GAMO Children [Inactive]

Bea Delaine

Sugary Sweet Sadist
Bea Delaine submitted a new role play:

GAMO Children - A group of gifted children must save their father, discover their past, and fit in.

There were once a group of infants belonging to GAMO, an underground organization building the soldiers of the future. Said infants were originally test tube fetus's and so never had a record and would never be considered as human as everyone else, However, They were more. Within the painful experiments and procedures, they developed special powers that made them different from most. Still, the pain there wasn't worth the gift.
One day, the oldest experiment, a man who was taken as a teen...
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Kira was washing the dishes in the sink sadly. Father said he was going on that business trip, but he wasn't back yet, and that worried her. As much as she appreciated Father going out of his way to provide, she wanted to also. But no, instead she was stuck at home, acting like the mother of the household. Doing chores didn't pacify her want for an actual job; but Father insisted, so she obeyed.

She heaved a sigh, " Where are the others?" she thought as she stopped washing. She grabbed a towel and walked into the back, drying her hands. As she did, Esther came out from the back, shutting the door quietly, "What's going on back there?" Kira asked.
Esther had just gotten back from school. She wasn't sure where everyone else was off to, so when she slipped inside, having Kira talk to her surprised her a bit. "Nothing. By the way, if the principal calls.. it wasn't my fault." She said meekly, looking up at Kira with a bruise on the all too light skin of her cheek and a couple cuts on her elbows and knees. It wasn't her fault. Some guy was attacking a defenseless bird with rocks. She didn't like it.
Hex put his hands in his pockets and opened the door with his elbow, too lazy to actually do it. He was in a pretty bad mood and it didn't seem to be getting any better. Stupid tests, he was going to get another lecture when his dad got those results back. Shit shit shit. He'd seen Esther have another fight. It was just a bird, she had to get over it. He kicked the door shut and looked up noticing both Esther and Kira. Looking to the side he sighed, couldn't he have just come in unnoticed.
Esther saw Hex and put her hands on her hips, staring him down. As an old student of his teacher, she kept track of how the kid was doing in class. Sure she wasn't setting a good example, breaking a kids nose over a pigeon, but still. "How was school today, Hex?" She asked, red eyes practically glowing. "You had a test, right?" She asked, smiling in a not so actually happy way.
"Hey, Hex," Kira ruffled his hair, patted Esther's head, then sighed, "Make sure you guys do your homework first, okay?" and walked back into the kitchen.
Hex looked down slightly, his blue eyes turning green. "Yeah," he said casually, "it was ok.." he looked from left to right before walking quickly towards the living room door trying not to stay. He knew Esther would have a thing or two to say about those test results if she knew. Afterall she was pretty smart, no, extremely smart compared to him.
An almost pink tinge went to Esthers cheeks as she got patted. "Yeah yeah. By the way Kira. You don't have to stay home.. Im sure dad will be home soon and we could take care of chores." She watched as Hex tried to make a swift escape. "Hey, need help with homework?"
"I'm good." Hex replied putting one hand up and quickly making his way through the door. He wasn't going to tell Esther and dad wouldn't have to find out about anything, not this time. He was good at being secretive, just a little more than he usually had to this time.
Esther slipped away herself, giving Kira a half smile. Lately it seemed everyone was at eachothers throat. She hated it. it made her feellike the bird. She started on her homework When she recieved a strange phone call.
Hex went up into his bedroom to 'start his homework' but he didn't last in there long and soon got bored. So he decided to go to the door of Esther's room and listen to see what she was doing.
It was from dad, but the reception was bad. She heard fighting and caughing. "...kill... help.. Gamo.. get you.." she kept listening, tears in her eyes, as it seemed bad. She and her dad got in a fight right before he left. It finally cleared a bit and she heard her fathers heavy, raspier than ever voice. "Hey kiddo.. its your dad.. hehe. I wanted you to know, and everyone else to as well.. i love you all. Be careful, alright?" Esther cried, slamming her fist into the wall as it started beeping. "Love you too dad.."
Hex couldn't hear who was on the phone but he knew it wasn't good. Especially as the end when Esther started crying and he heard a loud thud which made him jump. He should go down and tell Kira, not barge into the room. For a few seconds he was stuck there for a few seconds before letting his hand going onto the door handle and basically falling face first into the room and looking up at Esther. "Hi..." he said quietly.
"Move, move," Kira was already behind him, slipping between him and the doorframe and going up to Esther. She bent down to her, since she was taller, "What happened, Est? Who was that?"
Esther looked back at them, already red eyes bloodshot. Her hand in a hole in the wall. "..It.." She found talking to be hard so she swallowed and tried again. "Dad is in trouble. We have to go."
Kira was taken aback, "How can he be in trouble? He's on a business trip." she slowly removed Esther's hand from the wall.
Hex stumbled to his feet eyes going wide, "dad's in trouble?!" he exclaimed, "where is he?" he tried to turn but slipped and fell over slamming his head against the floor. "That hurt." he groaned sitting up.
Esther pulled her arm away from Kira, annoyed she doubted her. "I wish I was wrong!" She said, a bit angry with herself. She shakily replayed the message she received.
Hex sat back on the floor rubbing his head and listened intently, he didn't want to miss a single minute of it, a single second even. Sure he didn't have the best relationship in his family with his dad but he still wanted to help him and do whatever he could do.
As Kira listened, she grew stiffer and stiffer. She didn't want to believe it, but Esther was right.

"Well, what do you want us to do?" she said after the message ended.
Esther clutched a bloody knuckle and curled up, crying. She somehow felt it was her fault. Maybe if she yelled at him less, he wouldn't constantly run off. Or maybe if she was less hard on him.
Hex turned his head to the side, "Esther..." he said, "calm down, it'll be fine we will find him." he promised looking as determined as ever. After listening to the whole of that message he didn't know what to think. He was confused and slightly scared but it didn't matter. He had to be positive.
"Esther, sis..." Kira went back over to her, sitting next to and hugging her, "I'll do whatever I can to help out. He's our family, too."

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