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Fantasy Generic Fantasy RP (CLOSED)

Callum smiled softly. "Well then, let's go pay him a visit." Callum never wanted to treat Balder badly after what had happened, he introduced him to Emmalia and, even though he did try to kill Callum, Balder was only doing it to keep him from dying some horrible death - Odd, but Callum understood the gesture.
Emmalia was happy to visit Balder, less so that she had to be somewhat humane towards him. But she would follow whatever lead Callum gave her. If he wanted civil, she'd give him civil.
Callum walked down to the dungeon carefully, guiding Emmalia. The stairway to the dungeon was dark and poorly lit, though he memorized the steps it took to get there. "Which cell is he in?" Callum asked before they reached it.
Emmalia could see the steps just fine. In fact, she needed hardly any light at all. As to the espionage of where Balder was, she said wryly, "I think I was generous enough to have him ordered into a cell with a window. A very high, well barred, tiny window." More seriously, she said, "Cell 27, right up here."
Callum followed her directions and walked towards Balder's cell. The light from the windows made their way into the hall, and the rays coming in lit up the other ones. They were all empty - At least, to Emmalia. He could see and hear each and every spirit that must've died in Gallium's control. He tried to ignore them for now - They had to question Balder. He could send the spirits away the second they were done with him. The crying, the screaming, the wailing, it was all making Callum a bit unnerved.
Emmalia paid no attention to Callum's heart rate changes, she assumed it was because he was coming face to face with one of the men who had attempted murdering him. She, on the other hand, was conpletely and utterly calm. Her hope was to be so calm that she could spook Balder.
Callum walked past ghosts who almost seemed stuck in their cell - reaching their hands through the bars at him, even though they could phase right through the walls. It creeped him out even more. Finally, they ended up at Balder's cell. Callum stood tall and composed as he waited for Balder to notice them. When it took him longer than it should have, Callum grunted to let him know they were there.
Balder looked up at them from his seat on the bench across from the door. All he could look through was the tiny window in the door with bars spaced evenly across. He chuckled lpwly, and said, "I was wondering when one of you would show up. You've left me waiting so long, I thought you forgot about me."
"I would've called for a tray of tea but unfortunately our reserves ran out." He decided to say back in the same tone Balder gave him. After a moment, Callum spoke again. "Can you talk about the coup you told us about earlier? Or are you sworn yo secrecy until death?" He joked.
Balder grunted. "Well, Gallium was in on it, but now that you're here instead, well, now the plan's just fucked up. I don't even know what adjustments have been made or anything."
Callum didn't change expression. He wasn't sure what to think of Gallium trying to dethrone the king, but at this point, Callum didn't put it past him. he turned to Emmalia slowly. "Maybe we should take a trip to Cassian's castle and visit Gallium. He may know more."
Emmalia nodded slowly. "It's likely. I don't think Balder's lying, but we should check in anyway." Louder, she said, "Balder? Last chance to talk before we leave. Might impact how you're treated."

Balder just said, "I didn't know much, I just pledged men and hoped to get in good standing after the coup."
Callum didn't say much more, besides murmuring under his breath, "We'll be seeing you." He began to walk away quickly. When he got to the staircase, he stopped. "Emmalia, go on without me. I need to speak to Balder alone." He was lying, but he didn't want Emmalia seeing him as he tried to dispel the spirits of the dungeon.
Emmalia stopped and looked back at him curiously. Why would he ask for that? "I-I mean, if you're sure love, but... well, okay....' she couldn't help but feel like he was lying, but she continued on anyway.
Callum knew she could see through his lie, but he hoped his determination would wave her off anyway. Luckily it did, and Callum began to pacify the souls of the dead, each one recalling memories of their past. the torture they had gone through with Gallium was immense, and it was hard for Callum to try and resist going to Cassian's castle and stabbing his father for it. When he was done with them, he came up slowly, his eyes tired and his mind worn. He hadn't realized how much it took out of him.
Emmalia was sitting and waiting for him in the room that the staircase branched off of. She had been thoroughly concerned, and was only more so when she saw the look in his eyes. Immediately she stood up and faced him, trying to seem cheery but her worry was obvious. "So, how did it go...?"
Callum didn't answer for a moment before turning to face her, as though he had just seen Emmalia. "Oh, it went well. Just wanted to see if I could get some more information out of Balder first. " He knew Emmalia might be worried, but he didn't want her to. Callum needed to be the knight that Emmalia needed, not the damsel in distress. He brought out a smile. "Should we go to Cassian's castle now, or should we wait a day or two?" He was tired enough to say he wanted to stay at the castle until he felt better, but Callum could rest on the carriage ride there.
Emmalia reached out and tenderly cupped his face in her hand, cocking her head to the side as she did so. "I mean, we should go as soon as possible, for the King's safety, but you seem... exhausted, suddenly. It's up to you my love." There was a moment of hesitation before she gathered him into a tight hug, nestling her head against his chest. All she could feel was concern for Callum, and a need to make everything okay. But she felt helpless at that moment, because if he wouldn't talk, she couldn't do anything but vainly try.
Callum slowly brought his hands around her and held Emmalia close to him. he gently kissed the top of her head. "I'm... Sure I'll be fine. We should get going. Would you mind calling up a carriage for us? I'm just going to sit down for a moment." His composure soon returned and he was talking and acting as good as he normally did with a nice smile, since he could see Emmalia's worry for him.
By the time the carriage had arrived, they had grabbed their travel packs, and were ready to depart. In the carriage, Emmalia didn't forget what had just transpired, how odd he had seemed for a few minutes. So she kept her hand on his, leaned lightly on him, generally was just close without invading his privacy.
Callum enjoyed having Emmalia with him. It made his peaceful ride all the more enjoyable. "What do you think will come of this? I wonder if Cassian will know about what's going on with the Lords."
"It sounds like a lot of Lords know, so you'd think some of their staff would leave and tell Cassian, but then again, they could have more to lose than gain in doing that. We may be the first to tell him. There will surely be repercussions." Idly, she said, "I wonder if my parents are part of it?"
"Possibly. For all we know, they could be behind it all." Callum was more so just juessing out loud at this point, but it was a possibility. The LaFaren family could be grasping for control, as it seems they've been eager to do.
"So they'd be executed if caught. Huh." Emmalia kept her eyes ahead on the road, then said, "That would be a spectacle. Only problem is, the estate likely goes to Ander if I don't claim it...."
"What's wrong with that? Maybe he'll finally give up when he has his own estate. Plus, I'm sure we can call in a favor to have Ander removed by Cassian since we effectively would stop a coup from taking place."

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