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Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist

Levi wore a brown leather jacket, blue tshirt, and jeans as he made his way to the government building. He knew Kiara wouldn't tell Roy, out of fear. He could've easier killed the child, but he wasn't a bad person. Just a touted soul. He carries his backpack, which carried his helmet, and other leather jacket. He didn't want to risk his identity. He made his way to the same secretary for yesterday, "Hey it's me again! I'm here for my meeting with General Mustang?"
Receptionist/ Kiara & Roy Mustang

The receptionist offered a kind smile. "Oh, yes, of course! He's in his office, waiting for you." She said. "However, I do believe his wife is also in there. He doesn't want her out of his sight, so I hope you don't mind her being there. She'll probably be working on paperwork the whole time."

It was true. Kiara was sitting on Roy's lap, working on paperwork while he did something else. She glanced at the phone, remembering when her brother used to call this office every day to talk about his wife and daughter.

Her brother...the thought of him brought tears to her eyes, which rolled down her cheeks. Roy saw this and began to freak, thinking he had hurt her. "What's wrong?" He asked.

She sniffed, wiping her eyes. "I'm just thinking about Maes. And these damn hormones!" She cried.

Roy chuckled. "My dear, don't worry about it. Maes is probably happy where he is." She said nothing to this, just wiped her eyes, as the receptionist knocked and entered.

"Your four o'clock is here, sir."
The young woman had made her way to Central once again. After helping Roy and Kiara, she had vanished as soon as she came. But Kris knew she couldn't live with hiding what she had done. As much as she was what most considered a villain, she had a heart. Roy didn't deserve to be dragged into the fight, or his wife. She knocked on his office door, a sense of nostalgic familiarity washing over the girl like a wave. "Roy, I need a minute. I'll make it quick."
"Thank you kindly ma'nm." He went back to his office, but saw another person before him. How did someone just barge in without a appointment?
Kiara & Roy Mustang

Roy looked at the time and stood up. "You have five minutes until his appointment time begins, so let's step outside."

He lead Keis out in the hall and closed the door. "What is it?" He asked her, crossing his arms and leaning against a wall.

Inside, Kiara had gone stiff. She had put down her pen, and her warm gold eyes were wide, feigning concentration on the papers before her. She didn't know what to say. No, she didn't know if she COULD say anything. Not after what he had done.

@TheShadowWriter @ReverseWells
Levi stood in the room casually, but sensing the fear in Kiara. His orginal intentions, was too, but now he felt bad he dragged her into this. "Glad your feeling better Ms, I'm really sorry. I lost my temper, I really do feel bad." He stopped quietly, knowing he sounded like he was pleading
Kiara Mustang "Why did you do it?" She said quietly. " I told you why he didn't come back for you. They wouldn't let him, and they told him they'd found your body. Why are you so intent on killing him? On ruining this family?"
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Levi sighed, tucking his hands in his coat. "You've made me rethink my methods... I need to let go. I've held this anger for so long, I thought I could find peace by making him feel the pain I did. I'm a tortured soul, who is trying to find their way back home... And letting go of my anger, has made the path a little easier..."
Kiara Mustang "You were a state alchemist, and Roy's best friend. Why would you have even thought for a second that he wasn't going to try and come for you?" she looked up at him and put her work on the desk, slipping her infamous gloves back onto her hands.
"Because when your left in a dark cave, beaten and abused every second, you lose a sense of hope. I waited for 4 years, he never came...." His temper was rising again, the part that made him mad was that Roy had 4 years to rescue him, but he never did
"Well at least you didn't know your captor as well as I did mine. The man that lived me once, changed like that. He tried to kill me." Her own voice was rising as well, her head pounding. "I waited nine years, locked in a basement, until the State Alchemists had to come and get me. Took them nine years to find me, and it was all an accident. They tried to find some thing my dad was hiding."
"Well it looks like we're both children from the darkness huh?" He said sarcastically, trying to lighten to the mold
Kiara Mustang

Kiara sighed. "It would seem that way, wouldn't it?" She said.

She went to say something else, but was cut off by the baby kicking one of her ribs incredibly hard. This caused her to grab the arm of her chair with a tight grip, and put the other hand on her stomach. She let out a hiss of pain.

"The one thing I hate about being pregnant is the kid likes to use me as combat practice." She said through gritted teeth.

There was a light barking, and she looked down to see the puppy that Roy had been in charge of taking care of sitting there. She smiled and scooped it up.

Roy soon came back into the room, sitting down next to his wife. "I apologize for that. Now, what was it that you needed?" He asked, looking at his old partner.

Finally free from the awkward conversation, Kiara went back to her paperwork. At one point, she reached over and took his hand, careful as to not ignite his gloves with her own. She pet Black Hayate with the other.

Roy ran his thumb over her knuckles gently, looking up at Levi. He raised a brow. "I'm waiting."

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Levi looked at Roy, should he surrender? He did feel bad for what he did. It wasn't him. It was him acting out in anger. He glanced at Kiara for reasurnece. "For 5 years I was beaten every day. I knew you would come. I held my hope in you Roy. You were like a brother to me, and I waited for 5 years for my brother to save me. You never did...." He looked at the ground, trying to make up his mind.
Roy & Kiara Mustang

Roy sighed. "I know, and I'm sorry. Levi, I really am. But you must understand why I didn't come. They told me that they'd found your body, that you were dead. The fuhrer lied to me, made me lose a man I saw as my own brother."
Levi sighed, and closed his eyes. He wanted to be at peace with himself and Roy. He removed his backpack, and kicked it over to Roy. He put both hands behind his head, and kept a serious face, "I'm sorry Roy... I freely confess to the murder of John Gardner (his actor), the 15 team members of General Kiara Mustang, and aggravated assault against Generl Kiara Mustang. I freely confess to the threat of terrorism, and bomb threats."
Kiara & Roy Mustang

Kiara sighed and stood up. "I'm sorry, but I have to do this. I'm required to." She took out some restraints and put them on his hands.

"Levi Hart, you're under arrest for the murder of 15 military employees, terrorism threats, and the assault of a commanding officer. You have a right to remain silent, but remember that everything you do speak may be used against you in a trial to be conducted in two days time, to be held before a council of selected officials. You may have someone to represent you as long as they are not one of our soldiers, former or now, as you will appeal to the Fuhrer himself. If you cannot find an adequate representative, one may be appointed to you upon request."

She spoke as if she were just going through the motions, an emotionless time in her speech.

She put a hand on his back and began to lead him
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Levi closed his eyes, being led by Kiara. Yesterday, he would kill himself if he was turning himself in. But by doing so, has lifted a weight of his chest. "Thank you Ms. Mustang, for helping me be at peace" he said quietly. A new feeling of ease was apon him, but he still had a plan for his escape.
Kiara Mustang

She sighed and raised an eyebrow. "What are you thanking me for? I didn't do anything." She pointed this out. "But I should be thanking you. You didn't kill either me or my husband. Quite frankly, I wouldn't have cared if you killed me, but you could have killed my baby. Which is what's going to make Roy be the most pissed off for a while."

She guided him into a cell and closed it. Looking at him as she locked the door, she spoke again. "You'll be down here for about two days. I suggest you think about the argument you're going to make in court. Because I'm not allowed to defend you, even as a witness. I just get to tell them exactly what you did to my team and me. I won't tell them everything, but I can't just refuse to answer."

She stepped away from the door. "Any last things you want to request or ask?"
Levi wasn't surprised by her treatment, but he had thought he had made a friend with her. Even though she didn't see it, by taking her to that Doctor realized he had some humanity left. "May I have a notebook and pencil to write my argument on? I have a terrible short term memory, that doesn't count for the five years I was locked away. Also I would still like to have my chat with Roy, I didn't finish."
Kiara Mustang

Kiara laughed and jokingly rolled her eyes. "Can't remember stuff between two days, can remember things and details from four years ago."

Nevertheless, she went to an office and grabbed some stationery, tossing it through the cell bars to him. "Here" she said.

Upon hearing that he still wanted to talk to Roy, she put her hands on her hips. "You really should have waited to confess until after your conversation. I'm not even sure if he's going to be allowed down here."
[QUOTE="Brianna Ackerman]{Levi and Kiara are in the dungeons, so to speak, Roy is in his office with Kris, and Evan bowed out }

(So... there is no way for me to rp now xD . Lets just say they are like in front of the dungeons but not inside them. When your character gets out you tag me and I can rp. If you are alright with it of course)
Kiara Mustang She sighed. "But, I'll see what I can do. I don't make any promises." With that, she began to leave.</p>


"If you need anything, ask one of the guards down here. I have work I need to finish." Then, she was gone.</p>


Closing the door, she turned around to face two males that were standing there, looking a bit rough. </p>


"May I help you?" She inquired in the happiest and politest tone she could muster up.
<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/28440-jpthewarrior/" data-mentionid="28440">@JPTheWarrior</a> <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36125-reversewells/" data-mentionid="36125">@ReverseWells</a> <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9743-serenityangel/" data-mentionid="9743">@SerenityAngel</a></p>
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