something until after she spoke and looked over at her again. "Eh?" backtracking to remember what she had heard, she wrinkled up her nose. "No, I don't like mint. I'm Midnight Chevalier."

Now that her thoughts were back with reality she bounced off the bed, grimacing as the old metal springs squeaked and set to unpacking the tote she had dragged up earlier. Throwing clothes into a closet, books on the desk, personally bedding onto the--who would have guessed it--the bed, she rummaged around in her bags until she found the portfolio at the bottom of a satchel. She paused for a moment, the warm breeze from the open window stirring her long dark hair and ran her fingers along the edge. Then she looked at Marie with veiled eyes. "Are you going to try for The Mission?" she asked in a low voice.
Shrugging, Marié pulled the box back and set it on the edge of the bed. Watching her roommate for a moment as she moved about, she looked down at her own things. Picking up her clothes bag, she pulled out a folded cloth that looked pure blue. Getting a tack box from her school bag, she crawled on the bed towards the door wall a bit oddly.

On her knees-well, knee and plastic covered metal- with the extra height, she stuck four tacks in between her teeth. As the cloth unfolded as Marié picked it up, it showed to be the flag of France. Carefully pinning the left side to the wall in a way that the marks the tacks left wouldn't leave a noticeable mark, she frowned when Midnight spoke.

Was she going to go for the mission? She had no idea. Pulling up the other top edge of the flag and lining it up, she thought carefully. "Mayve" She said around the last tack before pinning the flat up properly. "Ah, I guess it depends. I want to, but, I don't know how it will end up..." She shrugged. "and yourself?"
Adrian walked into more than just a dorm room; the small alcove would be his home in due time, as well as his workshop. The layout consisted of two desks in each corner, wardrobes on the left, and two beds lying side by side at the immediate front of him. Confused, he took a step in and looked at the amount of space left in the room… the previous tenants had probably been more then friends.

Dropping his bags in the corner, next to the door, he sat on the outer most bed, trying to think of a way to arrange it. At least he was lucky enough to land a corner room in the thousands of others that were in the building, including those that were home to three roomies.

Yanking his scarf from around his neck and tying his hair up with it, he started with moving the desks in front of the two windows.
Thomas walked int to find his room-mate Adrian arranging the Desks, he was caught off-guard, allthough this was the boy's dorm, this one looked every bit like a girl

"uhh, hey, is this your room?"

he didn't know how to ask politely, given that he thought this was a girl
Midnight was dragged out of her thoughts by light reflecting off the back of Marie's knee and cocked an eyebrow at the plastic flesh. "What's up with the leg?" she asked in her normal voice. The portfolio she shoved back into the bag without much care and threw the tote under her bed. She bounced to her feet and then laughed at the flag. "I don't even know why the bother saying not to put stuff up on the walls, no one listens." Although there were such things as overboard, like Vivian's project last year.

Her smile faded at the reminder. She hadn't realized being in the room would mean being hit by so many memories, and so soon, too. At least the new roommate had something different about her, surely that would help the nostalgia fade sooner...

"Ah haha, yeah..." Marié laughed a bit awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck. Moving from her knees onto her but, she pulled her sock down a little, before twisting it to the right and pulling down. As the prosthetic came off, she frowned a bit. "Nasty accident. Not going to go into detail on that, but as you can see..." She held up the leg a little bit before putting it back on, twisting left instead this time before pulling the sock up and bending it a few times to make sure it was tight. "I lost a leg."

Sighing, she ran a hand through her hair before sliding off the bed. Moving into her school bag, she pulled out a pair of ballet shoes and set them on the bed while pushing a pile of paper,books, and spare binders under it. "As for the wall, yeah, every school says that because they don't want to repaint over every year to take care of the holes and marks left behind. Or that's what they said in the office."

Shrugging, Marié took the rest of the bag and her shoes to her desk and set them there. Pulling out a large black round cd holder, along with about 12 cd cases, and a large amount of loose disks, she set them into a drawer before looking at Midnight. Something seemed off, but she opted for not asking as a better way to go with it.
"Uhh, hey, is this your room?"

Adrian swiveled on the spot, looking at the familiar in the doorway; although he knew him, he couldn’t place a name to his face. Drilling his mind for a moment as he pushed the last desk into place, he remembered the guy had asked something.

“If its 262, it is” he noted, still trying to reach a higher register,

Then continuing on with his workload, he pushed the two beds into the corners of the room, unsure if his roommate would be happy

“I’m just re-arranging the room, if that’s alright with you…?” he explained.
Charlotte walked the halls of the academy,holding a copy of the school map,glancing at it every few seconds. She was always bad with maps,which was ironic,considering her favourite passtime. She was as close to the wall as possible,trying to find her assigned dorm room,and considering what she was carrying,Charlotte still taken up a lot of space;she wore a large backpack,had a pack slung onto her abdomen,and was holding a briefcase in her left hand,while she had the map in her right. "Where is it...?"

Charlotte wandered a bit,and found herself in the A4 wing. She looked for the room number that she scribbled onto the back of her map,and after a few minutes,she found it. She approached the door,and knocked. After a moment,she opened the door,and saw a girl lying on one of the beds. "Oh,hello...Are we roomates...?
Kelsey had been dosing off, but the door opening had been enough to tug her out of her almost-sleep. And just like that she was ready to get up and start unpacking. Being a light sleeper she wouldn't be able to nap with someone else up and about in the room. It didn't bother her though, she'd known it would happen eventually and she did need to get all of her things put away.

She sat up once she had been spoken too and swept some of her bleach blonde hair out of her face, and tucked it behind her ear. "If we aren't then one of us has the wrong room." she stated factually, no particular tone in her voice. She was still a little tired but she got to her feet and took a second to look over her new roommate. Not bad.

"I'm Kelsey." She introduced herself as she turned to get to work organizing the pile she'd left next to her bed, starting with her clothes. She unzipped the large bag and, rather than taking what was on top first, started to search through it until she found her shoes at the bottom, tugged them out one by one and tossed them over towards the wardrobe closest to her bed, in the corner, awaiting a response from her new roommate.
Charlotte checked the rooom number scribbled on her map,the number that was given to her by administration. 438. She checked the door,and it matched. "I'm Charlotte Aulin. Pleased to meet you. Room 438,right?"

She set down her briefcase and map,then taken off her backpack. She began to take out her clothes and pack them into a chest of drawers ner the second bed. "What's your year looking like?"
With a slight nod of the head, Kelsey assured that she was in the right room "Yep." In all honesty she had never actually thought that either of them might have the wrong room. Sure, it happened but generally people at least figured out they had the wrong room when they saw the door number. She just thought it was strange to ask if the person in your room was your roommate, unless maybe the girl thought she was squatting. Maybe she was just trying to break the ice. Whatever it was, Kelsey hadn't expected any response to her statement.

When asked what her year was looking like she smiled, though her back was turned to Charlotte at the moment "Pretty busy." she answered simply. "I'm happy to be back at Genero." She liked having breaks, but she actually loved Genero and it showed in her straight A transcripts. In order to keep her scholarship she had to do well in her classes. Scholarship or not, she was still driven to perfection, at least as far as her grades went. She liked the subjects she took and had an easy time getting good grades for the most part, and a competitive personality made it very difficult for her to be happy if she wasn't the top ranked student in a class.

"What about you? Are you an artist? A musician? ...What?" She finally grabbed her bag by the handle and dragged it over to the wardrobe so she wouldn't have to walk back and fourth to put things away. But before she started putting things in it, she gripped one of the corners or the wardrobe and pulled it away from the wall, then walked around to the other side and shoved it into the corner. Something about wardrobes and dressers really irked her, she just didn't really like the way they looked in a room, especially when they were flat against a wall int he corner. Now the wardrobe was standing diagonal in the room, in the corner. It took up a little more room this way but she would be able to tolerate it.

Once the wardrobe was situated, she began to transfer everything out of her bag and into the wardrobe.
Charlotte continued to put her things away,and said, "Artist. I do photography and sculpting,generally to the same end. Although,I know how to play the cello...Just don't ask me to read music or do a repeat performance."

Her bright orange longcoat jingled as it shifted with her movements. "What about you? Music,visual art,drama?"
Kelsey's attention was captured when Charlotte told her that she could play the cello and she halted what she was doing and turned to look at her roommate as she spoke. 'Self taught?' she wondered curiously in her head, the rest of what the girl said quickly pushed to the back or her mind. Since one of the first things you were taught in any instrumental music class or lesson was to read music and where the notes were on the instrument you were dealing with, it was a good probability.

"Music." she answered when her question boomeranged back to her. "I play piano, guitar, ukulele and sing. I played the flute when I was younger, but I guess I lost interest." She gestured towards the guitar leaning against the wall, easily visible. It was a light color with some alterations to its appearance, but none that would effect her playing it. Some scribbles, a few small stars burned into the surface, a sticker, some of it had meaning to her but some of it was just to look nice. It looked worn and old, and it was, but she loved her guitar and she couldn't leave it home while she was away for school. Her ukulele, on the other hand, looked brand new, but at the moment was still in it's case on the floor by her bed. It was easy enough to carry around, it was small and light, so bringing it along wasn't a problem.

Once all of her clothes were neatly put away and her shoes in place, there was one more thing left in this bag. She lifted a small keyboard out of her bag. The keys were full-size, but the keyboard overall was small, only a few octaves. It was something she had trouble not bringing with her during the school year. She didn't use it nearly as much as she used the other two instruments she'd brought but there were times that she wanted it and it really sucked not to have it. So she always found so room to pack it with her. She had an upright piano at home which she liked much better, but this keyboard was much more portable.

"I'll try not to be too loud and annoying." she assured her new roommate, only half joking, as she slipped the keyboard under her bed. Then it was time for the next bag but it was much smaller. It carried her undergarments, make-up and other small things, such as hair ties, guitar pics, some extra string (just in case), etc...
Charlotte chuckled at Kelsey's last statement. "Be as loud as you like,I find it easier to work in the noise." She looked at Kelsey,and smirked. "I wonder...Would you like to be sculpted...?" Charlotte wore a sly smirk,and looked as if she had a stroke of genius. One side of her coat was open,and the inside of it was visible to Kelsey,revealing several chisels secured inside the coat.
Kelsey smiled at Charlotte. So far it looked like she was going to turn out to be a pretty good roommate. Maybe even perfect? She wasn't going to get her hopes too high yet, she'd only just met the girl after all. But at least noise didn't bother her, which was more than Kelsey could say for her last roommate. Still, she would try to keep it down a little, and not make noise all hours of the night like she did at home on a regular basis. Besides, it wasn't only her roommate she had to be quiet for, their neighbors might complain also. If they weren't at least polite about asking to keep the noise down, Kelsey generally tried to annoy them though.

She finished putting her clothes away as Charlotte asked her a question. There were three sections in the wardrobe, a large section for hanging clothes, and two smaller sections about half the size stacked on top of each other, one with shelves and the other with drawers. She turned to her new roommate after closing the doors on the wardrobe, she was flattered really, that anyone would want to sculpt her "Would I have to sit still the whole time? I don't think I'd be very good at that." she admitted.

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