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Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist

Nathan smiles "Hey Miss. I must say you are way more pretty than the news say" he winks at her. Daniel sighs. "Don't talk to her like that you know who she is. And she is a superior of yours" Nathan sighs.

"Anyways me and Daniel wanted to look for a challenge! You see we don't have alot of missions since we are just new to this State Alchemist things so no one trust us!" Nathan chuckles.

"The point he wants to reach is... that we wanted to fight you. 1v2 of course since you are so strong one of us wouldn't be enough to hit you even once. What do you say? You can count it as practice." Daniel says with in his monotone voice

@Brianna Ackerman
"Well I can see why you don't get many missions." She said stiffly, speaking through her gritted teeth as she glared directly at one of the boys. Nathan, she believed. "God, you're just like how my husband was. Do you talk to every woman like that?"

She then turned and locked the door to the area, putting the chain that held the key on it around her neck.

Turning to face the other of the two, the calmer and more respectful male alchemist, she sighed and shook her head.
"Sorry boys, I don't fight without a reason. I don't have a good enough one to engage you in combat. Practice isn't good enough. My 'practice' would be equivalent to one of you new alchemists' 'world war.' Besides, I won't be fighting anyone unless I have absolutely no choice for a few months. Consider me on reserve for now."

Nathan sighs "Sorry. And no I don't. I don't even talk with girls at all!" Daniel nods, agreeing with him.

Daniel says "Please just this one time. We really need your help" he sighs "And do we know your husband?" Daniel wonders

Nathan chuckles "You sound like you are going to murder him" Daniel sighs "No.. but if it is an alchemist we can always fight him"

@Brianna Ackerman
She sighed. "I very well could kill him. Because when I fight, despite the reason, I go all out. Have you ever seen me actually fight? I do believe it's a bit more you two can handle."

She sighed, putting her hands on her hips. "My abilities as the Midnight Alchemist aren't limited to just manipulating light. I can take a shadow," she make one form in her hands, without her gloves on. Her transmutation circles hadn't been involved either. "Then, I can attach it to someone, and practically strip them of their senses."

To demonstrate, she flicked the shadow towards Nathan. It got very close to him, and attached itself to his face, in front of his eyes and nose. It didn't hurt him, but he would soon find that he could not see or smell anything.

"This makes it easier for me to defeat you, as I can do this many times and hold them. I can attack you, and end it quickly." She held the shadow there, and then moved. Releasing the boy, her face was right in front of his. If it were a real fight, he would have been dead by now.

This was the power of the Midnight Alchemist.

Nathan laughs and Daniel smiles "Amazing" Nathan claps "However we are the wonder duo! And I think if we fight in the right place you will lose. Can we fight in somewhere with sand and a little lake?" he smiles

"It would make things a little more fair- And dont worry you can put us on hospital" Daniel is interrupted by Nathan

"Please midnight alchemist" Nathan smiles

@Brianna Ackerman
She smiled slightly. It was a maniacal and rather disturbing smile. "Fine. I'll spar with you two. However, it's two against two. Me and a partner of my choice, against you two. Think of this as field training. Because the chances are that if you're fighting an alchemist, they won't be as young as you, and much more experienced."

She put on her black gloves. Snapping, the whole room went pitch black. A few minutes later, the lights came back on. There, where the woman in a military uniform once stood, was the woman in all black, more form fitting clothing.

"Sorry boys. I had to change, and I didn't feel like going all the way back to my office. That military uniform is absolute hell to fight in."

She looked at them. "Let's go. I have a special room downstairs that I use for training. Called the biome room. It's designed to imitate any environment you could possibly think of."

Nathan smiles "Sweet...." Daniel sighs "Changing clothes infront of your servants..."

Nathan laughs "Well I wouldn't mi-" Daniel slaps him in the back of his head.

"Sure we can 2v2 but we need to choose the environment ok?" Daniel says both ready to follow her.

@Brianna Ackerman
"You can chose part of the environment. It's a custom thing. Pretty much build it yourself." She said.

She glared at Daniel.
"I can physically manifest things in these shadows. You wanna lose the ability to breathe for a few minutes?" She threatened, lowering her voice and narrowing her eyes.

She cracked her neck.
"Alright. Let's get going."

they both nod and follow her. Daniel thinks: Hum... she is supposed to be a leader....

Nathan chuckles "This will be awesome!" he is very happy. "What about only sand but with a river in the middle? That is cool!"

@Brianna Ackerman
She laughed. Her violent nature was mostly for intimidation, unless she had to use it for real, or if you made her really mad. That was hard, but possible.

She led them through hallways, and stairwells until she reached her destination. Unlocking the giant door, she pushed it open to reveal a rather large room with high ceilings.
Nathan whistles. Daniel sighs. "When is your partner coming? And how can we create the biome?" Daniel asks being that the only thing that matter to him.

Nathan didnt stop looking at the place. It was big. "hmmm... I should take my next girlfriend here. This place is quiet and away from everyone's vision. I like it" Daniel facepalms.

@Brianna Ackerman
"Yeah, if you can get a key. Which is only given to the higher-up alchemists." She pointed out as she walked in.

She looked around.
"You use alchemy to create the biome. That is, if you know how to multiply things with alchemy if you have only one.

"How can you multiply something? I thought that is impossible right? It is called "equivalent exchange" right?" Nathan asks and Daniel nods.

Daniel was too curious about it.

@Brianna Ackerman
"Well that is true. Most of the time. It's also said that you have to use a transmutation circle for alchemy. But watch this."

She took out a knife and slipped off her gloves. She slashed through the circle on her palm so that it wouldn't work until the wound healed.

Then, she extended her hand, showing them the useless circle. She then snapped with that same hand, and almost all of the light in the room disappeared. They could still see her, however.
Nathan says "Wow... your the first person that I know that can use alchemy on light and shadows too..." Daniel says "You can only uses alchemy without the circles if your performed... you know..." he says not liking to say the two words.

Nathan nods "You are pretty cool. Tell me are you avaible?" Daniel slaps him again "Shut it. You might even make her not fight us anymore so keep your mouth shut" Nathan nods looking down.

"I'll talk from now on." Daniel says "Who is your partner?"

@Brianna Ackerman
"Human transmutation. Yeah, I know" she said, her voice hard.

She turned around, back to them.
"You're right. I've done it before. When my older brother, Brigadier General Maes Hughes, was shot and killed by a homunculus, I tried to bring him back. And I paid the price."

She sighed. "I lost my first baby through that godforsaken transmutation. One I didn't even know about."

She then fell silent. She didn't bother to answer their other questions, as she was stuck in her thoughts about the past.

"Never try to defy the law, boys. Because you can't. No matter what you think, you can't. You can and will lose everything."
Daniel and Nathan look at each other. They knew that was a story they shouldn't ask about. Daniel stays quiet but Nathan decides to talk and his voice sounded now way more mature.

"You are right... you tried to save someone but that just ended up badly... " he walks closer to her and, thinking alot before doing it, he hugs her for about 5 seconds before taking a few steps back so she wont kill him for what he did.

"Try to live on the present and not the past. If you cant give away your past then carry on by your shoulders and make it up to your mistakes... That is what my sister told me and she is right. And I bet you already did it. You saved alot of lives right?" he says looking down, hoping she wasnt angry.

@Brianna Ackerman
She sighed. "Yes, but not enough to make up for the deaths I cause. I just had my whole team of over 20 people slaughtered in an attack. Now I have to save more than that just to make up for it."

She stiffened when he hugged her. She really hated being touched. But, she sighed and relaxed for a moment.
he sighs "But that wasnt your fault it wasnt you who killed them" Nathan smiles "Let's talk about better things. Alright?" he says so she can stop thinking of sad memories.

Daniel nods. Nathan was finally being a man but he knew that when the fight start he will just come back to his kid personality.

@Brianna Ackerman
She sighed. "What I meant by multiplying is this. Take a large object and use it to make more smaller objects." She pointed at a large Boulder and closed her eyes, performing a speedy transmutation. When she opened them, the boulder was now a pile of small rocks.

"Now, go ahead and build what you want. I'll wait."
Daniel sighs and all the rocks around him start to turn into small pieces, turning into sand. All that sand starts moving until all the ground is covered by it. Changing his mind he makes so half the room is filled with sand and the other isn't. Then Nathan uses alchemy in all the water avaible (I'll guess that the room has like a tank full of water) and it makes a little river, on the side of the ground with sand.

Nathan smiles "We are done miss"

@Brianna Ackerman
She looked around and nodded. "Alright, my turn. You made your half, and I'll make my partner and I's half. Speaking of which, he should be here soon."

She then used her alchemy to turn a pile of wood into tall trees, which she put scattered around. She then increased the temperature in the room tenfold.

There" she said as the door opened.

"Oh, right on time. Not. You're late."
She mused, turning to face her partner, no surprise as to who it was.

Colonel Roy Mustang.
Daniel starts to think. Trees? Heated Temperature? Is she trying to set everything on fire?

Nathan smiles "I can't wait to see who her partn-" he stops talking soon he sees the Colonel himself. Tch

Daniel sighs "This fight is going to get harder than I expected..." he mumbles.

@Brianna Ackerman
She laughed. "Sorry boys. You fight one mustang, you fight us both. Be glad his parents aren't here."

Her aura turned slightly darker as she spoke with an I'm-going-to-annihilate-you tone of voice.

The general cracked her knuckles and reached in her pocket, and drew out two black gloves, which were the same as Roy's, only made for her shadow alchemy.

You boys ready for this?" She asked, pulling her combat uniform over her nose and mouth, so only her eyes and hair were now showing.

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