Game Finder

Lookin' for an Exalted game myself. I'm in England, near Nottingham, and I'm not currently very fussy about when, but very much so on where. Two past games (Solar and Lunar), and one current game (Heroic Mortal soon to be Solar).

I'd prefer an online game, but I'd settle for tabletop if I don't have to travel outside Nott' County.
I suppose I'll throw my hat into the ring. I'm in DeLand, FL, about 20m south of Daytona. I have transportation (for a while, anyway) though no job as of yet. I'm willing for either tabletop or online, and I know the corebook of Exalted, plus DB and Infernals (I have Alchemicals but I haven't read it yet).

My MSN is, but my AIM is set to only see buddies, so if you need to contact me either use my email ( or MSN, or this board. I'd prefer an online game but I'm plenty willing to ride my bike/drive. Of course, the chances of anyone being out this far is slim.
Well I live up in North Eastern Ohio and am looking for a tabletop Exalted game in or near the Akron area. I own a decent amount of the books including all of the Manuals of Exalted power other than Dragon-Bloods. I would prefer to be contacted via email(
I am going to be starting an Infernals game soon and I am looking for one or two more players. I like in downtown Madison, Wisconsin, the game will be running on Thursday nights.

Plot wise I have some early ideas but in my experience the players write most of the plot. I will be using second edition with all the errata. Anyone interested can email me at DBJacobson at
Anyone interested in an online IRC game? 8:00 EST Saturdays, lasts four hours, we're in progress but we lost a guy, and the ST isn't willing to go forward without four to five players (we have three remaining) since we're paused at a spot where it'd be easy to write in a new player.

We a Changing Moon Lunar martial artist, a Night Solar thrown expert, and a Zenith social/healer.
Burpcycle said:
Anyone interested in an online IRC game? 8:00 EST Saturdays, lasts four hours, we're in progress but we lost a guy, and the ST isn't willing to go forward without four to five players (we have three remaining) since we're paused at a spot where it'd be easy to write in a new player.
We a Changing Moon Lunar martial artist, a Night Solar thrown expert, and a Zenith social/healer.
I want more info on this!!
Burpcycle said:
Anyone interested in an online IRC game? 8:00 EST Saturdays, lasts four hours, we're in progress but we lost a guy, and the ST isn't willing to go forward without four to five players (we have three remaining) since we're paused at a spot where it'd be easy to write in a new player.
We a Changing Moon Lunar martial artist, a Night Solar thrown expert, and a Zenith social/healer.
I want more info on this!!
Uh, very well?

It's mostly roleplaying, but we do fight from time to time. The ST has a rather shameless DMPC along with us, but he's mostly cool, there's no railroading. The ST allows Solars, Lunars, and Sidereals, though I suspect you could badger him into a Terrestrial or Abyssal if you REALLY wanted to.

We've been playing for about two months, if you started with us, you'd gain 105 experience off the bat.

There are a load of minor house rules, offhand, the only ones I remember are decreased combo costs and the ability to modify existing combos, ox-body technique costing less, Lunars getting an additional favored skill, and Lunars getting Solar experience costs for favored attribute charms (he probably allows the same for Sidereals, but no one plays one, so it never came up).

Our group consists of myself, a Night Solar who specializes in Thrown, Athletics, Dodge, Stealth, and Larceny, a Zenith Solar who's devoted all of her charms to either social stuff, defensive stuff, or healing stuff (Comp 5), and the biggest minmaxing Lunar martial artist you've ever seen. The ST tried to have us fight some Infernals who both outnumbered us and had more experience, as minmaxed as he could make them, and the Lunar just stomped them.

We're looking for one or two more players.
Online game running, starting as mortals, will become Solars at some point. Need someone to fill out the potential Zenith and Night caste slots.

Game runs on AOL instant messenger from 5:30 PM GMT-6 till 10-ish (officially), but, the games have honestly ran past midnight. Message me on AIM for info, s/n's BronzeEntropy

EDIT: Forgot the day of the week. Wednesdays!

EDIT 2: Zenith and Night are filled, but, now need an Eclipse!
Anyone in Jacksonville FL

I'm kinda new to Exalted but have been playing rpgs quite a while, i just cant find a game anywhere close to where i live
Um... some friends and I are trying to set up a game online, but...

For one, we are kinda lacking an ST, and none of us has ever played Exalted before (read up, yes, but never played). And for two, we don't really have any idea what we would need to play. We have Skype, and were trying to use RPTools before everyone kinda forgot about it. But it was recently revived and we still have these problems.

Anyone want to help?
I'm running a skype game currently. I'd be glad to share my experiences with you, but I don't think I can run a game for you guys.

I don't use RPTools. I find it is sufficient to just share a screenshot of a quickly sketched map, as we aren't very combat oriented. Exalted combat is difficult over skype, but I don't believe it's particularly worse than in person. One problem seems to be the greater difficulty of getting players excited about stunts. It seems that enough of communication involves nonverbal signals that people have trouble finding other's descriptions cool as often as they might in person.

I'd strongly recommend playing through at least one session as mortals to help work out some of the bugs you might have in the mechanics of the system. This way you don't throw in the added complication of charms until you've had some time to adjust.

I'd love to answer any further questions you might have about specifics. Good luck!
Well, we were more just considering using RPtools, mainly as its easy to share maps with "figurines" and a program keeps people honest with their rolls.

As for a game of mortals... I created a small world for a thing of D&D I would have DMed, though actually playing failed due to impatient players (They started at least two sessions without me), too many players (Dungeon, party of 7+. No joke), and my computer catching a nasty virus (said laptop is now unusable, completely fried)

My main fear in being an ST for Exalted in the issue of "What if I screw up, forget canon elements" and what not. The most recent attempt we chose where we started off in, and THEN realized that we had chosen the kingdom of Halta, rather than an empty part on the map to customize.

Playing in my own world would help that, and I could just kinda write out Exaltations mostly wholly. Though not so sure I could stand trying to GM again... and I do want to make a Character of my own.



... Well, in more ways than one I think I am a failure as an ST. To make matters worse, my new job doesn't have a steady schedule to it.

A bit has changed for the gaming group, but looks like I am in need of someone who knows half of what they are doing to take this over for me, if anyone wants to volunteer. If no one here, where else would I fond people interested in Exalted?
White wolf forums? No, no, I kid...that is a dark and horrid place, where man is not meant to tread...

Pity to see another game die out due to scheduling issues. I'd offer my ST hat, but, me college learnin' does a number on my schedule as well...gotta get that edumacation though. Interested in online games though, prod me on AIM if you have it...I posted my s/n about a page back ^-^
How do you think I learned? Lord Fuckpants (Former ST, you can probably find a few of my horror stories about him on here somewhere...) left his 1st Ed books at my house after game one day, and I READ. Next session, I knew more than him, albeit, that wasn't very hard...

Just read, and roll with it. Exalted is a highly customizable world, so, do what you want with it.
How do you think I learned? Lord Fuckpants (Former ST, you can probably find a few of my horror stories about him on here somewhere...) left his 1st Ed books at my house after game one day, and I READ. Next session, I knew more than him, albeit, that wasn't very hard...
Just read, and roll with it. Exalted is a highly customizable world, so, do what you want with it.
This, +1.

My first game STing Exalted came a week after the 1st Edition rulebook came out. I'd had exactly four hours of absorbing the background stuff in the first couple of chapters and a few Charms. Still managed to cobble together a middling-good session, followed by a better session a week later, then a better one after that, etc.

Captain Hesperus
I also had a similar experience. I started running an Exalted game after playing three sessions. I dove right into it and never looked back. I still need to do some reading, but becase of the amount of information there is I focused more on what I needed to know from each of the books for the characters the players wanted to play. Since then, I've been going through the books to figure out more about the world and develop a plot that would interest all of the different types of Exalted in the game.
The good thing about Exalted is it's a little more freeform than other RPGs. No exp charts, loot tables, etc., just roll with what feels right.

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