Fur-xalted (please kill me for coming up with this)


So, there is this little game called Jadeclaw. It's literally wuxia fantasy with furries.

No, not the people that are aroused by animals or animal costumes. Rather, the anthropomorphic animals that exist in awesome* works of fiction like Usagi Yojimbo, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Mouse Guard.

Therefore, I was idly thinking how Exalted would work great with this.

I mean, it has Beastmen, and if they are made Half-Castes, they can even use Terrestrial martial arts, Sorcery and Lunar charms. If they are Exalted, they get even greater powers. And with the numerous mutations in the various Exalted books, not to mention the nigh-infinite cosmetic changes available, you can create dozens of beastmen.

Then I kinda got caught up and started working out the details. Like how the Lunar Exaltations would work in a world where everyone already is half-animal half-beast, how different Exaltation types would interact with the Lunar charms if they were assumed to use Lunar Half-Caste rules without the Exaltation limiting rules, one thing led to another and I got invested in this.

So, if you made it this far, I was wondering if you would want to play in this sick fantasy of mine, a Creation where all humans are replaced by beastmen.

That is, if you don't want to kill me to spare the world my unhealthy imagination.

*I'm not sure how awesome they are, since I only read Mouse Guard and it was merely very good.
Go read some Redwall and learn of Martin the Warrior. 8)

I'd play in this...

Also, a suggestion... since everyone is a beastman, I would recommend allowing free mutation points for various species. And just remove the whole concept of beastmen outside of normal beastmen, ie beastmen are people, and there are no actual side effects of exalts sexing up animals in the wyld.
Haku said:
Also, a suggestion... since everyone is a beastman, I would recommend allowing free mutation points for various species. And just remove the whole concept of beastmen outside of normal beastmen, ie beastmen are people, and there are no actual side effects of exalts sexing up animals in the wyld.
Actually, everyone (at least the players) starts as an Inheritance 2 Lunar Half-Caste, although it does not mean the parents are actually Exalts, nor does it prevent later Exaltation as a Solar, for example.

Also, yes, beastmen are all natural creations. No Lunars screwing bunnies in the Wyld and creating Leporidaemen.
I meant more in line of how various different breeds of beastmen can cost differently in terms of mutations and such...
Well, the bonus points granted by Inheritance 2 is more than enough for all the canonical beastmen templates. The rest can be spent on other genetic "quirks" or other stats.
You're a bad, bad man, Khantalas.

But so am I. I'm in, if it goes ahead, for the lulz.
Jadeclaw was awesome. I first bought Ironclaw at Gencon, and the next year I picked up jadeclaw. I ended up having to sell both to powells when I went broke. :cry:

I never had a chance to play either.

I'm so in.

Edit: You sort of imply that we'll exalt. Are we going to pick, or will you? I want to know because it effects the character I'll apply with.
I'm in. So very in. Problem is, we need to decide what we're playing. Exalts or mortals? I vote Exalts, simply because it means there's a staggering amount of range open for animal imagery. Every Exalt has a totemic image in their anima so, now, why not literally design your character to resemble said anima? A Solar Eagle, surrounded by a halo of golden fire, a Lunar Wolf, skulking through the forest, an Abyssal Cat, skulking through the streets, hunting for prey...

So very in, am I.
Ooooh! Sorry, it just clicked. Yeah, that works for me. I've never done a mortal game before but I'm happy to try it.

I do have something I want to discuss with the ST, if/when this gets going, which should be easy to resolve.

Edit: Question: Are we taking all God-Blooded traits, such as essence use, or are we just normal mortals?
You use Lunar Half-Caste mechanics, so you get to use Terrestrial Circle Sorcery as well as the Root of the Perfected Lotus.

Also, you start with Inheritance 2 to buy the beastman traits you need.
I already have a character concept in mind. Debating on whether to go with cat, mouse or rat but, in any case, I'd be going for a stealthy gatherer who has far too much of a natural hoarding tendency, which has essentially translated into thievery.
Bumping my question, you sort of imply we may exalt. Are we going to pick what we exalt as, or will you? I want to know because it effects the character I'll apply with.
I vote keeping Inheritance set in stone for balance reasons. 12 Mutation points is more than enough but, if a universal increase is possible, I won't say no. I don't see any particular reason for it, though.

Also, I want to add my own curiosity to the Exaltation question. I would like to Exalt during this game and, if we are to have any input on what we're going to Exalt as, I have a few questions...

I also have to ask, again, are our characters special in some way? In the standard setting, Essence users are uncommon...
Your characters are "special"... sort of. About 1 in each 200 people can perceive Essence naturally, not counting the Exalted. However, it is still quite common to meet an Essence wielder, even though it is rare to meet someone who increases his permanent Essence to 2 or higher.

The Inheritance is set in stone, yes. Buying Inheritance with bonus points sort of defeats the purpose.

I will choose the type and Caste of Exaltation, should you Exalt, but you can make suggestions (by roleplaying properly and building your character accordingly). Note that Exaltation is a remote possibility, not an inevitable destiny.
Awww... A part of my idea for my character is that they are earnestly seeking Exaltation. They know what an Exalt is and they want that power. Badly. They're also willing to get it by any means...
Haku said:
No elemental dragonblooded? Just pure celestials?
Well, there are Terrestrials, and you can be one if you really, really want to, but it also means you forfeit all rights to a Celestial Exaltation (which will make you weaker than the other players if they do Exalt).
Earth! Fire! Wind! Water! Hea-I mean, Wood! Goooo Creation!

Personally, I'm hoping for Celestial Exaltation.

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