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Galactic Empires Reborn I: Residual Chaos

Exploratory Fleet

The General noted both the messages, raising an eyebrow as she scanned their content. "Well people, prepare for-"

"We're under attack, scanners indicate multiple hostile fighters. Shields are soaking up beam fire, and we have multiple close-range explosives, seemingly torpedoes." Tilasi spoke as several large flashes and bright surges of light could be seen out of the primary window. "Our frigates are taking hits, but our Gravitic shielding and the shielding of our Warships and Battleships is more than sufficient to take the blows. I am ordering counter-offensive measures now."

Outside the huge triangular Battleplate, the huge three blue orbs began to let off a slight, almost invisible glow as yet more gravitational power was produced from these "Annie", or rather, Annihilation Reactors. Despite the threatening name they were rather safe, crushing matter into pure energy via Gravity, and were very, very difficult to puncture. Or, at least, they were safe until used to power weaponry. Gravity warped further around the Battleplate Tisari, tight beams crumpling fighters instantly as they struck and sheared the metal apart and thicker strands simply crushing them as the Gravitic shields surrounding the Battleplate soaked up, twisted, and ripped apart any matter that approached them. The Warships and Battleships, while not equipped with quite so devastating armaments, used their point-defence systems to wipe out any nearby ships, their anti-matter shields also soaking up hits, despite a few smart bombs dropping through - which were quickly mopped up by the AMS (Anti-Missile System) turrets. The remaining hostile fighters were eliminated by the Sythesis Coalition fighters controlled by Tilasi, with minimal losses.

Diplomatic Fleet

"Thank you, you have my approval. Please send the warp co-ordinates at your earliest convenience." The warp drives of the ships warmed up again, preparing for another warp - although the navigation systems remained blank, for now, at least.

@tims run


More and more fighters began to come as they started to swarm the ships of the Archlight as well as the Synthesis. Cyngus ships started to use their more powerful turbo charged collision turrets as they started to take out any Synthesis coalition ship that was not strong enough to protect itself from the powerful energy collision blasts from their turrets. Fighters swooped in on frigates with much heavier anti-shield missiles and smart bombs as they started to devastate any frigates or warships that they could swarm without getting picked off by the other Synthesis ships nearby.

Some of the powerful energy missiles, designed to take out a shield with one blow of powerful concentrated energy, plasma and gamma Collision reactions were fired at a couple Synthesis, as well as Archlight warships. A few more of these energy missiles were fired at the Shield dome over Auraxis.

The Cyngus started to use their advanced AFP guns, as their forward ships begun to shoot down any Synthesis fighters, as well as providing more support for shooting down any other drop pods sent from the Archlight. Several ships began to fire their missile batteries of mass drive missiles as they auto-locked onto multiple enemy fighters, tailing them. As well as other enemy ships that were smaller.


@Otakuyaki (Mentioned)

@Assailant (Mentioned)

[NSF Diplomacy ship]

The Rear Admiral handed the coordinates to the NSF's home galaxy. "Please follow us. We shall use our Slip-Technology to allow for a much faster travel to your location." The Rear Admiral said. The entire escort fleet began to power up their engines as a large glowing veil opened up for the ships of the NSF.

In the Novin System, the entire solar system was a heavily militarized and impenetrable fortress. Thousands of defense stations, armed with Anti-matter guns, nanite guns, point gamma laser defense systems, large asteroid stations, hundreds of large rings circling the solar system with large turrets, missile batteries, and multiple other weapons.

There were also automated AI defense satellites, orbiting all through out the system, as well as early defense systems set up far from the edge of the solar system.

There were other weapon systems around the system that were unknown. Along with multiple large- military stations with hundreds of ships docked. With many more patrolling the entire system. Weapons designed to stop a large scale invasion with ease, and designed to destroy mass amonuts of enemies with a single hit.

The large weapons of teh outer defense rings were ordered to stand down by the Armed forces in preparations for the Synthesis Coalition's arrival.

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Exploratory Fleet

As the Cygnus continued to swarm the Synthesis Coalition, with fighters, now beginning a barrage of energy, the Battleplate Tisari remained unaffected, the extreme gravitational shielding surrounding it consuming and crushing anything that got too close, as some of its major turrets turned and locked on to various Cygnus ships, firing long-range gravitational beams that sheared through hull and shielding alike, ripping apart the bonds formed to keep everything inside the ships alive. Several missiles were also fired, some of which were fired offensively against hostile ships, the rest in a "VDA" protocol that the General had given the order to use, each missile's individual scanners meshing to form a large array capable of seeing things much further than any one ship could. A few small frigates were destroyed by the energy barrage, and a few more by the heavier bombs - sustainable losses, nonetheless. All point-defenses on all ships were also activated, providing a deadly net with no blind spots, plasma fire destroying countless Cygnus ships, while AMS turrets eliminating any munitions headed for them.

The forward fighters, which had been taken heavy losses, split suddenly, each with it's own weaving, random path, intricately threading in and out of turret fire, slowly but surely working their way towards the hostile ships. Any homing missiles were either dealt with by other forward fighters, or were left to follow in the path of the small, light fighters that had so randomly scattered.

Meanwhile Tilasi sent another message to the Cygnus, its content advanced translation protocols, as well as confirming the NSF's offer of assistance, and thanking them.

@tims run

Diplomatic Fleet

The ships followed the NSF craft through the portal of light, the crew on edge as they emerged into an unidentified system teeming with defensive stations and thousands upon thousands of energy signatures. The small fleet continued to follow their escorts, all weapons powered down - not that they could have dealt significant damage without a Battelplate or the Tigerlily, judging by the stations defences.

@tims run

Things were looking grim for the humans. While the number of fatalities was heavily tilted towards the Cygnus, their numbers were simply too large. Despite the advantage of surprise attack within the city, the new deployment was killing all of the militia members. The air strikes and bombardment from walker fire was too much, and those that didn't die were sufficiently suppresed as they hid amongst the rubble and buildings. Those attacking the walkers had a good deal of strength, but the Cygnus military simply had superior training, and with their plasma blades and the element of surprise they began tearing through the resistance. What members could escape the initial attack opened fire on these new threats.

Once the black troopers were noticed, heavy fire was focused on them. Makeshift bombs and lots of ammunition had their sights turned on the troops. Sabotage was searched for, but ultimately the black trooper's covering had been sufficient. No one found the packs. The surviving turrets continued their barrage on the advancing troops.

The AA was proving sufficient, but they were beginning to run out of time as the advance on the stabilizers was bearing fruit and those in the city were being destroyed. The head commander of the militia wiped his forehead, only to hear a new transmission coming in.

"Xernea base Alpha, do you copy?" The commander picked up the transceiver and responded appropriately. "This is IFH battalions Io and Lima, we are in orbit and bringing in defensive support." The commander laughed with relief. The backup was here, they DID stand a chance!

"Oh, thank you! Dear God, I didn't think we'd make it!"

"Save your relief for later, we still haven't gotten you guys out of the frying pan yet." The commander nodded and waited for the correspondent to continue. "Unfortunately, due to the nature of these attacks, we can't provide orbital assistance. We can, however, deploy our ODSTs and continue with what assistance we can from there."

"I ain't a soldier ma'am, whatever you believe to be right." The corresponder was silent for a few moments before the transceiver crackled as it was turned on from their end once more.

"I copy, sending in ODST support." The commander leaned back and exhaled loudly, wiping more sweat from his brow. Up above, multiple transport vessels deployed from flagships, as well as other scattered spacecraft. They flew down to where the shield was, as close as was safe, and the bay doors opened as soldiers in standard Holon military uniforms jumped out. As they neared the shield, they deployed their thrusters to slow down. By the time they hit the shield, their velocity was low as they simply sunk right through the shield. Once they were through, they flew. Many went straight to the ground in various places: by the defending stabilizer, the city, etc. However, others took detours. Some flew onto the hull of what remaining aircraft there were. They took out these orb like things and pushed them onto the hull. The balls flattened and stuck to the hull, and the soldiers turned a switch before jumping off. The once-orbs fizzled and cracked with energy before suddenly exploding, covering the ships in arc energy while ripping through the hull. For most lower-class ships, this was an instant destruction. Others did the same to walkers, with similar effect.

Those that landed on the ground instantly engaged, opening fire on the troops with plasma blades and destroying those trapped in the city.


Many Fecters, Twisters, and Placers were destroyed. Fecters would scurry into vents and rush around, jumping at squads from different angles. Twisters would charge from behind doors or hide behind their shield until they were close before attacking once more. The Rocket-Launcher Placers were killed, some of them anyway, but those that could hid behind barricades until the attack ceased before attacking again. The air bombardment, however, was largely ineffective as the majority of Festers were inside the ship. However, multiple Placers who were intelligent enough to infect a Cygnus while not giving themselves away, snuck back out into the main group outside where they were commanding from and hid amongst the Mormens.


As the snipers began to get overwhelmed by the paratrooping forces, many retreated back into the buildings. Those that had convenient cover hid behind it and continued sniping, but a good 70% of the forces retreated into the building and prepared the defenses in case they breached the primary defensive line. The AA fire, winning the battle for the air, continued firing to take down the stray ships. As the missiles hit the shield, much like on Xernea, the shield flickered before glowing brighter as the energy hit it and it absorbed it. Due to the multiple types of energy, some of which it couldn't absorb, the shield was still hit hard. But the extra energy it absorbed from what it could allowed the shield to persist.

[Diplomatic Ship]

Some of the diplomats took note of this integration as the one who was talking earlier smiled. "Yes. In fact, we are about to land in a few moments." After a few moments, the ship came to a halt. The door opened up, and they walked out into a large city.

(Picture this, but with a more orange sky.)
"Welcome to Caput, capitol of planet Holon."

[Prowler 03]

A woman wearing a military uniform approached the man wearing the black beret, assuming him to be the leader.

"First Sergeant Hollis," she said as she extended her hand to the man for a respectful, firm handshake. "What are these?" She said afterwards, gesturing to the weapons.
[Cyngus navy]

The Cyngus navy began to take hits from the Synthesis. The Lord Admiral stared and made note of his losses. "Good. Sufficient losses that are replaceable. All ships break formation and engage in close quarters." The Lord ADMIRAL ordered. Immediately one of the fleets started to break up as the cyngus navy engaged in close quarters combat. The fighters continued to destroy fighters of the Synthesis while sustaining some losses of their own. As well as devastating more frigates and small ships.

Meanwhile, Cyngus ships began to fire a broadside of debestarlting kilo turrets and AFS gun systems as the contraction of fire began to rip apart Synthesis ships apart. The Cyngus fleet had mashed with the Synthesis formations, creating a cluster of ships in tight spaces. Multiple Garrison torpedoes were also launched as they hit other smaller Synthesis ships. Other ships that were damaged turned their shields to full power before ramming with one of the Synthesis ships, destroying both the Synthesis vessel and itself and any other object within its blast range.

Fighters began to swarm the battle plate as they began to fire off Essex torpedoes to overload the shields protecting the Battle plate as others fired off smart bombs and other energy missiles at the battle plate.

[Prowlers 01 & 02]

Two of the same patrol vessels were embarked from the battleship, heading towards the Synthesis fleets. The NSF used their cloaking technology to completely disappear from the radars of all factions before re-appearing before the Synthesis fleet. "Synthesis Coalition, this is the NSF Navy, we have on board a couple payloads. Are there any enemy vessels you would like to target with them?"

[Diplomatic fleet]

"Use the course that we have input into the coordinate with your autopilot. Even though our guns are standing down there are easy stems that we can't turn off." The Rear Admiral said. "Once the agreement is finalized your vessels will be automatically imputed into our friend or foe systems and you may wander freely within the system. But for now please follow our course."

The large guns and other defense systems and rings that were designed to destroy any enemy fleet with ease and with one swift move, were not pointing at the Synthesis ships as for told by the NSF command to stand down for their new allies.

"Hello to Synthesis Coalition. This is NSF FCCS station. Please direct your way to Station Nexan. The station coordinates have been sent to your ships." A communications officer said through the transmissions.

There were guide lights that appeared, that were only visible to screens for the Synthesis ships. It revealed a large military station.

Teeming with guns and other defensive and offensive weapons, as well as other military vessels docked. It was a large military base, almost like a large asteroid or small moon in size.




Two black troopers jumped down as he gunned down a row of newly arrived soldiers. They were bogged down, as one shot left and right, killing any enemies in sight. Realizing they were slowly being surrounded, one of the troopers pulled out the Detonator for the pack. He knew that one black trooper loss will be a great deal but, it was necessary if they were to win this battle. The other black trooper looked and took a moment to realize what the other intended to do. "It'll be a blow for us. But we must do it. For the Cyngus." Without thinking twice, the Black trooper pressed the detonation as the pack underneath the stabilizers erupted into a spherical shape that expanded. The Sphere engulfed the stabilizers, as well as any humans and cyngus troopers that were within it's range. The ground shook from the powerful weapon until finally, the bright sphere dissipated and disappeared, leaving a crater of where it ripped the matter of anything within the sphere. The Lord-Admiral had gotten the report of the detonation of one of their weapons, and got word that two Black Troopers was lost.

The Lord-Admiral smashed his hands on his command console at the report that he lost one of the Black Troopers. The traiing needed to replace them will surely come to haunt him in the future. "Although we have sustained losses ourselves, we can not allow this golden opportunity to pass. Deploy all force. Now."

With the orders from the Lord-Admiral, more Gunships, fighters and walkers ere deployed down to the ground.


It was utter chaos as the Cyngus fought everything, including their own men. From above, one of the battleships flew in low. "Use our Projected Cannons." The Captain said, seeing the utter confusion and chaos on the surface from his monitors. The entire bridge fell silent. "But Captain, we'll be killing ou own men." The Captain gave his commanding officer a stare and silence for a few moments. "Of course, but we have reserves and additional forces. Now do it." The Commander hesitated for a moment, but getting another stern look from his Captain forced him to issue Cannon strikes.

From above, a Large beam of plasma shot down as the battleship slowly started to move, heating up the ground as well as incinerating anything teh beam of plasma touched. Like on Xernea, the Cyngus has resorted to extreme methods of war.


Multiple Cyngus Rangers

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Rangers.jpg.9fb5aa80af1798298c3ef4c49239dc6e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120981" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Rangers.jpg.9fb5aa80af1798298c3ef4c49239dc6e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Were sent out of several of the military gunships as they began to launch attacks, destroying the AA batteries one by one. Other Rangers landed on top of buildings where the humans were taking refuge as they set up demolition bombs, collapsing the roofs of the building before entering to fight the humans in close quarters. The Rangers were highly skilled and much better trained than the regular Cyngus infantry as their marksmanship, close quarters combat acceled, making them tougher than the regular Cyngus army.

Several Black troopers also made it as they began to soak up shots, and gunned down multiple enemies as they left destruction in their wake. They split with one group headed to support hte rangers with turrets and the army with the stabilizers, while the other went to help with killing the human resistance.

Some of them jumped incredible heights and smashed in through windows of multiple buildings in squads of 2.

[Diplomatic ship]

"Very nice capital you have." The Lead crew member said. "Where would we be going first?"

[Prowler 03]

The Large terran gave a firm handshake back. "Lieutenant Marz." The 7 ft. tall Marine officer said. "These are weapons of the NSF. Guns, grenades, missiles." The Lieutenant said pointing at the weapons. "Machineguns, assault rifles, heavy MGs, shotguns, handguns." Th Lieutenant said before pointing at one missile. "The Hydron Missiles. "




"I highly advise that you refrain from touching that monitor." The Admiral said. "Some very important military documents are in there and they are not for the eyes of civilians, nevertheless an alien species." The Admiral said advising Patrika. "But here." The Admiral said as the communications module sifted frequencies by itself. "Just tell the frequency number, and it will connect you to your diplomats." The Admiral said.

"This should be fine." The Admiral said, pressing a button on the glass table. "This should allow you to make your contact with the rest of your representative more easy since I blocked out the residual communications jamming in this room."




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The shield flickered and died. For a few moments, the city was entirely unprotected. Then, it flickered once more and came back to life, more oblong in shape this time as the shield's perimeter was changed to match the still surviving stabilizers. Those who had been near the stabilizer that was destroyed were now outside the shield once again.

One could now see why Holonite was such a sought after resource. Its peculiar stabilizing properties allowed for immense adaptability and security.

Meanwhile, the IFH military forces in the city were hard at work. They quickly converged and easily wiped out a block or two worth of Cygnus troops. While they had the block cleared, they began placing energy shields around the streets and moving cars as best they could to create barricades. By now the AA fire had greatly suppressed air resistance, so the sky was clear for them. Scouting regiments swiftly moved out to find milita members or squads and brought them back to the safe haven. Soon, a sizable force was amassed in the safe haven. Tactical forces pulled out small defensive gatling guns and set them up behind barricades, able to shoot through cracks in the forces.



Screeches were heard as hundreds of thousands of Festers were wiped out. By the time the beam ceased, there was silence. The remaining Festers were hiding in what was left of the ship and in the ground, but the fight wasn't quite over. Back where the rest of the surviving Cygnus forces were, many Placers had infiltrated their ranks. There was little way to know who the Cygnus could trust amongst their men, whether they were aware of this or not.

Those that entered into close combat were in for quite a shock. Depending on your specialization, CQC could be a very important part of your training. What met the rangers were men armed with pistols and Holonite knives, who were very capable of moving swiftly and with deft movements. They were equally able to counter a Ranger's moves, and any opening was used putting a bullet in their head or a knife in their body.

The Black Troopers got a jump on the troops. Many fell to their hand, but once word got out of these special operatives, the humans adapted. In were sent Heavy Operatives


Who dealt with shotguns and portable gatling guns. They were slow, but they had stronger, secondary, deployable over shields.

[Diplomacy Group]

"Well," one of the diplomats said, "You have been given free choice. We could visit the capital building, or perhaps the central square. There are also a multitude of important monuments to our people located in this city."

[Prowler 03]

The woman went over and observed the missile. "I am, of course, aware of these other types of weapons. What, however, is a Hydron Missile?"

The Cyngus force took advantage of the shields being shut down as mass waves of gunships and transport vessels, and fighters entered, including other forces already on the ground. The Gunships replaced the little gunships and fighters that remained. They were ground assault type gunships. They had heavier equipment and weapons loaded onto them as they flew around firing mass drive missiles, laser seeking missiles which erupted behind Gatling defense units, destroying any that they saw within their range. More and more Cyngus troops began to land in large numbers. Accompanied by more walkers. The fighters, and other gunships took out the AA turrets after unloading their soldiers. Also targeting IFH forces on teh ground.

Multiple Artiller walkers were deployed on the ground as they started to unleash volleys of exploding shells, that seperated into tiny energy shells, causing mass devastation on the surface. They were bombarding the IFH as well as the remaining stabilizers.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c96c50aa1_srtillerywalker.jpg.24cd5771c219c792aa018c1a5c8e255c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121071" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c96c50aa1_srtillerywalker.jpg.24cd5771c219c792aa018c1a5c8e255c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
There were also heavy hover combat vehicles that were deployed, they began to fire a barrage of large scale exploding energy weapons on the defense positions. Thousands of Cyngus troops were now charging towards the safe haven, gunships and fighters destroying turrets and other defensive in placements to minimize the losses being sustained, while also having a couple gunships drop here and there.


"I never said stop commander." The Captain of the battleship said. The commandeer obeyed out of fear as he ordered the other ships to continued their bombardment as they continued to scorch the moon. "This bombardment does not stop until half this piece of rock is hot enough to turn metal into gas." The Captain said. "We have reserves, our comrades that fall shall be remembered. Now, continue." The ships continued to fire their continuous powerful beams of light, scorching the surface of the moon.


The Rangers continued to fight on, showing their advanced training, blocking any openings that they gave, and any attacks the enemy threw at them. Several were slain, but they also manage to slay some of the humans that were giving tough resistance as well. When one ranger was pitted by multiple humans, he would deploy his incinerator which engulfed him and the surrounding enemies in a mini energy sphere before everything within the sphere was utterly destroyed, down to their molecular structures as nothing was left behind.

The Black troopers blended with their surroundings, disappearing both visually and heat signature wise as they used their incredible endurance to run at incredible speeds, killing any human soldiers that they saw or defense nests they came across. There were only a few that decided to continue on and not disappear from radar as they engaged and assisted the rangers, wiping out more human forces before taking notice of the Heavy operatives.

The Black troopers that noticed them, turned around and prepared for battle with the new foes, the heavy operatives.

[Diplomacy ship]

The crew members and soldiers were conversing with each other, deciding where to go. The lead crew member turned around to face the diplomat. "We shall go to the capital building."

[Prowler 03]

"Hydrons are weapons that can travel with incredible speeds. They are designed to take out 3 enemy ships of any class up to a dreadnought, can penetrate any type of armour or shielding regardless of size and power with ease." The Terran Lieutenant said resting his hands on one of the 8 ft. long black cylinder shaped missiles. "No other information can be given for classified reasons."




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Exploratory Fleet

The Exploratory Fleet General sat calmly inside Tisari's Bridge, watching the colourful explosions outside, as hundreds of fighters made attack runs on the gravitic well that surrounded the entire Battleplate. "Tilasi, engage fleet CQC Protocol "Clean Sweep."

"Yes Ma'am. Annie plant energy output at 5%. Increasing to 15%. IFF Scans Displayed. Friendly AI Briefed. Clean Sweep Protocol Engaged."

As Tilasi spoke, the huge blue orbs on the Battleplate glowed ever so slightly brighter as they surged huge amounts of energy. The adaptive glass in the bridge flickered, light blue icons hovering on each allied ship, the symbols displaying information about the selected craft. The NSF craft that had been sent to assist marked as allies, as well as the so far radio-silent Arclight Coalition, and all Cygnus craft marked as hostile. The Battleplate, now having gained enough power, pulsed it's shield outwards, instantly crushing any craft smaller than a battleship in it's way, ripping holes in itself to prevent allied ships from being torn into smithereens. Any larger craft would have had shielding that would have taken the brunt of the onslaught, the remaining Gravitational pull ripping apart any weak sections of hull and ripping off turrets where it could. The fighters that had so effectively scattered earlier came back around, dipping inside shields where they could, firing on turrets or engines, anywhere that could be a potential weakness. Any missiles were quickly dealt with by AMS turrets, and point defences were busy strafing any craft that had survived the clean sweep protocol with assorted plasma and kinetic fire. Opening a comm link to the NSF craft, the Exploratory Fleet General spoke. "Target any significantly threatening ships left after the clean sweep protocol. We shall be happy to assist you with any repairs you may need after the battle. Thank you."

Meanwhile, the communication package that Tilasi sent was recieved - and even if not opened, the small package hidden deep within thousands of layers of code opened, digging itself deep into the Cygnus' computers, scanning files, poising itself over significant data connections, and slowly spreading itself over the entire fleet. Some security systems noticed it, and tried to send a message to the ship's mainframe, only for the message to be intercepted and the hostile security system pacified. So, no matter what it looked like from the outside, there were really two battles - the war within in the Cygnus computers, and the physical battle taking place.

Diplomatic Party

"As you wish." The diplomatic party followed their escort, the Artificial Intelligences tasked with handling the ships moving to the assigned spot on the huge station. Speaker Retilan noted the subtlety in the fact that they had been shown how impenetrable the Novin System was - the fact that they were showing off their defences, and, furthermore, making sure that none were pointed at the small diplomatic party spoke volumes. It was a classical move - show your new allies that you are not to be messed with, but make it subtle enough so nobody takes offence, and can't call them out on it. It was a good move, a solid one. Of course, it still worked to some effect even if you were aware of it - but it wasn't like the Synthesis Coalition had anything to fear from the NSF.

[Yautja Prime 4 days ago]

On the Yautja home world a Overseer observed his quadrant of the galaxy. For centuries he had watched over this region, and observed the species there. Suddenly warnings began to blare around him. Large spikes of energy were being detected in relation to weapons fire. Large amounts of energy was being dispersed in a unnatural way. Quickly he tapped the command consul along his chairs arm. A cloaked monitor drone zoomed in on the solar system revealing the scene before the yautja. Several ships belonging to unknown factions were present, and were now in conflict. He raised his eyebrow at the scene before him intrigued. Tapping away more at the console the drone zoomed in on the planet's surface. It revealed a great battle occurring, and the homo-sapient species there was loosing apparently. He made a series of noises signifying excitement, as he tapped his console again. On the surface a single scout ship was launched housing the Overseer.

[Just outside the solar system housing planet Xernea]

The scout ship exited Hyper Dimensional space with a quick flash of red light. The scout ships immediately cloaked after exiting, and entered dormant mode. Some systems stayed on to keep the ship hidden, but other then that he simply observe. Here he would find a worthy prey, along with discovering new species/tech for the empire.

@MuchPsykers ,@ResonantStorm ,@Assailant

More Cyngus ships began to break formation as they started to devastate whatever ship that they came across. Fighters that fell were only replaced by new fighter formations as they started to take out any AMS turrets that they could get near with precision energy bombs.

"My Lord! Our losses are exceeded that of our early predictions. Orders!" One of the soldiers said. "Tell our ships to devastate theirs with all the firepower that they can muster. If we are going to go down, we shall take the enemies n their entirety with us!" The Lord Admiral said, staring through the monitors of his command post which displayed multiple screens of stats, ship damage, etc... The ships of the cyngus were now engaging in full close range combat with the ships of the synthesis as the ships of the cyngus unleashed their heavy broadside fire upon multiple ships, destroying anything that was smaller than battleships and that could not withstand the merciless firepower of multiple heavy energy turrets.

Meanwhile, the Cyngus AI had taken notice of the infiltration as it began to set up system walls upon multiple Cyngus battle net systems that have been breached.

Another Cyngus formation headed towards the Arclight Coalition fleet as they opened up with a barrage of fire. While another task force of ships began to make their way towards the moons of the Interplanetary Federation of Holon.




@Lord Anubis


[NSS Junius -Prowler]

"Understood." The Pilot of the prowler said. The underbelly of the prowler opened up as it revealed a 8ft long missile. The pilot pressed the trigger on his controls as the missile fired its engines taking it to incredible speeds, the missile separated into two as two heavy battleships were simultaneously hit, and erupted in a large explosion.

This new attack caused mass panic and confusion amongst the surrounding Cyngus ships as they attempted comprehend who or what had just attacked them.



[Diplomatic party]

Gravitational clamps secured the ships into position as an invisible dome had engulfed the now docked ships of the Synthesis coalition, protecting them from the vaccum of space in case something were to go wrong. A large docking tube attached itself onto the ships, allowing for the diplomats to enter into the station. Inside, there were multiple platoons of NSF soldiers, influding the NSF diplomats awaiting for the arrival of their new allies.

Exploratory Fleet

"Ma'am, the hostiles have moved in for full close-combat. The military capability displayed by the enemy is substantial enough that their fleet, if they attacked in a concentrated, simultaneous attack, could potentially breach the gravitic shielding." A senior tactics officer briefed Artemis quickly, while Tilasi continued to wield her fighters with extreme precision, dodging the large, comparatively slow turrets of the Cygnus ships, while dipping in and out of shields to let loose with their plasma lances.

"General, our frigates are taking heavy hits, yet they make up the bulk of our force. Extraction is for them - of the enemy have warp denial it doesn't seem to affect our drives. Section 7 of the Offence Fleet is also standing by for assistance, and would work sufficiently as backup. Long-guns are also available to clear the way for both extraction and insertion of Section 7." Tilasi gave this information calmly, letting the General make her own decision.

"Understood. Do not activate long-guns, but instead use Prism-Class missiles to minimise unit exchange casualties."

"Of course, Ma'am."

As Tilasi spoke, several missiles were fired, each splitting into two, then four, then 8, and then 16. Each smaller missile spread near each hostile ship that had a particularly effective position against the vulnerable frigates, before exploding into blinding light, millions of tiny nanobots seeking light and reflecting it all onto every window, turret, and optic system on the cygnus craft. Meanwhile, as their oppressors were blinded, the frigates vanished in halo's of blue light, replaced by Destroyers, a very heavy class of Warship, which opened up with a barrage of heavy fire on the Cygnus craft that had been so effective against the frigates.

@MuchPsykers @Otakuyaki @Lord Anubis

Diplomatic Party

As the ships docked, their doors hissed open, a Kileesai accompanied by many others clothed in regal, golden clothing with flowing curtains of white fabric hanging from their shoulders, these syandana's a reminder of their rank. The lead kileesai, who was clothed in a muted black in direct contrast to his retinue, with a long, golden cape-like syandana hanging from his back, stepped out in front, his translator hidden by a practically invisible shimmer visible on his neck. "I am Speaker Retilan of the Synthesis Coalition." He bowed to the unarmed diplomats before him, a flicker of electricity running down his right arm. "It's a pleasure. Shall we get underway with the matter at hand?"


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