Fúhào academy

Demonic Angel

The Holder Of The 7 Sins
(This is RP )

The headmaster sent all the 'kids' with special 'talents' a invitation to his academy. The letter said this:

Hello (N/A)

I am the headmaster to Fúhào academy. I have heard by some people that you have a unbelievable talent for (singing,crafting,science,history or so on) I would love for you and your talent to hop over and choose this school. We have dorms like a normal school except each person may get there own room. We also have a maid for each dorm. So would you join the Fúhào academy I know you'll love it so much you may not want to leave! Ever!

Today was the first day of the going to this school some people were confused on how the headmaster knew where they lived while others were just happy to be here! But everyone had one place they had to go first before anything...and that was the head office.

(This was meant as a surprise there is three dorms and everyone will be randomly put in a dorm, the letter was also to be a bit creepy at the end.)

Fúhào academy aka symbol academy. A place for people who represent different symbols from a creepy pasta symbol to one of the seven virtues symbols.(anything that has a symbol is allowed)

The idea is that the headmistress/headmaster has a idea for the students, he/she plans to use them all for a ritual to call upon a powerful evil.

And for this ritual she needs a lot of symbolistic people with special powers to be sacrificed.

If she completes this ritual the world will be in danger.

(Races are needed because some symbols may be best explained through a different race than humans.)

Amore Della vita by willow wind

Luna moonstone by MythsAreRealLoveGem

Hailey Bahkare by Kanra

Amily Hannän by emtheninja

Christine by Primordial Primrose

Alison Dilaurentis by Vampirelovee

Iona Kateree Madesi by jukeboxingirl90

Kai Woods by KaiWoods

Ricky Jones by wolf wolf

Charon Seram by ReaperOfShadows

Tiskana Fireya by Zakkol

Humans: a advanced race that adapted to make everything's it own way, these creatures aren't special but know enough to survive. They live at most 101 years and are the pity race of the rest of the races pretty much but sad thing is humans are the ones destroying their homes so why are some the races living with humans?


Elf's: a pointy eared race of people who have excellent accuracy, these people live in forests most of the time and can pass off as a tall human, they can die like a normal uh am but have excellent hearing.


Vampires: a bloodsucking human basically, they can run extremely fast and hear very very well, they have really sharp fangs and most get along with humans, they have super human strength, and they are immortal and can die from a wooden stake and the sun.they hate werewolves and vampires usually sleep during the day and eat at night also they pass as a human practically.


Werewolves: they are very fast and have very good reflexes and can take a punch. They appear with lots and lots of fur and are the same size of a human, they can only die from a bullet made from real silver and they only change on a full moon.


Mermaids: sea people basically these creatures have varied tails but there tails represent there rank a with skirt on the top of the tail with beads wrapped around the bottom means high rank, a white skirt at the top of the tail means middle ranks and normal tail means low rank. The colors of their tail vary and these creatures only turn mermaid when wet, most mermaids are really nice but then again you have have those sirens in there to... Mermaids live in the water.


Ghosts/spirits: these creatures can't be killed but can be sent off, they have power to use telekinesis and can only be seen by those it trusts, they can't be hurt. Most stay because of revenge or unresolved issues from the past.


Fairies: people born with wings and a connection to their element. their wings usually match the color and pattern by the element fairies have the power of their element and can talk to animals and fly. fairies die just like humans but have a normal human like lifespan.


Demons: a very very violent race that can speak in a different language, most have power of fire just of different kinds, they appear with a kind of horns, black or red wings of some kind and a devil tail, they have fangs like vampire and are very very fast and intimidating. They can't exactly die only be sent away. They are immortal. And were sent to earth because they need to possess people. (side story if wanted)


Angels: a very very nice race, they are the enemy's of the demons, they usually have the power of light and speak Greek. Like humans they have their own special jobs.guardian angels guard a specific person. battle angels know how to use their magic to kill demons or send them away from a child. normal angels are will normal people that never did anything bad. They appear with a gold halo and bright white wings. They are immortal and were sent from heaven to stop demons. (side story if wanted)

Just to explain the idea for the students.

Basically there is always a person who is given the power of a higher power, or element this people hold enormous power that together would create a new world but destroy the one they have, these people are the holder of earths fate.

The academy.

Dorm 1- modesty


Dorm2- tranquility


Dorm 3- spacious


when using a symbol that revolves around a certain character, please make your own version of them.

No cheating, like if something seems suspicious don't have your character somehow ruin the surprised and find out everything it will ruin the plot.

RPN rules also
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-walks in, adjusting his clothes nervously. He is clutching a small leather satchel- h-hello I'm a little lost 
Oh okay

Ricky shoved his hands into his pants pockets and looked around. "So this is Fúhào Academy, huh?" he asked nobody. He was just talking to himself. "Time to do some exploring." He wandered around the area he was in for a bit before scanning the crowd of students. Maybe one of them knew what to do in this place. "Is there some kind of place for questions?" Again, he asked nobody. If the... headmaster... appeared out of nowhere, he would either stay quiet or start firing questions at him. Then, he saw some girls huddled together whispering to each other. Oddly, Ricky could hear them perfectly. He didn't know how. One thing he did know was it was awesome!

"Do you see that guy?" "Of course, who wouldn't?"

"He's like, someone you find in a beach rather than a school."

"I totally agree!"

Ricky backed away a few steps and blended in with the other students, but he could still be seen by people by the entrance. He let the wind coming from the entrance ruffle his hair and looked around once more. "Hmm..."

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Iona strolled past the school gate while playing with the white lily flowers she found during her... ah, her job. She is not all happy and excited to be enrolled in this school, far away from her parents and family in Sithis Sanctuary. But The Night mother spoke to her, that she will still have Her embrace, contracts and she even can spread the word of Sithis! that words have her finally feeling content to go to this school. She also curious why she could get an invite for her skills -well, her less than scary skills anyway. She decided to walk past few students who spoke to each other in excitement. They just accepted in a school -albeit she admit, a very good looking school- and they get very excited? She snorted lightly at that thought.

"Poor them..." She whispered to herself.
Charon walked onto the school grounds with his hood raised over head, as his gaze roamed around the place he'd be getting used to being in for a while. He eyed the students closely taking in their appearances, the way they interacted with each other and anything else he could observe from them. A few people caught his attention and he payed special attention to them, but otherwise he just kept moving while keeping to himself. He shifted the bag on his shoulders to make the sheathe on his back more comfortable and when he saw an open bench he sat down to rest. "Hmm...I wonder how long it'll take them to kick me outta this place" he muttered to himself.
Luna just got to the academy she was surprised that they even knew where she lived since she lived in the woods..she was off in a daydream with a finger on her chin when A fire patterned looking bird squawked at her after a minute or so.

"Huh...oh" she said looking at the bird

"What's wrong firefly?" She said kneeling down to her bird until it squawked at a bench. Luna looked over to see a boy. She decided to say hi then leave since she may be missing something important. She walked over to the boy and sat her stuff down

"Why aren't cha inside?" she said trying not to fake a accent or anything with her head tilted and her hair fell on her face a bit which just made her a bit mad.. So she tilted her head back to normal.
Looked at the girl sitting next to him, and his expression softened a little. "I'm waiting for someone...and I don't think I'm quite ready to just run inside and start this whole thing again." He looked at the school building then turned back to look at the girl and her companion.
"Oh ok. Well I'm gunna go, see if I'm missing anything.." Luna said after smiling to the boy then getting her bird and ran over to the gate but stopped when she saw a girl. She sat her bird on the ground again and turned to girl

"Why are you outside?" Luna asked the girl beginning to wonder if this was the person the boy was waiting for..the bird breathed fire but not enough to hurt anything..
Watched slightly intrigued as the girl took off and then he realized that he didnt get the chance to find out her name, but then why should he want to know it. He was most likely going to kicked out of the school, but with that kinda of mentality he wasnt exactly trying to stop it from happening. He finally decided that he'd find her again and ask her name, might as well try and get comfortable here. Charon resumed his wait for his probably lost companion...
Iona blinked twice before realizing that a girl has asked her a question. For a split second she was blank on the head, unsure what was going on. Well, it's not like she hadn't interact with people outside the Sithis cultists, of course she had! when she bought something from a market, chatting briefly with people she would 'punish', talking with a bus driver, gravedigger, priest, nun, operator, doctor, and everyone else! But a normal, non-business question caught her off guard?

Of course not, she can pull normal conversation just right.

"Oh, nothing. Just admiring this fleeting scenery of this building before i go in." Admiring the scenery ... really?? Iona would laugh at herself right then and there had the embarrassment not already crept up to her face. So she smirked instead, or trying to. By Sithis it's better that she didn't pull a funny face too. Or else she must find a sinner and beat them to recover her pride

"Thank you for reminding me. I'm going inside now." Iona waved toward the girl, hoping that her act didn't make her weird. Sithis forbid that prideful Madesi clan was thought a weirdo.

"So, are you new too?" Iona coolly asked the girl. Courtesy is the best step to make a person forget a horrible act. she hoped
Luna blinked twice at the girl thinking maybe the girl was just nervous about her first day here and had a hard time... She smiled

"Why yes I am, and I'm here for my singing skills...though I don't know how they even found out...anyway why are you here?" She asked the girl with her hands folded behind her back with a smile on her face with her head tilted slightly side ways as if saying 'I don't bite' Luna laughed mentally at her self
"Oh, they said my crafting at handmade jewelry is amazing..." Sure she could make beautiful jewelry -she proud of it- but she never showed her work to anyone except her family at sanctuary. She sold her jewelry via Aki, her uncle and he made sure her name stayed anonymous. Iona sure that uncle Aki -as other Sithis cultists do- never betrayed his own vow. It made her curious to be honest.

She plucked some petals from her lilies while she eyed the smiling girl. She looked sincere. "So you have an admirable singing skill? I'd love to hear your singing sometime." and it's the truth. She enjoyed listening to a beautiful song that sung by a beautiful voice. It made her feel content. But she knew that was not the real music of life, which that was The Night Mother stated.

"Hey, we haven't know each other name right? Iona, pleasure to meet you." She held out her hand.
Tiskana was walking around. Aimlessly. She had no idea where she was to go, or what she was to do, which was a very odd feeling for her. She always had something to do, whether it be studying, reading or "practicing violin". But here, standing and walking around in this humming crowd of people. It hurt her ears, actually. Just the sheer amount of noise.

Tiskana looked around, desperate for someone who could help her. There was a boy, well, not really a boy, more of a young man. He was standing there, with a group of giggling girls just past him. He seemed to be ignoring them. Tiskana didn't know-she had never been good at reading people.

Walking over towards him, some of the girls over to the side began to glare at her. Was this man their collective boyfriend. Oh how she hated that term. 'Do you know where we are supposed to be?' She asked the man once she was close enough, her voice small. She was burning up with embarrassment on the inside. His hair was a dark brown and seemed to be flicked up slightly. It was done in such a manner that it made her want to cringe.

"Hmm?" was Ricky's response to the girl's question. He looked at her. "Oh, nope, sorry. The only thing I know is that we're in Fúhào Academy." he said. "And that those girls are staring at me." It was true, the only thing he did know about this place was its name, the 'headmaster', whoever that guy was, and the girls giggling at the corner. It annoyed him, because it felt like he was going deaf because of the loud noise. Well, at least to him. He looked around and saw that some people were outside. Why aren't they entering? he thought to himself. He zoned out, trying to think of a reason on why weren't they entering before he was snapped out of it by the girls' giggling.

Will they ever stop? Ricky mentally sighed. He softly patted the girl on the head, like a bunny, "Do whatever ya want for a while. If ya need me, I'll be right here." he told her.

Amily looked at the massive building in front of her.So this wasFuúhào academy.Amily had been going to a normal secondary school until a few weeks ago when she had a letter about going to this place. Her mum had jumped at the chance to send her to such an elusive school.Amily however was still curious she wasn't that good at history. She walked briskly up the gravely path looking at groups of students walking around. Coming up to the entrance she relised she had no idea where to go. Shyley, Amily walked over to two girls a bit older than here who where talking together.

"Ummm... Do you know where the new kids go?"
A strange smell caught his attention, not necessarily a bad one but something very peculiar. As he focused on it, he tried to recognize the familiar scent of it but just couldnt get it. Instead he decided to try and tune into the conversations of the people outside the school. He listened to the kids drone on and on about how'd the'd been accepted in and a about numerous other things. Nothing interesting caught his ear yet but he continued to keep listening.
Tiskana, upon being pet on the head, let out a loud huffing noise and beat at the boy's hand, trying to knock it away. She was going to refer to him as a boy now. If he had had any logic he wouldn't have pet her. But he had. And she had not appreciated it, not one bit. 'Well,' she said, moodily, 'if you are going to pat me on the head without a please or a thank-you then I would at very, very least like to know your name.' Tiskana said, prickly after the patting. 'I'm Tiskana, if you were wondering. But you don't seem to be. You know,' she continued, rambling on. 'I thought you would be rather nice. And yeah, you are, but you're kind of dense, too.' Tiskana ended off, fairly satisfied with her words. She couldn't wait to see a reaction. But she felt she would be lucky if she got one.
Ricky gave Tiskana an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I have a lil' brother and I'm kinda used to patting people smaller than me. He's six years old so yeah, he's very short." he said. He retracted his arm and let is fall to his side. "And no, I'm not dense. Name's Ricky." he introduced himself. As if on cue, a rumble was heard, like a storm was brewing. "A storm in a sunny day? That's odd." he commented as he looked outside. He returned his attention to girl. "Okay, can I please pat you?" he asked with a joking grin on his face. He loved to joke around, even if it'll get him in trouble. He wrestles with his brother all the time, and a detention is not even close to the pain he felt when his brother kicked him on the back of his neck one time. At least she's not making me deaf with giggling, unlike those girls back there. he thought to himself.

The smell was still bothering him, and he wasn't hearing conversation that helped to tip him off on what the smell was. He was all but prepared to give up when finally his companion arrived and it all made sense. Wolf, he was smelling a wolf. Either someone else here had a wolf with them or there were other werewolves here at school. He immediately began to search for the source. Rising from his seat he petted his wolf and walked around looking for the source of the smell.
'To be short,' Tiskana said bluntly, 'no, no you may not pat me.' She paused thoughtfully. 'And not in a joking context either. I am really not an animal you want to be best friends with.' Tiskana had become used to dealing with people in a short, sharp manner. After she had been bullied considerably, up came sharp, strict Tiskana, and away went the fun loving one. Nobody needed to know about the other one.

Coughing, Tiskana made an attempt at conversation. 'I'm guessing you're enjoying the fact that I am actually not giggling constantly?' She asked, slightly curious. Even though fun Tiskana never came through anymore, that didn't mean that a somewhat nice version crept out. 'I'm sure you must get quite the bit of though,' she said, trying not to sound like she was flirting him. Anything but that.

Ricky chuckled, "Aw come on, only a little?" he asked her again when Tiskana said he couldn't pat her. She seems to be down, and Ricky's job is to make anyone down happy! And wow, he sounded like a kid show character. Then, she coughed, "I'm guessing you're enjoying the fact that I am actually not giggling constantly?" Ricky nodded at this, confirming her guess. "Yeah, even though they're far away, I'm tempted to melt my ears off with lava." he said, only half-joking. Then, when she complimented him, Ricky grinned, "Yep! It's annoying, but I'm used to it." he told her. "And now, I will help you enjoy life!" He didn't know where he got that, but oh well. Right after he said that, he got out a small Crunch chocolate from his satchel and shoved it into her hand. "Enjoy it." he said in a fake commanding tone, but it was obvious he was stifling a laugh. He was stifling a laugh because he had a very weird sense of humor. He laughs at his own doing.

From the corner of his eye, he noticed a figure moving a round with a--
Whoa is that a wolf?! he thought to himself as he turned his head slightly. Yep, it was a wolf. After confirming his thought, he turned back to Tiskana. "Hey, ya wanna chat with that dude with a wolf?" he asked her.

Tiskana looked at the chocolate, thoroughly unconvinced. 'I dunno,' she said. 'He looks kind enough though.' While she didn't want to admit it, Tiskana was becoming kind of attached to this boy. As a friend, of course. She didn't believe in relationships. 'I'm going to go over, if you want,' she said, beginning to walk over, not bothering to wait for Ricky.

'Um, hello?' She asked the boy. She was slightly intimidated by the large wolf with him, but she swiftly reminded herself that she, herself was a wolf too. In essence, at least. Tiskana was hoping Ricky was coming over now. She didn't want to have anything horrible happen on the first day. Most certainly not in front of the whole population of the school. She was just quiet Tiskana, who scowled frequently and was referred to as "Little Miss Cactus".
Ricky exited the place and ended up finding himself beside Tiskana. "Heyo," he greeted the guy with the wolf, "Name's Ricky. Do you know why we're here?" Hmm... He wondered why people don't add in their last names when they introduced themselves. Oh well, he was one of those people, so who cares? "Oh and, cool wolf buddy." he added so that he didn't sound rude. The wind outside was cold, and Ricky tried his best not to shiver.

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Charon was still looking when he was approached by a small girl that greeted him. He eyed her carefully, out of surprise but quickly gave her a smile. "Hello" He was a little more surprised when another person walked up to him. "My name is Charon. Sadly I'm not entirely sure why we're here. I was told it's due to my unique set of skills, but I have my doubts. And thanks, his name is Leon." He petted Leon while the wolf stared at the two of them.

((Zakkol will be offline Friday - Sunday, just a heads up.))

Ricky grinned again. "Nice name. It reminds me of Charon from Greek Mythology." he said. "Yeah, same here. Invited because of my unique skills." Ricky stared back at the wolf, Leon. Ricky silently started a staring contest, whoever blinks first loses. If Leon wins, Ricky wouldn't be surprised.


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