Full Moon (Were's and Vampires) Role Play

(They'd rob a bank though =^= xD )

Sky tapped his finger against the wheel to the beat and he pressed down harder on the gas pedal, shooting down the road.
Soon they neared the church and he slowed the speed down until it went to a stop in front of the old church. He slid out of the car and tensed when he smelled Kumo, his lips curling up into a snarl.
Sky took the guns from his waistband and started walking towards the French double doors. His shoulders were tensed and anger flared in his ice blue eyes like a blue flame.
When Sky reached the double doors he kicked them in and growled, "I know you bastards are in here..." Then stepped into the church and looked around him.
Dai caught the gun and looked around. A woman walked out to the middle of the alter. She had a loaded crossbow. Instead of arows it shot stakes. "You came here for the boy?"
Sky growled and brough the gun up to her and it was aimed perfectly at the center of her head, "You know we are and cut the crap.. Now give him to us and no one gets hurt, if you dont.. well I'll see you in hell then."
The woman snapped her fingers and a group of men with the same crossbows came through a door and lined up behind her. "You already know where he is." she said.
Sky growled and drove a bullet into one to were it shot back into the heart of the one who shot it. He easily picked the woman out in the fire and shot foreward and began to fire at her.
The woman, who was obviously skilled in fighting, dodged the bullets. Dai jumped into the air before one of the stakes could find it's way into his heart and held onto one of the rafters, shooting a few of the men down. Kenta pulled the sword out of the sheath quick enough to slice a stake that was headed for him in half.
(Teehee, you typed Yuro instead of Sky~) The force Sky had put on the woman's head made the gun lodge itself into her head. She fell the the floor with a gasp. Kenta dashed forward, dodging the stakes shot at him.
(Lol, it's okay~) Kenta stabbed the sword through the last person, pulling it out with a sigh. Dai dropped back down to the floor. "That was easy."
Sky grabbed one of the stakes in the crossbow and brought it down on the woman and ripped his gun from her head and cursed, trying to wipe it off and gagged, "Ugh.." Then he looked around, "Where's Kumo?"

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