[Gaming Group] Real World Exalted


This is the thread for the game that was being formed from Here.

So, the basic idea was born out of ShadowDragons's fic, mainly a small group of Exalted players being sucked into Creation, and Exalted. Currently, I'm the potential Storyteller, but if someone else wants to step up, just say so, so I can take aim. Anyways, if I do wind up storytelling, I'd restrict the Exalt types to Solar, Infernal, or Abyssal. The current time that we're planning is some time on Saturdays, more specifically, between 7:00 am and 12:00 pm EST on Saturdays. If you have interest, post here, when you'd be able to play, and what type of Exalt you'd want to play, and I'll add you to a list here.

Also, we're planning to use OpenRPG+.

ShadowDragon8685 said:
Aasharu said:
ShadowDragon, what precisely is OpenRPG+, and how do I get it on Windows 7? Also, if said game is online and not play by post and allows Infernals, I'd like to participate.
This is OpenRPG+.

DO NOT use the autoinstallers. They SUCK ASS. Get the appropriate Python and wxPython, then try the latest OpenRPG+ version, then try OpenRPG1.8.0Vista.exe.

Also, I should have more story up before I go to bed.
People with posted characters:

- Andoriol: Twilight Solar

- Jaksio: Night Solar

- Fabricati: Zenith Solar

- HowlingCoyote: Eclipse Solar

- FluffySquirrel: Dawn Solar

- Toptomcat: Twilight Solar

- ShadowDragon8685: Dawn Solar

- Ker'ion: Eclipse Solar

I figure 6 is a decent enough number, so if anyone else wants to participate, just make a character Here.

If we get a rush of people, I may jump it up to 8 people.
Yey, no more cluttering ShadowDragon's thread :D

Anyways, to be sure, we're basically going to be stuffing characters based on ourselves into Exalted?
Pretty much, although if you'd rather make a character that's different from yourself, that's fine too. Thing is, I imagine much of the appeal of this particular type of campaign is making a character that is based on you.

Really, there's a lot of potential for interesting roleplaying in this idea. For instance, I imagine that, unless anyone here is in the army, none of us has ever actually killed someone before. How would you react the first time you cut someone down?

Also, in relation to the Lore (Read the Books +3) specialty, when you finally do make a character, you also have to post what books you currently own. That will be the basis for what books your character can access from their memory.
Okies, just wanted to be sure with that.


Kay... where should we stick the character-profiles-in-progress then? In the Character Submissions section while leaving a quick summary here?
Alrighty then, I'll make a thread there for this game.

My character is going to be a Twilight Solar with little focus on combat in the begining. Mental primary, social teretiary. That's about all I've got decided at the moment.
Cool, but upon some further thought, I'll have to ask that you not stat anything out yet. Just post what type of Exalt you want to play, (Twilight caste Solar, for instance,) and a basic personality profile, I assume of yourself.
Hm. I'd be interested, though it would require waking up at 4 AM. I'd actually like to play a Night Caste. I get too much fun out of sneaking up on people. :D
Fabricati said:
Hm. I'd be interested, though it would require waking up at 4 AM. I'd actually like to play a Night Caste. I get too much fun out of sneaking up on people. :D
The current time frame is mostly guidelines, unless I'm mistaken, right now it's all of Saturdays as a potential time, that time was just the first that I suggested, what would work better for you?

(Subject to approval from the others considering this of course, but I, personally, am not picky)
Hi. If its fine by you I would gladly join your game. It have enormous potential. But you should know that English is not my firs language ( I'm from Poland), but I know it good enough to speak easily with anyone. As for my book collection i have or can have access to any printed book of Exalted. Now about character i want to paly... hmmm. It's tough choice i will go for Night caste ( still i can always try other Solar caste). Personality, well since they are supposed to resemble out real life personalities, it will resemble Secret if she were a solar :wink: . In other words it will be, shy and a little lost and felling not quite fitting in this whole situation ( at least at the beginning), but also, calm in, compassionate and very loyal toward friends.
I think I might be interested. I went back and read the first couple stories that sparked this thread (because I was totally lost at first), and thought this would be a fun game. I've got a few questions though:

- Would the game be weekly? Bi-weekly?

- When's the first session?

- Aside from playing a Solar-level Exalt, are there any character creation rules to follow? Point me to them if I'm exercising Oblivious Lame-o Methodology and they're already posted somewhere.

- If we're playing 'us', how much real-world game knowledge is OK? I can see a lot of meta-gaming, but in this context, I think that's kinda cool.
HowlingCoyote, to answer your questions in order:

- Right now it looks to be a weekly game on Saturday

- We don't know when the first session will be either

- Aasharu has requested that we pick caste and exalted type and provide a brief personality summary, but don't otherwise stat out the characters just yet.

- Actually, Aasharu already covered this:

Aasharu said:
I even thought up an idea for handling metagaming knowledge. Everyone gets a lore specialty of (Read the Books +3), and if you ever can't remember a specific piece of information that you have the book for, you have to make a lore check. If you succeed, you get to pause the game to go grab the book in question, and look for the information you need. You would also not be allowed to obtain any other lore specialties. After all, you are not native to Creation, and thus, don't know anything about Creation that you can't find out from the books.
P. Frakkin' S. - There is a thread for 'character' profiles here: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=6857
Andoriol said:
- Actually, Aasharu already covered this:

Aasharu said:
I even thought up an idea for handling metagaming knowledge. Everyone gets a lore specialty of (Read the Books +3), and if you ever can't remember a specific piece of information that you have the book for, you have to make a lore check. If you succeed, you get to pause the game to go grab the book in question, and look for the information you need. You would also not be allowed to obtain any other lore specialties. After all, you are not native to Creation, and thus, don't know anything about Creation that you can't find out from the books.
LOL, that's awesome. I love that!

I'll post my 'concept' shortly.
I'm totally game.

As for the rules, may I suggest some which I have found useful in the past?

For chargen, I'd suggest Starting + some XP to spend - 15 if you're feeling tight, 30 is nice, 50 is better, 100 if you want players to breathe easily.

Combine the elemental Crafts into just Craft (Elemental). It makes no sense that a Dawn-caste warrior may be the undisputed master of the halberd (Melee 5, Polearms +3), pick up a lightsaber and be a disputable master of lightsaber combat, yet a guy can't "make stuff" with only one ability and without being restricted to the worst of five or so attributes.

Reduce the cost of Artifact armor in dots. Hell, just Go ahead and look over the house rules for the last Exalted game I ran. Pick out any you like, if you like any.
Wow, I come back from dinner with the parents, and this has already gotten a lot of attention. Quite gratifying, it is. Suppose it shows just how interesting a concept it is.

Anyways, to answer things in order:

Fabricati, the current time is just a rough estimate, although it seems to be generally felt that Saturday would work best. Primarily for me, and as the storyteller, you all must dance to my schedule. Dance puppets, dance! But yeah, I just wouldn't be available during any weekdays.

Jaksio, it's fine if English isn't your first language. In fact, that can be a character trait, since I imagine your character would be from Poland as well, and thus, would have difficulty interacting with the rest of the party, leading to potential character building situations. Fun. Also for you, the game would start at 1:00 pm in your time zone, with the schedule we're currently looking at. Would that work?


- Currently looking at weekly

- The first session, if everyone can manage it, would be next Saturday, the 17th.

- Character creation is going to be a little... odd, since the characters will be based on you. Assigning pre-exaltation attributes, for instance, will be more assumption and guesswork than anything else. Once we have established who's going to participate, then we can start working out the specifics of everything. For now, just post a personality, and what type of Solar or Solar-analogue you'd like to play.

- Metagaming is encouraged. Without giving too much of the potential plot away, one of the major reasons you're in creation in the first place is because you're metagaming wild cards. Also encouraged are pop culture references, and any other sort of attitude you think you yourself would adopt in creation. Just be natural, in other words.
Jaksio, it's fine if English isn't your first language. In fact, that can be a character trait, since I imagine your character would be from Poland as well, and thus, would have difficulty interacting with the rest of the party, leading to potential character building situations. Fun. Also for you, the game would start at 1:00 pm in your time zone, with the schedule we're currently looking at. Would that work?
I also was also thinking that i could use "language barrier" a good trait for my character. As for Timezones there won't have any problem with them. I can easily Be at my PC right on schedule.

But unfortunately, It seen i have some problems with openRPG and i can't figure out how to make it work. So i wonder if i won't think any solution can I hope for any possibility to use some other similar program ?
But unfortunately, It seen i have some problems with openRPG and i can't figure out how to make it work. So i wonder if i won't think any solution can I hope for any possibility to use some other similar program ?
What problems are you having? I'll see if I can figure out what's wrong.

Dicetool (and the related programs) is the only other one I know of, unless you're all willing to pay for Fantasy Grounds, but... I think that's mostly limited to d20 games, anyway. You could also use MSN Plus, for which you can find a dice roller script here.
My problem is that this program don't want to start at all! I have Win7 so that may be problem wit compatibility or something. I cheeked OpenRPG forum but i can't find any solution there.
When i start program there pop out black window but almost instantly vanish. So i can't read anything. I will keep on searching. There must be something, somewhere, somehow.
Did you try running both start files? I have two in my folder, and for some reason only one works...

(I use OpenRPG, though, not OpenRPG+)
Did you try running both start files? I have two in my folder, and for some reason only one works...
(I use OpenRPG, though, not OpenRPG+)
Thanks for advice. I used Non + version and it works perfectly. So now I'm ready to roll.

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