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Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist


Family Disappointment
Kiara Mustang

The room was silent, no sound was evident in the air. No speaking, no laughing, nothing. Save for the scratch of a pen and the light breathing of a female sitting behind a large oak desk.

The female, whose name was General Kiara Mustang, was working on paperwork and reports for their boss, and waiting for her husband to bring her something, although the chances were that he forgot. But, she was wrong.

Her head snapped up as the door opened, revealing Roy walking in, holding a mug of a hot beverage in his hand. He set the drink on the table and picked up his wife, sitting down before putting her in his lap.

As she worked, he began to kiss her neck, laughing when she made a noise and pulled away, attempting to focus. However, the brunette's efforts were in vain, because as soon as she got her peace,the door was opened.

"General Mustang" the soldier, Lieutenant Colonel Riza Hawkeye, spoke as she looked at her superior. "Your new alchemist is here to see you. Her training begins tomorrow, correct?"

Kiara nodded and stood up, following Riza to a size room, where a younger blonde girl was waiting. "Ah" the general said. "You must be Serenity, correct? My name is General Kiara Mustang, and I'll be the one you will train under for a while until we can let you loose."

She extended her arm for a handshake, slipping her gloves off before she did.
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Serenity had been well trained by another female teacher that had taken on two other students around a similar time but she proved to be a bite more talented and have more potential than the others. She was naturally talented and had a good responsible head on her slender shoulders. She didn't see why she had to study under another teacher when she already knew most of what she needed. Also, she was more skilled than any other around so she doubted there was anything this new teacher could tell her that she didn't already know.

When the woman came out and introduced herself and offered an ungloved hand. Her golden eyes glanced at the bare hand and noticed the tattooed scar on her palm and she smirked before leisurely taking that open hand in her own gloved hand. "So, there's another Mustang. I'm shocked. Hope you're not like the colonel and be as pompous and arrogant." she said with a cheeky grin. She wasn't one to mince words nor keep her tongue in line either. She was honest to a fault and that got her in trouble often.

"To be honest I'm not going to hold my breath that there is much you can teach me that I don't already know. If anything, I probably know more than you, and I'm only 16. Dang, I've been in the military for three years already. I can't believe it's taken me this long already." she said the last part to herself, remembering her personal goal and why she joined the military in the first place but because of her age and gender, no one took her seriously. Hopefully this lady wouldn't be making the same mistake as everyone else.
Kiara Mustang

Kiara just raised an eyebrow at her words, especially when she threw out two very negative adjectives to describe her significant other. "Oh, trust me my dear, Colonal Mustang isn't as pompous or arrogant as meets the eye. And neither am I." She looked directly into the girl's eyes.

"However, I can't say that I'm not a control enthusiast who prefers everything to be a certain way. That, I am." She smirked, narrowing her eyes. "However, I do ask that you restrain yourself. Especially when you meet the big guy. We up here may be a bit more lenient, but him? Not so much."

She paused. "Take it from someone who knows. I was once like you, you know. Young, naïve, thinking I was better than everyone because I became a state alchemist before I was 10 years old. But the second I mouthed off to my superiors, they knocked me right on my ass. You don't want what they did to me to happen to you. I doubt you want all of those scars. Physical and mental."

She raised a brow. "And you claim you know more than both of us? My dear, there's a reason we're where we are. I am the Shadow Alchemist, and the colonial is the Flame Alchemist. That says something. We have our official names, which you'll get when we let you free. That is, if we do. You see, discipline does play a factor in your final assessment." She sighed.

"Lieutenant Colonal, will you please see to it that she gets to her room please, and that she gets a uniform?" Rosa nodded and looked at Kiara. The latter folded her hands behind her back. "Come. You start tomorrow, as an official trainee. You're in the home stretch, don't screw it up."

The said to Serenity, before turning and walking off slowly, next to her husband, who slowly reached out and wrapped his arm around her waist. He got hit, sure, but he kept his position. Sighing, Kiara gave up.

Riza sighed. "Those two, I swear." She mumbled. "Anyways, shall we?" She motioned for Serenity to walk.
@SerenityAngel @OnceDarkness
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"Alright State Alchemist Evan, I think your mental state is improv-"


His psychologist face palmed, sighed, and pointed to the exit door. "Please get out of here..." Evan smiled and opened his mouth wide with sparkling eyes, "Oooohh! Are we playing a game? I'll go over there and start counting, ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE!" The psychologist shouted, "NO! WE ARE NOT PLAYING A GAME! FINE, you know what... Let's play a game... It's called LEAVE ME ALONE!" By the time he finished his sentence, Evan was already gone with the blink of an eye. "WHAT!" His psychologist was surprised, and now the insane boy was looking at two girls in a hallway. "Hi! My name's Evan, wanna hear a joke? Where does a bird go once it's done with high school? CAWLEDGE! Nya ha ha ha ha!" He was about to laugh his pants off (LITERALLY!) but thankfully they fit nicely.

@Brianna Ackerman
Kiara Mustang/Riza Hawkeye

Riza gasped as he appeared out of seemingly nowhere. "Oh my" she said quietly. "This must be the one the colonel was talking about. The one who was put in mental rehabilitation at a young age." She coughed to hide her words.

"O-oh! Yeah, that was a great joke. Hahaha..." She trailed off. She didn't really know what to do, for once. She didn't know where he was supposed to be, and she couldn't just shoot the kid for god's sake! Even the general wouldn't be that cruel!

At the same time, Roy and Kiara had turned around. They were on their way to investigate something that had run in front of them a few moments ago.

Roy had Kiara pinned against a wall, her hands at her sides, and was leaning in, ready to kiss her, when a surprisingly fast mass flew past them. The two spouses had looked at each other before reluctantly going to follow the being, until they came to see the small group.

Kiara came to the reacue. "Oh, Evan!" She said. "I wasn't aware you were finished with your session for today? How did it go?" She conversed, just going through the motions. This wasn't the first time since Roy had put him in therapy.

"Is your doctor around? He was supposed to escort you to your next destination, correct? I'd like to speak with him."

She was rather calm around the boy, as she knew what he was capable of. And this did not scare her. The only thing she really had to worry about was potentially angering him. They didn't trust him enough to have a gun, like the multiple she carried on her body, as well as Riza. She knew she could handle this. She had a natural tone that she used around younger people and children, which many had dubbed the "mom voice."
@SerenityAngel @OnceDarkness
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"Well, you've certainly got your work cut out for you. I don't fallow people's directions. I also don't wear uniforms. They're unnecessarily heavy and tacky." Serenity replied with a shrug. Then came a riotous laugh as if the older woman had said the greatest joke in the world, "Sorry, lady, but you've no idea what I've seen nor he scars I bear. Yeah I know of you two. I know about you both and your past, or at least what's been told but I don't listen to rumors. I rather hear the truth from the source, not second hand. Things get don't messed up in translation that way."

When she was dismissed and told to go with Hawkeye she sighed and went without too much of a fight. She didn't see what this woman could teach her about alchemy that she didn't already know. She already knew about alchehestory and other practices but she had her preference. The only thing tis woman could really teach her about was military life and history. "Hm, didn't think Mustang would find himself a wife so soon. I always thought it would be you two that got together. Huh. I guess gambling isn't a good hobby for me to get into."
Kiara Mustang/Roy Mustang/Riza Hawkeye

Kiara looked at Serenity. "You say you know all about us, huh? Well then you obviously know that I entered as a state alchemist at nine years old, and was trained under the Fuhrer himself for a while. You also know that I lost both of my parents beforehand, and recently lost my brother to one of those damn Homunculi, right?" She said, her voice hard. "And you know all about how I lost my first child about three years ago, because I let the Fuhrer send me out on an assignment while I was pregnant, and was stabbed? Because all of this information is circulated, right?" She said sarcastically before turning on her heel, and walked away from the group, and Evan. Roy followed a moment later, as he needed to. Get work done.

Riza looked over at her. "If you want to be a state alchemist, you have to wear the uniform for a while. At least while you're here at Central. You don't on the field, or at home. You should see what Kiara turns into when she's sent on an assignment. It's far from what she wears now, actually." She said, her face staying practically emotionless.

She walked with the younger woman. "The general isn't all that bad, you know? She may seem like a complete and utter bitch, but she's not. She's actually very kind once you get to know her, even if it is pretty cliche. But it's true. She's just had a bad history. She lost her parents, her brother, and her unborn baby. That's a lot for one person to handle. I'm sure you'd be the same way."

She paused. "She also tried human transmutation, like you, when Maes died. She didn't lose anything on her own body, but she did lose another baby. She didn't even know about it until she started bleeding, and had to go to the infirmary. Imagine. How would you feel if you found out you had practically killed a baby you didn't even know about?"

She then fell silent. Hearing the comment about her and Roy, she smiled slightly and laughed. "You and everyone else thought that. But Roy and I were just friends. Now, them? There was no way it would only be that. The two were perfect for each other. She's the polar opposite of him. He's reckless, she's careful and collected. They both have that same high-strung, stick-up-the-ass attitude. They balance each other out perfectly."

@SerenityAngel @OnceDarkness

Thomas Lin, Central Headquarters

The man sighed as he walked down the hallway. 'Ten letter synonym for Torrent'. It was hard enough not being told to deliver papers to someone- who as far as Thomas was concerned, didn't need them- while not having finished his puzzle yet. He moved onto the next word, carefully staying to the right side of the green and red carpeted hallways. 'French for family'. That would be difficult. The previous puzzle had been so much simpler, yet the creators decided to throw a nearly insurmountable challenge for the average human being, which was exactly what Thomas was.

The book was placed inside a bag, as Thomas picked up his pace. The sunlight was waning, and sooner or later, Thomas would be found by the person who needed the papers. No, Thomas never found things. He insisted, from the youngest age, that they found him. His questioning mother never asked beyond how he found it, to which she always got the same answer. That room looks nice.

A door, no different from the tens of thousands of doors in this city, had found Thomas. The old wood whispered sweet nothings to the paint around it, enticing everything around it inside. The walls seemed to fade away after the end of the doorframe, into oblivion.

Thomas found the doorknob under his hand, and turned. Ever so slowly, he shifted his hand. The wait was the antagonist in an epic final confrontation, where Thomas was the the hero. He would be cast in glowing white light, the stage sparkling before him, and the audience would roar with- no. Not that. No, this door was just another door. It opened, so the man leaned in.

"What's a ten letter synonym for Torrent?"
"Most of it I knew, the rest I didn't but I'm not surprised. Everyone's got a sob story in their past. Don't think you're special because you suffered a bit more than most. I'm not like Fullmetal. I'm not going to apologize for my words because I'm not sorry. I don't regret anything I've done and I don't hold back what I think. Simple as that. It's a shame, sure, but nothing you didn't survive. Regretting is he biggest blunder anyone can make." she said before Kiara left and fallowed Riza down the street.

Serenity laced her fingers together behind her head as she walked, "Yeah, not happening. I'm not wearing a uniform. I noticed that Fullmetal thinks the same way. So, nope. Not gonna happen." she then laughed a bit as Riza went on about the couple, "Yeah, I know. Harsh but good hearts. It's a commonality among humans, just as cruelty. Like I said, I've seen more than most. I've looked more than once, too." when the conversation went to Kiara's human transmutation her expression got a bit hard, "She was a fool and an idiot. She didn't understand anything if she dared it, but at least...she had the choice...but that's in the past and it doesn't matter anymore. What matters is the future and moving forward while we still have that option. You can't bring the dead back. I knew that from the start. I didn't do the transmutation on purpose...I was tricked and forced by my idiot siblings who didn't understand the laws. Now I have to fix their mistakes. What I've done so far is only a band aid. I've got to fix their mistake and help heal the stupid idiots."

She was not going to go easy on anyone. Not even her own siblings. She was definitely not a child as her age would have you believe. She was quite the adult and she was right on every point she brought up. She didn't need to hide anything and if anyone wanted to ask she would answer without any hesitation. She didn't have anything to hide.
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"Awww!" Evan sighed, "Looks like all my fun is gone!" He covered his face with his two hands as if he were a sad, crying, and alone child, but when he uncovered them... It revealed a smile of confidence, perhaps even bloodlust. "Hey Roy, Kiara, I'm hungry! Wanna go out for dinner, I'll pay. It's just the three of us, what harm can be done?" Going to dinner with Evan is the exact opposite thing you want to do, last time he had dinner with something, he turned the plates into silver coins to pay for the meal (Unfortunately he had to pay for the plate too). "Oh yeah! My doc? He said that we're gonna play a game! I think it's called something like 'Leave me alone', but I still don't know how to play! Can you teach me?"

A sound came from across the hall, and again the boy disappeared in a flash. "Wow! That's a cool monkey growing on your head, where'd you get it?" Great, now there's something else to worry about again. Already, the insane child was harassing some military officials by calling their ugly hairdos monkeys.

@Brianna Ackerman

@The Confusion
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Kiara & Roy Mustang

Kiara sighed. This was going to be interesting. She walked to where Evan was, and put a hand on his shoulder. "Evan" she said. "These officers have work to do. Let's let them get to it. Come."

She began to lead the boy off, towards his quarters. As she did, Roy joined them. The two officers walked behind Evan, watching him. Roy put his arm around his wife, walking as he just looked at her. God, he loved her.

The two were almost to Evan's room, when they were summoned to the Fuhrer's office. She didn't even know he was there. She brought Evan to the office, where it was discovered that all three would be going out on an assignment, as state alchemists.

Only, they had to bring Serenity. The woman sighed, not believing that it would work and that she should be put under another instructor for the remainder of her time here. Unfortunately, her requests were denied, and she was stuck with the rather irritating girl.

Meanwhile, Riza stopped walking. "Then, you will not pass as a state alchemist. The uniform is for a few weeks. Afterwards, you're free to wear whatever you wish, unless you join the military as a soldier as well. I don't know what they told you wherever you were before, but central is a lot more strict."

She then continued walking, finally reaching the room. "These are your quarters. Your uniform is on the bed. Please, put it on. I'm sure you want to be a State Alchemist on your own, rather than be under the Mustang spouses in training for your whole life?"

@OnceDarkness @SerenityAngel
Serenity only shrugged her shoulders, "Then so be it. I'm only in for the knowledge and information. I don't need the military as much as everyone seems to think." she said rather casually, "Besides, if they're so stringent on dress code then they need to rethink their priorities. Besides, I'd rather be seen as someone for the people and not a dog on its leash. It builds a bit more of a bond of trust than fear when seen." she really didn't sensor any of her words.

She found the room to be decent enough to sleep in but she wasn't going to get too comfortable. "Heh, you think I'll be a lackey for longer than actuality. I've already got a teacher and it certainly isn't her and she was a hell of a lot harsher than anyone else could even dream of being." she informed and couldn't help but chuckle a little at the memories, "Man she was one hard lady to study under. This Kiara can't be anywhere near as bad. No matter how she tries. That is certain. Plus, like I said, I don't do uniforms. They don't have any tactical or practical use if I can't move in them the way I need to." She picked up the uniform and tossed it aside and flopped onto the bed seemingly without a care. "Man, Central may be the core of the country but damn if it isn't annoying as all hell."
Riza Hawkeye

Riza sighed. "You may not think it, but you've never seen both Roy and Kiara work together before. They never do on the field. Never have. They figure that if they ever have kids, they don't want them both to be taken out by one person." She explained.

"But I'll give you a hint. If you listen to her for a few days, she'll most likely let you off the leash. Besides, I do believe that your training begins with an assignment tomorrow morning, if I heard the Fuhrer correctly this morning. That's your big chance. Do something impressive, best saving their asses, and boom! Instant respect from them both. Freedom from the uniform."

"Smart for parents. Doesn't really matter though. At least not to me." she said and relaxed on the bed before laughing at Riza's suggestion about wearing the uniform and saving their lives. "Yeah, sure! I'll just do that! At least I would if I cared about respect, least of all from adults who are stupid enough to attempt human transmutation and think they can bring back what is dead. I didn't need to attempt it myself to know that truth. Dead is dead and nothing can bring them back. Not even a philosopher's stone can do that. If my siblings had headed my words I wouldn't be like this and they wouldn't be like they are. Now I'm just cleaning up mess after mess. I'm not a damn nanny."

To hearing that she was going to be sent on an assignment with her teacher and her teacher's husband she found it a bit intriguing and a bit unnerving. "That's stupid. Why all three of us? Doesn't smell right to me. But I said I don't need her respect nor do I wear uniforms, but I'll listen until she says something dumb."
A man strolled through the alleyways, rolling a pair of two marbles through his hands. He was heading to his home, a empty subway tunnel. It wasn't bad, spacious, he made it his own. The best part, it was directly under the Alchemist Library, which meant when his signal was traced, it was at the library. He climbed down a large ladder, his feet making the bar clink, and a loud echo as he grew deeper into the darkness. He leaped down, landing on the bottom, and he snapped his fingers, as the lights began to flicker on. He made his way to his small computer, where Roy Mustangs details sat. He basically already knew more to the man than these documents, but the one thing was new was a wife. Kiara Mustang. He knew the time was right to make his appearance to the world known. It was time to be Red, the terrorist. He began to type away, hacking to every piece of technology in the city.
Kiara Mustang

Kiara had now gone to her office to work on some paperwork and stuff for the Fuhrer. Roy was wherever he had run off to, probably to go harass Riza or someone like that. She opened her computer and began to look at a few files, before glancing at her gun, which was laying on her desk beside her.

Suddenly, the program on every State computer that deterred bugs, and alerted suspicious activity activated. A giant pop-up on her screen appeared, flashing "INCOMING HACKING" in bold red letters.

Kiara sat up hastily and began typing away, attempting to keep whoever this was from breaking the firewall. As she did, she slammed a drive in the computer and transferred all the files, before deleting them from the device. She put the drive in her pocket and began running. "I NEED ALL TECHNOLOGY DETAILS WORKING. WE HAVE A HACKER TRYING TO GET OUR FILES!" She yelled. "ALL POSSIBLE HANDS ON DECK! STOP THEM AND FIND THEM!"

Roy came out of his office upon hearing the word "hacker". Having the situation quickly explained on the way they were running, he nodded. They soon reached their destination. Knocking on Serenity's door hard, she called out. "State Alchemist trainee Serenity! Open the door!"

She looked at Roy, and nodded. Knowing what she meant by the simple gesture, he nodded in response and made haste towards Evan's room, knocking on the door. "Evan!" He called. "Open the door!"

@OnceDarkness @SerenityAngel @ReverseWells
"Hacker." Kris arched an eyebrow. This was new. The girl had followed the signal to the Alchemist Library, quietly sneaking in. "Where the hell is he?" The girl sighed as she glanced at the rows of books. She wasn't supposed to be in here, but nobody knew that. She glanced down below, dropping a book on the ground. It echoed through the room. "Hollow." She smirked, using her metal arm to try and punch a hole through the ground. "And hard." Seeing no other option, Kris grinned as she transmuted a sharp ice pick, hacking through the surface. "Whoever you are, that was a nice one."

@Brianna Ackerman
He smirked from under his mask, and pressed the key, which opened the camera. The image to appear on the screen would only be his bright red helmet. He had turned the lights off to keep his location anonymous. He had altered his voice to sound robot-like, different from his British accent. "Good day citizens of Amestris, I am known as Red. I will be your savior against the heavily overpowered government system set in your world. You are all pawns in the military's big game of chess, and like in chess, the pawns are always the first ones to go. So I'm going to make that process a little faster, by using my pawns. My target, Roy Mustang. You have failed this city, you have failed the people in it with your lies, and your mistreatment of soilders. You have abandoned soilders. And you will pay." He tapped the key, which ended his video. Immedianlty afterward, he pressed his hand onto the ground, transmuting a bomb. It started counting down immedianlty, next he transmuted a large stone wall. It sealed off his side of the subway, leaving the bomb, and the computer on the other side. He didn't care if the government got his files, it was stuff they already knew. He took off in a run, escaping from what was about to unfold.
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"Hey!" Kris caught up to the man, punching him in the face. Of course, she wouldn't know it was just an actor. She smirked. If he was causing damage, so could she. In fact, she had placed an explosive right outside Central headquarters. It wouldn't kill anyone, as the blast radius was only small enough just to blow up the statue which stood in the courtyard. Kris depressed the button, watching in satisfaction as an orange plume of smoke rose into the air. She wasn't satisfied just yet. She would only stop when Ed was dead. They probably knew who it was. Kris was no master at disguise or concealment, however. She wasn't intending on being too secretive. The closer she got to the military, the better. Kris broke into a run, heading as far as she could, setting off more bombs around the city. "Another win for the talented arsonist." The girl smiled smugly.
Kiara & Roy Mustang

Kiara and Roy, in sync, told both alchemists to meet them outside. Then, hearing that Roy was his target, Kiara ran to where her husband was, grabbing his arm before running towards an exit. "EVACUATE THE BUILDING! POTENTIAL THREAT IN THE PREMISES. GET OUT NOW, AND PREPARE FOR COMBAT!"

She was running through the halls, putting her hair down around her shoulders, and then running back to her office and changing on the fly. Then, she met back up with Roy, and went outside.


She turned to her husband. They had to separate as they were in different teams. She got close to him, and he kissed her gently. "I love you" he said, putting his forehead on hers.

She looked into his eyes. "I love you too" she said, and kissed him again before running off. "SHADOW TEAM, LET'S GO."

@OnceDarkness @SerenityAngel @TheShadowWriter @ReverseWells
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Levi made his way to a rooftop of a old

building, and stood there. He watched the military come into action, splitting into two teams. He tucked his hands in his pockets comfortably, as he decided his next course of action. He could create the same act he did for his final, which could cause a heavy blow to Roy, and his army. No. Too soon, to easy. He needed Roy to know it was him, something he would only get. He needed to drive the stake through the heart. He opened his backpack, and pulled out a small, wor down, leather journal. He opened it to a page, which was at Roy's induction to be a State Alchemist. He removed the picture, and pulled out a pen. "I'm alive and well old friend! We should catch up don't you think?" He didn't hint anything about his identity as Red. Not yet. He needed Roy to know Levi Hart was who he was, not Red. Well at least for now. He laid a hand on his helmet within the bag, and watched the picture float towards Roy's location.
Kiara & Roy Mustang

The young woman placed the call, but soon hung up. "I'm sorry sir, but General Mustang isn't in his office right now. There was an attack on Central Headquarters, and they had to evacuate. Chances are that they're out in teams looks for their assailant." She explained in a kind, high-pitched voice. "He's probably leading his team with his wife. If you find her, chances are that he's not far off. He's very protective of Mrs. Mustang, and wouldn't dare let anything happen to her." Of course, the small woman didnt have any idea what she had just told him. It seemed a small detail, but it practically gave him a gateway to Roy's emotions. His wife.

In the cameras, it was seen that both Roy's team and Kiara's went similar directions, and didn't stray far from each other. Roy wanted to keep an eye on his wife, even though he knew she could fend for herself. He couldn't risk anything.

The two finally separated to go down two nearby alleyways. This could have been the last time they saw each other, and they both knew it. Every day could be their last day.

Finally, Kiara began slowing down. She eventually stopped, and collapsed against a wall, out of breath. Her team surrounded her, trying to help her. She was weak. The easiest time to take her out.

Roy caught the picture, and looked at it. He was horrified. "Him" was all he said. If he was behind this....

He began running. "KIARA!"
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She hadn't gotten far before she noticed groups of alchemists urgently patrolling the area. The only disadvantage was, they all knew her identity. Kris sighed as she turned down an alley they hadn't noticed, or so she thought. "Finally some air." She had let down her guard, surveying the damage. Some parts of the city were in flames. Kris grinned evilly as she leaned against a wall. She had gotten far enough. They wouldn't find her here, unless they bothered to turn into the inconspicuous alley. An explosion shook the earth as the Alchemist Library burst into flames with a loud boom. "Looks like someone created prettier fireworks."The girl commented She was suddenly aware of a presence behind her, but dismissed it. It was common for such paranoid suspicions of hers

to be just illusions. Perhaps, she was losing it. “Whoever’s there, show yourself!” Kris warned in a clear voice. She didn’t want to turn around and admit that she was imagining things once again. Instead, she kept her eyes fixed on the burning wreckage, admiring it.
Levi had transmuted the block Kiara was heading down into a deadly mind field. The roof he was on, he could control the whole situation. He walked back to his backpack, and slid the helmet on. He put on his jacket, and watched from above. He was going to kidnap Kiara, thanks to the help of the lovely secretary.
Kiara Mustang

Kiara's team all failed to notice the mine field. After helping her down to the ground so she could catch her breath. The woman closed her eyes and leaned against the wall. "Go" she said weakly. "I'll be fine. Samson is in charge."

The team nodded, and went to run. She realized the mine field was there too late, and couldn't warn them in time. All she could do was manipulate the air into a shield of sorts for herself, and close her eyes as her whole team was blown up. Over twenty people, dead in one blow.

When the smoke was almost cleared, she released the field, and began to crawl where she came from. She managed to get into the alleyway, to see nobody around at all. She heard Roy's voice from far off, and tried to call out, but the remaining smoke was too much.

She couldn't breathe, and she passed out, the last thing she saw being a person walking around towards her.

@OnceDarkness @SerenityAngel @ReverseWells
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