General Chat ~

@MaverickPun Rin's not going to have a hard time finding wounds. Kurou's shirt is dripping red right now. Just letting you know in case she stops feeling him up ;)  
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That's what you deserve for using nightlife. I swear, why would RPN have themes with different background colors for posts. Oversight honestly. 

@Lexielai Also, isn't Kuruo a little too calm for almost running over someone? Acting so unhurried? Even if he can evaluate the situation and made sure everyone was alright (with that spidey ninja sense), it's a bit shameless to wave the little girl he almost killed over to him instead of immediately checking with her before everyone else - or even those people he had out in the back of the limo. He's fine and everything after all so naturally he should check their welfare himself. Also, Furaribi (that shitter) vandalizing the limo, when people are still in it who could be further injured from the impact, only warrants a tap on the shoulder? Priorities are skewed. 
@Fenn You raise some good points, and you'd be right on some things. Great job for seeing how strangely calm Kurou was; that one was subtle! And yes, it would be a questionable decision if he was alright or there were people in the limo. However, there was no one else in the limo (because he put barrier seals on them and got them out--they're by the tree line, not in the car), and he's not alright. He's bleeding profusely. He's just saying he's okay. 
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Holy crap this got active while I was gone.

Knuckle cracking

Lets get this show on the road.
@Lexielai Oh I didn't quite understand what that barrier seal meant. I thought it was well, a barrier. Right you also mention something about bleeding profusely. It's funny because I initially imagined wooden stalls and latrines since this is hosted outside. For it to damage the limo to such extent... but there's no issue if the latrines are an actual building (cause even parks have those.)   Also despite all the blood, you seem fine enough! Honestly, at most I can only imagine some flesh wounds. Unless you were cruising well above the speed limit in pedestrian zone - which is no good, especially so for a limo. Lets keep the festival safe friends. . 

Also tags broke kappa

Also airbags. Also ninjas. It'd be funny if the speed limit standard for Naruto is outrageously unsafe since everyone and their grandmother can do ninjutsu and taijutsu stuff.
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[SIZE=14.6667px]The intro arc is going to be wrapping up very soon! So if you have any pending replies, post them before stuff goes down in the next couple of posts ~[/SIZE]


Literally :PPP


I'll be editing and posting the beginning of the conflict once I get off of school tomorrow! This means that responses should be in by:

4:30pm, Eastern Standard Time.

3:30pm, Central.

2:30pm, Pacific.

7:30am, ACT. (Correct me if I'm wrong there >    >;; ) 
Back from the dead (kind of), and I think I'll be getting in a post soon after finishing reading everything in the IC. x - x
I'm just wondering when Sasame is getting her rank? >v>;
I'm so sorry for not getting a post up sooner! I drowned in the large pile of schoolwork that has been assigned to me. Not to mention that my computer monitor isn't working at the moment.

Back from the dead (kind of), and I think I'll be getting in a post soon after finishing reading everything in the IC. x - x
I'm just wondering when Sasame is getting her rank? >v>;

She should hopefully be ranked sometime this weekend (assuming I'm not completely drawn into TWD). 

@Nano I'd leave that to @Reminiscent I'm not familiar with how she ranks Shinobi 

I just look at strengths snd weaknesses, as well as keeping ranks in mind—I would never rank a Chunin as a Rank 7 Character. Stats are also considerably helpful depending on if the character uses them in a way that would benefit them against someone with the same amount of points in a certain category. (If that makes sense... Waking up at 5am has me dead for the time being >    >;; )

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