Gaia.... what the hell is she doing these days?


New Member
Pretty much what the title says. What exactly is Gaia doing these days? She's mentioned in many places... but that's it. Mentioned. Okay, she's Luna's consort. What else does she do?

It's never mentioned that she plays the Games of Divinity. In the Yu-Shan book, it tells you when the Sun is winning (which is most of the time), it's nice and sunny, and then it tells you what it's like when Luna's ahead, or when one of the Five Maidens is.... but it doesn't mention Gaia at all, which implies she doesn't play the Games of Divinity.

What do you think?
I've always been under the impression that she DOES play the Games. I couldn't cite a page, however.
Why, don't you know? She's got the whole world under her thumb. She's the last primordial in Creation, her own Exalted are in charge, and none of the Incarna are in any position to stop her doing whatever she pleases. It's not that she's not doing anything. It's just that you haven't noticed her doing anything.

But, my my, it does seem that an awful lot of Creation has reverted to wilderness...
Jukashi said:
Why, don't you know? She's got the whole world under her thumb. She's the last primordial in Creation, her own Exalted are in charge, and none of the Incarna are in any position to stop her doing whatever she pleases. It's not that she's not doing anything. It's just that you haven't noticed her doing anything.
But, my my, it does seem that an awful lot of Creation has reverted to wilderness...
Which is why most of it always ends up burning in my games.
I figure that Gaia is letting the Incarnae win. It'd be unfair if Gaia played to win, as she's had a ridiculous long head start and is an actual, full Primordial and all.

Or she's just so good, her victory is always a given, allowing Yu-Shan to be similar to Creation in general.
She's probably smart enough to let the king of the gods, who was responsible for killing or imprisoning most of her kind, win.
Why didn't she leave by the way ?

I mean Auto left because he feared the Incarnae would one day try to kill him... but Gaia stayed...
Personally, I hold her as actually the one who 'won', and doesn't really care to do... you know administrative stuff. Instead, she gets hot wild sex when she wants it. Outside of that...

I go with she's out having -fun-, doing Primordial things. She doesn't want to run Creation, she's got the gods doing that and 5 of her souls run the terresterial spirit courts. That or for the last 800 years, she's been running this thing called the Scarlet Empire as a lark.

Alternatively, she's busy subverting the Incarna's rule to her rule, just like she subverted/overthrew her kin. Think of it this way, she sided with Auto-bot and the gods, and they won. Her relatives are now imprisoned or dead.

Auto-bot RAN away out of fear. The sun god's chosen got trapped in a jade prison, with the few escapees being killed over and over again. The moon god isn't a factor, being her fuck buddy and all, (it is also likely her sub). The star goddess... well, funny thing there, they're rather fractured as is. The only exalts with any measure of power are those of her souls and they mostly run Creation.

And isn't it -nice- that the Incarna spend so much time in the Pleasure dome and not running things like they wanted?
She cared enough about Creation and mankind to awaken the EDs... and she got her kin to be turned into demons instead of dead pieces in some creepy labyrinthic tomb in the Underworld.

But yeah, maybe she's just a crackwhore, screwing Luna to get to play and not care about anything else.

She's the hardest thing to figure out.
Flagg said:
She's probably smart enough to let the king of the gods, who was responsible for killing or imprisoning most of her kind, win.
Hey, I always figured that the stark difference between the gods and the Primordials was the most obvious in the Games of Divinity. The Incarnae might have been brilliant enough to start and manage the Primordial War and kill/imprison most of the Primordials, but they are basically powerless against the Games of Divinity. I had an impression that it was just a highly addictive game for the Primordials, while it's an existential crack for even the Incarnae.

Considering that, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say Gaia is letting the US win without him getting pissed about it. He's probably too overjoyed by the fact that he won. He might have gotten reduced to such immaturity that he threatened Gaia to let him win. (This could be the final blow to Autochthon leaving Creation. Unlike Gaia, being the Machine God and fair, objective thinker and all, he was unable to let the gods win with clear conscience and left to avoid being destroyed. >_>)
Gaia tried playing the games on a more basic level for some time, as the Scarlet Empress. When she got bored of that, she went to hang with one of her cousins who had appreciated what she'd done for them, the Ebon Dragon. However, nowadays, she got bored of that and proceeded to go chill somewhere else.

I mean, now that I considered it, she would have been one awesome Scarlet Empress. Defeated the wyld which threatened her body ( Creation )..

( Hello by the way, I'm back. And I suppose this is some necromantic thread-handling.. although just a few days old )
Now that I think about it, both Gaia and the Scarlet Empress have red hair.

Not that red hair is extremely rare in Creation. <_<
There has been discussed the relation between Gaia and the US. The following paragraph comes (again) from The Metamorphoses. I think it's very, very cool to portrait that relation. Substitute "Earth" for "Gaia" and "Jupter" for "The Unconquered Sun".

Oh, this is described after Phaethon insists in driving Phoebus' flaming chariot (the Sun) and fucks the thing up, setting the planet aflame:

Ovid said:
Bk II:272-300 Earth complains

Nevertheless, kindly Earth, surrounded as she was by sea, between the open waters and the dwindling streams that had buried themselves in their mother’s dark womb, lifted her smothered face. Putting her hand to her brow, and shaking everything with her mighty tremors, she sank back a little lower than she used to be, and spoke in a faint voice ‘If this pleases you, if I have deserved it, O king of the gods, why delay your lightning bolts? If it is right for me to die through the power of fire, let me die by your fire and let the doer of it lessen the pain of the deed! I can hardly open my lips to say these words’ (the heat was choking her). Look at my scorched hair and the ashes in my eyes, the ashes over my face! Is this the honour and reward you give me for my fruitfulness and service, for carrying wounds from the curved plough and the hoe, for being worked throughout the year, providing herbage and tender grazing for the flocks, produce for the human race and incense to minister to you gods?

Even if you find me deserving of ruin, what have the waves done, why does your brother deserve this? Why are the waters that were his share by lot diminished and so much further from the sky? If neither regard for me or for your brother moves you pity at least your own heavens! Look around you on either side: both the poles are steaming! If the fire should melt them, your own palace will fall! Atlas himself is suffering, and can barely hold up the white-hot sky on his shoulders! If the sea and the land and the kingdom of the heavens are destroyed, we are lost in ancient chaos! Save whatever is left from the flames, and think of our common interest!’
Afternote: did anyone say She Who Lives in Her Name?
cyl said:
Why didn't she leave by the way ?
I mean Auto left because he feared the Incarnae would one day try to kill him... but Gaia stayed...
... The world buggers off, leaving ... what exactly? Isn't Creation Gaia's body, sort of like Malfeas is the body of Malfeas?
Not... exactly. The closest anyone can figure is Creation is Artifact N/A x 1 billion, which Gaia is attuned to.
But there's also a place where it says the geomancy of Creation is Gaia's body. So, I suppose that sort of support's Chaka's theory, as her essence runs through it... it'd probably all die and crumble into the Wyld if she left. Assuming she can.
So, uh. Gaia's attuned to Creation, and her committed Essence is the geomancy?

I wonder if you could use a deattuning effect on Creation, bringing about an end to all that is real. :D
Jukashi said:
But there's also a place where it says the geomancy of Creation is Gaia's body. So, I suppose that sort of support's Chaka's theory, as her essence runs through it... it'd probably all die and crumble into the Wyld if she left. Assuming she can.
Page ref ? :shock:
Gaia is receiving the "Most Excellent Lap Dance of a Billion Forms" as her remuneration for siding with the Gods in The War. Only on form twenty million and sixty three right now, a surprisingly hot swarm of beetles.

As for Gaia getting up and going for a walk in the Wyld? Well, I imagine that she'd take a sphere form and maybe realign her poles, meanwhile someone else could always attune to Creation. Luna or UCS might be big enough to handle the mote loss. I mean, they probably have what... 250 motes to throw at it? Creation would only need to exist in the formless, maddening, unshaped Wyld for about 5 minutes anyway...

Well, some people would make it out okay... just no more mortals.
cyl said:
Page ref ? :shock:
I don't remember the page exactly, but it's in the section on Thousand-Forged Dragons in Wonders of the Lost Age. It says the Sidereals are wary about using the Dragons because they know the geomancy of Creation is Gaia's body and using the Dragons too much might injure her... or make her angry enough to lay down some wrath herself.

Of course, then you may wonder how much the Sidereals know.
Crap not only they say that, but they also state that the EDs are Gaia's sub souls (WotLA p.113-114)...

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