Full Moon (Were's and Vampires) Role Play

(My first Thread sorry if it is int perfect lol)

The Full Moon in folk tales is when Vampires and Were's come out of the shadow and walk and hunt... But imagine if you didn't wan't any of this.. Just to be normal... Can you do it? Can you keep the vampire's blood lust and the strange earge to howl out of your blood? Find out if you walk the path of your ancestors or the path of being able to resist the lust and howls of everything around you..

Character Sheet:



Species(Were or Vampire):

Looks(picture or discription):



Name: Kenta Vargas

Age: Around 21-22 (is around 500 in vamp years)

Species: Vampire

Looks: Brown hair, light olive tanned skin, around 6'3", muscular, gorgeous~ (lol)

Personality: Can be quite the pervert, but is extremely protective and can be very cruel to certain people for no reason. Usually sweet, charming and loving.

Background: Ugh, not giving the WHOLE background but he was born in Spain and was a conquistador, then some crap happened then blah blah blah, and here he is now. ^^

Other: He is very very skilled with swords, he's bi, his maker is an evil stalker..

There's Kenta, working on the others~
Name:Death Inu


Species(Were or Vampire):Were Wolf

Looks(picture or discription):Blond hair that falls in sparking golden eyes. A cross neckband hangs around his neck and his lip is pierced, he usually wears Red, White, Black, or Grey skinny jeans, only wears converse, has so many bracelets they cover his whole thin wrist. He's small (5' 6"), thin (100-130lbs), and is petite.

Personality:Kinda Shy, a little silly, gets funnier when he drinks, is a lover not a fighter.

Background: Ever since he was little he has been sexually, physically, and emotionlly attacked over and over again. Soon his dad died when he was 7 years old and his mom died when he was 10.. He was left to fend for himself before he raced away from his older brother Ink and his younger sister Aimi.. He never looked back..

Other: He has a tattoo on his lower back, shoulder, and other shoulder, of a wolf and paw prints surrounding it on his lower back, a little pup with golden fur on one shoulder, and a black furred pup on the other shoulder with blood on its jaws and claws from haunting memories of his youth.

*Death Inu.

Name: Yuro Inu


Species(Were or Vampire): Were/ Vampire

Looks(picture or discription):Blond hair with strands of brown in it that hangs in his eyes. Kinda tanned skin, has a small tattoo that runs on his shoulder, has snakebites but usually dosen't wear them, usually wears skinnies and converse with a v neck.

Personality:Outgoing, sometimes a little shy, weird, usually bubbily.

Background:His dad is a Vampire, his mother/father is a were-wolf

Name: Daisuke "Vargas"

Age: 16

Species: Vampire/A tiny bit of werewolf

Looks: Jet black hair, pale skin, bright "ice" blue eyes, 6'4 (maybe a little taller), a few piercings on both ears. Is planing on getting a tattoo that his along his left arm.

Personality: Usually serious and pissed-off about something. He's protective of Yuro and Death, and will attack anyone who threatens them.

Background: Ever since he was able to really have thoughts and feelings he's always been quiet and serious, but easy to anger. He always had friends that were older than him. He started a band in middle school and is still the guitarist and lead singer.

Other: Yuro is his brother. He's a very good singer and guitarist. He's had to take classes when he was younger for his depression and anger issues but none of it helped. He still has problems.

Name: Aimi

Age: 10-12 (idk)

Species: Werewolf

Looks: Long kind of pale blonde hair with a slight curl to it, soft pale skin, 4'5" (she's wittle~), 60-70 pounds, peach colored eyes, very pretty (and cute~<3).

Personality: VERY shy around people she doesn't know(shy to the point she might cry), quiet. She is very obivious/naive. Easy to scare, gullible.

Background: ... I don't really have a solid background for her yet. Not much happened anyway.

Other: She is terrified of blood, cats, thunder, bugs, storms, seeing someone in pain, fighting, yelling.

Name: Damon Alexander Vang

Age: 18 (almost 19)

Species: Werefox

Looks: Bright red hair, pale skin, green eyes, freckles. Skinny, but curvy, scar from a car accident.

Personality: Usually happy, pretty seductive, loves to party, is sneaky and good at stealing.

Background: When he was 3 his parents died in a bad car accident, lived with his older sister Ash Vang and still stays with her alot.

Other: Master lier and pick-pocket, though he is loyal to his friends. Best weapon is a knife. Owns a Fennec Fox named Skittles. Works at a hair place (or whatever) and is very, VERY good at dying hair in cool patterns, drawing, and other artsy stuff.

lol, forgot to add that Kenta has a rose tattoo on his back but oh well. xD

bic//Daisuke pressed his hand down harder. "Unfair? How?" he tilted his head to the side a little.

(Guessing Death and Kenta are in the livingroom.) The doorbell rang, suddenly.
Yuro gasped and bit his lip, "D-dai-sa-Samaa .." he breathed

Death smiled as he stood outside the door, "I can't wait to see the kids~"


Species(Were or Vampire):Vampire

Looks(picture or discription):Raven black hair that falls in his crystal clear ice blue eyes. He's tall (6' 8"), lean and muscular, but also skinny (around 140-150), he usually wears skinnies and converse with a v-neck t-shirt, he has a nose piercing, and a lip piercing, he has a tattoo that runs from his forearm all the way to his shoulder blade of a blood covered wolf, he mostly always wears black so he blends in with the shadows, His fangs are razor sharp and pearly white.

Personality:Can be mean, quite, serious, protective over Aimi.

Background: He was abused when he was little.. and before he became a vampire, his dad would come home drunk and beat the snot out of him with either the bottle he was holding, or anything around him that's hard. When he got a little older, around 13 or 14, his dad started sexually assaulting him when he wasn't drunk. His mom had died in a plane crash a long with all the other passengers when they hit the water. When he was 16 his dad wen't to far.. He trash talked Sky's mother, while being drunk, and was beating him.. Finally Sky broke free, drew a gun that was on the side of the couch and blew a bullet through his old man's head.. When he was walking the streets one day, he found a poor, poor homeless girl on the side of the road. He tried to help her but in the end she ended up sucking his blood and turning him into a vampire. Soon he came to find Death.. but with Kenta (xxAka-Chanxx's charrie :) ) another vampire.. now he spends his time either taking care of Aimi or Fighting with Kenta..

Other: Aimi is like his daughter.
ooc//FFFF- Lol, I was wondering why you haven't replied, but then I saw the "page two" button..... FAIL XDDD

Also, I'm confused about what Death said. o3o

bic//Dai froze. "I think someone's here..I heard a knock at the front door."
ooc// Lol its ok!~ and their on the porch right?

bic// Yuro bite his lip with his canines and it slightly puntured the skin and a small trail of blood went down from his lip to dripping off his chin. He didn't notice much and he whispered, "E-eh I h-heard it t-too."
ooc//o^o I thought Damon was visiting.

bic//Dai saw the blood and felt the urge to unsheath his fangs, but couldn't fight his eyes turning a deep, churning scarlet color. He sighed and licked the blood from his face.
ooc// OH YEA!! I'm being a blond today O.o

bic// Yuro closed one eye and his ear twitched, "Dai.." He softly breathed the name.
ooc//Don't say that XDD

bic//Kenta got up. "I'll get it~" he said, walking to the front door.

Dai kissed the little wound, then realized that he haddn't had a taste of Yuro's blood in a while. "Yuro.." he murmured, kissing his neck.
ooc// lol ok.. hmm.. i'm being a dumb burnette? xD

bic// Death looked up from the book in his lap and smiled.

Yuro closed his eyes and slightly groaned, then put his hand on the back of Dai's head and whispered, "Go ahead.."
ooc//XD I'm a dumb burnette sometimes~

bic//Kenta opened the door. "Hello." he looked down at a redheaded boy with green eyes. In his arms was a fennec fox. "Hey~ Death wanted me to come over." he smiled. The fox sniffed the air, then jumped out of his arms and ran past Kenta and into Death's lap where he began to yip with joy and lick Death's cheeks.

Dai ran his tongue along Yuro's neck, his fangs popping out with a click.
ooc// lol it happens XDD

bic// Death laughed and pet the fox behind his ears.

Yuro heard the yapping but tuned it out and listened to the small click and waited for the soft puncture to happen.

bic//Kenta let Damon in and sat down. Damon poked Death's ear. "I'm here, you happy?" he said, grinning.

Dai couldn't hellp but let out a small, hungry growl as he bit down on Yuro's neck.
ooc// lol Dai is nomming on Yuro and they don't even notice!! lol XDD

bic// Death grinned and said, "Yupp!~"

Yuro slightly squeaked but then softly moaned.
ooc//XD Yeah, until Kenta smells the blood.


bic//Damon chuckled and picked Skittles up. "Were you excited to see Death?" the little fox yipped and wagged it's tail.

Dai sank his fangs in deep and tasted warm blood on his tongue.
ooc// that should be .. fun ... lol xD

bic// Death chuckled and his flluffy white tail wagged.

Yuro softly moaned and opened his eyes slightly. The gold in them practically gold and a little clouded over from the drunken haze still hanging over his head.
ooc//I feel a fight coming... ^^'

bic//Kenta smiled as he watched them. Damon rested Skittles back in Death's lap and sat beside him. "Where's Yuro?"

Dai swallowed a mouthfull of blood, contenuing to suck out more.

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