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Graded [Frontier] Return to the Castle

How much time had passed? Minutes? Hours? Shion didn't know, she had simply let her anguish pour out and she'd lost track of time and her sense of the outside world during that time. She remembered losing her father was this hard, she had almost receded into a life of solitude after that. The tales of people glimpsing beautiful forest spirits before they'd flee into the unknown? She'd almost become one of those, refusing to ever interact with the world again. The spirits of her home was all she needed. She had overcome that desire, instead choosing to never lose another home to humans, or those she cared about, and it changed her forever. Fast forward to now, losing Olivia because of those otherworldly invaders of her previous world, she'd fought to the bitter end knowing the best she had to offer was to give hope to the world again. When she died...she'd done so without regrets, and with the assumption she'd join Olivia soon. Now though...she was once more cursed with her longevity to keep her from seeing those she cared about again. The pain in her heart was greater than when she'd died.

As time went on, she started to manage to hear her surroundings again. Specifically, she could hear Iberis speak to her. The young woman that had showed her a gentle kindness since she showed up and the words she said now...Shion managed to grab hold of reality again. She slowly calmed down, her sobbing weakening as she could now feel the embrace the mage had on her. She'd become so self-absorbed she'd forgotten about all the others that she had genuinely started to like here. Iberis' words struck her too. Shion eventually returned the girl's embrace on the bed, her sobs reduced to sniffling as tears continued to come, but she was calming down somewhat.

No one had ever seen her this vulnerable before. Even though she loved Olivia, nothing had hurt Shion this much in the time she reciprocated the love from a human. Iberis' honest feelings on the matter resonated with Shion, and as her embrace on the mage tightened a bit more, she finally managed to stop sobbing.

"Iberis..." Shion's voice was shaky, but she finally said something instead of just making sounds of sorrow. She tried to chuckle, but it was only overtaken by a sob or two, so she stopped trying to lighten the mood.

"Olivia's the only one before today to ever see me cry...and you're the only one that's seen me like this...Olivia never had to watch me lose someone I loved. I've placed a terrible burden on you, but...I couldn't be more thankful to have someone with me right now." Shion managed to get her words out slowly, doing her best to fight back the sorrowful compulsions in her chest to genuinely thank Iberis before she let out a drawn out sob, but it was much softer than her earlier outbursts. She tried her hand at another chuckle, this time she actually managed one.

"A couple centuries younger and I might've tried to bed you to overcome this sadness...but that doesn't mend a wounded heart, just tucks it away." Shion stated, trying to lighten the mood somehow now that she was feeling a little better after being able to process her feelings uninhibited. She managed a kiss on Iberis' cheek, finally managing to sit up as some strength returned to her.

"Heavens, I'm a mess..." She said after another sniffle, her hands wiping tears from her face as she could feel the stains on her cheeks. Her tails finally had some energy again too, able to move and place themselves over Iberis to help keep her warm without Shion's embrace.

"You know, I when I died in my world, I did so thinking I was going to see my father and Olivia again soon." Shion raised one of her hands and looked it over as she spoke. "I had stopped holding back. I used every ounce of my power to kill one of the enemy's generals. I'm sure if I'd lived I'd have gotten some kind of scolding from Kaz, man never was one to understand what it was like to withhold your abilities out of respect for the world."

Shion scoffed and sniffled a little, a pang of sadness claiming her again briefly. She closed the hand she was looking at. "Ending up here, meeting all of you...I don't regret that either. I made a promise to the first human I became close friends with that I'd do my very best to fill my history with as many happy memories as I could. I...I didn't want to die bitter and spiteful of mankind...even though mankind continues to test that promise. Centuries later, when I met Olivia...she felt like a light that kept all my darkest thoughts away. I rarely showed the worst of myself to humans when she was around. I'm sure it will be...difficult, without her around not to settle back into some of my worst thoughts again."

Shion looked at Iberis with a faint smile, her tear stained cheeks and emotional wreck on her face finally managing a little smile for the mage. "I hope you'll be able to put up with me if I ever reach into the darkest depths of my heart, Iberis...I'll likely need someone to pull me out."
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The Smith Estate
Mentions: Iberis TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Shion Sharena Sharena | Sophia Silent Angel Silent Angel

As the day continued, a silent agreement between the two parties arose. One that said that they wouldn't be having their intended parties, games or magic lessons during this particular day. Perhaps in the future, they might go at it again. For now, however, they were all settling in in the estate. Until their next adventures would call, at least.

The End.

Silent hasn't been feeling well, so I was asked to wrap it up.
Isekai Hell Grade

Elvario Elvario Sharena Sharena Silent Angel Silent Angel TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

This one seems to have ended prematurely. Not sure if it really accomplished what it set out to do. Nice seeing the estate though. Hopefully everyone gets to feeling better.



Kalina - 40pts
Shion - 38pts
Sophia - 25pts
Iberis - 42pts

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