GAMO Children [Inactive]

Esther looked up at him, wiping off her cheeks. She attempted a grin and patted his hair. "You're a strong kid Hex.. sorry. We will find him.." She said in agreement. It wasn't every day the younger sibling manages to make the older one feel better. She hugged Kira back. "W-we all will. But what is Gamo?"
Hex shook his head and shrugged, "Never heard of Gamo before. Sounds like some sort of chemical.." he said before getting his phone out of his pocket. "Possibly.."
Esther thought for a moment about it. "Why would he be saying Gamo?" She closed her eyes trying to make any sort of connection she could. "It could be an Acronym."
"Yeah I guess.." Hex said looking from his phone and back at Esther, "but if it was what would it mean? Great Alien Machine Orientation?" he asked.
"You guys tell me. I'm not used to the computer stuff," Kira shrugged, before replying to Hex's suggestion, "Where'd you get that one from? Your phone?"
Esther rolled her eyes playfully. "Maybe you arent wrong though, about it sounding like a chemical. Look up anything that has to do with both famo and any chemical. "
Hex shook his head at Kira, "No," he said, "My brain." he then turned to Esther and nodded before looking back at his phone and typing in a bit.
Esther tapped her fingers nervously, awaiting the results. "What if hes already gone? And what sort of business trips does he even go on?!" She said, eyes bugging out a bit.
Hex shrugged , "when dad speaks to me about something like that I zone out." He told her before looking up at the window then back to the floor.
"I'm pretty sure he was in a commerce business," Kira heaved an annoyed sigh. She was the other adult of the house and she didn't even pay attention.
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