Junior Member
Watching the Amity's slow collapse was fun as the picture seemed to only become more and more clearer as it seemed to increase in size thanks to the wonderous abilities of perception, being able to get the front row seats to the show highlights even if the sound quality could be a bit better. The Arena enlarging as it entered more and more of Ace's vison drawing him to a rather obvious conclusion.
"that is proper messed up" The revelation hitting him as he finally got up, that the landing zone was probably the residential district he was presently in, people struck inside would have to have a choice between getting mauled in the streets or becoming one with the symbol of unity. Not really much of choice that Ace was willing to make or present to the people of mistral as he got to making some calls to actually attempt a way to reduce casualties. No connections on the mistral end they seemed to have their own problems and the remaining Atlas personal seemed too be on it already so win a fight against a falling arena or hordes of Grimm. Ace deactivated his semblance letting sound back in as he finally figured out a plan.
Ace decided to reactivate the cone of silence for no reason getting to work in preparation tinkering with nearby car engines chances where a majority of folks probably wouldn't be missing the giant arena along with the owners of the cars judging by how their windows were broken into and the makeshift barricades being torn down probably meant they wouldn't be issuing a bill any time soon. Finishing it with a flurry as he got ready to go already starting the roaring engine of the sweetest motorbike he could find (being the one painted red) as it started the wires rigged up to the cars in area burst free from their connection causing three more explosions to follow into the sky along with the radio's blaring music hopefully this cacophony of noise did its job to draw as much attention as possible no matter.
Thankfully the honored guest arrived though they could've bothered to follow the Dress code as Ace drove past them and Grimm trailing behind him as he got to attempt the best distraction job he could muster. The more Grimm distracted hopefully the more people can make a break for it, a dumb plan that has a high risk of failure what more can a contractor ask for.
"Handler when's the next turn!?"
Sounds of screeching tires, Radio Idol pop music and the roar of Grimm made the conservation a feat of itself. Ace swerving close to the overrun defense to attract the feasting Grimm that overran the place then quickly moving into the alleyway, his mood dipping from the forced awkward mention of that incident and the reason he knew what person tastes like unknowingly attracting more followers to the chase. Too many to take one on one but maybe if he got somewhere abandoned and with little room for colleterial Ace can work something out.
So where better than in the reported burned down Inn Handler reported, two birds with one stone really, well, glancing backwards Ace gave up counting the problems of a few minutes time as the variety of Grimm snarled after him in a constant orchestra .
"that is proper messed up" The revelation hitting him as he finally got up, that the landing zone was probably the residential district he was presently in, people struck inside would have to have a choice between getting mauled in the streets or becoming one with the symbol of unity. Not really much of choice that Ace was willing to make or present to the people of mistral as he got to making some calls to actually attempt a way to reduce casualties. No connections on the mistral end they seemed to have their own problems and the remaining Atlas personal seemed too be on it already so win a fight against a falling arena or hordes of Grimm. Ace deactivated his semblance letting sound back in as he finally figured out a plan.
"So here's the plan You-"
"It's fine I already have a plan" "What are you on about? Oh, oooohhh you utter-"
Ace decided to reactivate the cone of silence for no reason getting to work in preparation tinkering with nearby car engines chances where a majority of folks probably wouldn't be missing the giant arena along with the owners of the cars judging by how their windows were broken into and the makeshift barricades being torn down probably meant they wouldn't be issuing a bill any time soon. Finishing it with a flurry as he got ready to go already starting the roaring engine of the sweetest motorbike he could find (being the one painted red) as it started the wires rigged up to the cars in area burst free from their connection causing three more explosions to follow into the sky along with the radio's blaring music hopefully this cacophony of noise did its job to draw as much attention as possible no matter.
Thankfully the honored guest arrived though they could've bothered to follow the Dress code as Ace drove past them and Grimm trailing behind him as he got to attempt the best distraction job he could muster. The more Grimm distracted hopefully the more people can make a break for it, a dumb plan that has a high risk of failure what more can a contractor ask for.
"Handler when's the next turn!?"
"Got eyes of a Grimm pileup on next left afterwards turn into the alley and take the first exit"
"Roger" "And Operator, Goodluck hopefully this doesn't turn out like Bunny-girl Express"
Sounds of screeching tires, Radio Idol pop music and the roar of Grimm made the conservation a feat of itself. Ace swerving close to the overrun defense to attract the feasting Grimm that overran the place then quickly moving into the alleyway, his mood dipping from the forced awkward mention of that incident and the reason he knew what person tastes like unknowingly attracting more followers to the chase. Too many to take one on one but maybe if he got somewhere abandoned and with little room for colleterial Ace can work something out.
So where better than in the reported burned down Inn Handler reported, two birds with one stone really, well, glancing backwards Ace gave up counting the problems of a few minutes time as the variety of Grimm snarled after him in a constant orchestra .