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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"That's good to hear." He chuckled and took a sip of coffee. "I'm glad they went to sleep on time and stayed asleep." His voice dropped down to a whisper. "Because I had a bit of a visitor tonight."(@DrTrollinski )
Amari froze. "A visitor?" He whispered in surprise; he instantly shuffled his chair around the side of the table to get closer. "Go on." He said as he sipped his coffee. (@Axel1313)
"That guy who sent me those emails while I was researching The Deserted stopped by...knocked out the guards and held me a gunpoint for a bit, but. He did have some very valuable information. He said he knew where the second in command guy lives." (@DrTrollinski )
"Oh, shit. You got some contact details on this guy? We need to get in touch." He said as he gulped down some of the coffee, completely ignoring the heat. He was too surprised by the news to worry about burning his tongue.
"I uh...never got any contact information from him." He scratched the back of his neck nervously. He probably should have asked the guy for that.. "He said he'd keep in contact though, I assume that means through emails and text. I can let ya know if it says anything."(@DrTrollinski )
"Ah, alright." He relaxed and leaned back a bit in his seat. "You've got that job to do in two days anyway. You need time." He smiled at him. A little pair of footsteps was heard travelling down the hallway. Vincent looked over his shoulder and saw George standing there, his teddy bear under one arm. He barely looked awake yet. (@Axel1313)
"It shouldn't be too difficult of a side job though. That guy even gave me a tip on a good location to snipe from." He smirked. He instantly killed that part of the conversation when George walked in. "Hey Georgie, sorry if we woke you up bud."(@DrTrollinski )
"Nuh-uh..." George yawned as he walked over and near enough collapsed into Vincent's arms. He climbed up onto his lap, snuggled up to him, and then fell straight to sleep again. Vincent looked at him for a moment, but then looked up at John as a laugh cracked out of his lips.

"Kids, eh?" He muttered quietly. (@Axel1313 - last post. Goodnight.)
Johnathan quieted his laugh as much as possible. "Yeah, but you can't help but love em anyway." He watched with a soft smile as George fell back asleep instantly in his father's arms. "That reminds me...Joseph asked me to ask you something tonight."(@DrTrollinski . Noapte buna)
"Well then. I shall chiose something appropriate for the two." Rick said, browsing the internet stores. "When I find thise suites for the boys, I'll send a mesage to Amari. And where should we get the wine? We gave him a good Italian vintage last time. Perhaps a French one, one from the original country of wine." He was rambeling, giving him time to think of what to say about Nick's second suggestion. "Amari's wife will be hard to find. We don't kniw what she looks like or if she even wants to be found. Let alone what has become of her. I leave the decision up to you, however."
"Oh?" Vincent replied quietly as he slowly rocked George from side to side, his arms wrapped around him. ".. What did he say?" Amari asked with one eyebrow raised. Odd. Usually Joseph would just ask him straight up if he needed something, so this must have been something important. (@Axel1313)


"Indeed. French wine. I'm sure he'd like that." He smiled, and then thought about Rick's second statement. ".. We need to try. We're the most powerful and influential people on this side of the country... Just like Joseph said. Like the Illuminati." He grinned a little and then laughed. "She may be hard to find, but I know she didn't vanish willingly. She and Amari had a strong relationship - they were very close, and seeing as she'd given birth to their third child two weeks prior to her disappearance, I highly doubt that she'd suddenly vanish without taking any of the kids with her. We're going to look into it." He said. (@Beowulf)
"He asked me to ask you if you could read to George every night....I told him that might be difficult because of how busy you get, but it couldn't hurt to ask you anyways."(@DrTrollinski )
Vincent was silent for a moment. ".. He asked you to tell me that? But--.. George gets to bed by himself... I didn't think he needed it." He rubbed his forehead and sipped his coffee. ".. Why did he want me to do that?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"George seemed to fall asleep real quickly when I read to him." Johnathan scratched the side of his head. "I think he was asking because they tend to get a little lonely and worry about you. They know you're busy, but still really want to spend time with you y'know?"(@DrTrollinski )
".. I see--.." He sighed a little. "I've been very--.. I don't know. I've been somewhat cold with them since my wife went missing." He gave a sad sigh and bowed his head to rest it atop George's. He seemed to hug George a little tighter right there and then. (@Axel1313)
"I think they do understand that sir and they're getting along as best as they can." He watched as Vincent hugged his boy tighter. "They just want thing to go back to the way they were y'know? And just want to spend some more time with you."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Yeah, I know--.." He seemed a little saddened as he gently began to rub his boy's back. He sighed once again and then kissed the top of his head. ".. I want to spend more time with them, I've just been so worked up... I..." He shook his head. ".. Any ideas to what I could do with them?" He asked, looking up at him with gently glistening eyes. (@Axel1313)


DrTrollinski said:
".. Yeah, I know--.." He seemed a little saddened as he gently began to rub his boy's back. He sighed once again and then kissed the top of his head. ".. I want to spend more time with them, I've just been so worked up... I..." He shook his head. ".. Any ideas to what I could do with them?" He asked, looking up at him with gently glistening eyes. (@Axel1313)
"I think they'd enjoy anything really. A day at the park, the pool, you name it and as long as it's some time with you they'll love it." He smiled softly. "Heck, I bet they would even love it if you could just spend a few hours with them."(@DrTrollinski )
".. If--.. When you're taking care of that thing... Would you mind if I took them to a theme park? Six Flags... The one with the Getaway Lodge and indoor water park." He smiled a little and hugged George fully with both arms, making sure he was kept warm while sitting there. ".. I think they'd like that - With the Lieutenants out the way, I'm a lot safer... I know for a fact that Joseph would love to go there, mostly." He explained. (@Axel1313)
"We can look for her if you wish." Rick finally relented as he found a nice pair of suits for the boys. "I perhaps a ritual will make things easier, though Amari has probably done all he could to find her. He may have dabbeled in some of the darker stuff." He said the last part with a small shiver. Even he did not like the darker side of the rituals, they caused pain for everyone.
"I would not mind one bit. I'll just let you know how things went once it's all taken care of, so you have nothing to worry about." His smile widened. " I think they would absolutely love that Sir. You'll make them happier than ever spending a day with them like that."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Amari isn't a man who gets involved in rituals. He's never touched them, according to his track record. I think the last person to practice rituals under the Dicciano name was actually shot and killed my 'a random guy' - It's obvious that Amari didn't like it and sent after him. He's gone through all measures he can to find her, but never a ritual." He said as he rubbed his head. ".. Any luck on finding those suits?" He asked. (@Beowulf)


"A day? Heh, it's not a getaway lodge for no reason. We'll spend a few days there, just some quality time together." He smiled. ".. I'll hire a sitter to come and look after Michael while we're gone. He's not really old enough to go to a place like that yet." He said, readjusting George's position so that he was sitting more comfortably on his lap. ".. Yeah... We'll do that. I'll book it all tomorrow." He said with a curt nod. (@Axel1313)
"Then I guess we have a couple. I shall perform the ritual later, but you need to try and get something Amari's wife either cared for or touched in some way. But mind, that object will disappear when the ritual is all said and done." Rick said before bringing up two side by side pictures of a silver suit with a black tie and a black suit with a silver tie. "And yes, I found a couple."

(@DrTrollinski )
"Sounds good." He nodded. A few days away with his boys was exactly what Vincent needed right now and with La Desierta almost completely taken care of it should be easier than ever. "I'll take care of everything you want me to here and even offer to watch Michael for you while your gone once I'm done with all jobs assigned." (@DrTrollinski )

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