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Galactic Empires Reborn I: Residual Chaos

[NSS Junius]

The NSF Battleship slowed to a halt, as it docked in dock 03. "All thrusters have been turned off sir." One of the two pilots reported to the captain. "Let the engineers handle it from here on out. While you are at it, please make sure that our M.A.G cannons are working fine. I'll go contact NSF command. Tell them the situation we encountered." The captain said leaving for his personal quarters. "Well, since the captain is gone and the first officer is down in the reactor compartment, I am now taking over as the acting commander of the vessel." The hologram ship AI said. "Begin docking procedures and open up the ship's airlock gates."

"Understood." The other pilot said tapping several buttons on his hologram control panel.



[Cyngus reconnaissance force]

The captain did not show it but reluctantly turned off the shields and severed the communications with the Maeris. "If anything goes wrong, fight to the death." The captain said. "For the Cyngus." The captain said to which the bridge crew saluted back. The captain and his important subordinates were then warped in by a blinding light and appeared once more in a room surrounded by these new aliens, all of them sitting an a circular formation. The captain looked around, moving his head at the mass of aliens in this room.

Once the captain was transported out, the ensign took command and raised the shields once more and waited with the weapons still offline.

@General Deth Glitch

[Cyngus reconnaissance force]

The captain, commander, and 3 other bridge crewmen continued to stare at the alien beings around them in a tight circle. There were also two regular cyngus soldiers with their blasters in their holsters on their side. One standing on either ends of the group as bodyguards.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Soldier.jpg.b4507e83290ae118dd1295a6f1abbe56.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100111" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Soldier.jpg.b4507e83290ae118dd1295a6f1abbe56.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
"What do you wish to speak of?" The Captain asked.



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"Yes... we should be done scanning your equipment now, tell us. How do your ships work? Your FTL, how does it function?" he asked as he sat down in his chair. "You tell us that then I will tell you how to make better portable guns" he said looking at their guns, low quality, barely functioning blasters. "You see, we can both benefit from such an agreement. Evolve our mighty technologies at an increased rate." he then waved his left hand and ring with the center glowing rushed to his hand. In was a way for him to easily input data into their system and he placed his hand within it and used his energy to keep it hovering there.

[Cyngus battle group]

The Cyngus battle group composed of 2 cruisers

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c737ed6dd_Senato-ClassCruiser.jpg.7bf17404fbe27160bdf3fc071301b718.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100254" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c737ed6dd_Senato-ClassCruiser.jpg.7bf17404fbe27160bdf3fc071301b718.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
3 destroyers

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c737e9221_Nebula-ClassheavyFrigate.jpg.cb7873e35f008fc5d3468683cc595349.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100253" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c737e9221_Nebula-ClassheavyFrigate.jpg.cb7873e35f008fc5d3468683cc595349.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
And 3 heavy frigates

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c737e5134_Scorch-ClassDestroyer.jpg.12f7203c8d0b8f1b56d171c261eb9217.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100252" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c737e5134_Scorch-ClassDestroyer.jpg.12f7203c8d0b8f1b56d171c261eb9217.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
continued towards the new galaxy. Their shields were up and weapon systems on all the ships were online. The force was small but their mission was to open up a new sector for The Cyngus to use as a supply route in it's never ending expansion wars. They were to begin colonization of the nearest system in the new galaxy, and set up a relay command station so that they may report back to the Imperial sector command and request the rest of the colonization force to come.



[NSS Junius]

The airlock gates opened up as a tube extended out of the battleship and attached itself onto the station as another set of airlock gates opened up inside the station's oxygen filled room.

"Report from the Engineering & repair drones and crew. They've begun repairs for the Reactors. Expected time for completion will be in about 12 hours." The Ensign said reporting to the ship's AI. "I'll relay that message to the captain. Also, I think we should at least personally thank these 'humans' for their hospitality." The AI said.

"It is only right that we thank them in person for their decision to allow us to make repairs on their station." The Captain said walking the air-tight tube connecting the battleship with the station.



[NSS Niphis]

The Colossus Heavy Multi-Role Battle Fortress vessel warped out of shock point into an unknown system. The ship was the size of three earths lined-up side by side. It was the start of a 3 week long patrol outside of NSF territory as this single ship was now tasked with paroling half an entire sector by itself.

The massive hulking vessel, slowly started to power up it's thrusters as she began her mission.



[The Cyngus]

The captain had to stop himself from snorting at the Maeris. The captain saw the Maeris looking at his troopers' blasters. "Well, I take some offense to your remarks. These blasters, are very well made, sturdy and deadly accurate weapons. Some of the finest this universe has to offer. To say that we, a fine race can not even make the basic gun deeply insults me, as well as my species." The Captain said. "So I see no reason why I should tell you our ftl and our basic ship workings. Well to more precise, I can't really tell you. Because it violates the military code. As if I disclose any information without the consent of his undying lord, I, along with my crew will be subjugated for treason."

"I would like to take a path that will not, end with either of our demise." The Captain said. "Is there anything else you can offer or wish to know?" The captain said.

@General Deth Glitch



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[NSS Junius]
The airlock gates opened up as a tube extended out of the battleship and attached itself onto the station as another set of airlock gates opened up inside the station's oxygen filled room.

"Report from the Engineering & repair drones and crew. They've begun repairs for the Reactors. Expected time for completion will be in about 12 hours." The Ensign said reporting to the ship's AI. "I'll relay that message to the captain. Also, I think we should at least personally thank these 'humans' for their hospitality." The AI said.

"It is only right that we thank them in person for their decision to allow us to make repairs on their station." The Captain said walking the air-tight tube connecting the battleship with the station.

Max waited outside of Dock 03 until the captain exited. Max smiled and walked up to shake his hand. "I hope my soldiers didn't give you too much trouble when they found you, or while you were approaching for that matter. They mean well, of course, but sometimes they can get a tad overzealous. Some of them are real stick in the muds." He flashed a wry glance at the soldier that had accompanied him in the ship. "I suppose I'm doing well though, if I've created a country they're that eager to protect."
[RCF Border Legion]

The force is composed of RCF Kabul, and 3 Duke-class escort ships. They were prepared to deal with any intruders that would try and muscle them out of their territory.

On the bridge, Admiral Aghdu'm was transmitting the situation to the empress. "My queen." The feruvian spoke. "We have arrived at the location of the event. It looks like some ships. They don't look like ours. What are your orders." The light green hologram spoke. "Try and establish diplomatic relations commander. If they fire first, make an example of them. Capture a few of them alive, for tests. Those are you orders commander, and I expect great things from you." The hologram dissipates and the commander looks at the ships.

"Communications officer. Establish contact." The hologram opens up, and the image of a feruvian, an elf-like species appears in a orange color.


"This is Admiral Aghdu'm of the Reformed Colonial Federacy. You are entering our colonized star system. State your business." He stood straight and proud, not being afraid of anything. The crew was prepared of any type of situation. Soldiers were already scrambled to move to the dropships, as the gun crews were already locked on the ships. 'Do not attack.' Was what was going in the feruvian's mind.

@tims run
[NSS Junius]

"It's fine. No one was hurt. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion." The Captain said. "My vessel will be ready within 12 hours and we will be out of your system after that. I've already informed my superiors about my situation. No search and rescue party will be arriving."

"I would also like to personally thank you for allowing us to make repairs, you might not know but, are reactors use a different material and we need the ship to be stable, so on behalf of my crew, thank you once again." The captain. "Is there a reason why you, a leader decided to come here?"



[Cyngus Task force]

The Lord-Captain authorized the transmission as he was met with an elvish like being, it was a one way transmission as the captain wanted to see who this new alien being was and what it had to say before replying back. The new alien requested their business for being here and the Lord-Captain felt a sense of pride observing the alien's body posture. The Mormen Captain chuckled silently at this new being. Before activating his own video and audio feed to the new aliens, the Captain motioned his hands towards the officers in-charge of combat. "Raise the shields up. If the enemy fires at us, these shields will stop them in their track, whether it be their ships or weapons. They are our first line of defense. Hurry, I don't see a happy ending to this species."

The captain then pressed a button on his console as a screen would have appeared on Admiral Aghdu'm's ship and the noises behind the Lord-Captain. "Well, greetings. Admiral. I am Lord-Captain Kaen of this task force. I am a reasonable person. As I have specific orders of my own but, unless you can prove to me that this is your galaxy, I am afraid that I must continue on with what I was ordered to do."

"So. Please. Prove to me this galaxy belongs to you. We don't want bloodshed here now do we?" Lord-Captin Kaen said in a slightly mocking tone while giving a sightly aggressive smile. The blue-skin coloured Mormen looked at the Admiral once more. "I am waiting."

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[QUOTE="tims run][NSS Junius]
"It's fine. No one was hurt. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this discussion." The Captain said. "My vessel will be ready within 12 hours and we will be out of your system after that. I've already informed my superiors about my situation. No search and rescue party will be arriving."

"I would also like to personally thank you for allowing us to make repairs, you might not know but, are reactors use a different material and we need the ship to be stable, so on behalf of my crew, thank you once again." The captain. "Is there a reason why you, a leader decided to come here?"

@tims run

[Cyngus reconaissance force]

"Actually, as the commander, I too would like to know why you are so interested in our FTL. As my captain has stated, our blasters are very finely made and some of the best in the galaxy. I personally find it insulting if you believe that we, a highly advanced race can not even make something as basic as a gun." The commander said. "That is all I have to say." The Commander then stepped back allowing the captain to take care of the rest.

@General Deth Glitch


[NSS Junius]

"That would make sense." The Captain said. "I'll be sure to add your request to my reports when I get back. I'm sure the Senate will be more than. Interested. In possibly having further talks with your race. We, the N.S.F would find it interesting, especially our scientific community if we were to document other species similar to that of us Terrans."

On the battleship, the Ship's AI had sent a message the N.S.F Command regarding the captain's words ad report.

"Well, that is very kind of you. I will tell my crew that they are on temporary leave until our engineers and repair crew are finished. I personally would like to meet with your own military personnel. As I feel I should thank them as well for not opening fire on us."
[QUOTE="tims run][NSS Junius]
"That would make sense." The Captain said. "I'll be sure to add your request to my reports when I get back. I'm sure the Senate will be more than. Interested. In possibly having further talks with your race. We, the N.S.F would find it interesting, especially our scientific community if we were to document other species similar to that of us Terrans."

On the battleship, the Ship's AI had sent a message the N.S.F Command regarding the captain's words ad report.

"Well, that is very kind of you. I will tell my crew that they are on temporary leave until our engineers and repair crew are finished. I personally would like to meet with your own military personnel. As I feel I should thank them as well for not opening fire on us."

"I couldn't agree more. I'm interested to see what differences are between our races, since we seem so similar. Perhaps they're related? That would blow the scientific community's minds." He then considered the final request. "It may be hard to find the individual scout forces that were there upon your arrival, but I can patch you through to Alpha Command, as they were the ones in control of the squadron that found you, and were the ones who encouraged them to hold their fire. Would you like to talk to them over the comm system? I am sure they are very worried about what's happening, and seeing for themselves that you truly pose no threat would probably do them some good."
The Bridge of the APS Brythic was quiet, nothing important of note was happening, just the vastness of space as the destroyer floated alongside the small cruisers and corvettes that made up the 8th Allied Frontier Fleet. (8. AFF) Though, all chaos unleashed as soon as the large vessel warped into their sensor range. The bridge crew almost couldn't comprehend it, the multiple species aboard cursing in their own languages as the Commodore of the vessel scrambled his assets to figure out what to actually do.

-APS Brythic-

"Myrthael, prepare all weapon systems and move us into position to contact the...thing...also send a damned message back to Sector Command and get them to send...something! By the Divine Stars contact the Reborn for all I care!" The Commodore was panicking, small beadlets of moisture dripping down the leafy brow of the Twynaeden Commodore as he moved his small frontier fleet to contact the massive ship. It would only take a matter of minutes before the fleet, comprised of around nine ships, arrived nearby on the other side of the colony's orbit, being dwarfed by the single massive ship to send a small beacon outward, hopeful the massive thing wasn't hostile.
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[NSS Junius ]

"Any form of communication is fine for me and my subordinates. As long as we can make peace with them." The captain said. "Related or not, it would be good knowledge for both species knowing that there are other species that do look alike." Several crew-members started to exit out along with a couple soldiers to guard the entrance to the battleship. "I've already informed my crew about their temporary rest. They know to be respectful." The captain said. "Show me the way to these generals you speak of."



[Cyngus task force]

"Lord-Captain Kaen?" One of the Mormen bridge crew said as the commander came to his side. "Lord Captain is busy. What is it?" The commander asked. "Well, it seems that our target lock warnings are going off. It seems like the aliens have possible weapons trained on us." The Mormen crew member whispered.

"Point our guns back at them. be ready at the Lord-Captain's signal to fire." The Commander whispered back.



[NSS Niphis]

The ship exited slip space, entering the alien system. It dwarfed the planets around it with it's sheer size as the vessel made preliminary scans of the area. "Captain. I am getting readings of several un-documented ships. Should we take combat action?" The Captain shook his head. "Raise shields, that will be good enough. Besides, the shields will stop even their vessels from ramming our hull. Just proceed slowly." The Captain said. The mega-ship changed it's thruster power to low as the hulking vessel started to move at a slow pace and was not hostile.

"Keep steady, we are not hostile." The Captain said to the three pilots. "Lets wait and see if they will attempt to hail us."

Max nodded with a smile and began walking. As he did so, he spoke up. "Typically, commands work on the flagship or on space stations. Alpha command is different, as they are reconnaissance. They're basically a small frigate that flies near the recon zone. As it so happens, they're docked here currently for inspection and general repairs." He brought the captain to one of the smaller bays, and there was a woman talking to a maintenance officer. She dismissed the officer, and turned to Max with a salute, which he quickly dismissed. He walked up to her and stopped in front of her. "This is General Reia, the woman who was in charge of the squadron upon your arrival."
[Guin Empire 33rd Fleet,Goriak System]

The 33rd Fleet prepared for the incoming enemy fleet as the signals are getting closer to them.As the plasma turrets and lasers aimed at the direction of the enemy,the crew reported to Fruvli:"General,the signals aren't from spaceships,they are just radioactive asteroids."

Fruvli laughed at the statement as he ordered:"Lower down the weapons,there's no need for the Empire to be hostile towards mere asteroids."As ordered by their commander,the fleet lowered down their weapons and continued to venture deeper into the system.

Soon enough,General Fruvli finds himself in front of the planet Kilite,which is occupied by the rebels.As soon as the fleet's massive dropships detached from the battlecruisers,the rebels started firing the counter space weapons stationed in the occupied military facilities.

"Such an irony,our weapons are used against us.Prepare the laser turrets,we shall blast these insolent rebels into hell."ordered Fruvli while the dropships dodged the CSWs fire against them.The 33rd Fleet suppressed the rebel fire with their laser turrets while the dropships entered the planet's atmosphere.,ready to unleash the might of the Guin army upon the foolish rebels.

[3 hours later,Kilite military facility]

Guin tanks are carefully stationed around the buildings of the facility while the infantry ventured into the caves of the rocky planet to eliminate the remaining rebels in hiding.Fruvli toured the facility while being escorted by several full-armed guards.The general looked at the high peaks of Kilite,admiring the terrain while he makes a statement:"It only took one hour for the rebels to lose this planet.I wonder how much time does it take to clean the universe of this menace."It wasn't hard to notice the confidence within the general's voice.

"Don't worry,sir.It wouldn't take long as the Empire is always superior."said one of his guards."Long live the Empire!"

Disgusting things.

He laughed, 'best in the galaxy' "yes, perhaps in your small little Galaxy it is among the best. However, I wish to know about your FTL. That is all I really wish to know about right at this particular moment and I am sure my forces can find out even if you don't tell us. I am Maeris of the Krasus and you are just the captain of a small fleet. You really want to start a war over how you jump around? It is hardly as though I need the information at all and, as for your little commander, tell him his weapons will do little more then annoy me and my fellow Impraetii. Those warships that you see constantly arriving, one by one, are lead by the Mighty Kraetians, a race that live for war. They are no more intelligent then you, perhaps less so dare I say it, but even they have better technology, especially when it comes to war." he said and then he suddenly fell to the ground, a blue glow surrounding him, but primarily in his wrist. The glow was his energies trying to repair damage, not that there was any. He just felt a large release of power. At the same time the entire fleet seemed to glow, as though the Krasus was releasing more then normal energy. The 'thing' in the Maeris' hand had detected the same power the Krasus had and so they reacted in sych, however he would let his people think that he was connected to the Krasus and so it was his divine power that caused it and so forth, expand the Legend of the Mracks. "Tell us or I will be forced to let my council decide what we do and they are terribly fond of war against little ungrateful races with laws." he said when he had pulled himself from the floor and back onto his chair.

@General Deth Glitch[/URL]


[NSS Junius]

The Captain and his General both gave a slight tilt of the brim of their hats to the female general in respect. "A pleasure to meet you. General." The General said stretching out a hand.

The General forced a strained smile and shook the hand. "The same. Apologies if we caused you any worry, but I'm sure you understand. It's not everyday a ship shows up out of slip space in our little area of the cosmos, particularly not there. Not unless they have bad intentions." Max frowned at the exhausted tone and forced smile in her voice.

"Reia, is something wrong?" He said. She simply sighed and walked away, her movements heavy and her body hunched. Was something wrong? Max recognized a crew member of the same ship nearby. He excused himself for a moment from the Captain and walked over to the soldier. "Conroy, is something wrong with Reia?" the so named Conroy hissed through his teeth slightly. "Soon after meeting the unknown ship, there was an... incident."

"Incident?" Max asked, seriously not liking Conroy's tone. "Of what caliber?"

"Well..." he said, before looking around and leaning into Max to whisper to him. "We found a few Festers." Max's eyes widened in horror. "Or rather... they found us."

"Bu-I... But... how? How did they get on board?"

"We still don't know, but they... they got Shira and Jakuva, and" Max raised his hand to silence the man.

"Were they all exterminated?"

"As far as we know, but..." the soldier nodded to the hanger door, which Max noticed was under security lock 8. He nodded grimly and dismissed the soldier before addressing the captain.

"Apologies for that, but... some old... rivals of ours decided to pay us a visit."

Prodigal Son

Still orbiting the Invaded Earth​

After some time darkness once again coiled to life around the heart and core of the Sigmaterian flagship as Adamos returned with a grave and darkened expression from the knowledge of what he had learned. The newly ascended, former human, stood shocked as he quickly removed his hand from the pulsating sphere of energy even though Miz payed him no attention as he made his exit.

"...So you can feel them out there?" Adamos once again would of looked as if he was talking to himself as an entire section of the living, breathing wall now displayed the spearhead fleet of Sigmaterian Exploration & Ascension. If not for the fact that the darkness took the form of a humanoid like shape which walked beside the Sigmaterian.

There was no audible reply.

"...And in time they will grow strong enough to locate each other? Then just like pawns they will be used to hunt you?" There was a moment of silence as the silhouette of a figure must of been communicating in a non-verbal form. "Unacceptable. We must reach them first... before him."

The majority of the ships that comprised the Sigmaterian fleet looked entirely made of living flesh. Even the walls and floors around and beneath Adamos seemed to contract and expand like that of the ship itself taking a breath. Yet there were exceptions. Scattered throughout the fleet were ships, each different in design, that were clearly made by other sentient beings. The cold, metal hulls of the ships clearly contrasting from the other ships. However these metal behemoths were covered in large sections with organic material. The flesh pulsating and bringing to life the otherwise dead, inanimate ships.

On one such ship the insignia of "-RV Krame-" was just visible on the sides as the other letters were clearly covered beneath the infected patches of the ship.

The darkness seemed to raise a hand and point at this vessel.

"We have a ship with coordinates to one of them?" Adamos questioned with a surprised look himself. "Then it's time to send out a sacrificial lamb..."


Hours later, the Outskirts of Jachin​

Seemingly out of the blue an ancient NSF vessel made its destined return back home as the infected SRV Kramer appeared using an unknown form of transportation that left no traceable signals. While this was the same ship that departed a hundred years ago the mass of flesh that had spread over and covered the ship would of made it difficult to recognize.

Despite this on NSF frequencies, or at least those used a hundred years ago, the required access codes were being transmitted. Those given a hundred years ago when the vessel had first set sail to explore the galaxy and told to transmit once it had returned.

Out of particular interest one by the name of supposed captain Alferd Shaw was clearly attempting to also hail communications.

@tims run
The many crewmen aboard the small frontier fleet allowed themselves to gaze in awe to the behemoth. As a signal was sent out to the ship, in hopes of it replying with non-aggression, the crew simply sat in terror. The consoles didn't click, the small noises of the various species aboard that usually rang through the ships, were no more as the gargantuan ship sat in their view.

Running his hands through the leaves upon the shell-like hardened skin of his forehead, the Commodore sighed as he awaited contact to the Sector Command in hopes they would know exactly what to do. It was unbearable, waiting for them, staring down the monstrous ship as they attempted to hail it, nothing was more terrifying at that moment. He almost had a heart attack when the Left Sergeant returned.

"Sire, the Warborn wishes to speak with you, Sector Command directly contacted the Reborn Council, so as the First contact to...that thing...you're requested to speak to them." After the Left Sergeant took his seat after the small bow the two took, the Commodore strode off to speak to the Warborn. "Myrthael, ensure if the ship...whatever's in it answers our signal, that you don't do anything until I come back." With that, he exited the bridge and quickly made his way through the corridors to an elevator that rushed him off to the small deck that held the communication room. It wasn't long before the Warborn's figure appeared in a very low quality hologram that was restricted to a small device in a small section of the room, the Warborn's facial expression seemed like one of curiousity, unlike her normal demeanour, she seemed to be truly inquisitive to the ship. "Commodore, I know this is a stressful moment for you now, but I need an immediate report over what on Leveatha that thing is." Again, it took several minutes to explain the situation and the Warborn simply sighed out loud rubbing the mandibles on the sides of her leafy shell across her head. "I'll personally accompany Sector Fleets One and Two, for now try to contact the thing and if it proves hostile, protect the colony at all costs and only retreat if...the things size proves to hold weaponry of equal surprise." The shaky holocommunication cut out, and soon the Commodore was left alone, hoping the beast of space outside his ship wasn't about to pulverise them.

@tims run
[Jachin Command]

On the Jachin HQ Station, the SRV Kramer's hailing had caught the attention of the system's traffic control. The use of the 100 year old codes alarmed the Terran traffic officer as a general came to his aid. Observing the situation, the general looked at the traffic officer. "These are codes we used for scouting vessels to map out of the parts of the universe 100 years ago." The traffic officer then moved the hologram slide. "Look sir. It seems the ship has been covered in something." The general took a closer look at the name. "SRV Kramer. Strange, the last transmission we got from that exploration vessel was 100 years ago. They were considered Missing." The Traffic officer looked at the general worried. "What do we do sir?"

"Tell the ship that defenses have been lowered. Have it dock at the Naval port on the planet surface. The stations here are not equipped to handle all that muck on the hull." The General said. "Also, send a squad of security personnel there as well." The general said before leaving.

The SRV Kramer was given the orders to land on the planet surface. There were no ships present at the moment. only several patrol vessels and two escort vessels as all the 24 vessels protecting this sector were deployed on mission.

[Jachin surface]

On the surface, the city of Judean, the capital city of the planet, the terran citizens were going about their daily lives. Cars were driving on the road and hovering above as well. There were terras on the sidewalks, and in the stores. Law enforcement vehicles at times driving with sirens on. On the outskirts of the city, the huge ship port used by supply freighters to being resources to the planet, one of the docks was being prepped for the landing of the SRV Kramer. There were 14 security officers already on the scene as they along with the maintenance crew and AI waited for the arrival of a 100 year old ship.

@Zabuzas Son


[NSS Junius]

The NSF general and captain looked at the female general oddly at her forced smile and introduction. The leader, Max, had excused himself form the group as he took the moment to converse with his fellow subordinates. When Max had come back and informed the two about what had taken place. A deep and slight sadistic smile appeared on the general of the NSF and a faint menacing smile on the captain who looked at the general. "As a matter of fact, isn't Vlansh onboard?" The Captain asked the general who gave a nod. "Along with an entire regiment of Galactic Commandos." The general said.

The captain turned around to Max. "You see. my battleship, the NSS Junius has a secret weapon. We are equipped with two M.A.G guns. Strong enough to rip through any shield and armour and destroy cruisers, destroyers, frigates, and any other vessel smaller than a battleship with a single hit."



[NSS Niphis]

"Captain, no contact. The aliens refuse to make contact." The communications officer stated. The captain stared at the hologram display of the fleet in front of him. "We are going to have to contact them first." The captain said stepping down from his podium at the centre of the bridge. "Make ready for a message to be sent." The communications personnel immediately began to scramble. "What would you like to say sir?" The First-Officer said.

"Tell them, we are the NSS Niphis of the Novin Systems Federation Navy. Our purpse for being here is we are starting a 1 week long patrol of this entire sector outside of our federation's territorial border. We are not ones to pick fights as we see no reason to unless the aliens fire first or are plain annoying. So we come in peace. But if they attempt aggression, tell them we retaliate back." The communications personnel wrote the message as they relayed the message to the aliens ships through ever frequency.

[/Prior Thirty Minutes to Jachin's Initial Exposure\]

The living, ancient vessel roared to life as it complied to central command's wishes and began to make its decent towards the planetary docking system on the outskirts of the city Judean. Perhaps it was simply the unsettling appearance of the flesh covered exploration ship that was clearly out of place alongside the other metallic patrol and escort vessels but any of the citizens that looked up into the sky to watch the ship's descent would of felt a cold chill run down their spines. The air itself seemed to harbor an unusually brisk atmosphere as this would no doubt be a day recorded in the history books.

[/Prior Ten Minutes to Jachin's Initial Exposure\]

As the SRV Kramer entered the planet's atmosphere and continued the intended path towards the docking system it was more visible to those below it. In particular a strange, previously unnoticeable orange glow was now apparent as it radiated off the flesh of the ship and left a trail behind the vessel. It was also clear that the ship had been in previous battles as the damages to the hull were covered and patched by the organic mass.

Perhaps most interesting of all was the fact that every last one of the ship's weapons were seemingly entirely covered in the fleshy grime and thus seemingly useless.

[/Jachin's Initial Exposure\]

An ear-piercing, inhumane moan resonated from the NSF Vessel as it was latched into the docking system. The sound was loud enough to be heard all throughout the city of Judean and it was unclear whether it came from something inside the vessel or from the organic mass covering the vessel. Regardless a door slowly slid open as the flesh covering it was almost unwilling to split apart.

Stale, dead air poured out into the entire docking system level as the smell of decomposing flesh overtook all 14 security officers and the maintenance crew. Looking inside the once sleek, shiny halls were covered entirely in the same organic material that coated the ship and the walls were moving. Seemingly inhaling and exhaling like the ship was taking breaths.

Then finally a figure lumbered out of the vessel's exit. Alferd Shaw stood seemingly having never aged a day despite the fact an entire hundred years had passed. Yet his appearance wasn't exactly the same as when he had left on his journey so long ago. His eyes were entirely black with the iris's color changed to orange. It was subtle but there were clearly signs of his flesh degrading at several sections throughout his body. Other than that there was a slight orange glow radiating from the Terran.

"You know... even now the Beloved Emperor whispers in my head that my only mission is to locate the Awakened One."

The figure looked over his fellow Terrans but his attention clearly shifted more towards the city, Judean, that was just visible outside.

"Yet, why should only me and my crew be blessed with the honor of ascending to a more perfect form? Now that I'm back on my home world how can I help not allowing my brothers and sisters the same opportunity to ascend?"

There was a hollow, horrifying expression written over the Captain's face as he looked back at the greeting party that awaited him.

@tims run
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Max frowned. "If I understand what you're implying, you're saying we should blow up the ship? That'd be a bad idea. The Festers can survive the vaccum of space, so any that survived the blast could make it onto the space station, or worse onto your ship. If that happened... well... I'd rather not let one reckless decision result in the deaths of many of your entire planets. We'll probably send in a clear team. They pumped the ship full of decontamination gas which should have killed all the Festers, but some of the Hivers and Twisters may have survived, if any were made... God forbid we find any placers. In fact, looks like the team is here now." As he said that, multiple soldiers appeared. Some were wearing full mech suits, complete with flame throwers and machine guns, others with heavy assault weapons, all looking very seasoned and more than prepared. Max walked up to them and prepared himself. "I'll follow them. They've learned better than to protest at this point. You should probably head back to whatever you need to do with the crew"

@tims run (Feel free to tag along anyway)
[NSS Junius]

The captain kept his smile on. "These are the perks of having a powerful ally, your excellency." The Captain said to Max. "Those festers, even if they tried, will simply, be vaporized by our primary shielding system which was designed for just that. Take out any projectiles, or vessels that get too close in their tracks." The general looked at the captain with approval. "But if you wish to not have our help then that is completely your decision which I shall respect."

"Maybe perhaps, if you ever decide, we can send a message to your rivals. Obviously the strongest will always come out on top. And if your rivals see what you 'posses'. perhaps they might start to reconsider before attempting foolish decisions upon your, impressive and respectful nation." The captain said. "We'll take our leave now." The captain and his General started to walk back towards the battleship and the crew.

@Zabuzas Son
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Decaying Hope

The former NSF captain and Terran slowly rose his hands in a form of mock surrender as the thirteen laser pistols were aimed at him. Despite this there wasn't seemingly a worry on the deranged figure's face. Then it happened, one of the ascended Terran's hands began to twitch and spasm in an almost painful looking motion.


Then all at once every weapon aimed at Alferd Shaw was ripped out of their owner's hands by an unseen force. Sweat trickled down the Sigmaterian's head as he performed the feat, the degraded sections of his skin seemingly further decaying as he used his powers, but the creature formed a maniacal laugh all the same.

"Are you ready to ascend brothers?" Shaw whispered as his other hand, the one that wasn't currently having a spasm, pointed straight towards the leader of the security officers that had suggested giving himself in. Spiked tendrils ripped out of the palm and shot out towards this poor individual impaling him straight in the neck. In only mere moments his lifeless body would of fallen to the floor as the tendrils retracted and the Sigmaterian's body seemingly repaired its earlier decaying.

Meanwhile the sound of hundreds of different clicking-like sounds could be heard from the ship. All at once the horrifying creatures which were the Sigmaterian Impures began to pour out of the ship's entrance.


Their bony, spiked legs cut deeply into the metal floors of the docking station thus producing a flood of screeching sounds as the swarm prepared its assault. In particular, if any of the personnel were paying attention to the floors instead of the threat at hand, the floors, walls, and ceilings they walked on without trouble were being covered in the same fleshy, organic material that coated the ship.

Their only purpose was to seek out the highest concentrations of life, extract the residual energy, and help others ascend. Handfuls lunged out towards the remaining thirteen security officers and maintenance crew. Their skidding across the ground proving to far outmatch how fast the Terran's legs could run. More headed towards the six remaining officers and private that had fled to the security office.

The largest majority, however, turned their attention towards the city of Judean.

Alferd Shaw looked down at the body of the head security officer he had struck down. The corpse was already beginning to contort and drastically change into one of the many monstrosities that had been released upon this poor planet. What was more amusing would be when the NSF military learned that the creatures seemingly had no "vital" organs to shoot and dispatch them effectively. They could keep coming even with holes blasted straight through their bodies. As long as the legs weren't shot off then the creatures would be capable of harvesting more residual energy to heal themselves.

@tims run
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"Open fire!" The second in command said as the remaining security officers attempted to fend off as they drew their secondary fire arms. Shooting away at the impures who kept coming at them despite the concentrated fire. "They won't die!" One of the officers shouted before he was impaled by and impure. The surviving maintenance crew fled towards the safety of the hangar doors as the second in command officer and the remaining 9 security officers crawled under the closing gate doors. One of the officers decided not to crawl inside and instead shot the console outside to try and buy some time before quickly being mauled by hundreds of impure.

The second in command looked at the remaining security officers who were all startled by the encounter. "Corporal. Go. Get the private and get into a patrol vehicle and get to the city. "Our security station does not have an emergency call system. But the one in the capital does." The Second in command said to the female terran. "What about you sir." The corporal said.

"We'll buy you some time." One of the security officers said. "We'll do the best we can." There was a loud banging against the gates. "Now go!" The corporal saluted her fellow officers before dashing at a fast pace towards the station. Once the corporal was out of sight, the Second in command officer stared at his remaining 8 officers. "Lets do our best." All of his officers nodded as they pointed their guns at the gate awaiting for the coming enemy.



The corporal could hear screams and gunfire from the station as one of the officers was thrown out of the window. The station was being overrun. Amid the chaos, the corporal decided to use the back entrance, as she did her best to ignore the horrifying screeching and gunfire in the building. The back entrance was half-open as she pointed her gun inside only to see the room barricaded and a frightened Private on the floor. The blinds were down but the flashes of laser fire could be seen. "Private. Come."

The scared private slowly turned his head towards the corporal who had her hand stretched out. It took the private a few moments to respond, but he immediately grabbed her hand as they both dashed out of the room. The sound of a window shattering again could be heard in the distance which started to make the two security officers start to panic. "We're almost there." The Corporal said hearing the screeching in the distance. The two came to a security parking space where four patrol vehicles were parked. The two immediately got into one of them as the vehicle came to life.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c7542134b_patrolvehicle.jpg.9e43ebb27bf5809c6878f1ec281fe5b3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="101277" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c7542134b_patrolvehicle.jpg.9e43ebb27bf5809c6878f1ec281fe5b3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
The Corporal drove the car in reverse to bring it out of parking and quickly made a sharp turn at top speed and gunned through the lane inside the station. After a while the corporal took a turn right, ignoring the workers fleeing by foot as there were impures chasing them from behind and impaling any unlucky to be caught by the impures. The patrol vehicle went through the guard gate. The vehicle was still going fast as the corporal took a detour ramp to Judean.

"What were those things?" The private was clearly shocked and affected by what he saw. The corporal said nothing. "Stop the vehicle."

"I said stop the damn car!" The private said in a panicked way.

"We can't. Do you want to die?" The corporal said sternly. "I just just as much as you do. I have not clue either." The private looked at the corporal slightly disappointed in her response. "And what about the commander?"

"Dead. Captain Kan said to warn you guys at the station. But when I got there, those things were already swarming the place." The corporal said not taking her eyes off the road. "Did he say anything else?" The private asked curious. "Get to the branch station in Judean. We need to contact command and the military."

The patrol vehicle maneuvered through the cars driving down the expressway, ignoring the horns of vehicles with it's sirens turned on. "We should be getting to the city outskirts in a few minutes." The corporal said.



Inside the station, only 3 of the officers were still left standing. One was badly wounded as the three barricaded themselves into the room where the private was before. "Can you reach the commander?"

The officer shook his head. "We won't last like this. Those things keep soaking up all our shots. How the hell do we kill them?" The officer said desperately before finishing up bandaging his fellow officer who was still shooting. "2% left." The officer tossed him another laser battery. The injured officer finished off the last rounds as he detached the empty battery, loading a new one at the bottom of the handle of the gun.

"Where's the Special security forces?" The officer said getting up. "Heck, why doesn't command alert the army?"

@Zabuzas Son



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