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Realistic or Modern [FULL] HEIST : INTEREST CHECK

Not sure how that makes me feel...

Guess I can't do this RP til my next bday...

Ffffff, December 30th.


The color theme thing is stuck on my screen.

I keep thinking quotes are things other than... Well... Quotes.
I don't care for them either, but that is mostly because I don't feel they work with this sites theme. They're minimalist, but they blend. This site is very boxy, everything is contained within it's own box and to have quote be something so open and unconstrained they visually do not fit.

So in the end they visually are disorientating, a user cannot easily and quickly identify it as a quote via visuals, they have to think and look for the word "quote" which is more work than necessary. Considering you use to instantly be able to say "oh that is a quote" simply by seeing a slightly off color of post background!


nynja said:
i love the new quotes! :0
not really digging the red at the top instead of pink, though
It's always been red, that is the default, you can change your theme back to something pink.
For the most part good design isn't something you notice, it just feels natural, comfortable and user friendly. Which is the point of good design.

Wait, guys, y'know how to get rid of the adstyler window?

It's sticking to my screeeeen.
Egolegume said:
For the most part good design isn't something you notice, it just feels natural, comfortable and user friendly. Which is the point of good design.
Ah, good point.
It's like, glitched or something, it is staying even when I leave the page it's just here.


Why me?
nynja said:
Ah, good point.
We had that reinforced during our design class. There are always exceptions, I mean some design is designed to make you uncomfortable and that is the point of it. But things like a website or UI they're meant to be instantly user friends and comfortable. When it isn't the user feels disorientated and generally has a negative reaction and does not like the product.


[QUOTE="The Doorman]It's like, glitched or something, it is staying even when I leave the page it's just here.

Why me?

Close your browser and if you're running IE get a different browser! >D
Mm, I am feeling the irritation of both this bug and the poor design of the new quotes.

Not great for my eyesight.


Egolegume said:
We had that reinforced during our design class. There are always exceptions, I mean some design is designed to make you uncomfortable and that is the point of it. But things like a website or UI they're meant to be instantly user friends and comfortable. When it isn't the user feels disorientated and generally has a negative reaction and does not like the product.

Close your browser and if you're running IE get a different browser! >D
I can't change browsers, I have a Lenovo.
Because it's Microsoft and completely IE based.

And I had an issue with Chrome and a virus that fucked my shit.

It's the site bugging out, it's done it before and it'll do it again.

As much as the site's design appeals it has a loooooot of bugs.
It's a Microsoft Lenovo, not like a Chromebook but...

Mm, I don't trust chrome much anymore and don't want to risk.

Besides, the problem was solved with a simple solution that made me feel... Really silly.
Hmn. I can't stand IE, even Microsoft knows it's the most broken browser. You should hear my brother go off about it, I love listening to him rant about tech! >D
Haha, I love IE despite it's flaws, Chrome gave my PC a virus, Safari is glitch as fuck, and don't even get me STARTED on Firefox.
Well chrome didn't give you the virus something else did. Buuuuuuuuuuuuut to each their own. I will forever use IE only to download better browsers.

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