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Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist


This Roleplay is based off the anime Fullmetal Alchemist. It's not set before or after the events of the anime, and is simply set in the same universe, treating it as though none of the events of the anime ever happened. However, the ishbal conflict is still present.

Alchemy is the ancient metaphysical science/mystical art of manipulating and altering matter by using natural energy. This is called Transmutation, it involves three stages, though you may stop at the second if you wish.

  1. Comprehension - Understanding the inherent structure and properties of the atomic or molecular makeup of a particular material to be transmuted, including the flow and balance of potential and kinetic energy within.
  2. Deconstruction - Using energy to break down the physical structure of the identified material into a more malleable state so as to be easily reshaped into a new form.
  3. Reconstruction - Continuing the flow of energy so as to reform the material into a new shape.

The law of equivalent exchange is the most fundamental part of alchemy, it states that if something is to be created, something of equal value must be given up. there is no way to bypass this law.

To carry out alchemy one must use a transmutation circle, as seen below (though transmutation circles vary on the type of transmutation)


To carry out Transmutation without a circle one must attempt human transmutation and witness the gate, though the price is heavy. In exchange for the extensive knowledge (and the failed human transmutation) parts of the body will be taken, these can range from limbs to internal organs.

The military contains state alchemists (aka dogs of the military) these alchemists can be called upon by the military to fight in times of war and in exchange they get access to research materials not available to anyone else.



  • the standard RP nation rules
  • no sexual roleplay, fade to black if it gets 18+ though kissing, cuddling etc is okay
  • You do not decide if you hit a character, their creator does.
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Michael jumped off out of the passenger seat of the government car, his feet hitting the floor with a loud thud of concrete. He waved to the driver smiling as the car drove off down the winding road back towards resembool. Michael had just arrived at central, back from his automail check up. The bustling streets and wide variety of smells (including Michaels personal favourite, the smell of food) was wonderful. It was great to be home.

Michael approached the massive, towering structure of the first branch. He had arrived in central here specifically to find an old document on the transmutation of rock into flesh (an old...pastime of his father), he had no plans of doing it himself, he was just captivated by the idea.

He opened the doors slowly and was approached by a guard "Papers, please." the small, weedy man said. Michael fumbled around in his jackets pockets for a moment until unveiling his pocket watch, presenting it to the guard, the guard immediately let him pass, blurting out a "I'm sorry for wasting your time!" as Michael entered the huge buildings interior.

The smell of dusty old books, as well as just general, heavy dust, coated the air like some strange non-toxic gas. An old librarian slept at the counter, his head resting on an old copy of 'the alchemical make up of multiple forms of copper' "certainly exhilarating for that man" Michael thought sarcastically. Michael approached a small room, a sign reading 'RESTRICTED ACCESS' was pasted across it, the bright red letters were blinding.

Michael showed his pocket watch to a second guard who unlocked the door, this guard however was a burly intimidating man "probably ex-military" Michael thought, deducing this from the scar on the guards right eye and the automail leg.

The restricted section of the first branch was very dark, books lined the walls, themes all similar to "human transmutation circles" and "chimera properties'. After some scanning a book caught his eye, it was exactly what he was looking for; 'material chimeras, the mixing of rock and man'. Michael snatched the book greedily and sat himself at a reading table, scanning every word written, intent focus shown on his eyes with every movement.
Oh man. Things like these really gave a kick. Riley smiled as he went through the book. He had no obvious reason for sneaking in here, he already knew most secrets of the homunculi, and these books probably wouldn't clearify anything he didn't already know. He sighed. Even in the restricted parts of the national library, there was less information than he'd found himself. Or well, at least that's what it looks like, he didn't have time to go through EVERY book in this place, it's huge. He was interested by the human transmutation books though, despite being very against the practice of it. Nah, none of that. He wasn't about to give up his principles for curiousity. He put the book under his arm and walked for the door. A diabolical smile danced across his face when he thought how shocked the guard would be when someone bursted out of this supposedly empty part of the library.

His eyes widened and his heart almost beat out of his chest. Someone was at the door. He could hear the guard talking to someone. He froze in place, just a couple feet away from the door. The doorhandle moved, and he started to panic. He regained control of his limbs and slipped up against the wall behind the door. The door opened, and almost hit him in the face. A man walked inside, and started scanning the room for something. Oh god, did they know he was in here? He wasn't ready to go to jail! He still had his entire life ahead of him! Why did he do something this stup..... Oh wait, the man in the room seemed to have seen what he was looking for, grabbed a book, and sat down at one of the tables.

Riley's heart was pounding harder than it ever had before. He had gotten into some bad situations before, but this beat everything. Out of every situation he'd ever gotten into, there was always the way out of destroying everyone and running away, and he couldn't exactly do that here. First of all, he didn't want to kill this alchemist, even if he did, this place would be full of state alchemists in less than a minute. He was proud of his fighting abilities, but taking on the entire army? No, not even he could do that. Second of all, running out of this room wasn't an option anymore. He'd have to unlock the door, which took a second. He could've gotten away by the door guard being shocked by the lock sound, and then made a run for it, but now, there was this guy who could just turn around and see him immediately if started making noises. Man, this sucks.

The vent he'd crawled through to get in here was on the other side of that alchemist, too. He would get really obvious if he tried to make it out that way. He made the only thing that made sense to him. He silently crawled behind a bookshelf, and waited. When this guy left, he could slip by him and make a run for it. No one could catch up to him, he just needed a clear path. His nervousity was getting to him though, the room was so silent, you could almost hear his heartbeats through his chest. He just hoped and prayed that this other man was to caught up in whatever he was reading.

(Woah, I wrote a lot. @Saul )
Ka-Krack! That was the noise that Ajax's stone hand made when it smashed against the last hood rat's skull. Ajax bent down slowly, grabbed his white lab coat, stood on, then put it back on. Ajax looked around at the five teenagers who had just tried to mug him, then said, "A pity, you all seemed to have fallen into my trap. Next time that you try to mug someone, make sure that he's not a state alchemist first... Well, in this case I suppose that it didn't even matter that I was an alchemist at all. What I meant to say was, don't try to jump the man who seems almost totally made of stone, it usually isn't a good idea." Ajax switched his head to the left and cracked his neck. Then he wiped his face with his stone index finger then looked at the finger. Then he said calmly, "I was pretty sure that one of you got me. Anyway, I had a job to do, yes?" He picked up the most consious looking teenager then pinned him up against the wall. He said firmly, "What can you tell me about Ishval? Please, tell me something that I don't already know. Perhaps the location of a base that is apposing the state, hmm?" The wannabe mugger did little more than stutter and shiver. He knows something, it may take some time, but he definitely knows something. Ajax slung the boy over his shoulder and made sure that he was holding him tightly. Ajax walked for a little over two miles with the boy slung over his shoulder. People kept hooting him dirty looks, probably because he was forcefully lugging a boy in his late teens around with him. To these looks he replied by flashing his State Alchemist's watch. After his long walk to the State Alchemist's office where he was stationed, he placed the boy in a cell and told a nearby guard that the new addition to the prison needed interrogation, due to being linked to the Ishval conflict.

Ajax sighed, then walked out the main doors of the office. He sat on the front stoop, saddened.
So, this must be why they never gave you that alchemical research grant, because they needed a delivery boy. I would even settle for some more exiting tasks, it has been at least two weeks since I was assigned something interesting. Ajax looked over at the exterior of the national library and felt a feeling of uneasiness come over him. He ignored his feelings and tried to settle in on the front stoop.
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Michael was reading a paragraph about the consequences to he human body of mixing rock with internal organs, it was explaining the nerve separation could be avoided with enough skill when he heard a rustling sound, obvious within the normal silence of the room. He turned moved his eyes from the pages and towards the room, checking every detail the room. It was eerily silent, the silence almost rang in his ears. light flooded the room as a cloud passed and revealed the sun. Michael had felt a presence in the room, and the evidence of the newly visible dust particles being upturned by a nearby bookshelf only supported his theory that he was not alone in the room.

Michael lifted himself slowly off the chair and transmuted his left arm into a blade, the quiet electrical noise of alchemy piercing the silence of the room. he crept slowly towards the bookshelf where the newcomer was hiding, each footstep bringing up a cloud of before undisturbed dust, it sounded like a strange drumbeat. Michaels face showed a relaxed expression, no smirk, frown or concentration was evident in it as he breathed slowly and to a rhythm, the same rhythm of his steps.

Michael arrived by the bookshelf, he scanned the surrounding area, the ceiling had no vents of any kind except for one near the entrance of the room, which was far from the hiding place, the only exit was on the other side of the room and the only path from the hiding place towards that exit was in between the wall and a few bookcases, blocked by Michael. there was no escape for this man.. The wall beside Michael creaked a little as he supported himself on it, he casually dusted off his clothing and stared at the hiding place, he calmly said in that general direction "think for a second, there is no escape from that area, if you attempt to escape this place will be on lock-down quicker than you can say jail for life and if you attempt to slit my throat, well, lets say you'll be seeing a lot of nurses in the next couple of months. So I highly advice you exit your hiding place immediately and follow me, I won't report you to the police or alert any kind of authority, believe me I know how important knowledge is. Take what ever book you have as well if it's important". Even though his voice was casual and commanding he couldn't help feel supervised that someone had managed to enter the Restricted access area of the branch without detection.
He heard the sound of transmutation, and his heart dropped. He quickly recuperated, and turned his adrenaline rush into calmness. The steps came towards him, there was no way this man didn't know he was here. He slid his legs up, and rested his chin on his knees.

"Think for a second, there is no escape from that area, if you attempt to escape this place will be on lock-down quicker than you can say jail for life and if you attempt to slit my throat, well, lets say you'll be seeing a lot of nurses in the next couple of months"

The words cut through the silence of the room like a chainsaw through wood, and bothered him for more than the obvious reasons. "There's plenty of ways out, they're just not open yet." He said with a threatening tone. "And let's say slitting isn't my suite. It's something more-"

So I highly advice you exit your hiding place immediately and follow me, I won't report you to the police or alert any kind of authority, believe me I know how important knowledge is. Take what ever book you have as well if it's important".

He stopped himself halway through the sentence. This was an interesting man. First he threatens him, and then he offers him salvation. How biblical. "Why should I trust that? You just threatened me, and now you say I should follow you? What would be stopping you from calling in the army on my ass?" Despite his inquires, he got up from his position on the floor and moved around the bookcase, revealing himself and getting a good look of the alchemist. He didn't have any better idea for getting out of this mess without trouble, so he might as well take the chance. He glanced at the book, "The Homunculus Theory", before putting it back into the bookcase, saying "There was nothing new in it anyway. Coming here was pointless. Now what, are you going to handcuff me?"

Michael clicked his neck and stretched, yawning. he hadn't got any sleep for a while, his research had kept him up at night, like probably every night for the past couple of months. He was getting closer to a conclusion on how to improve automail through transmutation, currently it was hard to do because of the intricate connecting of the nerve endings. at the strangers question Michael looked a little surprised, mainly at the fact that this man had asked to be handcuffed, which didn't seem at all sensible.. "why would I handcuff you, you haven't attempted to attack me yet, so I don't believe you will". after this he walked to the opposite side of the room, his footsteps still casual, along with his expression, his hands were swinging normally except for a slight detail, they were clenched, ready for a fight which may or may not ensue in the dark alley way (He did not know the stranger, he could be a petty theif)

Michael made sure the stranger was behind him and not running towards the exit, and transmuted a door in a stone wall at the end of the room, holding it open. It lead into an alley way, dark and not visible to any pedestrians. "Don't worry, no one will see you in this alley way, I have to say I've used it a couple of times, so you come here usually do you? I haven't noticed you before. It's possible we come, usually, at different times."
Kass would be laying back in the alleyway, being as still as stone. She was quite startled by the building in front of her opening, but she managed to not show it on the outside. 'This can't be good... what I'd they try to take my sword, or even take me? Or what if... they investigated, and found out there's a soul in this armor... Damnit, kass, you've ruined yourself now' she thought to herself.
Riley sighed. He did not understand this mans train of thought, but anything short of death that saved him from jail made a good sound in his ears. He put his gloved hands in his pockets and started following him. He raised an eyebrow at his carefree transmutation of the wall. He should've noticed that himself, and people working in here should've noticed that there was a wall constantly being transmuted. Meh, just another reason not to be part of the military. He did, however, note that this guy clapped his hands instead of using a transmutation circle. He recognized it, and knew what it meant. Perhaps there was more to this guy that he originally thought.

He made his way past the alchemist and turned around in the alley way, looking back at him. "No, had I been here before, I wouldn't have needed to come back." He smirked, and raised his left hand and looked at it. "And stop being so condescending, I'm not exactly.." He pulled the glove off of his hand, revealing the transmutation array. "... Normal." His right hand and left leg transmutation circles glowed, and he slammed the door shut in the alchemist's face, transmuting it back into a wall while doing so. With his left leg he quickly transmuted a pillar that propelled him into the air, using the right legs transmutation array to break the pillar apart again just before leaving it, so the alchemist couldn't track which direction he had shot himself in.

He landed on the roof of the building across the alley way, and repeated the same process with his legs to fling himself further away from the library. He landed and rolled on a lower building, slid off it, and landed in the middle of a crowd. A couple sent weird looks at him, but this was definitely the most awesomely executed maneuver he had ever done. He couldn't take any chances with those pesky state alchemists, he didn't exactly have a great reputation with them. It seemed like that one hadn't recognized him though... Maybe he was just leading him into an ambush or something.

Nontheless, he seemed to have gotten out of that mess pretty succesfully. He sighed and stretched his arms. He was kinda sad it was over though, he didn't really have anything to do now, so he just followed the stream of people through the city.
Kass would internally breath a sigh of relief, before getting up and brushing the dust off of her. "That was way too close..." She would say, and then she would walk down the alleyway a bit farther to prevent another close encounter.
Solaris was sitting on the top of the building of the State Alchemist's office, drinking some coffee and eating a dozen donuts on her own. It had been a long day, involving several arrests and even chasing a well-known criminal throughout the streets of Central. After long days like that, she would usually find a quiet spot to watch the clouds and eat donuts, and the State Alchemist's office had been closest that day. In fact, it was the place she just came out of after filing an arrest report. Ugh, she thought. Why do I have to do the violent criminal jobs in Central? I wish I was assigned to someone of importance. Maybe then I could see the rest of Amestris.

Suddenly, some commotion at the library caught her eye. She saw the light of alchemy on the wall in an alley, coming from inside. Solaris stood up and transmuted a bridge across the street, leaping over it and onto the library's roof. She discreetly de-transmuted the bridge and, looking down, saw that no one had caused a big fuss over it. She was in front of a building full of alchemists, after all.

Down in the dark alley before, a door appeared, leading out of the library. They opened, showing two guys, one casually leading the other. Suddenly, the second one slammed the doors and a second later, the light of transmutation appeared, followed by him flying through the air. She thought the action looked very suspicious and decided to question the man. She followed him at a close but discreet distance, hoping to corner him somewhere and not attract attention from bystanders. She put a hand on the gun at her waist, preparing for any violence.

Finally, she grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side of the street. She narrowed her eyes at him and thought she recognized him from somewhere, but decided it was nothing. "What was that back there, in the library? Is it something I should be concerned about?" She allowed the corner of her gun to be seen, making sure he knew she meant business.
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Kass would be just about to sit down again when she saw the woman start pursuing the guy that almost found her out. 'Oh, this could get interesting. Why not watch.' She thought, before climbing up onto the building next to her and watching them, moving closer when her view became obstructed.
Riley was just minding his own business when suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere, a cute girl grabbed ahold of his arm, and pushed him away from the crowd. "Hey girl, I appreciate the gesture, bu-" He was cut off by "What was that back there, in the library? Is it something I should be concerned about?" The girl flashed a pistol, and now, looking closer, that was definitely a state alchemist uniform. "Aw man" He thought. "Why are they all out for me today?" The girl, just like the other guy, seemed to have no idea of who he was. Weird. Maybe he wasn't as infamous as he thought around here.

When she flashed her pistol, however, he quickly grabbed the arm she was holding him with, with his left arm. His friendly expression quickly sunk into a neutral one, and he said "Yeah, try me. Pull that gun and you'll lose an arm." He paused to make sure the words sunk in. When he thought they had, he put the cheery expression back on again. "Anyway, no, nothing you should be concerned about. Got a name? I'm not sure I like getting into this kinky stuff without even know your name." He said with a smirk, and nodded towards her hand grabbing his arm.

The streets of central were crowed with people, making it easy to go about undetected. It was a bit windy, making his cloak flutter slightly in the breeze. Haki pulled his hood down tighter around his face, ensuring his face could not be seen. Usually he kept his eyes on the ground, avoiding the looks of others. Being inconspicuous would keep him alive. There were lots of little shops around here, it was like a strange array of markets lining the streets. The longer he walked Haki began passing by shocked on-lookers. He himself stopped a moment, trying to see what they were mystified about. To his surprise it was nothing really special, just a man carrying some boy on his shoulder. The man seemed to notice the group of people and reached into his pocket to retrieve something. What he pulled out could have made Haki's heart leap. "This man's a state alchemist. Sh**!" The pocket watch symbolizing proof of a state alchemist, glinted in the light as he shown it around. Immediately people dismissed their negative ideas and began dispersing. Haki turned and face the other way, out of the state alchemist's line of sight. Fighting here of all places would not be ideal.

When he saw that the man had finally moved out of sight, Haki began walking in the direction he was heading. He needs to find a way to reverse what has been done, and the only place that would have the solution would be the library here.
Solaris was slightly surprised by the sudden turn of events, but didn't let it show on her face. Instead, she smirked back and said, "I don't think you could even bruise me, let alone destroy my arm. As for my name," she paused for effect, "that's need-to-know. And you most certainly don't." She released him, though prepared herself in case he tried to run. "Look, I'm not trying to aggravate anyone, I'm just doing my job. One of them is to keep track of any suspicious activity, and that back there, my friend, was more than suspicious." She sized him up really quick before adding, "Hey, have we met? You look incredibly familiar. And you never answered my question. What was that back there?"
"I don't think you could even bruise me, let alone destroy my arm." Yeah, Riley wasn't about to correct her. Having a transmutation array on your arm is easily suspicious enough to throw you into jail. He wasn't about to throw his life away for the sake of pride, and he had no urges to ruin a perfectly good womans arm, either.

"Hey, have we met? You look incredibly familiar. And you never answered my question. What was that back there?"
He smirked "Only in your dreams, honey, and probably in some of mine too. Your question was whether it was something you should be concerned about, and I told you that no, no it wasn't." He didn't show it, but he had tons of fun. He didn't think he would be able to seduce a state alchemist, so he was only playing, but it was hilarious. He let go of her hand when she let go of him, and said "Well, don't trust me? Ask the other state alchemist back there." He took a step backwards, away from her. "Either way, later. I think I've finally come up with something fun to do, but why don't you come see me sometime?" He winked at her, and then quickly slipped into the crowd.
Kass was about to stop stalking the pair, but then she recognized that the female, the one that appeared to be an authority figure, was a woman that people were needing information on. Filthy tailing jobs were usually too risky or too dull for her, but her figurative pockets were dry, and it was good pay. "What is so special about you, alchemy lass... you look so average, and yet people pay in pure gold for the slightest little nibble of knowledge on you..."
Nidelia sat on the edge of the fountain with a sigh. Today wasn't going so good for selling crystal trinkets. Boredly she took a crystal in her hand and our began to take shape. This crystal was a shimmering ruby. It took the form of a rose.

She jumped slightly as a calico cat jumped onto her shoulder. She grinned and laughed. "Noncy, you always sneak up on me, I wish you would stop," she said petting the cat happily. The cat was purring loudly in return.

Nidelia smiled and looked around. If only she could sell some of her decorations today... she was completely out of money and couldn't even get any food. Right then her stomach growled loudly. Her face went pale and she frowned. "Well Noncy, I guess I'm going to be hungry yet another day," she says sighing.
When the door slammed in Michaels face he lept back. "I should have expected that" he thought to himself. He opened the door, wood splinters littered the floor and the hinges were hanging off the side. Michael left through the now broken door, transmuting it back into a wall with ease before walking through the dark, now destroyed alleyway. Transmutation had gone on here, he could feel it, he knew it wasn't the door he made aswell.

Michael had warned the stranger that if he tried to escape he would inform the military so made his way to the nearest phone and called the HQ, warning them there was a wanted criminal in their vicinity "he has to be a criminal, otherwise he wouldn't have tried to escape" Michael deduced as military personnel rushed out of the surrounding buildings, panicking frantically as they checked alleyway and buildings. Michael had to push his way through the panicking crowds, a couple of people falling down as he made his way across thw street towards where he guessed the stranger had gone.
Some sort of commotion was going on somewhere behind him. He turned around and tried to get a good look through the crowd. He caught a glimpse of military personnel. Military personnel? Oh man, what a dick, that guy from earlier. Freaking everyone was suddenly out to get him. He started making a run for it through the crowd. He made it into an alley, with less people in it, and he repeated the pillar propulsion transmutation, and shot himself on top of the roof. He used the same transmutation to jump from roof to roof at a quick pace, getting away from the heated area.

He'd never met anyone who could match his speed and felt confident about getting away. The only problem in the city is that there could be soldiers or alchemists anywhere. He stopped on the roof of a watermill, near the outskirts of the city. He sat down on the side of it, and stared down at the water. Aw man, who's gonna come shit in his cake now?
Nidelia got up and wandered towards the outskirts of the city, right under a water mill in fact. She stood under it looking around. "Alright Noncy, this should be a good place to practice," she says smiling. She took her poncho off revealing her purple crystal arm that shined in the sunlight.

She began to practice doing flips and kicks practicing her hand to hand combat. Her crystal arm she mostly kept at her side, not using it for fighting. In fact it looked like a hindrance and appeared to be rather heavy.
It was quite peaceful out there. Didn't seem like anyone had come after him. He leaned back on the roof, and stared up at the sky.. Suddenly someone started making a ruckus just by him. He stuck his head out and looked down. Some girl had chosen to start practicing her dance moves or something, right there. She was doing flips, and kicking air. Riley didn't have much experience with ballet, but he was pretty sure this was it. The girl seemed to have an arm made out of crystal or something, which peaked Riley's interest. Either it was a very special automail, or a very cumbersome and pointless prosthetic limb. Either way, she was being annoying.

He shouted "You're loud. Go away. Don't you know what time it is?". He was perfectly aware of the irony in the statement, it was only 4pm or something, but according to him, that was definitely the best hour of the day for a nap. He slid back into the laying position with his legs hanging off the side of the building. If she had something to say back to him, she could talk to his feet.
Nidelia had stopped at his words and looked up at him as he spoke. Yeah, she knew what time it was, early evening. He was kidding himself if he thought she was going to stop. And when he laid down she had no wish to reply with words.

She started practicing again and unbeknownst to her the calico cat was climbing the tower. Once at the top it sat right next to his head and attempted to just lightly brush its tail against his face. If successful the fur would be kitten soft, but instead of feeling warm it would be cold, kind of like a dead body cold.
He heard her starting practicing again. ".. You arrogant b****" He whispered to himself. He was getting angry at her. "I'll give her 2 minutes, after that I'll kill her." He thought. The threat, even though unspoken, wasn't serious. He didn't kill innocent civilians, even if they were highly annoying. He glanced to his side, and noticed a cat had climbed the building. Eugh, he hated cats. The cat approached him, and he rolled away from it, and transmuted a wave of wood that pushed it off the roof (unless it avoids it). "Leave me alone, you ugly ass thing." He growled at it.

Sheesh, nevermind the peaceful part, this place was filled with annoying animals and people. Why did he come here anyway? Oh right. The military. Forgot about that. He looked around at the nearby buildings. Kids were playing by that one, a group of ladies speaking loudly were over by that one, and in that one there were old people. Gah, there was nowhere to run. He had gotten himself stuck in the bothersome part of town.

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