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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Aura: Be woken up

"Uuugh... Just 5 more minutes..."

You groan, trying to ignore the massive head ache you have. You don't remember anything... Hmm...

Aura: Remember

You seem to remember only tid bits of information, like the Tricksters and the... OH GOD. You look at Ken again, this time a blush coming over your face. FUDGE FUDGE FUDGE! You look away nonchalantly, looking at Kersin as a distraction to try and keep the heat from your face.
Duke: Wake up

You spring up into action as Ken shakes you awake. Ugh, you got a wicked headache. What even happe....oh, yeah, candy crush on the next level. God, you feel like crap, and on the off note a bit gross. You notice that your clothes are more messy than usual. Now that you can't remember why, but you're sure to remember soon.

Duke: Uuuuhh, Is it over?

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You face Ken again, hopefully getting your act together.

"Ehehe.. Yeah... You don't remember anything... Oh, I don't know... Weird, right?"

You ask, hinting at the event that had happened as the Tricksters were present.
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Kersin: enter room

you enter the room where the humans have woken up. "oh your all finally up." kersin said casually whilst sitting down quietly and secretly hoping nobody would freak out at the troll that was suddenly in their hive.
Aura: Try and not blush


Aura: Regret words?

Well, the words weren't lies, and you didn't regret them entirely.... So, no..? Oh, you don't know.

"O-oh... I, um..."

You were at a total loss for word. Entirely.
Duke: Abscond

Sensing that you're no more than a third wheel in this, you absconded the fuck out of there. As you leave, you noticed that your Alchemiter was stabbed by something...Okay. Well shit, now you need a new one. Maybe you can have the robot chickens fix it or something, you're not sure on that. Well at least you still got the REAL FOOD. Speaking of which.

Duke: Snack time!

You pick up some grub and start munching away. Mmmm, yes, actual edible food! Been far too long since you had some.
Your eyes lock with his and you smile.

"Good, because for a second I thought that would be the most awkward moment of my life."

You look over at Afrien, and smirk.

"YOU are just jealous."
"I think so..."

You say, hesitant. Why? It was true... You look back at Afrien, your expression frustrated.

"Can you NOT ruin the moment, please?!"

You face Ken again, then facepalm

"Great, now I ruined it..."
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You look at Aura, trying to hold back laughter. You can't help yourself. Despite everything, you feel happier than you've ever felt before.

"You didn't ruin anything, Aura. This moment couldn't be more perfect."

Ken: Embrace

You hug Aura tightly.

Afrien : Work on Alchemiter

You had fixed things before, so the Alchemiter was no different. You pull on the cords and start tying them back together, and then try to make GASEOUS BEEF NUGGETS. Success. You make a Mass of GASEOUS BEEF NUGGETS, and the delicious smell fills the room.

Afrien : Respond to Ken

"That Sucker wasn't exactly filling, and otherwise I haven't eaten in about 17 hours. I'm hungry."

Afrien : Feed

You begin chowing down on the pile of GASEOUS BEEF NUGGETS, and give a sigh of relief, and a good fart.

Your breath caught when he hugged you, but the moment didn't last. THERE WAS A HORRIBLE SMELL IN THE AIR, AND HE LET GO. You waitied for him to return, hearing noises from the other room. You hugged your knees, as the smell was over powering. You walked outside, coughing.

"So, shall we become formally introduced now." Kersin said simply to aura. Now that the quadrent filling awkwardness was over he could actually know these people. Kersin had to half breathe he couldn't take bad smells which is why he had his food made and stored immediately after dragging it back to his hive
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Afrien : Finish Pile

You finish devouring the nuggets and turn to Ken.

"Well this is the only food I have an ID for on the Alchemiter. And Its fucking delicious. Anyways I ate it all, and the aroma is fading. So go back to your Matesprit."

Duke: Stop stuffing face

You see Afrien fixing the Alchemiter. That's...interesting, maybe your idea during your wacky workout can actually workout. Maybe you'll ask him later when you get the time.

Duke: Take a whiff

You smell the scent of crap in the air and it starts to turn your stomach. God, smells like a camel died in here. Then again, you don't actually know what a dead camel smells like...but you guess it's pretty close.

Duke: Abscond

Y-You can't handle the smell without almost puking anymore. You go outside for some fresh air.

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