Gaia.... what the hell is she doing these days?

our heroes are in trouble, beaten to the ropes by the might thousand forged Dragon, when suddenly...

*Giant stone hand emerges from the earth and squashes TFD*

Gaia be po'd!
cyl said:
Crap not only they say that, but they also state that the EDs are Gaia's sub souls (WotLA p.113-114)...
I'm glad that's finally been made explicit. It was heavily implied in the Autochthonians book, but some people need it spelled out unambiguously.
Why the hell didn't they said so in the RoGD...

Multiple authors are a bitch :lol:
becuase they want you to buy more than one book.

If they could get away with it each book would be split into about 5 books of gibberish..not much change there, AND there would be a code book for each of those 5 books, one you had decoded those 5 books there would be yet another code book to decode that gibberish and then using online supplements (which would undoubtedly be full of broken links) you'd be able to discern a rough guideline of the general game.

and then because of misprints one of the books would make no sense once decoded, and there would be separate authors for the books and code books anyway, making the whole thing some sort of evil farce
Most of all there is no communication and fixed setting the authors can relate to when they work.

But hey, we now have a source in 2e stating this.

So Geomancy is the regulated flow of Essence. This flow allows Creation to maintain itself in the wyld, and this requires the action of Gaia via her sub souls, the EDs.

So Gaia's actually maintaining Creation one, static, and balanced.

This means she's a primordial with severe burns, (SWLIHN must have damaged her a lot), decaying because of cancer (the shadowlands disrupt the essence flow), and severely disminished (the Wyld took most of her when SWLIHN stroke, and a second time after the Fae attacks at the time of the Contagion).

Sucks to be her :?
She Who Lives In Her Name, the Yozi who burnt Creation up to the 165th degree and dissolved an unknown (because once it was destroyed it has ceased to exist... like I don't know, chickens, if chickens and their gods were destroyed by her, no chickens will be remembered of, it would be as if they never existed) but apparently substantial part of Creation just before she was cast into Malfeas.
No one knows, because no one can remember. 90% of the prehistory is missing because of her.

What is known however, is that after the War, Gaia had to wake her sub souls, the EDs, to maintain Creation in the absence of the Great Elementals. The dragons then reorganize both the geomancy and the hierarchy of gods.

What bothers me is that WoTLA states that Gaia's body is geomancy, and ROGD states that she could not bear to watch as Creation’s geomancy decayed (p.09)... either this is very poor writing, or there is a distinction between her and geomancy... but this can also mean that a Primordial cannot be affected by taking "wounds" on his body, as long as his core soul remain intact.

Gaia's body can then be Creation, the way that Malfeas is hell, and Autobot, Autobotia... and since Gaia's core soul is still awake (not like Autobot), she can actively fight the problems Creation faces. That completely makes sense :)
Isn't it stated somewere that that malfeas can fit inside the main square of the capital city of malfeas? maybe Gaia's like that, so one day she just looked at creation, saw the shadowlands and went "aaaaaaaah! what the fuck is that thing? get it off me! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" and ran around in circles trying to spot the lump of corroding flesh on her ass

I mean they're gods, it's possible they don't feel pain at all, so the only indication she had of the corruption was seeing it happen, thus she could not bear to look
Smeggedoff said:
I mean they're gods, it's possible they don't feel pain at all, so the only indication she had of the corruption was seeing it happen, thus she could not bear to look
There's a big difference between not feeling pain and being totally numb to all sensation. I'm sure Gaia is quite aware of every shadowland.
She has more of a problem with the Wyld, I'd say. The bits of Creation that suffer from the Wyld aren't totally obliterated, remember; once something's been part of Creation, the furthest it can revert is to Deep Wyld, not Pure Chaos. Barring the temporary effect of a Wyld Storm, or some powerful force like Solar Circle Sorcery. So all those bordermarches, middlemarches and deep wyld bits are still part of her.
This is a very reliavent thread since I am running a DB game and part of the metaplot concerns the activities of the Green Primordial.

In my mind she is actually laying low. She waiting for the locust crusade so Auto-bot can rid the world of the celestial exalted by lifting the Jade Born Geas and pound the Incrana into submission. (She is a Primodial that loves all life, thus passive) Once that has happened she will activate her 5 souls to breath power into the DB, thus allowing Creation to be controlled by her exalts.

As a side note: The idea that Creation and the GoD are suppose to be in the control of Primordials interests me greatly. I think that is the only way to run a Infernal game with out being totally evil and corrupt.

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