Fúhào academy

(Sorry my electrics been off)

Luna smiled again with slight blush she was nervous singing in front of people...her blush quickly faded

"Luna, pleasure to meet you to!" She shook her hand and the. The speakers of the academy came on and there was a slight deep cough

"Exscuse me, will all new students go to the front office, thank you" the voice left and Luna blinked twice and picked her bird up

"That must be the head master, I heard a rumor that he slept with the last headmistress the. Killed her so he could get the job.." Luna mimicked a rumor she heard that she didn't believe a bit, firefly then squawked at the two

"Ok, firefly" she looked to Iona

"We should go"
"Oh, the head master...?" By Sithis, did those words Luna just said was true? If it was, then... What a sinful head master he was. The Night Mother wouldn't be pleased... Until the head master was taken care of. But rumor was just rumor if there wasn't an evidence present. If Iona ended up killing an innocent man instead, she would be the one who received punishment from Sithis himself. For now she would just go with the flow and see if there was anything suspicious.

"Alright then... Luna, let's go inside." She nodded at her new acquaintance.
"K come on"

Luna opened the black rod iron gate and it creeped open, even though the place is brand new it had the properties of a old place, Luna began walking to the main doors that were a dark red with gold iron bars curving in a fancy pattern on the door the doors were about twice as big as both girls.

(All of you have to go to front office...XP)
Charon smiled at the comparing of his name to the one from Greek Mythology. "Its a pleasure to meet you too Ricky, but if you don't mind me asking what special skills?" He looked to the man for a response but noticed he was staring at Leon. He watched Leon as they stared each other down, neither wanting to back down but then Leon started growling at Ricky and this piqued Charon's interest. Perhaps Leon felt Ricky was challenging him, but it was Ricky's reaction that Charon wanted to see...
(Righto, Iona just follows Luna inside I think)

Iona looked around the room as she followed Luna inside. The architecture was nostalgic. Oh, not that she had been a place like this, no. It was just that the furniture and design look old... And rather cold. Just like a dried blood, like her sanctuary.
Amily smiled in relief as the speakers blared out there was someone who knew where to go.Amily walked up the steps and into the main building.She wondered what the headmaster was going to say.
Ricky, upon hearing the announcement, forgot about the staring contest then had a confused look on his face. "Where do I find the office?" he asked the people who were near him, Charon, Leon, and Tiskana. He then grinned. "I'll just race ya to the office, Tiskana!" he exclaimed then bounded off. He made a "drift" and then stopped in front of a old-looking door. He noticed that two other girls were there too, but he had to wait for Tiskana since it was a race.

(More pictures up in maps now)

The headmaster looked upset, tapping his foot waiting for the other students to arrive. He was standing in the back of the room in the middle of two rows of chairs along the side

Luna sat in a near by chair and looked around at all the students. Not all of them were here yet and she was a bit nervous. Firefly then squawked again and Luna shushed him, she was sitting in a chair closest to the headmaster on the right side with firefly on a chair on her left. She opened his cage a bit and fed him a treat then closed the cage quickly.
Charon heard the announcement and heard Ricky ask him a question. He didn't quite catch it but when Ricky took off running, he assumed it was for something do Charon took off too. He had to restrict his speed so nobody questioned him, but he was still fast and caught up to Ricky at the door in no time, with Leon right on his heels.
Iona sat right beside Luna and hushered Mabari, her war hound, to come close to her. He trailed rather far from behind her then made a soft bark.

She whispered lightly to her dog "Look, the head master has a quite.... frown. Wouldn't want to anger him more right? Be a good boy, Mabari." She smiled and petted his head. She actually didn't care that much about what the headmaster felt, but it would be troublesome if she caused a ruckuss on the first day in school
When everyone got inside the headmaster began to speak to everyone near him

"Well, glad you could come to the Fúhào academy, I'll Assign you dorm rooms after you all put these on..." The head master picked up a box of black and blue trackers that were in shapes of anklets, headbands, collars or rings. Luna hissed/growled darkly at the sight of trackers.

"I'm not wearing some dumb tracker" she mumbled her eyes flashes a blood red but quickly went back to color.

The head master smiled at her then looked to the rest

"You all must wear these or there will be a penalty...." Head master said
Charon looked at the assorted wares of trackers and chuckled. "Sure, I'll wear it but there is no guarantee that it will work." He grabbed a ring and placed on one of his fingers. "This will be child's play"

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Iona eyed the headmaster with a calm expression after she heard his explanation and order to wear one of the trackers. She then smirked when she heard Luna's mumbling, "It's dumb indeed." Iona placed one tracker, a black ring, to her left pinkie finger. It was an idiot idea created by a desperate man to chains the students here. It would not suceess, for she never be bounded by anyone but the dread Lord Sithis himself.
luna growled again and took a black and blue head band and put it on

"black rings aren't my style exactly..." she said her eyes back to normal and she took a deep breath

the head master looked to the remaining people that haven't grabbed a tracker yet.

(im putting the dorms together now...i had use a different method to many people got the riddle right..)
Ricky stared at the rings. "I ain't married so this isn't legit." he said as he grabbed one ring that was silver with a yellow stripe in the middle going all around it. "But eh, I never heard a law that you can't wear a ring if you're not married." He then slipped in on his right index finger before looking at the Head Master. "So... Can I know where I'm residing in now?" he asked the man. Ricky then realized that some people didn't wear the jewelry yet so he looked around and waited patiently for them.
(....I'll put this page up so if anyone missed some they can go back to this)

The headmaster got tired of waiting and began to speak

"Dorm 1

Amily Hannän

Hailey Bahkare

Tiskana Fireya


Dorm 2

Iona Kateree Madesi

Charon Seram

Luna Moonstone

Ricky Jones

Dorm 3

Amore Della vita

Alison Dilaurentis

Kai Woods"

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