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Futuristic Future Legends

Sorry! I was trying to figure some stuff out with my character when I got caught up in some stuff. I'll get it done once I have a chance to get to a computer properly. I'm almost done with it so it shouldn't be long
So I read up on it, it seems interesting but I have a few outside questions. Lets start with the first one...

Thinslayer said:
Aliens are indeed allowed, but to a very limited degree. Crescent Prime is mainly a human colony with occasional alien residents, and the Council should reflect that.
Can my character originate from an alien race (well more of a force) but without the presence (unless you want them) of the race in this universe? E.G. say my character was a particular android from a transcendent race that arrived here somehow without his/her friends.

Another question is that what is the limit to the power of my said character? Can my character's power be derived from alternative methods besides the Seed? E.G. my character draws his/her power based off of nuclear manipulation from a neutron star-dense thermonuclear fusion core.

Lastly, can I implement this said race into this RP? Remember that their technology is nigh infinite. They are a neutral faction and are impartial to all other races at the moment of their implementation.

Are they overpowered? Indeed. Will they get nerfed into oblivion long before they would ever get implemented? Probably. But I'm planning on pitching something overpowered at first and letting you nitpick their certain features that you would want removed.
I think I should expound on some of the game's lore a bit first.

Alien races didn't evolve. They are the result of genetic experiments to transfer human minds into animal bodies. Most of these experiments occurred on a world called Cradle, where a wide variety of new creatures were discovered. Any humanoid aliens that came out of these experiments were shipped off to other habitable planets. The culmination of their work was the creation of a human hive-mind based on the then-prototype Seed nanocells. Shortly thereafter, all contact was lost with the planet, and none who travelled there ever returned.

The Crescents are inspired by the Precursors trope that's common to many sci-fi stories. You know how games like Master of Orion and Halo have this ancient super-advanced race that nurtured the galaxy before dying out? The Crescents are that race. They're that ancient, advanced civilization that nurtures galactic development before getting wiped out. As such, I'm highly reluctant to permit the existence of even more advanced races or civilizations, as that would defeat the purpose of the Crescents' existence.

That said, there's nothing preventing your race from using the Crescents' best technologies if you're on the Council. Seed nanocells are extremely advanced and powerful, especially if you're familiar with the sciences. You could pull fully-formed creations from the ground or make your very own super-weapon from the wreckage of a starship. In a future timeline, Gwen uses her Seed to perform hostile genetic manipulation and take over her opponents' minds to orchestrate her escape from captivity. You have in your hands the most important technology in the galaxy. Don't underestimate its power. ;)

Which brings us to power limits. Basically, you can't get something from nothing. Other than that, you're free to be as strong as you want. If you want to make a planet-destroying superweapon, have at it; just make sure you know where the energy is coming from.
Thinslayer said:
Yup. Waiting on the players to actually start posting apps. Once they do, we can begin gameplay.
Well I had a decent character for another RP but it fell apart due to lack of order by the host. So I guess I'll be recycling this character...

I like the character, but the rules specify that everyone's first/primary character must be on the Council. There would have to be a really good reason (i.e. critical to the plot) for her alignment to be elsewhere.

The game will begin soon, probably some time today after my shift is over. The story will start with each member taking their place around the table in the Council chamber. Takizar, the Speaker of the Council, will bring the list of aid requests to their attention, which they will parse through and discuss solutions to. Any that the Council believes requires direct intervention will be put to a vote, and if the majority win, they all go down and solve the problem.
Thinslayer said:
I like the character, but the rules specify that everyone's first/primary character must be on the Council. There would have to be a really good reason (i.e. critical to the plot) for her alignment to be elsewhere.
My character will be a part of the council. I-Faction is simply where she originated from.
Seeds are not self-replicating, but they are extremely durable and aren't easily blocked from travel. If you lose them, it's easier to simply call them back with a "breakthrough" command than to replace them. If they do somehow get destroyed, mass production techniques have been recently implemented that allow rapid replacement (i.e. they're no longer prototypes). You carry a limited supply.
Nitpick #1: You can ditch most of the weapons and replace them with a ball of metal. Seed can be used to make whatever you need. If she doesn't have the expertise to design them herself, she can download blueprints to a chip in her head.
So would it be probable to have my character have some sort of special weapon that the Seed cannot replicate? I mean if ANNA's specialized gun is damaged, the Seed cannot simply replace it? I feel as if that will give more tension in the heat of combat if something like this is implemented.
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Thinslayer said:
Nitpick #1: You can ditch most of the weapons and replace them with a ball of metal. Seed can be used to make whatever you need. If she doesn't have the expertise to design them herself, she can download blueprints to a chip in her head.
Oh, that was a list of weapons she can generate with her Seed! My bad- I thought I mentioned that in there. I'll make it more clear.
@The Succubi Queen You're good to go!

@ANDROMADA There are a couple of tweaks I'd like you to make to the character. They're not mandatory, seeing as the app already has my stamp of approval, but they will improve play experience with the story. I'll get to the major plot-relevant modification next post.

*I think the sexual reproduction feature should be ditched. While Seed could probably pull it off with some extremely advanced coding, reproduction in real life is so esoteric, complex, and game-changing that it's really not appropriate on an android, even an advanced one like ANNA.

*Advanced robots like the ones on Crescent Prime should be able to sustain themselves, so some kind of digestive system is in order. It'll also give a good excuse for the blood and perspiration being there.




@The Succubi Queen

All right everyone, gather 'round! Time to get this party started. Before we begin, I will dole out a plot-relevant special feature to each one of your characters.

  • Khaz's "Jemari Quoranas": I will secretly PM you structural details of plot-relevant objects in the game, which you are free to account for in-game.
  • Kwillz's "Armen Prophet": I will secretly PM you when characters have any unique physical features, illnesses, or conditions that only Armen would notice.
  • LongWayHome's "Laelius Gilbert": As an orator and politician, Gilbert will naturally be a bit more aware of the political situation than his colleagues. Whenever I feel like breaking down the political situation to someone, you'll be the person I PM about it. Everyone else will have to either figure it out for themselves or talk to your character.
  • ANDROMADA's "ANNA": Anna has the Creation Engine installed in her system. The Creation Engine is a extremely advanced program that is able to take the images from your imagination and make them possible by modeling experimentation, iteration, and creative design. In short, it cuts out technological development completely. This effectively revolutionizes Seed use. Your job will be to work out the kinks in the Stage 1 prototype system before it is ready for Stage 2, human testing. The Creation Engine allows you to make whatever you want out of Seed. Anything at all. Period. Just pull it fully-formed out of your environment.
  • The Succubi Queen's "Serquet Juru Gomu": I've decided to make Serquet the spy-mistress. As such, you will receive secret intelligence updates via PM that other characters will not know about unless they talk to you. Yes, the Crescents do spy on the other races. That's how they know where to send the Council on its missions, so this is a big responsibility.
There are two other characters you should know about: Takizar and Gwenivere.

  • Takizar is the Speaker of the Council. His job is to round up all the Council members at meeting time, present the current galactic situation, and occasionally be their voice when they have something to say to the public. Think of him as a figurehead Emperor (even though he's not). Serquet should regularly report to him so he can compile it into a report for the next Council meeting.
  • Gwenivere, my character, has nothing particularly special about her except that she's the most experienced member of the seven and will serve as an in-game example of how to use your characters' powers. She most often plays the role of negotiator and peacekeeper, since her kindly demeanor and forgiving attitude lend her well to such functions.
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