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Tende altum, volare altius

In the near future video game tech gets pushed to a whole new level: Virtual reality? Augmented reality? No. Howabout code gaining tangible, physical form?

The largest game companies in the world have created a space for this to happen: The AdR arenas. Additive reality (AdR) translates computer code into a form that can actually be felt. It has weight, it can do real damage. This new level of gaming attracted a massive following, and now, AdR matches are held against the best gamers in the world. AdR stadiums exist in almost every town in every country all across the world.

There’s one thing that’s always constant though? No matter what, AdR constructs cannot leave the arena.

Whiiich is why it was weird, when some of them did.

People saw it, but it was never reported on the news. An entire industrial block was leveled by a mysterious force on the outskirts of Chicago.

One month after that, Kuragi Tech, the leading company making AdR games and products announced an international gaming tournament. A massive multiplayer free for all where the best gamers in the world would compete for prizes and glory in the largest AdR arena in the world, in Tokyo, Japan.

The purpose of the tournament? Well, face value, it’s for publicity, money, fame. No expense was spared, and hundreds of people were selected, all costs paid, to travel to the competition.

For those that know about Chicago, however, they can’t help but wonder if the tournament might be a cover for something else…

This idea is inspired by a cartoon called Glitch Techs, and I like the idea so much I decided to make a slightly more hardcore version. Your characters will be gamers selected by Kuragi Tech to compete in their tournament at the start of the thread in hopes of being one of the top scoring players and win a butt-ton of loot. Each gamer has their own specific play style: from weapon mods and armour, to battle pets, environment augmentation or power boosts. The choice is yours. AdR arenas can manifest any single reality from any compatible game and there will be a myriad of different challenges waiting for the players in this tournament. I’ll basically be pulling inspiration from all the games out there to create the arcs and levels for this rp.

After the tournament? Well…I guess you’ll find out.

  • Not too far in the near future, gaming has become a way of life. The technology now being produced has the ability to take tangible form in the real world. That being said, very few forms are actually permitted outside of the AdR arenas owned and run by the massive gaming companies that dominate global markets. VR projection is normal for communication, schooling and work. Most of the younger generations know at least a little coding. Computer technology has become so integrated, sometimes its hard to figure out what’s real and what’s just code.

    A lot of schooling is now done in virtual modes, and faster, so school days are only about 4 hours long, and students are encouraged to teach and work together to pull the whole class through the material. The rest of the time if often spent honing practical skills, whatever skills: tech, science, sports, art, music, gaming. Students are allowed to create the lives they want rather than being forced into a mold and prepped for an industry. In most countries, virtual tech is very affordable, and companies like Kuragi offer free education programs along with gaming courses, so they always get the best pick of the talent coming into the pro gaming scene.

    The AdR arenas

    The AdR arena is where most of the training happens. Functionally, they are like sports arenas, with a central ring about the size of a football field, indoors and covered. There are smaller AdR rooms lining the outer ring of the structure and used for honing less-active skills, and for going through tutorials.

    Kuragi Tech and other gaming companies

    K-Tech logo.jpg
    These are some of the largest, wealthiest companies in the world. They are all international, have a lot of different divisions and are responsible for all the most popular game titles. They generally back at least one pro gamer team each and are extremely influential from a global perspective. Like, election-swaying influential.

    Not all of the choices they make are ethical, but for the most part, Kuragi Tech at least has a very noble reputation, and most people can’t find too much fault. Kuragi is one of the leading developers of new gaming tech and has the most advanced AdR arenas in the world. Not all the companies are as squeaky clean. Some have rumours floating around that they employ hackers and cyber spies to 1-up their competition, but nothing sticks of course. They’re way too rich for that.

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So, what sort of in game weapons can the characters use? Would the sky be the limit in terms of it? And would we be able to pre determine teams, so me and the homies hop in this?
So, what sort of in game weapons can the characters use? Would the sky be the limit in terms of it? And would we be able to pre determine teams, so me and the homies hop in this?
Anything "carry-able" you can imagine yes, can be a base weapon. Anything larger would be a skill. You can 100% premake your team, but the rp will sort of make a team of the winners, so you can belong to a national team, but you'll basically have the rest of the players as functional teammates for the rp.
Sweet. Me and the homies rolling up like:
Ready To Fight GIF by Xbox

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