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Fantasy Frozen In Time

Marie Rain

Two Thousand Club
It was about mid day when it happened. The wind was blowing and it was very calm. Suddenly, it all just stopped. It was dead silent and everyone around you froze. Leaves stopped moving and are sideways from the wind. Time has stopped.

Lilith had been walking down the street when it happened. At first, she didn't realize it because she was in her own little world while listening to music. She bumped into someone who stopped in front of her,"Hey watch it!", she said taking off her headphones. That was when she realized what had happened. She waved her hand in front of his face. Looking around she noticed nothing was moving. Lilith backed up to a brick wall while she tried to figure out what was going on, a look of shock on her face.


One day, time just stopped without any explanation. It wasn't a special day or anything like that, just mid spring, calm and soothing. The planet wasn't the only thing that stopped it's movement, it was the seasons, the clouds, the sun, everything....even the people. Those people were the lucky ones, they didn't have to stay behind like our select few who have to push through daily life without any changes around them. Yes, we didn't stop, we witnessed it all happen to our friends and family. There is something inside of us, something we were given at birth to keep us moving while they stopped. As far as we can tell it's only our group left from this small town, but who knows if there are others? We had been chosen, but by who, and for what reason?


  1. Romance is very much encouraged but please none of "the nasty."
  2. Everyone who joins (for now) will be from the town! No outsiders because it won't make sense (at the moment).
  3. Be nice to everyone or you are out.
  4. Make your posts atleast three lines. This does NOT mean to write a whole page.
  5. If you have any huge impacting ideas for the RP please message me about it first.
  6. Do not kill off people.
  7. If you read this put "time can't continue" at the end of your character!
  8. Have fun!
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Still asleep in her room, Alhara was sleeping in after staying up almost all night, playing games. She always did have a habit of sleeping in past 12:00 pm, even if she didn't stay up late. Rolling over so that she was facing the door, her eyes cracked open slightly, expecting somebody to yell for her to get out of bed. After dropping out of high school her junior year, all Alhara ever did was sleep in seemed like.

After setting her alarm clock for 1:00 pm, Alhara closed her eyes again. 30 more minutes couldn't hurt. She rolled over and dozed off again. When she opened her eyes again and looked at the clock, it still said 12:35 pm. Alhara grumbled and pushed buttons on the clock, thinking that it was broken. Unable to get the clock to work, she drug herself out of bed and looked around. Her room was mostly white but had a red carpet. There wasn't much else other than a dark violet bed and a night stand.

After a brief yawn, she strolled across her room and out her door, still wearing the jeans and black shirt from last night. Down stairs and in the kitchen, their was a note on the fridge. It read: Working late today, be home at 4. Alhara ignored it and ventured outside. The yard was only about ten feet of grass, ending with a metal fence. Beyond that was a normally busy road but today it seemed abnormally dead.

Across the street, a man wearing a business suit was getting into his car. He just sat there, half inside the vehicle, unmoving. It took Alhara a moment to realize the abnormal stillness of her street, how everything was motionless. She sat down on her porch and observed the surroundings. The clouds hung in the sky, suspended in place. A bird floated in the air, just above Alhara's head. There wasn't even a breeze.

After taking everything in all at once, Alhara got up and started walking down the sidewalk. She was the only thing on the road that was moving. Was she alone, trapped in a dead world? The idea was frightening...
At first. Alice didn't notice the change. She was absorbed in Earth Science homework, and was finding it difficult enough to require her full attention. It was only when she went downstairs to ask her parents about a particularly annoying problem that she noticed that they weren't moving.

She considered slapping them upside the head to wake them up, before noticing something else.

A dropped plate hung in the air. A book's page was frozen midflip. It was like the whole world had stopped.

Alice's first reaction was: "Cool!"
Carter had been taking a stroll down the street when it had struck. Like the proverbial brick wall that knocked everything motionless, bell had not noticed the others stopping when he took his usual round into the local market. Huh. No music today, he thought to himself as he started to make his way back into aisle seven, where the energy drinks were. His eyes were glued onto his cell phone, which never seemed to have reception in this store. But he always reviewed his messages from his companions and possible partners in the streets.

After he started to look into the aisle, he noticed about two or three people looking at random things at the other side. But man, were they still. His eyes then scanned toward the 5 hour energy bottles before making his way toward the front for check-out. And that was when he saw it. The people in check-out being still as statues, even the clerk, Jeffrey, was not moving.

"What on Earth is going on...? Is today April Fool's Day?" He couldn't help but to check the date to see for sure. But his heart sank when he saw that it indeed was not. Eyes narrowed slowly to look toward them closely. Checking for a sign of breathing or such...... Nothing. No one was making a movement in the slightest. Leaves outside had stopped in mid-fall. The trees were moved a bit to the side and stayed there. What the-

He raced outside with his drink and took a gaze around to see who else was affected. Like a nightmare for Carter...... Everyone had been hit. He was alone right now. All alone. "HELLO??!! ANYBODY??!! CAN SOMEONE HEAR ME??!!" He had entered panic mode immediately, screaming into the air for his dear life.
Lilith heard the faint noise which almost boomed in this silence and snapped out of her trance. She shook her head and started to walk through the street a round cars. At this point, it had become more interesting than terrifying that they were all stuck.

She observed several people stuck in funny ways. A few made her burst out laughing. There was a skater who was in mid crash. A guy who was stuck with sneeze face. Lilith smiled at them and walked further in her search for others,"I can't be the only one right? That would be completely impossible", she muttered to herself.

After she had wandered a bit further she started to call for people,"Hello! Is anyone else not stuck?", she shouted as she walked. That noise she heard earlier gave her enough hope that she wasn't the only one.
Lance was taking a usual walk with his friends, listening to their conversation as he daydreamed. He didn't notice time stop, until he realized his friend's voices had suddenly stopped. That's weird...They never stop talking. He thought, deciding to turn around, as he had been ahead of them. What he saw next, well, it was funny and shocking at the same time. His friend's faces were all stuck in speech, no true expression emitting from them. It looked hilarious to him, and he thought they were just joking around.

"Come on guys, you can cut it out." He replied, walking over and waving his hand in their faces. They weren't breathing... He took a couple steps back, this wasn't a joke at all. They were...frozen... He tried to stay calm, he knew panicking wouldn't help right now, but at the same time, he wanted to know, was he the only one who was unaffected?
"No one's moving.... Not breathing.... They'll die, right? They'll...." Carter said with a shaky breath as he glanced about the street that seemed to hold nothing but himself and the motionless people. The leaves were moved to the side by his hand as he tried to look for a sign that someone else was here with him, here to move and breath and be alive. His greatest phobia was coming true: Being forever alone. He had to try to look for someone that was around to talk to.

"HELLO??!!" He cupped his hands around his mouth to call out again, hoping for a response. His eyes were going wide with intrepidation as that sinking feeling in his stomach hit an all-time low. Dear god, don't let me be alone here, the boy thought while rushing through the people that were stuck in time as if they were frozen within its confines.
Lilith had heard someone again,"Who's there?!", she shouted back, following the noise. She hurried toward the voice, wanting to confirm that she hadn't been going insane already. It was still dead silent and probably would be for a long time. This only scared her more, but she would stay strong, it never helps anyone to panic.

As she walked further she saw someone moving and felt a sense of relief,"Hey! Over here!", she shouted at the guy. Lilith started to hurry over while waving in the air. It was so comforting that she wasn't the only one but this guy seemed really panicked. She decided to play it safe and not get to close but did make herself known to him.
"H-HELLO?" He yelled to the female whom had seemed to find him. His eyes were just close enough to gaze at her and note her hesitance for a second to come close to him. He must seem like a flipping mess, because he was in shambles right now. Taking a deep breath, he attempted to calm down before speaking to her in a gentle tone. "I-I apologize. I must look like a mess right now, but.... But I have a phobia of solitude, and," He turned around to look at the masses of people around them frozen. "There is hardly anyone left alive or whatever the heck they are. Um.... Carter. Carter Bellatreaux. Nice to meet you."

He had lifted his hand out to her in a semi-welcoming manner. He had calmed down enough to probably look sane, but he was still a little scared. Only two people left in normal state, but it raised a question in his head. Who was left? And were they nice?
Lilith took his hand and shook it,"You don't know how relieved I am that there are people left.", she said with a sigh. She gave him a reassuring smile,"If there are two of us, I'm sure there are more. Trust me, we aren't alone", she said to him in a calming way,"I'm Lilith."

To her, he seemed very much like a scared child. He obviously needed people around him so she would need to reassure him that there were others. Now she felt like she had a reason to be strong for now.
"I hope so. Maybe they are somewhat nice people too." He said as his breath and just now managed to calm down. He then let go of her hand and began to look around again before his hands went to ripping open the 5 hour energy box to hold a bottle out to her. "You want one? We will need a lot of energy to look for people that are still movers."

He nudged it in her direction, looking then to her.
Alice's next reaction was: "Oh, crap. Am I alone?"

She rushed out of her house and to the street, panicking and searching in a vain hope for other survivors.
Sidestepping a right punch, Jayce grabbed the guys arm and swung him into the two oncoming goons coming at him. "Come on, is that all you got?" He put his arms out straight to his sides as he hopped backwards a few steps. One of the goons got back up, pulling out a pocket knife and flipping it open. "Oh, is that possession of a deadly weapon, attempted murder, AND drug trafficking? You sure don't care about the law, do you?" He let out a smirk, sending the attacker into a frenzy and charging Jayce. Nonchalantly, He turned his body to the side to avoid the knife, grabbed around his wrist, and twisted it, snapping the wrist of the attacker and making him drop the weapon.

This started a few days prior when Jayce had gotten bored at his school. With nothing to do, he often wandered the halls, picking up important details or any dirt on someone he could use as blackmail later. Of course, whenever he walked past, most people either halted to a whisper or stopped altogether. He was known well, being someone who would break up fights by incapacitating both fighters and making his own drug busts for the fun of it. As he walked, he overheard a few kids talking about selling drugs. Since then, he has been eavesdropping on them to get a location on their out of school meeting place, and there he was, in an alley fighting the school drug dealers.

As jayce swept the feet from under the now injured assailant, something strange happened. He didn't fall. In fact, he wasn't screaming in pain either, and his knife had stopped mid air. "This is quite odd. I'm pretty sure this isn't normal." As he looked at the group of people frozen in place, he shrugged and picked up the knife that was floating in the air. "Eh, I'll figure something out eventually." Stuffing his new weapon in his pocket, he left the alley and silently observed as the rest of the world was frozen.
Lilith took the energy drink he offered,"Thanks", she said to the guy,"So what's your name?" She started to walk down the street while dodging the frozen people. As she walked she opened the five hour energy and started to drink it. As soon as the top left her hand it floated in mid air only to drop slowly.

Lilith looked amazed at this,"Woah...that's new...", she said with a smile. She thought that maybe it could mean something, like it was a clue. After a bit she continued her usual thought and started to walk again,"You know...maybe this isn't a bad thing."
"Um, Carter Bellatreaux. I had thought I introduced myself before." The boy said wit ha quirked brow. Something seemed a bit weird as he watched the cap slowly fall. It was an interesting turn of events. With an experiment in mind, he reached up to touch a leaf to see how it reacted. With the smallest of movements, it began to drop slowly to the ground now. What an intriguing thing. But it was most likely going to only work for falling objects and only in the objective of motion.

This roamed through his mind as he started to down a little of his drink and sighed in satisfaction. The berry shot began to take hold on his person as he looked around the street and walked alongside her. They had a long way to go, apparently. But it never hurt to give another shot at a cry for help. "HELLO??!! ANYONE ELSE OUT THERE??!!"
Alhara was now staring blankly at a mud puddle that a vehicle was driving through. The water had splashed upwards in an intricate pattern of colliding droplets and stuck to the air. Absentmindedly, she stuck a hand through the wave. The water separated as her hand glided through. A small smile formed on her face as she drew a smiley face into the splashed water. It wasn't much but it did help to lighten her mood, even if i was only a little.

The smile faded as she continued on, not heading in any particular direction. As per her normal travelling habits, she went around crowded areas, even though everybody was frozen. Alhara didn't get out much so she really didn't know anybody outside her home, not even her own neighbors. She wasn't too familiar with the streets either but would still be able to get back home by memory.

Eventually, she found herself coming to a park. Alhara stepped onto the grass and looked around. The trees were blown from a no longer existent breeze. Some kids were playing on a swing set but were now suspended in mid swing. Alhara pushed a bag off of a nearby bench, sending it sliding through the air, and sat down. It was terribly quiet and the lack of activity in the environment was making it boring. At this point, Alhara was hoping that something, anything would happen... even if it was only the wind.
Cecilia still was in her room when she heard the door bell ringing. The second it had rang she went downstairs and opened the door to see a pizza man holding the pizza she had ordered. "Just put it on the name of the card" she said to him grabbing the pizza but he wouldn't let go his grip was that of a rock. She looked past him seeing everything completely still and silent. Cecilia opened the box of pizza slightly enough to get a slice of pizza from out of it. "How much is like this?" she asked herself before beginning to walk the sidewalk of the town. As she walked she began to notice just about everything was still from the people, to the birds, not even the wind seemed to go by. Cecilia knew that she was enjoying this peace and quiet. But, still she continued walking around town to see if anyone or anything was still in motion.
Fiona was at her violin lesson practicing Concerto grosso op.6 no.8 Christmas concerto. As she finishes up her third attempt she waits for her teachers critique. When none comes she looks up curiously and sees a expression of contempt on her face. "Hello? Mrs. Rogers?" I wave my hand in front of her face but she doesn't react. What's happening?
Lilith pointed up at the intercoms they use for parades and smiled,"I wonder if we can get that working?", she suggested. That would cover the whole city almost. They would be able to call anyone who was out there to one place so we could all figure out what was going on.

As soon as the idea came to her she was already headed to the building that confected the system, even without getting Carter's agreement on it. She got to the door and it wouldn't budge so she began to look for something to break in with.

@Giovanni Carter
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"Help! Something's wrong with Mrs. Roger!" She frantically shouts. When no one comes she wanders through the house. Spotting Mrs. Rogers dog she bends down to pet him, he's frozen as well. Something is very wrong here. "Is anyone, anyone at all still here?" She shouts frantically worried that she's the only one left like this.
Cecilia continued the search but to no avail. Everyone seemed absolutely lifeless. She began walking into one store after another seeing countless people from adults to children nothing seemed to move. Cecilia got back onto the street, and stretched looking at what was in her hand. "Oh, yeah..." she said taking a bite out of the pizza she had brought with her. "Oh, well I don't anyone is still here." saying to herself as she leaned against the wall finishing her pizza.
I had fallen asleep at a social event held by my parents. With close to one hundred people in my home it was hard not to want to sleep with constant small talk and champagne drinking. My bedroom was upstairs close to the attic entry and my eldest brothers room, and I had just laid back on the bed, with a glass of white champagne slipping from my hands and bursting onto the floor, I was so exhausted I didn't care. The satin comforter felt so gentle on my skin. I remember what happened last, I do, my mother was beating on my door for me to come out, as it was locked preventing her entry. "Jordan! Jordan answer the door right now!" My mother was screaming from the other side, then it just stopped. And I finally caught up to resting.

When I finally awoke, I recalled what had finally happened and I stood stretching, watching my reflection in the mirror, the small cocktail dress showing off my lower body and revealing the lack of panties towards the mirror. I yawned and slapped my hands back down and pulled the dress down. "I guess the parties over." I spoke. When I did finally come from my room, I was quite confused had what had happened. My parents and brother stood there frozen with angry faces on themselves, I could see the frozen bodies of friends and family coming up the stairs. It hadn't taken me long to figure out that now I was alone, and that wasn't an option. My petite and tiny self maneuvered through the large home and out the front door. I took the only bike I had and fled towards downtown, avoiding unmoving people and cars in the road and on the sidewalk, I was constantly yelling for someone to answer, waiting for a reply. I could feel my head becoming dizzy and my hands and chest shaking, an anxiety attack brought on by not being able to find anyone was coming on. I felt like I had been abandoned, like God was playing a sick joke. "Hello?" I whispered with tears running down my face. Now my beautiful and wealthy self should have not been crying, but she was.
Alice sat down on a park bench, exhausted by her freaking out. Everyone around her was still, and, although Alice still didn't like the idea of total loneliness, she did feel, after she had a chance to stop and think, that she ought to make the best of her situation. She smiled with a sudden idea and returned home, planning out the things that she could do with stopped time.
I hesitantly walks outside. Everything is frozen here too, the birds, the trees, the cars, just everything. I guess one of the projects for Area 51 have gotten out of control. Or maybe the aliens invaded. If so I need to find the resistance immediately all while not alerting the aliens of our present. I sigh and start running down the streets flip flops slapping the street.
Cecilia had just finished her pizza. "So, that's what it is." she said to herself walking along the street. Touching the people and objects around her "I guess this means nothing can grow." commenting as she went off the street into the road and got on top of a car. "Perhaps, we can see something from here if it's moving." Cecilia slowly began to look around for any sort of life or anything moving at all for that matter.

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