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Active [Frontier] Well Well Well...


Naythophyl Naythophyl Rojuc Rojuc StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal

Alden sighed upon hearing about how it was a sacred site and that they shouldn’t be removing anything recklessly. What a boring fox! If anything, that was all the more reason to go around stealing. All the more thrilling that is! Sedge would inquire about what they could possibly be hiding here. “I dunno, but whatever it is, I’m sure it’s pretty valuable.” Alden replied. That was when he noticed the glimmering objects among some wooden structures.

“Let’s keep searching the statues, there’s probably a key or a button to the door somewhere around here.” He instructed the others with [Deception F], although he withheld revealing about the glimmering objects. With them distracted, this was his chance! He slipped away over to the wooden structures at the outskirts of the cavern. They may have noticed him leaving though as he didn’t have any stealth skills or anything, but he was hoping he'd be able to snatch a couple of the treasure for himself before they noticed him.
Cave in the Mountains East of Ryke
Location: Inside a cavern in the Mountains East of Ryke on the border with the East Empire
Time of Day: Early Night
Weather: Storming
Characters: Azrelius ( Naythophyl Naythophyl ) Alden ( LightningJay LightningJay ) Inanna ( Rojuc Rojuc )

Jasmine nodded as she turned and walked toward Azrelius. "I believe you may be on to something, but that much is not a strong case. Anything could be behind this door, and we have no idea what its purpose could be. Regardless of what it is, if we just leave it here, the next people to find it might not be so cautious. I think our best bet is to figure out what secrets this place might hold and determine the next course of action from there."

Sedge spun in place with the torch, mildly nervous. "Surely it's not dangerous, right? Nothing dangerous could just... sit down here, right?" His torch light shone on the faces of the statues, illuminating their strong details. At Alden's suggestion he approached one of the statues and circled it, holding the light close and focusing on the pedestal.

Alden approached the structural remains while every one else seemed to be distracted with the door. It was difficult to see so far from the fires, but the glistening managed to stick out amongst the shadows. After picking one up, it was revealed not to be gold, or any precious metal, but beads made of polished stone. Another few pieces were glazed pottery. While not the treasure he had hoped, much of this did hold value to the write person. sifting some old fabric and wood remains aside, he did come across a small decaying wooden box with a completed beaded necklace within.

Azrelius nodded, considering Jasmine's caution and Sedge's concerns. "Indeed, something that doesn't require food or water may still pose a threat, depending on its nature. However, our curiosity may outweigh our apprehensions at this point. Shall we open the door and uncover the mysteries that lie beyond? Who knows, behind this wall may be natural sources of food and water that could aid us in our journey." His gaze shifted towards the stone door, the rhythmic hum seeming to beckon them further into the unknown.


As Alden searched through the structures for treasure, he’d notice that most of the items would be of value to the merchant Sedge, as he could potentially sell them and trade with others as a merchant. With that in mind, he’d open his pocket dimension and chuck any shiny items in.

As he continued his search, he came across a completed beaded necklace within a wooden box. Now this looked a lot more valuable. Putting the necklace into his pocket, he would regroup with the others. “Hmmm, let’s try pushing the door open.” He suggested as he walked up and gave it a hard push.
Cave in the Mountains East of Ryke
Location: Inside a cavern in the Mountains East of Ryke on the border with the East Empire
Time of Day: Early Night
Weather: Storming
Characters: Azrelius ( Naythophyl Naythophyl ) Alden ( LightningJay LightningJay ) Inanna ( Rojuc Rojuc )

"I believe opening the door is our best option." She readied her self to push, looking to Azrelius. "Alright, whenever you're rea-" Jasmine's voice cut dead as Alden just strolled up and shoved the doors open, the heavy stone giving way to swing inward. "I suppose that is one approach..."

A heavy blue glow poured out from the door, intensifying in rhythm with the thrum. The heat was worse now, like a day in the sands of the desert in the Western Empire. Sedge held his baggy sleeve up to cover much of his face as he squinted in. When it became clear Jasmine had every intention of entering, he moved up next to her, giving her a silent nod before moving in alongside her.

A short way in, the group reached a chamber that seemed to be the source of the odd occurrences. Three large pedestals sat in a triangular pattern in the room, to of them glowing a steady blue with large gems floating above them. The last pulses with an intense blue glow, a crystal lying on the floor at its base. What appear to be heat shimmers radiate from the top of the pedestal. "What is all this? It reminds me of that magitech stuff the Duchy uses, but... older."
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Azrelius chuckled softly, appreciating Alden's bold move. "Ah, magic crystals," he remarked, his eyes scanning the chamber's contents. "I was wondering what could be radiating heat without burning or boiling." As the temperature surged, Azrelius instinctively activated "Control Environment," ensuring his own comfort amidst the rising warmth.

"I'm not well-versed in the technology of this world," Azrelius admitted, his gaze fixated on the crystal and the glowing pedestals. "However, I am detecting a pattern here. It seems logical that this crystal on the floor should be placed atop the pedestal," he suggested, pointing to the unoccupied pedestal. "Perhaps doing so would also affect the heat emanating from the pedestal, bringing us closer to understanding the purpose of this chamber."

Alden shrugged when the others stared at him as he opened the door. “Welp, someone was gonna do it eventually.” The door opened up to a mysterious chamber, with strange glowing gems floating out of nowhere. While others may have been in awe of it, all Alden thought to himself was whether it would sell for a high price or not.

Azrelius would suggest their next course of action, to which Alden would happily comply. “I hope you guys don’t mind.” Walking over, he’d pick up the crystal lying on the floor, carrying it into the middle of the pedestal.
Cave in the Mountains East of Ryke
Location: Inside a cavern in the Mountains East of Ryke on the border with the East Empire
Time of Day: Early Night
Weather: Storming
Characters: Azrelius ( Naythophyl Naythophyl ) Alden ( LightningJay LightningJay ) Inanna ( Rojuc Rojuc )

As the crystal was lifted toward the pedestal, it was suddenly ripped from Alden's grasp by an intense force, pulling it to its rightful place. Instantly, the blue light began to intensify and the thrum grew louder, the heat becoming more intense. "I think it might be safest to step out of here, for the moment at least." Jasmine nodded to her husband and the others, moving toward the large stone door.

A few moments after the doors closed, a loud pulse sounded, and suddenly the thrumming stopped and the excessive heat began to dissipate. The markings on the door began to glow a soft yellow and the light traveled down the stairs and to the fountain. Yet still nothing poured forth from the dry basin. "Whatever returning the crystal did, it didn't seem to do what it was supposed to..." Sedge looked back toward the door and put his hand on it. "Doesn't seem so easy to move now though."

Jasmine watched the pulsing glow on the stairs, lost in thought. "If there were someway to read these markings, perhaps we could learn more about this place is... I doubt anyone would happen across this place if we left to find info on these symbols." She looked up to talk to Azrelius, but immediately froze, her eyes locked in the direction of the fountain. "Wait, what's...? Who's there?"

DALL·E 2023-11-15 02.02.10 - anime style character art of an older woman with rabbit ears and ...pngThe markings on the fountain slowly began to glow brighter, providing light to the majority of the cavern. Surrounding it, standing in front of the statues were several figures. the increasing brightness revealed they each bore features similar to the animal on their statue. "Look new people!... Where's everyone else?" the small voice was met with hushed whispers and finally, one figure stepped forward to address the group, her hand on a sword at her hip. "Who are you? Why have you come here?" Her words are cold, demanding, but not hateful. It is clear she is concerned more than angry.

DALL·E 2023-11-15 01.49.54 - anime style character art of a slightly older woman with small bo...pngDALL·E 2023-11-15 02.16.48 - anime style character art of an older woman with small boar ears ...pngDALL·E 2023-11-15 02.07.56 - anime style character art of an older man with fox ears and a bea...png
DALL·E 2023-11-15 02.13.02 - anime style character art of a woman with small boar ears on her ...pngDALL·E 2023-11-15 01.52.45 - anime style character art of a young man with shaggy black hair, ...png

As Azrelius turned his attention to the new arrivals, he couldn't help but notice a peculiar scent lingering in the air, a blend of earthy tones and something indefinably exotic. Jasmine had just looked over to talk to him as he made this appraisal to gather more information about these enigmatic figures.

When the woman, presumably the leader, demanded to know their identity and purpose, Azrelius stepped forward with a composed demeanor. "We mean no harm," he began, his voice carrying a soothing tone. "We were drawn here by curiosity and the mysteries this place holds." His eyes shifted between the figures, his gaze respectful yet inquisitive. "Might we inquire about who you are and the significance of this chamber?"

Azrelius understood the importance of maintaining a diplomatic approach, especially when encountering unknown entities in such a mysterious setting.

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“Woah!” Alden yelped as the crystal flew right from his grasp and the doors closed by themselves, trapping them in. “Looks like things are finally getting interesting…” He smiled to himself, feeling the thrill and excitement build up within him. That was when they realized that they weren’t alone in this place. There were… a couple of beastkin? Alden didn’t know what they were doing here, but they sure looked like a cute bunch.

After Azrelius came forward to speak to their leader, Alden would speak up himself. “Forgive me, for that it’s my fault that have brought these unfortunate friends of mine into this mess. But the fox is right, we mean no harm and we’ll just leave if you tell us to do so. In order to seek for your forgiveness, allow me to play you a song.”

[Enchanting song] - seduction F, performance F - plays a song to captivate the listeners - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Cave in the Mountains East of Ryke
Location: Inside a cavern in the Mountains East of Ryke on the border with the East Empire
Time of Day: Early Night
Weather: Storming
Characters: Azrelius ( Naythophyl Naythophyl ) Alden ( LightningJay LightningJay ) Inanna ( Rojuc Rojuc )

The woman with rabbit features listens to the two travelers talk, even allowing Alden a few moments of peace for his song. "We are the protectors of the well. What do you mean by curiosities and mysteries of this place?" As she spoke she leaned to glance around Azrelius at the now sealed door, and then at the structural remains in the distance, giving a knowing glance and nod to the older fox man, who returned the gesture, though his over all demeanor remained much softer than hers. The smaller girl, the younger of the bears, ran forward to listen to Alden play as the older followed, remaining a short distance away. "You're so good! I've never heard songs like this before!" The older girl smiles and leans forward slightly. "Don't crowd him, Sugar, let him play. You can talk to him after." She gives a stoic glance toward the others as the rabbit woman speaks.

The Foxish man steps forward and lets out a loud jovial laugh before taking a swig from his canteen and addressing those present. "Come on, Snow, relax a bit. Look at him, he's practically one of us." The older man grins and gestures to Azrelius's ears and his own. "See? Cousins!" He laughs heartily and turns to the foxy individual. "So, tell us, Cuz, what's it like out there now? The world? We've been asleep a long time. Are the women still as beautiful? The drink still as sweet?" The boarish girl steps up and slugs him on the arm. "Pfffft.. whatever, Happy, we all know you only have eyes for Snow." The foxes expression turns to one of indignance as he chastises the boar girl as she passes on her way forward, extending her hand to Azrelius. "I'm Root, nice to meet you! The drunkard is Happy, and Snow is kinda in charge." She points to the rabbit girl, then turns to the two bears. "That's Honey and her little sister Sugar, they're the nicest people on the plane. And the last two are Wind and Rain. Where'd they get t-?"

Root glances around before stopping suddenly as her eyes come the cat like individual standing in front of the shattered statue. He doesn't move, or even acknowledge the others as his hand touches the rough edges of the stone. "Oh, my god... Wind, I'm so sor-" He lifts his hand. "Don't. We knew something was wrong... I made my peace." His hand drops to his side and he steps around the statue, disappearing into the darkness among the ruins.

Roots demeanor drops and Sugar runs back to her sister as Snow faces the group once more. "How did you come to be here? What happened to those that were here before?"

Azrelius calmly recounted their unexpected journey to the chamber, emphasizing that their arrival was purely coincidental. He gestured towards Jasmine, explaining that they had been searching for her and found themselves seeking shelter from the storm in the cave. The discovery of what seemed to be a sacred or arcane site was entirely unexpected, spurred by the strange heat emanating from the chamber they had just left. The incident with the crystal being knocked from its pedestal and their subsequent action of resetting it appeared to have triggered the appearance of the protectors.

As Azrelius spoke, his gaze drifted towards the solemn scene unfolding nearby, where Root attempted to introduce Wind and Rain. In the midst of the introductions, Azrelius couldn't help but sense an underlying sense of loss, a subtle melancholy that permeated the air. "That statue was broken when we found it."

Expressing his empathy, Azrelius acknowledged the protectors' role in safeguarding the well and the chamber. "As the protectors of this place, I imagine you did everything you could. I'm sorry that this happened," he said, his tone carrying a genuine sense of respect for their duties and the situation they found themselves in.


As Alden finished playing his song, he’d smile at the listeners. “I’m glad that you were able to enjoy my mediocre playing, although clearly I still have much room for improvement.” Next, Azrelius would go on to explain their current situation.

After he was done, Alden would raise some questions for Snow. “If you beastfolk really are protectors of the well, just what is it in the well that requires protecting? Is it a treasure of some sorts?" He spoke calmly, but on the inside knowing that there was something worth protecting out there got him feeling pretty excited. Perhaps there really was some hidden treasure worth stealing out there. He also noticed something off about Snow's second question. "Oh, and if possible could you enlighten us more on your second question? You mean there were others who visited this place long before we did?”
Cave in the Mountains East of Ryke
Location: Inside a cavern in the Mountains East of Ryke on the border with the East Empire
Time of Day: Early Night
Weather: Storming
Characters: Azrelius ( Naythophyl Naythophyl ) Alden ( LightningJay LightningJay )

Root went to find Rain, calling out for him gently as Snow listened to the two newcomers, Jasmine and Sedge filling in when needed. "I see... This place was once a small settlement. Maybe a couple hundred people? They were peaceful, used to hunt and fish for food, growing a few crops in here and at the base of the mountains... It was a pleasant life, if you could call it that." Happy stepped forward, a frown on his face as he spoke. "You could indeed call it that, Snow. We all enjoyed it. We're not constructs." He looked to the others again, taking another swig from his flask. "We were tasked with defending this place from those who came to harm or take it. But we have to recharge in our statues every so often to stay attuned with the location we serve. The last thing we remember was entering the stasis realm as usual, then we just... couldn't leave..." He shrugged. "No idea how long we've been gone. But from the looks of things, a couple centuries at least..."

"Which means, they're the new holders of the well..." Snow and Happy turn to look at Honey, who has an embarrassed expression on her face. "Honey, we don't these people. We can't just hand it over to them. Who knows if they're responsible enough to handle it." Happy shook his head. "It doesn't matter Snow... Our loyalty is to the well. It's nice when we like those who hold it, but we've worked with a lot of different people. They're the new holders." Snow shook her head. "No. I won't just follow blind orders. Like you said, we're not constructs." She turned back to the group. "So it seems you find yourselves in possession of an empty well. I suggest you leave it there and forget about this place. But if you can get it working again, I'll tell you more. The problem will be back through those doors." She pointed past them, back toward the room with the crystals. "It should be safe to enter now, if it vented as you described." She sat down on the edge of the well and leaned back, letting out a heavy sigh of relief that seemed to be building for years.

"We can go with you. I-If that's alright with you." The older bear, Honey, stepped forward with a smile, her sister, Sugar, moving up next to her. "We all the know the tunnels pretty well here, we can show you where to go." Sugar ran forward and circled the others. "I used to play in the tunnels all the time! sometimes you can find crystals in them! Sis says they're from geode crabs, but I've never seen any crabs, only the crystals!"

Azrelius, his usual calm demeanor slightly shaken by the weight of the situation, responded thoughtfully, "What does it mean to be a holder of the well? I feel honored to be considered. However, I am still exploring this world, and it feels very sudden to take on any major responsibilities when I have not chosen my domain for when I ascend to godhood. I am happy to help you get the well running again, and I do want to honor your traditions. Perhaps there is a way that we can both get what we want."


Alden listened in as the beast folk explained the situation to them, speaking of the people who once lived here a long time ago. In the end, those fools had either died out or abandoned this place. That was when their gang were declared the new holders of the well out of nowhere. Azrelius was the first who voiced his concerns, although Alden believed he’d probably still end up helping them anyway. Folding his arms, Alden voiced his own thoughts.

“Hold up a second. I agree with Mr Azrelius, perhaps it’s to soon for you to appoint us as holders of the well. Our initial goal was to help our dear friend Sedge here, we don’t have any obligation to help you guys. To put it simply, what’s in it for us?” Alden sneered at them. If they truly needed their help, then he ought to take this opportunity to reap even more rewards.
Cave in the Mountains East of Ryke
Location: Inside a cavern in the Mountains East of Ryke on the border with the East Empire
Time of Day: Early Night
Weather: Storming
Characters: Azrelius ( Naythophyl Naythophyl ) Alden ( LightningJay LightningJay )

"It doesn't mean anything special, we just mean the well is currently without someone claiming it, so if you were to decide to hold it, it would be yours. We don't serve any special countries or hold any specific loyalties, we just exist to serve the well. So, if you decline it, it would just go to whoever comes along next." Happy tried to explain as plainly as possible, not wanting to cause any rash decisions in the guests, though it seemed Snow had other ideas as she glared at Alden. "There is nothing in it for you. Leave if you want. If it's not even worth your time to fix the well before deciding if it holds any use to you, someone else may be better suited for the job." Happy sighed in frustration and ran his hand down his face. "Snow, ease up will yah? Please, pay no mind to her, she's just having a hard time accepting our situation. But, more or less, she's right. Aside from the well itself, we have nothing to offer. It is said the water's natural energies can unlock the latent abilities of those who drink it, if they are ready to receive such a gift. But, as you can see, as it is, it isn't doing anybody any good."

Jasmine nodded in understanding. "I would like to see what this well has to offer. If the two of you are not interested, Sedge can help you find the cart and see to your reward, once the storm breaks, but I want to learn what I can of this place. It may be a beneficial place to keep in pocket."

Mentions: Naythophyl Naythophyl LightningJay LightningJay

Azrelius took in the explanation with a thoughtful expression, nodding slowly. "Thank you for clarifying, Happy. Snow, I understand your skepticism." He glanced at Jasmine, noting her determination. "The well's potential to unlock latent abilities is indeed intriguing and could prove valuable. However, as someone still exploring this world and my place within it, I hesitate to take on such a title without fully understanding its implications."

He turned back to Happy and Snow, his demeanor respectful but firm. "I propose we work together to restore the well first. This will allow us to understand its capabilities and significance better. Once we have a clearer picture, we can decide whether or not to claim the title of 'holder.'"

Azrelius looked around at the others, gauging their reactions. "For now, let's focus on what lies behind that door and see if we can get the well functioning again. We can decide on the next steps once we know more. Does that sound agreeable to everyone?"


“Alright, since I’ve come all this way I might as well see things to the end.” Alden responded to Azrelius, although it was mostly because he did not want to get on the bad side of the merchants. They’d probably think badly of him if he were to just ditch them now, and the effort spent building up rapport with them would have been wasted.

Who knows? Maybe getting on the good side of these animal spirit creatures would prove to be useful in future too. Not wanting to let any opportunity come to waste, he’d made up his mind to help them out.
Cave in the Mountains East of Ryke
Location: Inside a cavern in the Mountains East of Ryke on the border with the East Empire
Time of Day: Early Night
Weather: Storming
Characters: Azrelius ( Naythophyl Naythophyl ) Alden ( LightningJay LightningJay )

Honey and sugar moved to the doors, pushing them open with relative ease. though the room was still slightly warmer than the rest of the cave, the vast majority of the intense heat that had occupied the room earlier had dissipated. Sedge turned to Jasmine, giving his wife a nod. "I'll stay here and see what more I can learn. If this well is as useful as they say, we could set up a permanent camp here. It's not likely anyone else will happen upon this place by chance, if it hasn't happened yet. Take some of my supplies, I won't need them in here." Jasmine opened his pack and took out a rope and several securing hooks. "I'll be back soon, love. Hold down the fort for me." The two exchanged a goodbye, and Sedge returned to taking notes on the statues as Jasmine approached the crystal room.

"Down here!" Sugar pointed to a cavern inside the crystal room, hidden in the shadows of the back of the cavern. "There are a series of tunnels that stretch through the mountain. One of them leads to the spring that the well draws from!" Honey's face showed slight worry as she held her hand out. "Slow down, Sugar, don't get too far ahead." She sighed as she walked with the others into the tunnels. Jasmine leaned over to the older Bear. "Your not worried about her being in the front?" Honey smiled kindly and laughed slightly. "There's nothing dangerous in here, but I always worry about her getting lost. She probably knows the tunnels better than me."

1716946939287.pngThe tunnels travel for a nearly a mile, though much of it is looping back on itself. Azrelius's senses tell him they have gone in nearly a perfect spiral when the cavern suddenly opens up to a large lake. It is almost pitch black, with mild light being provided by luminous fungi on the walls and ceilings. "I got this!" Sugar concentrates hard for a moment and suddenly a small glowing orb rises from her head, floating slowly to the middle of the room where it suddenly bursts in a flash, sending light through out the cavern. It hovers in place, like a miniature white sun above the lake. "Now we can see what's wrong! The pump is over here!" She rushes along the shore until she reaches a tile line in the cave floor that extends from the lake to a door in the wall. She's about to run into the room, when she pauses and runs back over to the others. She holds out her hand and in her palm is a red crystaline seashell. "These are the shells I was telling you about, from the geode crabs! They start out as round rocks, but time and the water here wear down the outside until the gem is all that remains." She holds it out to Alden. "You can have this one, as payment for the song you sung earlier! It was very nice!"


Azrelius, with his heightened hearing and keen sense of smell, mentally mapped the curving path they followed. His basic education in navigation allowed him to discern the almost perfect spiral they had traversed, creating a detailed mental image of their journey. When they finally emerged into the cavern, the sudden expanse of the lake caught him off guard.

As Sugar’s glowing orb illuminated the vast lake, Azrelius took a moment to appreciate the magnificence of the scene. The shimmering light from the fungi and the orb reflected off the dark water, creating an ethereal beauty that left him momentarily breathless.

As Sugar presented the crystalline seashell to Alden, Azrelius took a moment to admire the gesture. "That's a beautiful gift, Sugar," he said warmly, acknowledging the young bearkin's thoughtful act. "Thank you for sharing it with us. Alden, it seems your music has left quite an impression." He let Honey and Sugar continue to guide them, appreciating the trust and camaraderie forming between their group and the protectors of the well.



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Following behind the others as they led the way down the tunnels, Alden couldn’t help but to wonder if the magical well contained water with unique healing properties or not. Or maybe they were able to rejuvenate one’s skin? Either way, if he could perhaps collect some of the water with him, he could potentially scam some others with it and sell it off for a profit. Purifying spring well water! That has a nice ring to it.

Still though, it was really dark in this cave, and all they had for a light source were the luminous plants and stuff in the cave. Alden had to keep close to the others so that he wouldn’t get lost. When they had finally arrived at their destination, Sugar offered a geode shell to him. “Why thank you, little one.” Alden recieved the gift, before patting her on the head as thanks. “I’m not sure if I’m deserving of such gift, but I’ll gladly accept it.” He looked to Azrelius as he spoke. Finally was he reaping the rewards of helping out these spirits, and it didn’t feel too bad either.

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