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Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist

Levi smiled from under his mask, as he approached Kiara slowly. "Well, I haven't had the chance to meet you yet." He kicked the woman in the gut, and bent down to grab her by the neck. He lifted her against the alley wall, "I'm going to do to you what happened to me. And Roy won't save you. He didn't save me." He punched the woman in the face, and threw her over his shoulder. He walked down the alleyways, searching for a drainage hole. He luckily found one, and set her done gently, as he placed his hand on the lid, as it slid open. He went back to grab her, and slowly climbed down deep into the sewers, as the lid closed itself, submerging them into the darkness.
Kiara Mustang

Kiara was still slightly aware, and she moved to guard her abdomen, but was too slow. He managed to score a hit to her stomach. She almost cried out in pain, but didn't. She refused to show any kind of weakness.

She began to gasp for air when he was choking her on the wall, and eventually gave up struggling. She let him take her. It was safer for her this way. Roy would come. She knew it.

She knew that they were in the sewers, judging by the putrid stench wafting through the air. She almost gagged, but settled for speaking weak words.

"Please. I don't know what my husband did to you, but don't take it out on me. Don't hurt me. I... I'm pregnant."

She coughed. "Please, don't hurt my baby. I can't handle losing...another one."

He walked along the concrete path made for maintenance workers. He would admit it was gross in these parts, which is why he typically used abandoned subway paths. He heard Kiara groan behind him, and her mutter a few words. "Roy, a father?" He chuckled lightly, now knowing out of respect, he wouldn't mess with her stomach. So he'd have to resort to mental torture, which was what he experienced for years. "Roy isn't the man you know him as Ms. Mustang, he only cares for himself..."
Kiara Mustang

"No" she said. "Stop. Roy..he loves me. He wouldn't leave me here." Her voice was hard. "He's never left me before. So when he comes and kicks your ass, it's going to be proof." She looked directly at him.

"You're nothing like a coward. Hiding behind a mask, hoping to seek revenge by taking his wife and child. The world doesn't need you to don't. We have plenty of cowards such as yourself."

Oh how the tables had turned. She wouldn't take his mental anguish any longer. However, she was worried that he would lash out and hurt her baby if she made him too mad.

Maybe she should stop.

No. She wasn't giving him the satisfaction

Levi chuckled, and decided to take a break, and sit this woman down for the truth. He sat her against the wall, and pressed his foot on her chest to make sure she wouldn't move. He removed his helmet, and tucked it under his arm. "I was Roy's best friend, we trained together. We were each other's rock, like you are to him now. We went on a mission together, and he abandoned me..." He looked at the helmet, squeezing it tightly. "He left me to die! I was beaten! I was water boarded more times than I can count! Everything I think of the man, I feel the same feeling he gave me. Fear. I knew he would come for me, I was his best friend. Why wouldn't he? 4 years I waited. 4 years of nonstop fear! You have no idea what that does to a soul!"
Kiara Mustang

"Actually I do know what it's like. Nine years. Nine GODDAMN YEARS WITH MY FATHER. The abusive little asshole beat me, cut me, tried to drown me. After my mom died when I was a baby, everything went to hell."

She brought her hands to rest on her abdomen. "I remember the mission you're talking about. Four years ago? Yeah, I was there. I know why Roy didn't come back for you. It was because he couldn't. The Fuhrer wouldn't let him, and neither would the infirmary's employees. He had been injured, they didn't want to make him worse. There weren't enough people to send out a search party."

She opened her eyes to look at his face. "And, they wanted him to stay with me. That was the day we fought a homunculus. I was stabbed, and it killed our first baby. And almost killed me. They wanted him to be with me if it DID kill me."

She went to say something, but she made a cry of pain and gripped her stomach, curling in on herself. She closed her eyes and bit her lip to the point of drawing blood.
"It would've taken 4 years. Just remember I could kill you in a heartbeat Ms. Mustang, don't try me." He gave another kick to the woman's gut, and slung her back over his shoulder. He began the long treack to his home.
She finally let out a scream of pain, as the already existing pain was terrible. Mixed with a kick to the area, it was just unbearable.

"S-stop!" She cried. "Please. Get me to some kind of Doctor. I'm.." She trailed off to catch her breath. "I'm miscarrying! Please, get me help. I won't let anyone know you're holding me hostage. I'll say you're a close friend of mine."

Shit. What had he done? He set her down gently, and took his backpack off quickly. He pulled his helmet from his bag. "I'll try my best. But I can't get you a doctor. If I give you back, it'll mess everything up." He pulled out a red box from his bag, which held his medical supplies.
Kiara Mustang "Well then hOW DO YOU PLAN ON HELPING THIS?" She asked, her voice going from normal to a scream as a wave of pain crashed over her stomach.

"There are certain medicines you need. Please, get help. I won't say anything. Please..."

Tears began to stream down her face as she spoke. She bent her knees in an attempt to help the pain, but her tries were in vain. Nothing would help.

Oh, how she wished Roy was here. He'd be just holding her hand, but it would be good enough. At least she wouldn't be alone...

OnceDarkness said:

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"Well well well, what do we have here?" Evan licked his lips loud and clearly for everyone to hear. "I'm a bit hungry... AREN'T YOU?" The boy disappeared and reappeared in front of the man with his hand on his stomach, then a flash of blue light began to emit from Evan's hands. Next, he did it once more and a sword made of blood appeared in his left hand. "I used alchemy to dislocate your large intestine so that your shit comes out of your mouth instead of your butt. But then again, there's really no difference because the only that comes out of your mouth is shit. Oh, and I left an open wound in your stomach, but it's not too fatal. Well, that is until I start stabbing you with your own blood." Evan laughed maniacally and rushed up to Levi to slash him a few times. "SHOW ME YOUR BACKSIDE! IT'S YOUR ONLY GOOD SIDE! NYA HA HA HA!"

@Brianna Ackerman


{we're underground, and your character was supposed to be with Roy's team. You wouldn't be here. This is kinda being used as s plot device to set things up in the future}
His current state of rage evaporated. He didn't like what he was doing, but it was nessicary for his task. But he would set aside a task to save a child. He wouldn't kill a child, and he didn't want to here. If he got caught, it wouldn't be in vain. He packed up everything in his bag, and picked her up gently, carrying her like baby. "Just breath Ms. Mustang, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry" he tired to comfort her, as he made his way to the quickest exit.
Kris had continued to brisk walk back to her apartment. She was aware now of someone following her. Perhaps, she thought, it was because of the detonator in her hand-What was it still doing there? She glanced up, remembering that the job lacked a final touch. Ed's apartment block. With a smirk, the teenager depressed the button just as a thunderous explosion shook the earth once more. Turning around, she saw an entire team of soldiers. "Mustang." Kris arched an eyebrow. "Rough night? It's about to get rougher."
Kiara & Roy Mustang

Kiara took deep breaths, trying not to scream. "J-just hurry. B-Before the bleeding starts." When he picked her up, she put her arms around his neck, holding herself up. She put her head on his shoulder, taking deep breaths.

"Kiara" she said. "It's Kiara. Mrs. Mustang makes me feel old, and reminds me of Roy's mother. And I didn't like her." She said, bringing a hand down to her abdomen. "God damn this hurts." She panted.


Roy looked at Kris. "I don't want any trouble. I already have enough. Oh, and you should know that the Elric brothers aren't in town. They left this morning."

He paused. "Please don't cause any more trouble for us. I'm looking for my wife. My pregnant wife." He growled.

A soldier came to his side. "Sir" she said. "Have you tried looking at any doctors' offices around? The general might have gone if she was injured."

Roy nodded. "Good thinking, Lieutenant. Handle this. Smith, Camaro, you're with me." He said, before making. His way towards a local office building.

@OnceDarkness @ReverseWells @TheShadowWriter
Pregnant wife? Kris shook her head as she caught up with Roy. "I'm helping." She knew there was a chance the baby could be lost. As someone who deeply valued innocent lives, she said as determined to do anything to stop it from happening. "Roy. You know I can do this." The girl glanced at him. "Let me help." Of course, she would be the last person he would think of approaching. "I won't kill you or anything. I never wanted to kill you, anyway. Just so you know, there's stuff below the Alchemist Library. The signal source of the hack's there." Kris was surprised at herself. It almost felt like two years back, when she was once part of that team. "I'm not interested in making your enemy."
Roy Mustang

Roy looked over at Kris. "You may not like Kiara, or me for that matter, but I appreciate you helping. You were once part of her team, so you know how she thinks."

He kept walking. Sighing, he ran a hand through his nearly perfect hair. "If anything happens to Kiara or this baby..." He trailed off. "This would be the third miscarriage we've experienced."

In a rather non-Roy Mustang fashion, tears came to his eyes. He didn't want to know that his wife and baby could be dead right now.

"She was so close, too. Almost eight months along, actually. You could barely tell she's pregnant, though. She's still so small, and her uniform doesn't help." He laughed, thinking. "If I lost them now..." He stopped talking.
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Levi emerged carefully, looking for the nearest Doctor. At last, he finally spotted one ahead. Now would he leave her? Roy was probably looking for her now, which would mean if Roy took the picture he sent the wrong way, he'd be dead. But if he left her, he would be fine. It was a matter of doing the right thing. He set her down on the table, as the doctor rushed in. He would stay. He left the doctor to his devices and made his way to the restroom to wash the blood off.
Kiara & Roy Mustang

Kiara was gripping onto the bed, crying out in pain. The doctor had bent her legs, and was checking for signs of a miscarriage having already occurred. He had a nurse administer medicine in the form of an IV into her arm.

This medicine made her fall asleep, during which time he was able to perform a quick procedure to stop the bleeding.

She fell asleep, and the doctor waited for Levi. Only, it was Roy and Kris that ran in instead.

"What happened to my wife?" He growled at the doctor, who just explained that she was miscarrying.

Roy's eyes widened, thinking his baby was dead.

"She's fine, general. So is the child." He said, looking at Roy and motioning to Kiara's large abdomen, which you could see the baby moving around and kicking in.
Levi removed his jacket and helmet, erasing the signs of his identity. He opened the door slowly, and looked inside. "Hey Roy.... I saw some guy kicking her, and I went to help her. She said to bring her to a doctor which I did. Well, it's been awhile." He tucked his hands in his pockets, and gave a sheepish happy smile.
Kiara & Roy Mustang

Hearing his words, Roy's expression turned to one of fury. He took the gun from Kiara's belt and loaded it, pointing it at him. "I am not an idiot. Give me one reason why I shouldn't shoot you where you stand. Right here, right now." He growled.

Kiara, who was only asleep now, woke up from the commotion. Seeing the gun, she used alchemy to manipulate the air current, causing the gun to come to her hand.

She removed the clip and put the safety on. "Roy" she warned. "Do you have any explanation as to why you were pointing a gun at the man who just saved your wife and unborn child?"

She sighed and put the gun on the bedside table. "Keep it there" she demanded of both men. Then, she reached out and took Roy's hand. "Come here" she said and pulled her husband onto the bed next to her.

He proceeded to sigh and wrap his arms around her and put his hands on her stomach, rubbing it gently. Kiara looked at him, smiling slightly. She kissed him gently.

She then turned to Levi. "Thank you" she said, yawning. She closed her golden eyes slowly, about to fall asleep again. Then, they snapped open again and looked towards her stomach.

"Hey" she laughed. "Check this out." She put her hand on one side of her stomach, watching the baby kick that spot. Then, she moved it to the other side, and the baby followed her touch. She smiled slightly.

Levi, unbothered by the gun, sighed. "Because you don't know the truth." He watched Kiara, then turned his head as they began to get slightly intimate. "No, thank you Ms. Mustang, and see you too later. Roy, I shedualed a meeting with you, so we can talk there." He gave the couple a small wave, and left the building. Now where to go?
Kiara & Roy Mustang

Roy nodded. "It'll probably be tomorrow that I get to it. I'm sure they'll want to keep her tonight" he said. And he was right.

The couple both stayed in the doctor's office for the day, as they wanted to keep her overnight for observation. And, naturally, Roy refused to leave her side.

The rest of their day consisted of visits from loved ones, including her widowed sister-in-law and niece, as well as Riza. It also included her seven month examination, which she didn't enjoy at all. She just didn't like doctors very much.

That night, the couple was moved to a larger room to sleep in, so they'd be comfortable. Roy slept in a comfort chair by her bedside, while she lay halfway sitting, to relieve the pain on her back. They fell asleep holding hands.
Levi ended up returning to his subway home. That meeting would be intresting, he wanted to tell Roy about his time in captivity. How he should deserve the same.
Kiara & Roy Mustang

Both spouses soon fell asleep, and stayed that way all night. The next morning, Kiara was released, and the two went back to base after she changed. Her large stomach was visible as she was in her uniform.

The two went to Roy's office to wait for Levi. Kiara was with him, and too scared to leave. Especially with Levi somewhere in the building, she didn't want anything to happen again. What had happened scarred her mentally and physically.

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