Funsie Time in Destiny


The not so Eloquent
Yo, everyone. As you can tell, this is my call-out for any lonely Destiny players, or any players who are wishing for more enjoyable experiences. I normally play solo, so there's not any interaction for me to look forward to. We could do Raids, Crucible, brag about our weapons, and possibly even do Trails of Osiris next month (no guarantees for flawless, hurhurhur).

Please note that this is for Xbox One players only. Sorry, no PS4 and such.
My friends and I play from time to time. Feel free to private message me, for some more information.
prkris said:
Do you only play destiny?
Are you into pc gaming at all?
Unfortunately, I'm not into PC gaming, but I look highly forward into starting.
You should! playing games like skyrim is fun, but when you're able to customize and fully enhance your games with mods it opens a new world! Also there are cool people online too!
prkris said:
You should! playing games like skyrim is fun, but when you're able to customize and fully enhance your games with mods it opens a new world! Also there are cool people online too!
This is so true. Steam is a great way to go.

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