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Galactic Empires Reborn I: Residual Chaos

Mist Demon

A Broken Frame
Infection Chronicles

Dog tags swung back and forth as Price peaked over the side of what was left of a skyscraper’s pillar. Detroit’s city streets were barren and desolate as the lone soldier scanned for any sign of the alien threat. It had just been five days since the alien menace had first made contact but central command had gone dark just three days in. As if mocking every last remaining human the alien ships were still in full view above the city. Collectors continued to freely come and go from the hovering craft for reasons unknown to the war-torn soldier.

After roughly five minutes Price held his right hand up in a motion for the rest of his remaining squad to move up. Making a less than silent approach the metal behemoth roared to life as it slowly lumbered towards the street intersection. Despite fallen comrades at every step of the way, the remaining members of the squad prided themselves on being the last known tank battalion in the city.

Alongside the tank were six soldiers walking on each side, their assault rifles carefully scanning every alleyway, nook, and cranny. The stationary machine gunner’s hands were shaking as he rode atop the tank. Seeing friends and family torn apart only to turn into those… things has a way of changing people.

“Has the location changed?” Price asked into the team’s only satellite phone. While the odds did seem hopeless they weren’t the last remaining group of soldiers left in the city. A plan had been formed to meet together at the local stadium so that all remaining forces would be united.

A resounding “Negative,” was heard over the radio several times over. Fewer than last time. Price held his breath as he waited for more teams to check in but only the worse could be assumed.

“It’s going to be alright, for we’ll make it” Price tensed up immediately as his fellow soldier placed a hand on his shoulder. With all that was going on Price hadn’t even heard his boyfriend walk up. “I know we will because I love you. We’ve made it this far, haven’t we?”

The other man’s smile was genuine as for once that entire day Price felt like the world would overcome the alien invasion. That was up until a spiked leg impaled itself directly through his lover’s head, the tip jutting directly out of his mouth. A Sigmaterian Impure had been crawling down the side of the skyscraper ruins completely unseen.

Hot tears streamed down Price’s face as he could do nothing while his boyfriend choked to death on his own blood. The creature’s face distorted slightly, hinting at a more human form but Price couldn’t think of anything but revenge. Striking the creature’s eye with the butt of his rifle until it burst, the Impure fell off the side of the skyscraper.

Letting out a shriek the creature struck out blindly as it writhed in pain. Price was lucky not to get impaled as he let off clip after clip into the creature’s face until the Impure merely twitched a few more times in death.

Screaming and gunfire sounded in the background but Price was too entranced looking down at the man he had loved. At that point in time he couldn’t even care that a swarm of Impure had been attracted by his early rage. The rest of the squad made formations around the metal behemoth while the machine gun on top whirled to life.

The husk, dead corpse, of Price’s boyfriend was beginning to contort and change but the man couldn’t bring himself to end the process. The man had seen enough times what happened to a person after a Collector or Impure finished harvesting them.

“Get down!” A resounding scream finally brought Price back to reality as he fell to the ground just in time to dodge a spiked tendril that would have impaled him. On top of everything going wrong a Collector had appeared between a group of soldiers before harvesting all of them at once. With the creature hovering right above him Price knew this must of been the end for him.

What Price didn’t take into account was that the tank barrel had managed to line up near perfectly with where the Collector had appeared. A resounding explosion sounded as the last tank shell hit the alien head on.

An orange substance, Sigmaterian Residual Essence, covered Price as everything began to blur. A black shadowy figure had appeared directly in front of him. It was as if Price couldn’t breathe as he looked upon the unknown figure. The air itself felt stale as the temperature seemed to noticeably drop.

Awaken child and be reborn,” The voice boomed in Price’s head as he felt like his eardrums would bleed.

“Wake up, Wake up!” Price opened his eyes to see one of his friends clearly injured and trying to shake him awake. Two more soldiers were wildly looking around for any more hostiles. Price didn’t even remember passing out but then again everything felt wrong. The battalion’s tank was in shredded ruins but Impure corpses covered the street around it.

“We don’t have much time before our deceased friends change or more hoards come to investigate the noise. Wipe that orange goo off and get your ass up soldier.” Price got up to his feet as he tilted his head to look at his former friend. His impulses were telling him to…

The power is yours to take. Use it child. Then harvest it back,” While the shadowy figure had disappeared the voice was still prominent in Price’s mind. Yet none of the other soldiers acted like they could hear it.

“What’s wrong?” Price’s former friend asked before the newly born Imperfect’s hand burst into flames. A thrown fireball engulfed the other soldier’s head producing a horrid scream as Price watched with a delighted smile. The power surging through him felt unfathomable even though he could feel his body decaying as he used it.

When the other two members of his former squad raised their rifles tendrils burst from Price’s hands impaling them both. From there even more energy surged into Price’s body providing an almost ecstatic high while his body repaired the previous decaying.

Afterwords a beeping emitted from the satellite phone causing Price to look down at it with a peculiar smile.


“How is it being reborn a Sigmaterian?”

A figure asked from behind as Price looked down at the infected planet below from the Sigmaterian Fleet Carrier.

“...Perfect. It was my honor helping with my planet’s rebirth. The look on all of their faces… priceless. When can we bring our gift to new planets?”

“We won’t stop until all have been reborn as per the Emperor’s command.”
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"I must say it is strange sitting here speaking with you. Just twenty years ago I would have towered over you in rank, and now look at this." The soldier chuckled and took a sip of his tea as Maxwell smiled with a patient and kind smile. He had no cup in front of him. He had insisted long ago that he did not like tea. He had long finished his supplementary water, and simply sat and listened. The prime of his life had come and gone, and though he didn't look it he was quite an old man. Well... wait, was 45 considered old? It was on Holon for a while until Max took charge. Those who fought him would hardly believe it, but outside of battle he was very docile. He was calm, soft spoken, had an infectious laugh, and generally good company. Of course, inside battle... "Such a young nation, it's amazing what you've done so quickly. From a small portion of a planet to multiple solar systems in just twenty years. That Holonite really is something, isn't it?" The old soldier leaned in with a grin. "We wouldn't mind getting a hold on that for a bit..."

"Afraid not," Max said with a laugh as the old man leaned back with a disappointed look on his face failing to conceal his own laugh. "We haven't enough to trade yet, not outside of very small quantities anyway. We have quite a lot, but at this rate it'll run out within a generation or so. We're working on finding more efficient ways to mine for it, mining on Holon is quite dangerous you know, and some of our top scientists are working to find ways to create it artificially, a form of alchemy if you will. Until then however-" The soldier waved his hand dismissively.

"Oh don't worry. We aren't in dire need of it, though Lord Scar might say otherwise. You guys need it more, what with an entire three-fourths of your border rubbing against Orion. I still can't get over it. Such a long time friend, I always thought of you as like a young child needing to be taught, becoming king of an entire federation."

"I know Grumman, it's crazy," Maxwell said with a loud laugh. "I can hardly believe it myself, b-... Oh, would you look at the time. I'm sorry to leave like this, bu-" Grumman once again waved him off.

"Oh go on. I'm sure you have kingly things to get to. Make smart choices friend!"

"I learned from the best!" Max yelled behind him as he was already running off. He didn't see the beaming smile Grumman gave off after that, but he could practically feel it.

A short flight later and Max walked onto a metal ship floating in space. He walked off and was greeted by the bows of some nearby workers, whose gestures were quickly dismissed with annoyance. He hated being bowed to. He took a quick walk to the observation deck and looked out into the infinite of space behind him as a cold chill ran up his back.

"Something wrong sir?" A young female worker nearby inquired. Max glanced back to see who it was before turning back to the window.

"Yes... yes something is." Max squinted slightly outside. "I just don't know what..."
A lone officer looked out the window of the massive defense belts which encircled Novin a super planet home to 68 billion. There were hundreds of orbital defense stations and a portion of Novin's home fleet docked on the Lunar orbital defense belt circling the moon. A large super planet sized vessel slowly made its way past the defense clusters and stopped on the outer most of the four defense belts circling the super planet the size of 3 earth's put side by side. A small docking tube stretched out and multiple magnetic clamps stretched out locking the vessel into place.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5c2e7f21_Kalis-ClassLuna-Class.png.922417f38d1bae5709804d20c7cac444.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="86240" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5c2e7f21_Kalis-ClassLuna-Class.png.922417f38d1bae5709804d20c7cac444.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
The mega ship was the SFS Novin. Named after the Terran's planet of birth. The most modern ship fielded by the Federation and is the pride of the N.S.F. "Ain't she beautiful?" Another officer said walking to the officer's side. "I'd love to serve aboard her one day."

The pride of the N.S.F. Navy towered over as it overshadowed the moon.

"You're part of the Orbital drop division. Unless the high command decides that your division would join her, it's impossible." The other officer said. "I know. But I'm optimistic. Besides. Who wouldn't want to serve aboard her? She represents just how far our technology has progressed. Has brand new combat systems. New defense countermeasures. Powerful shield. Any enemy would gasp at the sight of her. Or any of her sister ships for that matter." The officer stated.

There was an alarm from the intercoms. *All soldiers part of the SFS Typhoon report to dock 090.

"Well. I better go." The officer said patting his fellow officer on the shoulder as a farewell.


[NSS Nokin. Datin's personal vessel]

Datin was sitting at his desk in his captain's quarters. In his hand was a holo-tablet. On his desk were multiple military files and his personal computer open. "Damn politicians. No wonder why you're loosing support. Can't even get your priorities straight. Spending 45% of our economy on the army when there is no damn threat for light years. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what the new chancellor will do. If not, then I guess we'll have to wait until 2 years when elections for the Senate start." Datin pressed the red button at the bottom centre of his holopad turning it off and laying it on the table on top of a couple files. He then stretched his arm and tapped a glowing blue button on a glass pad.

"Have the CIC run a thorough analysis of the combat systems. And set the coordinates to Jachin. I'll be coming down shortly."

Datin shut the device down and spun around on his chair stopping at the small rectangular view port behind him, allowing him to see space beyond him. He stared out the window, out at the planet's horizon and the hundreds of stars in the distance of deep space. Many under N.S.F control. Something seemed to feel off but Datin could not make out what. He stood up and shut down his holo-computer. He made sure that the fish were fed before leaving his quarters. The automatic doors to his room locking. Datin entered the elevator which took him to the second lowest level of the ship, the CIC. When the doors opened, the crewmen and women gave a salute to him to which he saluted back. "Commander, all ship functions are running smoothly. Nothing out of the ordinary to report." The flight officer said. "Good." Datin said stepping on the podium which displayed a map of the entire N.S.F controlled space. "Take us to Jachin."

Datin's personal ship the NSS Nokin started preparations for launch.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5d299ed4_Datinspersonalship.png.5cbe9771ce8f312623402e0a28b85a04.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="86840" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/57a8c5d299ed4_Datinspersonalship.png.5cbe9771ce8f312623402e0a28b85a04.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
The Magnetic stabilizers released their grip on the port and starboard sides of the multi-role combat vessel. The ship slowly started using it's reverse thrusters to exit the hologram wall which separated the vacuum of space with the inside of the defense belt. Once a safe distance away, the ship turned and sped off before turning it's Shock point entering slip space.


[Jachin. Fringes of N.S.F territory]

Jachin was the furthest planet from the N.S.F and next to the edge of N.S.F controlled space. A fleet of 44 ships guards the entire outer rim sector of this remote area. The NSS Yochin exited slip space close to the planet's outer most orbital station. There were 12 ships moving around the Jachin system. The planet was not heavily fortified but still had an adequate military presence. "Commander, Jachin traffic control says that we have permission to dock on orbital defense station 7." The flight officer said. "proceed." Datin said.

The ship went into the hologram wall as the artificial gravity allowed the ship to still float. Magnetic stabilizers come up from the ground locking into place and holding the ship. A tube came out and connected the exit door. Once given the all clear, Datin and some of his men exited the ship leaving the station's mechanics and his crew to maintain the ship.

"Don't you find it weird that the N.S.F is starting to create more ships and weapons?" One of the soldiers asked as the group walked past soldiers and personnel. "No. It's just the way we've always been. Passive on the outside, but aggressive on the inside." Datin said going through a hologram security scanner.

"have you ever been planet-side this far out sir?" Another soldier asked. "No. I've been to the outer sectors. But this is a new experience for me." Datin said getting in the elevator which took the group down to the control room. There, there were tons of personnel manning monitors. Datin walked above on a bridge and made his way to the man in charge of the defense clusters on Jachin.

"General. Pleasure to meet you. I am commander Datin." Datin said shaking the general's hand. "I've been assigned on a 9 month post here."

"Ah. Welcome commander. I've been expecting you. I must say, it's the first time in a while since i've met a Nazca soldier in person." The General said.

"General. The surveillance aircraft are ready for surveillance beyond our border." One officer said interrupting the conversation. The General looked at the officer. "Are all instruments working?


"What about Squad 4?"

"They are on route and ready to jump whenever you authorize it."

"I authorize the jump. Tell them to be back by 0800 hours. If not, we will send a search party for them." The General said dismissing the officer who gave a salute before walking off.



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The Maeris was meeting with the heads of the various powerful Impraetii Families aboard the Impraetor Prime. "The Clan that worships your family has just conquered a big section of Krasus II!" One said to another. The events of the Kraetians were often talked about by the Impraetii. For the Impraetii did very little of interest other then finding new and interesting ways of naming new systems they explored. Leaving a Kraetian Attacker! to colonize each system and, once more, split into clans to fight over it. They did the last part themselves and willingly. The fleet jumped once more, seeking ever further as they spiraled away from Krasus Prime, always questioning if there was to potentially be a range to their power relays. "I think we should name this system Ellegand!" One of the less influencial families said, hoping to gain influence with their Maeris. "You mean like Ellegand I, Ellegand II, Ellegand the great, The Ellegand Centenary star and so on? I think we have named enough stars after our current Maeris" Said Ellegand himself. This system was actually a black hole and so it was almost insulting to name it after him anyway "What about 'The Black Mist' or simply 'Black'" one said "Perhaps the 'Kraetian God'?" said another, to a chorus of laughs. Someone then went with "Ellegands Bane?" To which Ellegand responded, "What was it I just said?" the discussion over the name went on, all trying to be original without sounding systematic. Meanwhile the Kraetian ships were already on their way to visiting the distant planets and setting up small parties of troublesome men, wanting land of their own, with powerful foundries and Clan homes of their own so that the Kraetians can one day build Kraetian Attackers from this system and continue to grow the might of the Impraetii.
Confederacy Mothership 'Rising Dawn': Several days ago

Darren woke up with a gasp confined in an empty metal pod, rescued from the infinite blackness he had been subjected to as his mind was reconnected with a body. Yet it was not his body, not anymore. Despite his human appearance, Darren could feel that on some instinctual level he was anything but. This thought was quickly confirmed as he slammed his fist into the cold metal which buckled under the force. Not only that but the pain he should've felt was a mere suggestion. A simple suggestion that he could tune out at any time.

His thoughts were interrupted by anothers invading his mind. 'Easy there partner, you'll have plenty of time to be punching soon enough.' The voice resonated softly in his mind, distinctly foreign and as Darren looked up he saw the source. A scaly grotesquely proportioned and emaciated humanoid that was hovering just outside the pod, Darren fumbled for a name and quickly found one. Saelethil, he had been there just before the operation, introducing himself as his partner for the next decade.

'Are you gonna keep lying there? We've got a whole slew of missions lined up, including going back to your homeworld.' That jolted Darren awake, galvanizing him to clamber out of the pod.

"Let's get to it..."
The Curators and their Libraries had always been a curious thing, descending on planets into order to preserve and catalog intelligent species before disappearing into the stars forevermore. Occasionally, a long range communicator would be left on the planet and when the inhabitants could interpret it's use, they could establish contact with the Library and a continued stream of information could be uploaded within the Library's database. This was seldom to happen however, the Curators were millions of years old at their youngest, they had experienced countless species across countless worlds and more often than not- it ended badly.

As things do with Organic life, they were driven by emotion and most overpopulated their planet before discovering FTL travel, most met their end by their own hands in nuclear fire or Environmental disaster. The Curators had debated for quite some time on whether or not to assist with the ascension of the species they came across, most agreed that it was a bad idea, having millions of Intelligent species spreading throughout the Galaxy could mean a Genocide on a galactic scale. At least when preserved aboard the Libraries, they could be controlled, they could be kept safe. It was the duty of the Ardent Atheneum, it was the duty of the Curators as commanded by the Entity Conservator.

The Ardent Atheneum split into thousands of Migrant fleets that all spanned throughout the Galaxy, searching for life wherever they could find it. Currently, there were roughly 1,000 of these fleets. Their Library ships were nigh impossible to destroy but they were just as impossible to repair or replace, a loss of a Library was felt across the Atheneum and the Conservator was said to weep at the loss of the last, almost 10,000 years ago. These Migrant fleets were small however, consisting of a single Library, with 25 Catalogers that served as the Libraries personal guard, and the sole means of discovering those intelligent species the Curators sought after so. Catalogers, while easily repaired were also impossible to replace, parts could be salvaged and eventually a new Cataloger could be constructed but the loss/gain ratio makes the loss of a Cataloger just as heavy. The last time a Cataloger was lost was not 500 years ago, under the watch of a Protector Prince when the attacking species seemed to overwhelm the Protector guardians and corrupted the Cataloger, putting all Libraries and Catalogers in jeopardy.

The Fallen Prince never quite recovered from his failure aboard that Cataloger, reassigned to a new Cataloger under the watchful eye of the Administrator V114G1L, Virgil. Now aboard the Library dubbed; Ciefoht after the Protector Queen inhabiting it. Virgil slithered among the light tan cancerous growth that made up the Queen and occasionally scanned the growth, ensuring all his data was up to date. The walls seemed to quiver every time he preformed his scan, something that brought a small bit of joy to the mechanical Curator for one reason or another.

"Must you really? You know it feels... Strange." Said the walls, the cancerous growths forming into a Drian, the female of the Anu'nudrian species preserved aboard the library. Resembling a broad, sauric, reptilian, the Queen glared down at Virgil who stopped dead in his tracks as she formed. The tail whipped up so that Virgil could look up at the Queen and cocked the eye to the side, curious. A moment of silence between Ciefoht and Virgil ensued before the scan beam emitted from Virgil's eye and scanned the Drian form that the Queen took. Gasping in disbelief the Drian form melted back into the walls after shooting Virgil a venomous glare. Mechanical ticking that could be interpreted as chuckling was Virgils response.

"But of course your highness, I know you enjoy it you needn't be coy around me." Virgil communicated through a series of beeps and mechanical whirring. Satisfied with his torment of the Queen, Virgil continued along his way, maintaining the Library was no easy task and he hadn't even checked on the Cataloger's this cycle! It was proving to be a busy day, just as always.


Fallen Prince Anaxial was within the Command room of his newly assigned Cataloger, his massive talons precisely tapping away as the orange hologram before him. This ship too was completely enveloped in a Protector Queen one that took the form of a bipedal horned Giant known as Chax that had cataloged some years ago. She stood behind Anaxial, dwarfed by his size and though she made up the entirety of the ship, one couldn't help but feel small when side by side with a Prince.

"Anaxial, what are you doing? Have we picked up a Signal?" she asked curiously, tucking her head under one of Anaxial's massive talons. The insectoid stopped and turned one of his eyes down to the Queen, his head adjusting slightly to look down at her.

"Yes. I believe it's a distress Signal of sorts however... The Curators below are still analyzing it they say they'll have it deciphered before we reach the planet's Solar System." he reported. Conversations aboard the Catalogers and Libraries were often times strange, while Queens could take the form of anything, they could speak outloud and Curators memorized the languages of the Species they preserved and saved the entire language among the data associated with them. Princes however, communicated via spores, spores that were harmless to Protectors and machines, but to other Organic life? The Prince's voice became impossible to decipher, his words sounded like the subconscious, often times driving Organic creature's mad when over-exposed.

On the lower levels of the Cataloger, the Curators were deciphering a message they picked up on the Cataloger's long range scanner, confirming it was a distress call of sorts simply by analyzing voice patterns they needed only make out the words, a task that could be done within a few seconds. With the message deciphered the Curators played it and the Cataloger immediately locked onto it's Origin and and jumped to the location. The Cataloger came down from FTL on the dark side of the Planet's moon, a distress signal indeed as a fleet of ships seemed to be attacking the planet.

Another war, another lost race... The Cataloger stayed in orbit with the moon and watched as the world burned.
[Fruvli's Home]

Commander Fruvli opens his eyes after a night's sleep.He grooms himself for the upcoming Nakop Military Conference.His wife,Zhi Shan has prepared breakfast for the family.Fruvli sits at the dining table,motioning for the family to start eating.

WHile enjoying his breakfast,Fruvli starts to think about the upcoming conference in Salvade Hotel.The conference is going to make some big changes at Guin history,as it will be discussing about the new Guin expansion policies and strategies that will be used by the military,which will affect future wars of the Empire.Having finished his breakfast,Fruvli heads to his working table while his wife is packing the bags of their children.He takes a yellow file from his working table and heads to his "car" and starts driving to Nakop


Fruvli's "car"

[Nakop,the capital city of the Guin Empire]


Nakop city in the day

As the capital of the Guin Empire,Nakop city was a large city built upon Ocean Rikap.Surrounded by the once island of Logos,the city's majestic structures hold the most important buildings of the Guin Empire.As Fruvli reached his destination,he parked his car at the hotel's parking lot and headed to the meeting chambers.


A picture depicting the hotel's meeting room

The meeting room is welly decorated,as it was prepared for important meetings.for the Empire.Fruvli soon took a seat at the right side of the table.The meeting soon started as all members are present.As important matters were discussed throughout the meeting,the members of the meeting,mostly high-ranked officials had started a debate about how the rebellions should be purged.

"We should purge the rebellion with full force,or others will be motivated to oppose the rule of the Empire!"said one of the officials as another official opposes him:"Do you think that the Empire needs to use SO many troops to fight off a puny rebellion?No,we don't need that!Using so many troops is just a disgrace towards the Empire!"

As the debate goes out of control,the host slams the table."Enough!Your argue isn't doing anything good for the Empire!"At this very moment,Fruvli stands up and proposes his suggestion:"If the rebels are such a problem for you,I'll lead my fleet against them"
Patra stormed down the hallway, her clawed toes digging small groves into her shoes as she furiously smashed the buttons on the console controlling the door, only to be rejected with a finalizing beep followed by a brief red light. Cursing under her breath she took a step back, running her hands across her white and blue uniform as she tried to calm herself, returning to a seething rage before trying the console again. This time the machine responded with a chirp before unlocking the door with a heavy click, the metal portcullis opening with a faint hiss as the metal doors were pulled to either side, disappearing into the wall. Inside was a large group of people, all wearing blue and white colors except for a few technicians who were there to repair a malfunctioning console, though they seemed to leave immediately upon her arrival.

One of the malivicians in the room quickly separated himself from the others, being at least half a foot taller than most of them and wider in his dimensions as well. Bowing slightly for a moment he strode over to Patra, a concerned expression on his face "Mrs-"

She immediately threw her arms up, cursing again before closing the gap between the two of them, the pupils of her eyes shrinking as she looked up at him, one of her nails pushing up against the bottom of his jaw. "Do not speak unless you are about to explain wholeheartedly how the Samkhedro war hounds take down our flags!! Its already bad enough that they have reunited this year with those," her face contorted horribly for a moment before she looked down, letting out a sigh. "Explain yourself Colonel or so help me I will make more flags out of your skin."

Glaring she took a step back, wiping some pale green spit that hung from her mouth onto her forearm before placing both her arms on her hips as she waited for his answer. By then most of the surrounding crew had stopped what they were doing, either to show respect or just to watch. After a moment he opened his mouth, some of his small white teeth hanging out for a brief minute before he closed it again, looking down with an expression akin to a shamed child.

Snarling Patra, leaning forward and spitting on him, a great glob of the green liquid landing on the ground directly between his military grade boots. "How are we supposed to rally the workers if they have no banner to rally under? We are already only barely ahead in the planetary elections! I cant just speak and expect the world to follow, they need," She threw out her hands fanatically, causing some of the watching men to flinch. "they need substance! Now more than ever! I shall unite the workers by Vuliks name I swear it!" The supporters around her solemly agreed, watching her for her next move for a moment before, finding that was it, drifting slowly back to their jobs, a renewed sense of purpose bestowed upon them.

After watching them for a few minutes she grabbed the Colonel by the arm, dragging him along as she walked down another corridor, blue lights illuminating the metal hallway around them as they went deeper and deeper into the khalkhis headquarters, passing a few men going about their business with only but a curious glance their way. The hallway let them out onto a catwalk overlooking a large warehouse. The floor was covered in crates of all sizes and types from their supporters, dotted with a few full sized ships and ship parts as well as the men who worked down their, only white dots from this height.

From here they moved onto the docking bay next door which was loaded with old Pren'Vilas class ships, about 47 in total, give or take. Patra quickly made her way over to one of the ships, the crew surrounding it scattering somewhat to give her space. Just as she was unscrewing the fuel pump she felt something grab her shoulder, nails digging into her flesh warningly. Scoffing she reached up and smacked the hand, feeling it loosen up a little, without even glancing at who it was.

"Look, I am leaving for a while. And no I'm not going to get in trouble so you can stay or go with me, your choice Auflaque" Grunting she stood back up, wiping a bit off the oil off her hands with a nearby rag before popping open the hatch, a door on the side sliding open, before clambering in and starting it up, the engines immediately bursting to life with a loud, high pitched whine, followed by the ship lifting off of the ground, knocking aside a few tools as it hovered there for a moment.

Waving up at her the Colonel took a few steps back, watching her as she slowly rose towards the ceiling. The door at the top of the bay slowly started to open, sunlight pouring into the dimly lit room along with a few strands of greenish sand as the soil above was disturbed. After a few minutes Patras ship rose above the surface above, over shadowed by the large white and blue complex she held command of. Eagerly pressing a few buttons a voice appeared as the ship reacted to her. "Hello use-shhhhh- 036, General Patra Bashivi, head representative o-shhh-ouse khalkihis. What is your des-" She cut it off, snarling to herself as she pressed more buttons. "Cut the shit already. Destination k’alak’i, Dirthsa." The humming that had surrounded the ship immediately grew tenfold for a moment before the ship ripped open a small wormhole, jumping into it with its inhibitions seemingly left behind.

Within seconds the ship started to violently shake, tossing around smaller objects as it threatened to pull itself apart in multiple directions at once. Gritting her teeth she pushed forward, frantically pressing a few more buttons as alarms and lights started to flash. Cursing she leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, feeling the ship lurch forward, along with her insides, as it arrived in Dirthsa's airspace, the large blue and green planet taking up most of her veiw from the cockpit. Looking around at the room she couldnt help but chuckle a little before gently steering the ship towards the planet. "No wonder these were removed from manufacturing..."
The Alved


(Not all of my posts will be anywhere near this long. Just wanted to introduce the character as well as get her into space.)

"Akoe!" A deep voice rung out through the small room, carved into the branches of a humungous treebranch. "Slek Karr, Akoe! Iao Amo tores vo bo letor!"

Akoe's green eyes slowly began to open and adjust themselves to the surrounding light of day. Oh how she hated afternoon drills, getting up just before the moon rises so there's more time. With the sun still out it's extremely hard to see for Alved without the use of goggles, and unfortunately enough goggles aren't allowed during drills. For just another moment or so, Akoe let her mind catch her bearings while she tried to rub her sleep out of her eyes like some desperate fool before being yelled at by the menacing voice again. "AKOE!"

"Iyos Iyos Iyos!" Akoe shouted back in a quick dagger-like manner. With a few rocks, she rolled herself off of her hammock and onto the floor. With the amount of time she had she didn't even prepare herself like most woman would, she just threw on her clothes and headed out to the door, stopping only to put on her light military climbing shoes. Clicking open a few locks, Akoe opened her door only to be greeted by a most menacing sight; Her father. His deep green eyes glared straight down into hers, and his presence both startled and intimidated her "Liy a rokir?" her father asked in a calmer tongue.

Akoe tured her head in almost an ashamed manner, avoiding the eyes of her Elder father as if they were demons of some sort. Once again the elder raised his brow "Liy?"

What was once sass quickly turned into a feeling of shame for Akoe, as well as confusion. Why was her father here? He's supposed to be on an entirely different planet...if she'd known that were him at the door she certainly wouldn't have dragged her feet. "Uh..." She struggled to find the words to explain herself in her embarrassment.

"Orra Rasom?" She muttered out. "A agl Saglo..."

"Iao amo Saglo?" He asked in an antagonizing tone. He obviously didn't like being up this early either. "Seekers speak english, the official language of the universe Akoe."

"Grr..." That comment gave an obvious annoyance with the embarrassment, and for a second or so Akoe was accidentally glaring her canines. "A Ag...Erm...I'm sorry father."

"I'm glad to hear that after how you've been acting."

"I don't like Za...I mean afternoons. I don't like afternoons, too early. And I didn't even know that drill was today?"

"Well today isn't your standard drill Akoe. This is a seeker only drill that I was able to get you in last minute."

"Las....What?!" Akoe was obviously more confused if that were possible. Her obvious confusion though seemed to lighten the mood a bit, as a slight grin formed across her fathers face. "Launching drills, Akoe. The kind that one orbits planets in."

"Come." Her father said. "We have no time to waste."

The walk to the military facility at the very top of the tree's canopy was only fifteen minutes or so, yet it seemed far too long for the likes of Akoe. She did try and treasure the time with her father but her feeling of embarrassment was still clinging onto her. It had been ages since the two of them walked together, let alone spoke. Age was showing more and more on the elder's face with each unexpected meeting, and Akoe knew her father could say the same about her. They spoke of old times and new, trying to let go the fact that Akoe could very well be in orbit in these next few hours

Once they arrived, there was no time for chit-chat. The two were brought to the highest branch at the top of the Capitol Tree, which ever seeker knew was the experimental ship testing grounds. No words were spoken, just Akoe being escorted to the very top via a secure elevator. Barely even able to mutter a word out to her father, Akoe was already being strapped into a flight suit, which was an experimental astronaut suit that would be able to survive outside in a vacuum if the case so well presented it. Unlike Astronaut suits before it...this one was light. The fabric conformed to the wear's skin, and thick exoskeleton plates padded over much of it. Then the visor was very small compared to previous models, and while it was still round in shape it only covered the top portions of the head, cutting off where Alvedi eyesight ended. Then the rest of the head was just thick helmet, with computers built in and the most advanced tech that Akoe had ever laid her eyes upon, all complimented by a red and white paint job.

"Click your feet together." One of the technicians instructed. Akoe did so, only to be completely knocked off of her feet by jet boosters activating through the bottoms of her shoes, flinging her up into the air then slamming her back into the ground because of how unprepared she was. "Las a...What was that!"

"Rocket boosters are working..." The technician swiped through a check mark on his paper. "So is the exoskeleton...alright, go into the ship and activate the engine."

Through the tinted visor Akoe looked into her fathers eyes for one last time, as if to say goodbye. No words were spoken, he just waved and motioned her to get onboard the ship, nicknamed a ramjet due to it's large engine located at the front of the ship. She felt odd, nervous almost. This was a moment that she had been waiting for her entire life, and she was finally going to live it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Ramjet.jpg.9bf34108fa77d23364980a25280a6e46.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="88384" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/Ramjet.jpg.9bf34108fa77d23364980a25280a6e46.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Climbing aboard the strange experimental aircraft, Akoe opened up the flight window and climbed into the main pod at the top of the craft, securing herself in the seat as all of the simulations she'd run beforehand had instructed. Years and years of classes, simulations, and books all led up to this moment. Right away she went to work on the control panel, flipping up a number of switches so that the atmospheric air would be used to start the engine rather than the nuclear fusion reaction that would be used in space, to ensure safety. With the adjustment of a few dials, and the turn of a commanding key-card the engine roared to an idling start, just waiting to be activated.

"Systems?" the communications asked.

"Operable 100%" Akoe replied

"Engine check?"

"Running smooth."

"Fusion core?"


"Weapons systems?"


"Those won't be activated until you've reached the moon where we'll be testing. Are all the safety parameters online?"


"Watch your english. You don't want to be speaking Alved if you run into a foreign species. Other than that you have permission to bring engine to a full start."

With the order given, Akoe turned the air intake to 100%, to completely allow the atmospheric air into the engine. A lion like roar was heard from the engine, and the power of this spacecraft could be felt even from the back of the pilots seat.

"Launching in 3...."



Without any hesitation Akoe slammed the speed crank forward, causing the Ramjet to rocket itself forward as well through the launch bay at lightning speeds. The power was so immense that a whiplash effect slammed Akoe into the butt of her seat, and she was barely able to grip the control stick of the ship. She could barely control the ship at this moment, the amount of G's on her body were preventing her from full control. Meanwhile the ship continued to dart forward at maximum speed, already having broken the sound barrier from the start of launch. This ship could very well get up to light speed in just seconds, but luckily there was a button that needed to be released in order to achieve such feat."Rokir Ladar Rokir Lardar Rokir Ladar!" The technician screamed through the radio in Alved, and Akoe regained her bearings just enough to reach up and bring back the speed crank slightly, significantly reducing the amount of speed and G's on her body.

Things were now significantly calmer inside of the cockpit, and for a pleasant change Akoe could actually steer the ship in the right direction now, away from any hazards. "Might I recommend you adjust your seat forward Seeker..." With a few clicks, Akoe eased her seat forward then locked it into place. Now she could easily reach every control. "Now you may leave the atmosphere. Full speed ahead."

The Ramjet then once again reached full speed, this time things were much more controllable than last time. With ease the ship left orbit, and Akoe now headed toward the nearest uncolonized moon...



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Ominous Beginnings

Adamos left the newly born Sigmaterian Imperfect to bask in his new-found powers while he headed towards the literal heart of the ship. The lone figure walked in silence down the living, breathing corridors of the ship as the floor beneath him seemed to squirm underneath his footsteps. A dead end was approaching but right before Adamos would've walked right into the wall the flesh ripped itself apart creating a doorway that closed right after the white haired Sigmaterian passed.

The very center of the ship truly was a lively place as hundreds of veins and nerves seemed to be protruding from a single, massive ball of Sigmaterian Residual Essence that made the heart of the living warship. The glow the orb was giving off was near blinding to look directly into it and Adamos could feel the familiar warm and tingling sensation the moment he walked into the room.

A handful of the veins were connected to sections of the wall that were displaying orange screens of planet Earth below. Each one showing some of the last remaining resistance left on the planet. On one screen a herd of hundreds of wild turkey attempting to fruitlessly run as Impures skidded across the plains with speeds faster than most forms of Earth transportation. One after another until every last one had been given the chance to ascend to a higher form did the Earth animals get harvested for SRE. The bodies continued to distort and rapidly change until the husks of lifeless bodies rose from the ground as even more Impures.

On some of the other screens humanity's last bunkers of safety were being cut into as hoards of Impures clawed through concrete and steel alike until pathways were formed into the human compounds. Gunfire died down quickly as even the most powerful and influential human beings soon learned that their doomsday bunkers and personal military could not save them from transcending to a higher form.

The majority of the screens, however, showed the planet itself slowly transcending. Trees, grasses, plants, and all wildlife in general was slowly dying all across the planet. In proximity to these soon becoming massive graveyards where life once prospered pools of orange residual essence was forming. Slowly the very ground alongside these pools were becoming flesh-like as more deceased biological material fell into the pools. After enough time these processes would be finished and a living warship would rip itself away from the planet and take to the stars.

Adamos was paying no attention to any of this. Instead the Imperfect Sigmaterian was clutching tightly onto a pendant around his neck. One that meant literally everything to him.

"It has taken so long," the lone figure seemed to be talking to himself as he swiped his free hand forward as a map showing the universe formed. Beacons were lighting up nearly every single galaxy. Eons ago an ancient empire had once set out with no other intention than mapping out the entire Universe. They built nigh-indestructible, numbered beacons in every galaxy they could possible reach. While this hadn't stopped more than a handful of them from being decimated due to being caught in the middle of petty intergalactic wars the beacons were used by most of the Universe as one centralized map.

"I couldn't of done it without you," Adamos continued as he looked at how an orange ring now encircled the entire Universe. It had already taken an unfathomable number of years but one by one each outer galaxy had fell to the Sigmaterian threat. Being at the very edge of the Universe had provided plenty of benefits to the expanding, invading disease. The large, numerous asteroid fields accompanied by the sheer distance from the center of the Universe made it unlikely for outside forces to stumble into the Sigmaterian forces and attempt to stomp them out. Not to mention the majority of the planets on the outer ring had no contact with other alien life and were generally unable to produce space travel and run. Most importantly empires that spanned vast galaxies generally did not reach out so far to the outer edge of the Universe.

Then something went wrong.

A horrible, uneasy falling feeling overtook Adamos. Time had seemed to stop as all the screens were frozen and ship itself seemed to stop moving. Color itself began to fade to white as the Sigmaterian Imperfect eyes were as wide as could be. Looking down underneath him a vivid blue pentagram-like shape was forming and burning itself into the living warship's floor.

Darkness began to coil and form a sort of hand that at the last second attempted to reach out and grab Adamos but it was too late. Everything faded to white and the Sigmaterian Imperfect was gone.


@tims run

To Datin's no doubt dismay, while talking with the General the other man seemed to completely freeze. Their hands locked in a handshake as the entire room went quiet while time itself seemed to stop. A queasy, sense of falling almost, feeling overtook the Nazca soldier. All color seemed to drain from the room as everything began to fade to white.

The only exception was the vivid blue pentagram forming underneath Datin's feet as it burned itself into the control room's bridge floor. Seconds later, which seemed to take an eternity, everything faded to white and Datin, alongside the severed hand of the General, disappeared.


@General Deth Glitch

For the first time that night silence filled the Impraetor Prime as the various powerful Impraetii Families stopped bickering about the name of the new system. The Maeris could look around the meeting room in horror as time had stopped thus freezing each individual Impraetii in place. Color then began to drain from the room as everything began to fade to white and a sickly, falling feeling overtook the Maeris.

A vivid, blue pentagram like shape with ancient, unknown markings began to burn itself into the floor of the Impreator Prime's meeting room floor underneath the Maeris right before everything went white and Ellegand Mrack was gone.



At some point while Darren was preparing for his voyage back to his home world, Earth, something went wrong. Saelethil had seemingly frozen, exactly the same as everything else around the former human, and even the other creature's voice in his head seemed silent as time stopped. The mere suggestion of falling and disorientation was attempting to overtake the newly born Asren while all color slowly began to fade to white.

Underneath Darren a vivid, blue pentagram-like shape burned itself into the floor right before everything went white and Darren was gone.



Having jumped to the dark side of the moon, the Cataloger ship had yet to be detected by the Sigmaterian fleet as they continued to harvest the planet. Using a sort of advanced, biological sonic relay the living warships had yet to detect the new ship's presence as it was hidden behind the moon. The Fallen Prince and Queen were being given a front row seat as the world was transcending to a higher form.

However, an uneasy, falling feeling soon took over the Fallen Prince. The Queen herself seemed frozen as time itself had stopped. All surrounding color began to fade to white as a vivid, blue pentagram formed underneath the insectoid.

Seconds later everything went white and the Fallen Prince had vanished.



The entire conference table goes quiet as Fruvli proposes his suggestion to lead his fleet against the rebels. Not out of shock but rather from time itself coming to a stop as each other member was frozen. A unknown sense of falling is all that Fruvli feels as all color begins to drain from the room while everything fades to white.

Underneath Fruvli a blue pentagram was burning itself into the hotel's meeting room floor right before everything went white and the Guin was transported elsewhere.



After having managed to survive the near perilous wormhole trip in an outdated ship Patara would of immediately noticed as the ship stopped moving towards the planet, Dirthsa. Unbeknownst to her time had actually stopped as a feeling of unease and falling overtook her. The lovely blues and greens of the planet beneath her began to fade away as a blue pentagram burned itself underneath the pilot's seat Patara was sitting in.

Before long everything faded to white and Patara was taken on an entirely different journey.



Just as the nearest un-colonized moon was within sight of the little Ramjet a no doubt horrid experience played itself out for the young Seeker. Out of the blue, for seemingly no reason, the ship stopped moving towards the destination. Akoe could of never known that time itself had stopped as even if she tried the ship's communications no response would be issued.

Suddenly a feeling of both sheer terror and sense of falling overtook Akoe as all color started to drain from her surroundings. If the female Alved were to look down she would see a vivid blue pentagram covered in strange, unknown symbols burning itself underneath the pilot's chair.

Then in an instant everything went white and Akoe found herself destined for a different destination.


One by one each abductee began to fall into existence in a circular pattern centered around one single being. While their surroundings were phasing in and out of existence the dark blue columns and general feel of the air would of reminded any individual of a cathedral of sorts.


A single figure phasing in and out of existence, like all of the other surroundings, was floating at the very center of the circle clearly concentrated on solely chanting something unspeakable. While this hooded, cloaked figure was shouting as loud as he presumable could the sound was being distorted and was nearly incomprehensible to the ears of all those listening.

Each abductee had the exact same vivid blue pentagram underneath their feet and they would find it difficult to move their limbs. It would feel like trying to wade through jello. While each individual could talk their voice would come off somewhat distorted exactly the same as the figure in the center. Moving outside the pentagram would be impossible if any individual tried.


Max continued looking outside as his feeling of dread refused to go away. After a few moments, he furrows his brows in confusion. He was one of those people gifted with amazing instincts. Almost sounds supernatural, but it's not. He just gets a feeling in his gut and follows it. Now he had felt this fear many times, but never to this caliber at this duration. He couldn't simply dismiss it. His eyes suddenly widened as his stomach dropped, and he turned around quickly.

"MARIA!" He yelled, but it was too late. The worker, Maria, was frozen with her mouth open to reply to his statement, with her eyes also slightly closed in concern, having heard just the beginning of his yell before being frozen. He gritted his teeth in frustration as he observed the world around him. Everything was colorless and frozen: a cup was hanging in mid air with the coffee spilling out of it the same. A man was frozen mid fall with his chair. Max smiled, as he had always told Dave to stop leaning back in his chair. He knew Dave always did it behind his back though. Not even falling would convince him to stop. Though it seems this did... mid-fall. Okay, so time is frozen. Can I move? Yes... but my motions are very labored. Let's see if any others are conscious. I'll yell to them and ask them to move.


Nothing. I'm the only one.
Max looks around, his head being the only thing that he could move without substantial effort (though it still wasn't easy) and looked down to see a blue pentagram below him. Oh great, satanic rituals. What's next, eldritch horrors? Lovecraft wants his plot ba- He didn't even get to finish the thought before he was blinded by a flash of light. He appeared in a strange room with multiple others in the same predicament, still hardly able to move. He didn't notice the others' features, nor did he really admire the room's admittedly impressive decor, but turned to the person in the middle chanting with a muffled voice with what appeared to be runic symbols surrounding him.

"Wanna explain what's going on?"
Datin's surroundings froze around him. He looked around alarmed. He started to stumble as he started to feel the feeling of falling as his vision started to become distorted and felt light headed and dizzy. He tapped his thigh as he reached for his pistol. He managed to reach the handle but soon a blue pentagram appeared below Datin's feet forcing him to look down. What seemed like an eternity finally, a bright white light blinded him forcing him to raise his arms to shield his eyes from the blinding white light. When he felt that it was safe he opened his eyes once more. Before doing anything, he hastily tossed the severed hand away as a ear piercing chant overcame Datin forcing him to cover his ears. His vision was slightly distorted but he could make out other figures, even though it was slightly blurred, he could register that they were not of Terran origin except fr maybe one. Every other being in the circle was of alien origin. He tried to move around but found that his movement were very crude and hard as he struggled to even do simple tasks like moving his arm. He tried reaching for his gun ignoring his restricted movement, he eventually gave up trying to grab his revolver from his side as he realized that violence might not end well or it won't get the proper answer.

By now the chanting was just numbing as the chanting did not have the same piercing effect to him but he turned his head to the figure trying his best to open his mouth and call out to the other aliens and the one possible terran but found his voice echoing and distorted as it gave the illusion of his voice fading into the abyss. He then pointed at the figure at the centre and looked around at the other aliens to see if any of them knew who the being was.
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Patara looked taken aback for a moment as she looked down at the glowing blue around the edges of her seat before suddenly standing up in the cabin with blatant disregard for her current situation. As the ship started to drift away from the planet she grabbed on to the sides of her ships, her legs threatening to give out under her weight as a blue light washed over her.

Hitting the ground with a small grunt she felt a heavy lethargy instantaneously wash over her being, making it hard to move at all. Feeling her stomach lurch forward she puked, spewing brownish green liquid across the seeming flagstone floors of the large building, the filthy liquid pooling against her knees as she stared down at the ground for a moment, breathing loudly as she recovered from the sudden displacement.

Both sides of her head throbbed violently as she raised her head, pupils shrinking as her eyes set upon the figure in the center of the room, her face contorting in an expression akin to both anger, dismay and utter terror. Both sides of her brain tried to comprehend the garbled language that seemed to fill the room, only to further embed her headache. Cursing faintly under her breath she turned her head, with some effort, looking around the large room with a sense of awe. After a moment she caught eye of the alien sitting beside her, a new sort of confusion washing over her for a moment as she looked over him, eyes running across his smooth, pink skin and lack of facial casing for a moment before she shook her head, returning to the reality of the current situation with a grim expression painted over her face.

Darren initially pegged the time stop to some strange side effect of his bodily reconstruction, then the blue pentagram formed and he began to panic. This was something beyond his control or anyone on board the mothership. With a gasp, Darren was dragged into existence once again in some sort of structure that reminded him of a cathedral. Darren wasn't a particularly religious person but the sight of something so familiar was soothing, after a moment contemplating the scenery Darren drew his attention to the figure chanting in the middle, remaining silent and stopping any struggles as soon as he realizes his movements had been dulled to the extreme.

Ellegand Mrack

His head was on a pivot, the world around him stopped and faded, like a Kraetian photo. Then he saw a figure and himself and others were all surrounding it. He spat a Kraetian curse, mere gibberish to any but the Impraetii, for unlike most languages it does not follow any sort of communication that other species use. He then placed his hands on his chest, it took more energy to do so then he expected but he did what would normally summon a blast of Krasus Prime energy to free him from this prison and assail his captor. Normally that would have worked but all that happened was he flung his arms out before him and his body moved back slightly, keeping his Center of Mass central to his gooey prison. "Speak Demon or I shall strike you down!" He screamed, this time in the more formal Impratiic Language. Then he soon realised he had no power here, he could tell he had been transported far in space, or even time, and access to the Krasus Prime was not readily within his reach, he closed his eyes and searched, trying to feel its pull so he could use its energy once more but it was futile, with no relay to transport its power nearby then he had no conduit for his power.

What started out as just a simple test run seemed to change within just a few moments, as the unexpected happened. As if the gods themselves had casted upon Akoe, a strange glowing Pentagram formed around Akoe inside of the cockpit, along with a flood of error messages across the screen of her flight helmet, and popping up then fading away faster than the rising beat of her panicking heart. "La Asil?" She gasped out in horror, before the entirety of her surrounds all seemed to change within just a few minutes, transforming from a rather tight and compact cockpit to a wide open accult like chapel, the likes of which Akoe or any Alved had ever seen before.

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't move, and it barely felt like she was even breathing as she watched everything around her in horror from behind the mask of her flight suit. Her helmet computed, and seemed just as confused as she was as right away she was swarmed with error messages. These were only temporary though, as they quickly faded. From the far sides of her vision, which were good due to the size of Alved eyes she could see that she wasn't alone here. There were others trapped in these strange pentagrams that...could only be the works of a god? These were glowing blue, so perhaps they were the work of the moon god? "What...is this...?" She asked herself in a hushed tone. Right now all she could think of was her role as a seeker, and just how she would interpret this.

And then she saw in front of her a man, manipulating a strange force in front of him. Many thoughts ran through her head, yet as many would predict all that she really wanted to know was wether or not this was a god. It couldn't be...could it? Not feeling brave enough to call out, and secure from the others inside of her flight suit as none could see her actual appearance, Akoe decided it be best to just wait and see what happened.
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After Fruvli proposes his suggestion,he looks at the others for their reaction.However,none of the members of the conference has a reaction towards Fruvli's suggestion.As Fruvli begins to explain more about his suggestion,he notices that his surroundings are fading in color,anmd he gets teleported to an unknown location later.

As soon as Fruvli arrives at the place,he immediately tries to flee,but to no avail.He then starts to look at his surroundings,noticing the other abducted aliens around the place and the blue Pentagram below him."So,the rebels are trying to do something..."Fruvli said to himself as he tries to escape the pentagram,but his legs felt like they are sticked to it.

As Fruvli realizes his actions are in vain,he then stares at the nearby aliens."Looks like we have more inferior species waiting to be integrated within the Empire,interesting...."he said to himself as he continues to observe the current situation.
Ominous Beginnings (II)

For the very first time in Adamos's life his eyes were opened wide from fear and terror of the unknown. One of his hands had already been holding the pendent around his neck before the abduction but now more than ever before the Sigmaterian was clutching onto the object as if hanging on for dear life. In addition, the distorted sound of ear-piercing chanting was as disorientating as the fact that most of the room was flickering in and out of existence. This, however, didn't stop Adamos from scanning around the room to find that he indeed was not alone.

There were several that looked like they could of been from Terran origin. One which had turned towards the figure in the center while trying to clearly communicate, another that merely pointed towards the figure after disposing of a severed limb, and a third that seemed to have been.. altered in such a way that must of been less than pleasant. (@tims run @TheOnionofShrek)

Adamos's eyebrows raised in question towards the creature to the right of him in the circle. It was two headed and was, what the Sigmaterian Imperfect could only assume, spilling stomach bile all over the clearly ceremonial floors. (@player2)

Most peculiar of all might of been the slightly shorter, possibly younger figure which was unlike any other abductee in that the creature was wearing what must of been a full body suit of one kind or another. It seemed to merely be intent on observing everything that was happening. (@Gilzar)

Then there were two beings, each clearly less than Terran, that carried an almost arrogant tone about them. Each was seemingly unphased despite the fact that any number of horrors could be awaiting each individual that had been transported here. (@General Deth Glitch @Nyq)

Last but not least, there were others but they were situated on the alternative side of the circle and Adamos could not see them nearly as well past the figure in the center. (@Anaxial and any other players who so wish to have been apart of this event)

What was clear was that the Sigmaterian could not understand any creature. The echoing, distorted pitch didn't help but it seemed as if each species was speaking a different language anyways.


Just as Miz was finished with his initial scanning the room fell dead silent. The deafening chanting had stopped as the cloaked figure finally raised his hooded head just enough to reveal a clearly stressed face. Whatever was happening was clearly forcing a lot of strain on the unknown figure. Still, whatever ritual that was being performed must of finished as the clearly atmospheric room stopped phasing in and out of existence.

Then at once the figure seemed to look up and each abductee would of felt as if the figure was peering into their very existence. The feeling rose every hair on Adamos's near perfect Sigmaterian body as he tried to make eye contact despite the fact that the figure's eyes were glowing vividly blue.

Then the floating figure raised his hands and clearly started focusing more energy as blue tendrils began to form and raise from the very floors of the cathedral. After having said just one word, which neither Adamos nor any other abductee would be able to understand, a tendril struck out at each abductee as seemingly commanded by the figure.

The searing pain felt unfathomable as Adamos gripped the pendant around his neck with both hands pleading for the sacred promise to not have been broken. His internal pleas would go unheard, however, as just before he would have passed out the pain stopped.

After gasping for air Adamos finally managed to look back up at the situation despite the fact that his shaky feet dared to crumble at any moment and thus collapse him to the floor.

"The Awakening has finished..." The booming words echoed from the mysterious figure. Most noticeably of all Adamos, including everyone else, could now understand the figure as if he was speaking their preferred language. This would be a trait that now applied to every language the abductees encountered.

However, this was not the end. A blue glow was now radiating off every creature that had been struck by the tendrils. The exact location of the strike being where the almost pulsing glow shined brightest.

With the exception of...

Darkness seemed to be radiating off of Adamos. A strict contrast to every other creature that was radiating blue pulses of energy.
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Max eyed nervously as the events transpired. As he did so, he glanced around and tried to determine the threat level of everyone else around him. He quickly noted that all the others seemed to be just as confused as him. They were in this together. He looked towards the creature in the center, and as he did so his eyes widened at the sight of tendrils sticking out of the ground. They shot at him and Max jumped to sidestep it. Unfortunately, the slow down effect was still working, and he failed to fully avoid it. It hit near the edge of his shoulder and he hissed as he fell to the floor. Soon it ended as they began to glow at the point of impact. He made note of the creature who radiated black instead of blue, but elected to focus on the bigger threat.

"Hello," he said calmly as he stood back up. "Could you... please tell us who you are and why we are here?" He said. He kept a calm voice and used his immense diplomacy skills. He didn't know the potential of this creature, and wanted to avoid a fight.
Datin now found the chanting just numbing as he looked around once more. The chanting had stopped which caught Datin's attention as he turned to the figure at the centre. The figure had removed it's hood to reveal an sentient being with glowing blue eyes. It had a rather stiff expression as if it were stressed or wanted to get something off of it's chest. Datin looked around the room as he could finally see the room for real now. He looked at the person at the centre once more as he the figure started to levitate as a huge amount of energy was being absorbed. Datin quickly put his hand to his back to get his accelerator revolver but a blue glowing tendril pierced his right arm as he was levitated into the air. At first the sharp pain stunned him but Datin quickly used his psychic abilities to numb the pain in his pierced right arm. After a few moments the tendrils disappeared and Datin found the latest there were no gapping wounds where he was impaled.

The figure said something for the first time in a thunderous voice. He was slightly shocked as hthe figure was speaking the language which Datin understood. Before Datin could say a word, his body started to glow. At first he thought I Ltd was a former 9f attack and tried to shake it offor and do whatever he could. But after realizing the glowing was doing nothing he stopped. But was startled at how the glowing was brighter on his right shoulder where he was pierced.

He looked around and saw that the other aliens and possible terrans were also glowing. The place where they were impaled glowing brighter than the other parts of their bodies. Datin finally reached behind him and pulled out his gun.

He held his gun behind his back aND continued to scan the room seeing if the others would notice the one person glowing with blackness. Datin pulled back the slide of the revolver as he heard the faint click signaling that the chamber of the the revolver was loaded with the mass energy projectile.

Datin looked at one of the aliens that looked like a terran as the could be terran asked the being at the centre a question. Datin slowly took out his revolver to his side awaiting a response. He needed to see how the other alienswill react to the dark glowing abductee and to the figure eat the centre before doing anything. For all he knows they could be harmless but he is ready to defend himself if necessary.
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Just as she had recovered she was suddenly struck, her whole body screaming out in pain as she gritted her teeth, her eyes widening as the pain wracked her body, leaving her legs and arms to almost collapse under her weight. Almost seconds before she gave out the tendrils retracted, leaving her glowing in a kind of bluish light, her whole body tingling in the most peculiar way. Panting she raised her head, looking over the figure as he started to talk, in her language nonetheless, her face contorted in an expression akin to anger, confusion and awe. Gritting her teeth again she ripped her gaze from the sick creature that stood before her. Looking down the line of her fellow abductees she lingered on the last one she could see, noticing he was glowing black instead of blue. Blinking slowly she returned to her present situation, reaching down onto the side of her boots and pulling out a 7in dagger, the metal blade glowing dully in the blue light as she held it to her chest, ready to gut anyone who threatened her.

Any musings were interrupted as Darren eyed the tendrils. Already he could tell that he wouldn't be able to avoid them as he once again strained against whatever was making him so sluggish. Finally he closed his eyes as the thing lunged for him before he opened them again in confusion. The pain was there...certainly the worst he had ever felt, a searing agony that burned at the very core of his being. Yet it was also strangely detached from him, a simple biological response he could choose to ignore. This train of thought was interrupted with the resounding boom of the central figures announcement that Darren was able to understand.

"The Awakening?" He asked quietly, gazing around the room at his presumably abducted fellows before focusing on the one radiating darkness.
Kato observed the hologram table depicting the battle ensuing just several meters from his position. The forward command base shook as artillery walkers fired their turbo charged energy at the enemy positions. Even amidst the shaking and dust falling from the ceiling of the command structure, the Mormen soldiers seemed relatively calm. "My Lord. A new wave of enemies has been spotted in the eastern sectors." An Officer said.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Officer.jpg.51374484fcc138dd282b6d38eaaef1a3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96264" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Officer.jpg.51374484fcc138dd282b6d38eaaef1a3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Kato turned around to face the officer. "Do what you must. We must quell this puny civilization by the weeks end. Otherwise, our offensive shall be delayed and we will not be able to provide reinforcements in Datau sector." Kato said as he dismissed the Officer who gave a salute before heading out. "General." Kato said as he turned and walked to the centre of the control room. "I leave everything in your hands. Be sure to command with honor. The Cyngus Lives." kato said as the general saluted.

The High lord then began to walk out of the control room when an explosion ripped a hole inside the hallway. "Damn aliens are getting bolder." Kato said to himself as he jogged to the damage area of the hallway. There were soldiers already carrying wounded out of the burnt room. "Get wounded to the Medical wing. hurry!" Kato said. "And fortify the hole."

Suddenly Kato started to feel something he has not felt in a long time. The sense of fear, and anxiousness. He turned around desperately trying to figure out if there was an intruder but there was nothing to be seen.

Kato frantically looked around and realized that something was wrong. He used his psychic powers to quell the feeling but to no effect. His attempts had only stopped the process for a mere few seconds but the feeling came back harsher than before. Time began to slow down as Kato tried to request aid but the soldiers around him slow started to become static until they were emotionless. as the colour from each and everyone of them including the room started to drain into nothingness. He looked down at his feel and saw a rightly glowing pentagram burning into the floor of his base, and then suddenly, he was blinded by a deafening light forcing him to shields his eyes. It felt like an eternity to him,the sense of falling and now the deafening sounds of sme sort of ritualistic chanting. When Kato opened his eyes, he saw a figure at the very centre. The figure was chanting something and it was becoming numbing as the sound vibrated through out the wide open atrium.

Believing this to be some sort of plot against him by the enemy, Kato tried to raise his arm. To his shock, he found it very difficult to more around. His movements were restrained and even moving his arm was draining him of his energy. "Who are you!? Answer me you primitive shaman!" Kato yelled at the figure at the centre. But his shouting seed to be overpowered by the loud chanting. The chanting continued for a while and eventually, the chanting began to numb Kato's hearing until finally, the chanting had stopped. Kato felt the restraints be lifted as he saw the figure at the centre stand to his feet and take off his hood revealing glowing eyes. The figure seemed to look around forcing Kato too loo around as well, realizing he was surrounded by different aliens.

The figure looked at every single one of them including him with a very serious look on his face. The figure then raised his hand up as a ball of energy formed on top of the figure's palms spurting out glowing tendrils. Before Kato cold say anything, one tendril lashed out towards him. Kato crossed his arms infront of him as the tendrils impaled his arms. The pain he felt was beyond words. He did his best to quell a scream of pain and quickly used his psychic powers to minimize the amount of pain he was feeling. The Tendrils disapeared as quickly as they appeared and Kato's entire body began to illuminate.

Thinking it was a form of attack, Kato tried to rub his clothing to seem what it would do. When nothing happened Kato saw that his arms, the place where he was impaled was glowing more brightly than the rest of his body. he looked around at the other aliens and saw the same process taking place as their entire bodies were illuminated with the place of their impalement glowing brighter.

After the little incident, the figure said something with his booming and commanding voice about some sort of awakening being complete. By Kato was not too patient or happy with the events that have occurred. He did not seem to like what had happened to him by this what he presume was a shaman.

"What awakening? I gave you a question heathen. Now answer me." Kato said angrily. "And Why am I surrounded by these. These. Uncultured Swines." Kato said observing the aliens with a very disgusted face as is he was looking down upon the other species. "Do you know who I am. I will kill you if you d not answer me Shaman." Kato said to the Figure at the centre which he presumed was a shaman. When nothing was said, Kato pulled out a hand Blaster from his belt and pointed it at the figure.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c680a73ca_Handblaster.jpg.94f155aff506affd4358247308702b78.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="93511" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c680a73ca_Handblaster.jpg.94f155aff506affd4358247308702b78.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
"Answer me damn you. I am a person of prominent position and you should not take my frustration lightly." Kato said. "And why have you brought these unworthy species." Kato said in a disgusted tone once more flailing his arms out at the other species around him. "What do yo want from me? I'm running out of patients." Kato said in a angry and frustrated tone as he took one small step forward.



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As Fruvli planned on the integration of the alien species which he just found out,he felt an agonizing pain within his body.Feeling the searing agony within his body,Fruvli screamed at the intense torment as the pain slowly faded away.

As the figure chanted something which he couldn't hear due to the pain,Fruvli took out his gun and aimed it at the figure.
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As all this was unfolding the Maeris was filling with rage. Who was this foolish creation thinking he could trap the Maeris? Had he not removed him from the reach of the Krasus he would have ripped this ship, assuming it was a ship due to the apparent lack of gravity acting on his body, asunder until he could return himself to a Krasus ship. Then he body curled away suddenly, rolling up and to the left in the suspended animation as he reacted to the strike on his wrist. Once he had gotten over the sudden pain that attacked his body he tried again to once more summon energy of the Krasus, before seeing his wrist glowing with energy... and the one who seemed to be sapping the light and, thus, energy from the room. Once he returned from this little attempt to contain him he would bring Kraetians from across the empire to heel and send them against the Krasus' new foe. Be it the man in the centre of the light sucking demon.


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