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Graded [Frontier] Dude, Where's My Ladder?!


One Thousand Club
Mentions: conman2163 conman2163 saxon saxon Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo ReptilianDude ReptilianDude Develius Develius Wildruid Wildruid Speed Speed
OOC: You may freely use skills, abilities, and titles as appropriate outside of combat. I'll let you know when in a situation not appropriate to use abilities freely. If you cannot post for a time or for the round, let someone know or get skipped. If we have notice, I am willing to wait an extra day if appropriate. Outside of combat, you can post freely without limit or order so long as you don't post back to back. We will try to keep a 3 day posting frequency.
Time: 6:00pm
Weather: cold, breezey
Post Listening:

Ivory Tower...Somewhere?


This chapter of Isekai Hell begins with a ragtag group of characters atop an Ivory Tower in the middle of a forest in some unknown location. How did they get there? How will they get down? Did anyone bring snacks? Many important questions must be answered and they will be the ones to do it.

The autumn air was chilly as it swept through the open air chamber that sat atop a tower. No obvious ways down or up were visible. The chamber all the characters found themselves inside was 50ft in diameter. In the center of the chamber was a column 5ft in diameter. The column would match the others that were spaced around the perimeter of the chamber and all worked together to support the roof. Although not visible to the characters on the platform, the slanted roof offered shade and shelter depending on the elements at time of use. The ceiling of the platform was 15ft above the platform. The platform did not have any guardrails keeping the characters from accidentally fallowing out if they were careless. The platform, pillars, and everything else about the tower appeared to be made of a white stone. Everything smelled crisp, and fresh, but with an undertone of mildew and old forest.

The view from the tower platform was spectacular. As far as the eye could see were sweeping forests for red, yellow, and orange leaves. Between clouds was a golden red sun and a pink sky becoming more spectacular by the second as the sun was slowly dipping toward the horizon. The gentle hills that were beneath the forest surrounding the tower were nondescript. There were no visible settlements or smoke stacks. The distance to the ground was far enough even the tank would question if he would remain in one piece from the after the fall.

Aside from the tower and the views, there were snacks on an ornately made white,metal wire kart. The wire was thin but coiled in a tight and clever way that made up the carts trays and supports to hold the dishes of treats. In addition to warm drinks like hot cocoa and fruit ciders, there were also baked goods like slices of pie and cookies. Like the characters, it was unclear how such a tasty and stacked cart could make an appearance.

The last thing any of the characters remember is a brochure for a vacation spot.

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Alexander Cruz | F0DC82

  • A gentle breeze and warm sunlight brought Alex back to his senses. As if lost in a daze, he could not recall how he ended up where he did. The last thing Alex could remember was a brochure mentioning a vacation. Other than that, nothing else was coming to mind. However, what he was strange, more so than the company he was surrounded by, was the lack of any negative emotions towards the predicament he was in. There was no coercion, trickery, or foul play involved; at least that was what Alex felt.

    Looking around him, Alex felt an odd sense of calm. "No point wondering about it now." He shrugged, smiling as he gazed outward appreciating the view he was blessed with. Still paying no mind to the others who were probably having thoughts similar to his, Alex's attention was drawn towards the sweet and homey smell of the confectionaries laid out for them.

    They were suspicious, but it was difficult to turn down home made treats. Alex briefly pondered whether his doubt was baseless. It wasn't, but he couldn't help himself. He felt like a kid in a candy store given all the choices. Grabbing a handful, he inspected each one he took using his appraisal skill and what he knew in baking [Domestic Arts D + Appraisal E].

    The baked goods in front of Alex were now at his mercy. Their consistency, the aroma they gave off, and their presentation, all were about to be scrutinized before any tasting would commence.

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Kasumi held her head as she felt a breeze run across her face. "Ugh," Kasumi muttered as she opened her eyes, believing she was still in the inn she had rented a room out for the night. When she saw the sunlight and the white stone, she shot up, sitting on the floor. The last thing she remembered was looking at a brochure on the nightstand next to the bed. Her head hurt from the night before as a small hangover set in. "I really need to find something better to do than drink," She muttered, rubbing her temples.

The kunoichi looked around as she saw several other people here, including a tank and a lizard? The tank is what caught her attention first. It looked like a french tank from the first world war, which meant nothing to the people here. But to anyone who was isekaised it was strange to see in this world.
What is going on here? There is strange people I have never seen before, a tank, a lizard, and who knows what else. She thought to herself, slowly standing up as she dusted herself off. That was when she noticed the view from the tower.

Walking toward the edge of the tower stopping a foot from the edge as she wasn't about to get any close than that. She saw all the colors of the leaves and the trees that seemed to go on for miles—forgetting the fact the night before; she was plotting a heist on a corrupt noble's manner that was supposedly linked to the group she had encountered previously. Upon further inspection, she didn't see any way the group could have gotten up there. Did someone use magic to put us up here? I don't see any ladders, stairs, or even a trap door leading to a ladder. She thought to herself as she folded her arms across her chest, bringing a hand up to her chin.

That was when she noticed the man over by the food that was laid out for them. She cocked an eyebrow as the man started to inspect the food. Taking a few steps toward the man,
"Do you know where we are?" She inquired, checking to ensure her equipment was still on her. Meanwhile, using her [Investigation F Skill] to scan the area with her eyes.

Mentions: conman2163 conman2163 Novama Novama Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo ReptilianDude ReptilianDude Develius Develius Wildruid Wildruid Speed Speed
As the rest of the others began to wake up from their slumber, a single, yellowish eye lit up from a dark corner and soon began to inspect the surroundings and the "captives" here. "Huh.. so others wanted to go the "vacation spot"?" The cyclops figure said as he began to raise himself up from the ground. The others could hear mechanical whirring, signifying the others he was NOT organic. Finally, he managed to stand up, and inspecting his surroundings one more time before taking his first steps in here.

The Construct started to move towards the view from the tower, making loud, metallic footsteps as he made his way through, finally revealing his purplish metal and full appearance. He noticed a feminine figure staring outside. Not wanting to be seen as a threat, he attempted to greet her. "Greetings." He said softly, attempting to not startle her too much.
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Basil Machiavelli​

Basil leans against one of the outer columns along the perimeter of the tower. His deep breathing becomes more shallow, indicating his return to consciousness. With a soft sigh, he raises his arms and stretches, leaning left to right. He savors the breeze on his skin and relaxes, before opening his eyes and looking around. "Well, this certainly isn't where I thought I wake up," he says quietly to himself, observing the mismatched crew around him with a curious gaze. On instinct, his hand rests near the trigger of the rifle on his lap, while his other hand brushes across the smooth, rich mahogany gunstock.

Standing up proves to be a struggle, his limbs still stiff with drowsy sleep, but somehow, he manages. He unwraps himself from within his cloak, and fastens the clasp around his neck. Then, he takes in his surroundings, as well as the predicament of getting down from the pale tower. Against his will, a yawn escapes his mouth, and he slings his rifle over his shoulder. He starts stretching, starting from his numb legs and all the way up to his arms. "Good morning to you all," he says as he cracks his neck and regains feeling in his toes. "Would anyone like to inform me where we are, and why we are hundreds of feet in the air?"

His blonde hair stirs in the crisp, cold wind and he presses his eccentric hat down, to ensure that it doesn't fly away with the breeze. He turns his head, noticing the faint smell of warm sugar and fruit that permeates the air. Noticing the young man who was thoroughly inspecting the baked goods on the wire cart, he tilts his head as he asks, "Are you sure those are safe?"

Mentions: conman2163 conman2163 saxon saxon Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo ReptilianDude ReptilianDude Develius Develius Speed Speed

Lucius Gallicus
Location: ???, Some Tower
Mentioned: Wildruid Wildruid Speed Speed saxon saxon Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo ReptilianDude ReptilianDude Develius Develius

Lucius groggily opened his eyes to the sensation of a breeze blow across him. It was a good thing he was used to sleeping on the hard ground. He groaned and gathered his red travelling cloak about himself to shield him from the wind, then tried to make sense of his surroundings. He vaguely remembered a brochure... somewhere. The roman looked around from his sitting position. "Jupiter's balls this is a mixed bunch." He looked around at the odd group, noting the position of his five uniformed legionaries, before turning and looking out the open gap. "And that is a view to rival Olympus." Some of the others were up and about already, and quite smartly they were gathering around a cart of delicious looking food and drink. Never too proud to indulge in hospitality Lucius strode confidently over to the cart. He removed his helmet and sat it on the ground. The bright officer's plume fluttered slightly in the breeze felt up above. "I do love a good pie." He smiled as he picked up a mug of the cider and piece of apple pie, then chowed down without a second thought. The pie didn't last long before the hungry Centurion and a few drinks of cider helped to warm him up. He looked strangely at Alex. "I doubt they plan to poison us, it'd been easier to slit our throats while we were asleep after all." He looked out the gap once again as he picked up his helmet and sat it on his head, then abruptly marched over to the five legionaries snoozing together in a bunch. He nudged one of them awake with his foot. The man scrambled to stand up but Lucius waved a hand at him. "Get the others up and awake." Then Lucius turned back to the man with the funny hat who had asked for the explanation. Behind him the legionary began kicking his fellows awake, they grumbled as they stood up and gathered themselves. "Your guess is as good as mine. Last thing I remember was a brochure. Then I woke up here with the rest of you lot."

Laying across a significant expanse of the tower, Baharius' amber-colored eyes opened lazily to meet the cool late-afternoon weather brush against his scaly reptilian form. A guttural groan escaped his mildly exasperated mood as his head raised up to quickly inspect his current location. The details prior to this moment were extremely hazy, as if he'd just gotten up from a heavy hangover, yet he knew for certain that he didn't consume a single drop of alcohol. The only thing he vaguely remembered was finding himself glancing over a brochure for a vacation spot that he found in a small town not far from the Dark Continent. And what timing it was to find this lonely piece of paper. He was in dire need of such a vacation after his antics within a cursed marshland; working alongside a ragtag party to thwart the efforts of what they believed to have been orchestrated by a lowly hag. After the struggles of combating malevolent forces and getting badly burnt twice in the process - one accidentally and one purposefully - the exhausted Baharius needed some time to fully rest and relax after a long and grueling quest.

This would lead him to the brochure... and that was it. That was all he could remember. Now, raising his entire bulk to full height, his armor clanking in place, he and yet another group of random strangers found themselves in a tower overlooking the autumn forest painted in warm reds, spiced oranges, and radiant gold leaves. It certainly wasn't an unpleasant location to find oneself waking up in. In fact, it was rather lovely; it's overall sense of peace and calm keeping him from questioning everything too madly. There was even a metal cart that held a surprising variety of in-season treats and sweet delicacies. It was an addition that was both unexpected, yet warmly welcomed. Perhaps he'd take a slice out of that apple pie, or chug down the warm cup of cocoa. Still, none of this answered the how and why they all got here; questions that a few individuals here had already brought up to no agreed conclusion.

Wanting to satiate his immediate curiosity, Baharius carefully made his way to the edge of the tower. The perimeter lacked any walls or fences that separated him and a long way down, prompting the saurian to be extra careful. Even with a wave of minor vertigo seeping through his head, nearly threatening to prompt his literal downfall, he couldn't see any signs of a visible way for everyone to get down safely from his immediate angle. It was oddly perplexing to say the least. The saurian turned from the edge and locked eyes with his giant 7-foot great-sword leaning against the center pillar. He nearly thought he'd lost it, or that it somehow plunged into the forest below, but here it was ready to be wielded at his convenience. With that in mind, he glanced over at both the blonde man - adorning a fancy hat and wielding a boom stick - and the silver-haired blue-eyed woman asking about where they were.

The saurian shook his head. "That appears to be the question of the hour." Baharius replied nonchalantly, specifically at the young man as his vibrant head crest gleamed against the setting light, "It's safe to assume that none of us know how we've all gotten here... nor how we get down without injury."

His attention would then be drawn to the confectionary cart, lumbering towards it in a curious manner. Baharius' crocodile-like snout glanced over the shoulder of a man in glasses, who appeared to be carefully inspecting them like a proper connoisseur. The same blonde man wondered if they were safe for consumption, eluding to the idea that they might be poisoned. Just as he did, another individual - resembling a soldier of some sort - downplayed such a possibility as he swiftly ate a slice of pie and gulped a mug of warm cider before waking up his men. It appeared he too was a general, much like the saurian himself, only that he had several soldiers at his command while Baharius did not.

Not that this 300+ pound of saurian muscle needed any really.

Nonetheless, the odd variety of unique faces were in need of names. For now, Baharius abstained from the delectable sweets and glanced around at everyone in the room. He gripped his blade and bumped the tip twice against the floor in an attempt to grab everyone's attention. "Everyone," the saurian announced, clearing his throat with a guttural groan, " While we begin to solve the mystery of these unusual circumstances, I would like to know the names of everyone here before moving forward for the next few hours or so. Best to get acquainted with one another in the meantime..."

"To start off, I am Baharius; a saurian."
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Before he could greet the woman properly than just saying hello, Slax's attention turned towards the... Dinosaur? He couldn't remember correctly, but he changed his focus nonetheless. "Huh..." The cyclops Construct also stared curiously stared at Baharius. What a weird adventure it was going to be..

"Since we're greeting each other now, I'll introduce myself. I am Slaxetron, a robot." He spoke, his "horns" moving, and a tiny bit startled overall, due to not expecting the reptile to speak. Despite that, he stayed calm, because he is just as strange as Baharius is. Soon after, his horns moved to their normal position.
R (5).gif
"Well, for you and the others, one of you should also help the man checking the food. After all, it could be poisonous, for you 4." He spoke again. Seemingly, his tone is familiar to that of another cyclops robot..
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Pierre Rothel - ReptilianDude ReptilianDude ||Slaxetron|| - saxon saxon ||Kasumi|| - Speed Speed ||Alex Cruz|| - Develius Develius ||Baharius|| - conman2163 conman2163 ||Lucius||
{[D’accord, qui est le gars drôle?!]}


If there was one known phrase out there, it was that Life was a Bitch. Well, Pierre can add on to that as well with this: Life is a Bitch, but a considerate bitch. Why? Well, use this flashback.

- - - Flashback - - -

To be frank, a life's transition from war to peace was rolling along smoothly so far for one such as Pierre Rothel. Although maybe a little too smoothly, as while his Comrades were out doing god knows what in god knows where, he couldn't help but worry about them from time to time. Then the reminder came to him that most likely they knew what they were doing, albeit possibly facing near-death in the process. He knew for a fact that Regula and Aria were strong ones, so he trusted their judgements in those kinds of situations. Aside from that weapon transport to Count Light, that was about the only real time Regula even needed him; He couldn't blame her, really, as the time spent in that murky forest made him feel like a hinderance every time he ran low on fuel. She was a busy woman with big goals in mind, and everyone else had their own routes to go down as well. He can assume Aria wants to be the leader of a military, Alexandria to spread the glory of her 'heavy metal', and Regula's grind towards royalty. However, that got the Tank thinking to himself: What route DID he want to go down in this new life? Certainly away from war, as he knew that at the cost of possibly distancing the friendship between him and Aria, but there was more to it which he can't identify.

Which is where he was, as he sat in a lake not too deep for a refueling, deep in thought.

'...Hm.. For Culinary service the best I can do is be a waiter or work the front reception.. Art? No.. I'd just be a large clunky stand for the Canvas.. Urgh.. Of course that also requires hands of all things... Should've asked for that before being thrust into this land..'

He sighed as his thoughts ran amok, but unbeknownst to him, his wish to have said body parts were answered..

It started when he suddenly felt two spots that were much colder than normal, along with the feeling of something soft across a small area. Rasing his Barrel in confusion, he turned to his left, and found what was giving him this feeling...

A hand, more specifically, a Disembodied one which held a color of Pierre's metal..

You can tell what happened from there, mainly within the next hour and a half of Pierre learning how to use his hands again, he had exited the lake to feel the bark of a nearby tree..

And that is the fated timing which the Brochure landed on the Tank's turret...

---------Flashback End-------

And only now was the Tank waking up, mainly from the unprecedented feeling of an autumn breeze as his engine started.

"Mnh.. Wh.. Huh?" Once his vision cleared, Pierre immediately took notice of the setting: On a tower, no rails on the edge, no visible way to get down, but a beautiful view and weather. It was quite an equal set of ups and downs if you asked him.

"..Must be from the brochure.." He muttered to himself before sighting the other individuals gathered around a cart of consumables, which the immediate thought came to him:

'..Huh.. Diverse group I guess..'

He thought up as he rolled over to the group.

".. I assume we are all in the same collective thought train on how we ended up here?"

He asked the rest of the group as one of his [Disembodied Hands] picked up a cookie, inspecting it a little before putting it back.


Basil Machiavelli​

His gaze flicks between the giant, talking reptile and the large, cycloptic construct. A hint of fear stains his expression, his mouth forming a hard line. However, both don't appear to be hostile and are capable of communication, which makes the gunslinger marginally more calm. From what he has gathered, it appears that Basil isn't the only one who is completely lost as to how they arrived here. He decides that whether or not the cookies are poisoned is the least of his problems; after all, thanks to the Roman legionnaire, he would find out soon.

"My name is Basil," he replies shortly, towards the amber-eyed saurian and the strange mechanical construct. "I am a missionary of the God of Steam and Machinery." Machiavelli laughs internally at the ridiculousness of the situation; a dinosaur, a Transformer, a tank with floating hands, a samurai, a Roman legionnaire, a priest of machinery, and more absurd characters trapped within an ivory tower in the middle of nowhere.

Mentions: conman2163 conman2163 saxon saxon Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo ReptilianDude ReptilianDude Develius Develius Speed Speed
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Pierre Rothel - conman2163 conman2163 ||Lucius|| saxon saxon ||Kasumi|| Develius Develius ||Baharius|| Speed Speed ||Alex|| Wildruid Wildruid ||Basil|| ReptilianDude ReptilianDude ||Slax||
{New faces, new talks.}
{- Standings -}



Pierre's turret turned to the source of who just spoke, curious about the individual's appearance and occupation. Steam and Machinery.. Interesting. His turret turned to examine the other individuals in this group as well, simply taking in their features. [Using Investigation F on each of them]

The first one that caught his visionary interest was the rather large bipedal being of metal nearby. Although he lacked a face, Pierre was slightly scared by the sight of it, as not only did his mind slip to it's destructive potential, but also the hands which it would be clutched in.

The next was a woman, a rather pretty one at that in his opinion. From her attire, Pierre could speculate that she was more meant for combat. She was a little closer to the edge, but currently seemed to be conversing with an average looking male close by.

The 2nd most interesting individual, was the massive reptilian creature with a sword. Honestly it was more confusion than anything, but his attention went back as he responded to Basil.

"A pleasure to meet you, Missionary. My name is Pierre Rothel. A Tank. Nothing else added to it, but simply one in search of purpose." He lent a hand to the steampunk priest in a respectful form of greeting.

Lucius Gallicus
Location: ???, Some Tower
Mentioned: Wildruid Wildruid Speed Speed saxon saxon Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo ReptilianDude ReptilianDude Develius Develius

Lucius studied the two machines quite interestedly while sipping his mug of cider. He wasn't too upset about his predicament at the moment. His whole experience in this world had basically been one big bout of being lost. The big one with the singular... eye (Lucius decided it was an eye of some sort at least) was interesting. It was clearly a machine of some sort, though he had no clear idea of how exactly it or the more squat one worked. If only the engineers of his homeland could see these things. His attention was briefly taken up by a large lizard. It took up a stance appropriate to a warrior with it's blade in hand. It then stated it was a Saurian, whatever that meant. Perhaps that was his place of origin. It was always fascinating interacting with barbarian culture. His question was answered by a man named Basil, a cultist of Vulcan from the way he spoke. Then came the machine, the one with the cylindrical protrusion coming out of it's dome like top and disembodied hands. It introduced itself as Pierre, a tank. This one was clearly a child of Vulcan. In fact both it and the larger machine were likely children of Vulcan. The god was widely known to create things as he desired, and such complex machines could have only been fashioned by him. He turned his head back to the Saurian. "I am Lucius Gallicus, First Centurion of the Tenth Cohort of the Eleventh Legion." He took a final long drink from his mug and gestured at the five other men with him. "These are my men." The soldiers made no move to acknowledge the others but did stand at attention when mentioned by their commander.


Alexander Cruz | F0DC82

  • After a brief yet thorough - well, as thorough as he could be - Alex came to the conclusion that the confectionaries left for them to consume, were most likely safe. Taking a small bite of one of the brownies, Alex was pleasantly surprised by its deceiving crunch on the outside but moist and dense insides. "Dark chocolate and, some salt?" This brought a smile on his face. Though he wanted to try out the other treats in front of him, Alex had to respond to everyone else as things were starting to get up and about.

    Turning around, with a bit of brownie fudge smudged across the corner of his lip, Alex hesitantly raised his his non-brownie-holding-hand in an attempt get the attention of the rest of the group.

    "Hello, everyone." Alex smiled. "I'm Alex, a resident of Ryken, and I think I'm just as confused as the rest of you." He chuckled, feeling a bit of embarrassment due to his cluelessness. "Since some of you asked, I think the sweets you see behind me are alright to eat." Turning his head, Alex's gaze moved towards the Roman who was already helping himself to some treats of his own. "I think Lucius can attest to this."

    After taking another bite of his chocolate dessert, Alex wondered what everyone else thought of the situation they were "What do we do for now?"

    He wasn't particularly feeling any sense of urgency, but Alex still wanted to know how everyone else felt. It was best to determine any conflicting ideals amongst the group earlier rather than later.

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| Novama Novama | conman2163 conman2163 (Lucius Gallicus) | Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo (Pierre Rothel) | Wildruid Wildruid (Basil Machiavelli) | Speed Speed (Alexander Cruz) | ReptilianDude ReptilianDude (Slaxetron) | saxon saxon (Kasumi Kagu)

One by one, Baharius gave his full attention to each individual's respected introductions, listening intently. The first to respond was a purple metallic construct, Slaxetron, referring itself as a "robot". While the saurian general had heard of these kinds of constructs in this world - though completely unheard-of in his home world - this individual was certainly the oddest he's seen thus far. Then replied the blonde-haired man, Basil, who claimed to be in service of a mechanical deity. He seemed to fit the part; with the gears and mechanisms adorning his hat and outfit being more comprehensible to his basic yet limited understanding of the concept of steam power. Next to reply was yet another metallic construct vaguely in line with the purple biped, though it lacked any discernible face. This puzzled Baharius' greatly, for it seemed as if the vehicle had suddenly gained sentience, rather than being built that way. Next was the human general Lucius Gallicus, adamantly referring his designation, rank, and unit he commanded, before introducing the 5 men alongside him. The saurian nodded, understanding and acknowledging his position within his sphere. And last, but certainly not least, was a humble man simply named Alex". While he seemed to lack any particular or extraordinary qualities about himself, compared to the others here, the saurian general made no harsh assumptions about him. After all, there was a chance he could surprise them all.

(To be potentially edited later; assuming she responds around the same time)
Later, the silver-haired woman would introduce herself as "Kasumi"; though her appearance reminded Baharius of another woman he met in the marsh... a vampire named Nissa. She was shorter than the Rogue before him, sported crimson eyes instead of cerulean blue, and her personality oozed with a cold and arrogant attitude that contrasted harshly against this one's seemingly calm and reserved demeanor.

With the introductions out of the way, Baharius nodded respectfully at everyone. "An honor to meet you all." he responded with an upward flick of his snout. Accepting the validity of the sweets presented to them, the saurian sauntered over to the cart and carefully selected his delicacy of choice. One long hooked claw sliced a piece of the warm apple pie before lowering his snout and snapping it up in a swift yet gingerly manner. Of course, now came the question on what to do next. They were all stranded atop the tower without warning and with no way down as of yet. They all knew that the brochure had to have been responsible for their abduction to "paradise", but regarding who made them and why are ripe for speculation. This couldn't have been a coincidence.

Baharius couldn't help but feel that they weren't truly alone. Whomever and wherever it was, it surely had to be watching them... for whatever plans they had in mind.
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Kasumi looked toward the giant lizard who introduced himself as Baharius, glancing around at the diverse group that had been assembled here. Or, well she wasn't sure if assembled was the right word; as she glanced around, she noticed there was not a single mark on this floor. It was like this floor materialized for them and them alone, which didn't rule out magic in her mind. However, she had no evidence to support anything other than that.

As the others introduced themselves, she finally spoke up as the last of the group, "You can call me Kasumi," she replied as she turned away from the group bringing her hand up to her chin. The whole situation was confusing as she didn't know what to think. For all, she knew, it could be a dream, and the fact the others were eating the food that was set out probably wasn't all that great of an idea either.

Taking a few steps forward, she spun around on her heel, facing the group. "You do know that food could be poisoned, right? Also, if it's not, we should probably ration it to make it last. After all, we still don't know what is happening here or where we are." She scolded the others who started to eat the food on the trays. She watched as the Baharius moved toward the food himself and ate a piece. Folding her arms under her chest as she walked toward the table.

Seeing as no one had died yet, that meant that, at the very least, it wasn't a fast poison or at least a potent one. But that didn't mean the food wasn't poisoned, and she, for one, was going to wait and see a bit before she decided to eat anything. Moving her hand up to her face, she twirled one of the tuffs of her hair around her finger.

She glanced toward the man who looked straight out of a steampunk novel and then the roman centurion. "Salvēte Centurion," She greeted the centurion and his men. The kunoichi then started to glance over the treats that were on the table once again. Though her mental fortitude stopped her trying anything at the moment.

"So at least one other person mentioned a brochure did anyone else come across a brochure for a vacation spot?" She inquired, looking at the group as she tried to find something in common as to why they were all here. The fact they were this isolated was strange in her mind, but she didn't have any way to figure out what was happening at the moment.

Mentions: conman2163 conman2163 Novama Novama Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo ReptilianDude ReptilianDude Develius Develius Wildruid Wildruid Speed Speed
As Baharius and Alex were picking and consuming their snack of choice, Slaxetron simply observed, since he didn’t need to eat himself. With that said, he didn’t need to worry about poison. After all, he is a machine, but he still isn’t sure. The robot eventually felt quite bored, so he thought of what to do.

Slaxetron eventually thought of something: communication. He stopped glancing at the reptile and human, and chose to atleast talk a bit with Pierre. “So… here because of the vacation spot thingy-oh, sorry if I asked. Pretty much everyone knows by now.” Slax asked and told Pierre as he approached towards Pierre, his clunking metallic sounds evident. “Well… since we can’t eat, what could we do to spend time, fellow machine?”

He glances at the Roman, waving for a bit before changing his focus back to Pierre. ”You made me remember, I can turn into a tank too! A different one, but still a tank.” Slaxetron had the transformation ability, evident by his tank wheels. While talking, Slaxetron seems quite at ease, which obviously no one could notice.
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Basil Machiavelli​

His light-blue eye sharpens, and he reciprocates the handshake with the towering tank. "Pleased to meet you, Pierre."

His vague memory shards of the "other world" are sometimes blurry and indistinct, but Basil is quite confident that tanks don't typically have disembodied hands. His gloved hands twitch slightly, a little unnerved at the collection of bizarre individuals surrounding him. Otherwise, his external appearance seems relatively cool and collected. He attempts to calm himself, and twists a lock of blonde hair around his finger absently.

As another breeze blows his cloak behind him, he holds down his halved top hat with his other hand once more. The clink of brass chains and gear-like ornaments sounds almost like the tick of a clock. When the kunoichi scolds the group about the possibly-poisoned food, he gently nods. Otherwise, he makes no movements nor actions, simply spectating the others. However, when Kasumi mentioned the brochure, Basil remembers the Roman centurion-- Luke, was it? --previously mentioned the vacation advertisement as well. "I also vaguely remember something about a vacation brochure. Anyone else?"

: conman2163 conman2163 saxon saxon Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo ReptilianDude ReptilianDude Develius Develius Speed Speed


Alexander Cruz | F0DC82

  • After hearing Kasumi's comment, Alex's eyes widened briefly as he felt he was called out. Although a bit embarrassed, he was at least confident enough in his abilities to assess the quality of food. However, he wasn't confident enough to adamantly insist to the others what he had observed. "That's a good point, Kasumi. I didn't think of the need to ration." Alex chuckled, subtly avoiding the kunoichi's comment about the possibility of them being poisoned.

    Laying down the brownie he was just consuming, Alex slowly wandered around, taking a peak over the edge of the platform they were on. "Actually, the brochure was the last thing I remember as well. After that, everything else just feels like a blur."

    Alex spoke while looking at the ground, trying to size up how high they actually were. Out of curiosity, he pulled out his waterskin, flicking it swiftly and pouring out a splash of water just outside of the platform.

Mentions: conman2163 conman2163 saxon saxon Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo ReptilianDude ReptilianDude Develius Develius Wildruid Wildruid Speed Speed
OOC: When making posts, be sure to use character names where possible. Vague descriptions of each other can lead to confusion. Slax has nothing making him immune to the need to eat, sleep, or breathe and is also not immune to poisoning.
Time: 6:10pm
Weather: cold, breezey
Post Listening:

Ivory Tower...Somewhere?


Alex and others' inspection of the food, whether through appearance or taste, came back positive. No one found any issue with the treats. In fact, they were very good. Despite the varied tastes of the people present, everyone would be able to find something they would enjoy. Alex, would note, however, the food did appear to have some flavor enhancing additives. While the food wasn't bad, it was likely generously assisted by enchanted flakes found in most of the dishes. Another peculiarity: there was always more. The snacks and drinks never ran out. Where did more come from? Unclear. It felt like what was present was always present. Nothing seemed out of place.

Kasumi would eye the platform and note a lack of wear and tare on the platform. With everyone on it and open views of the outside where presumably wind and rain could come in, it was odd not to see any signs of weathering caused by such things. That's when Kasumi spotted it: the machine creatures Slaxetron and Pierre's heavy metal bodies did slightly damage the softer marble platform beneath them as they moved. However, any spot that left in their wake was gradually smoothed over as if no damage had been done at all. At least one mystery solved: the platform was self repairing.

Beyond the tower, the forest beneath them started to come alive with activity. Birds were suddenly heard where they hadn't before. Tree and other nature spirits frolicked among the branches and leaves while others lazily swam through the air like water. Their ethereal bodies shimmered like sun on a lake and tendrilled like snuffed out candle smoke. It would feel like a fantastical autumn day on a nature hike. Then the wind changed.

The gentle breeze felt by the occupants of the tower would suddenly change direction and blow to the southwest of the tower. It became a bit stiffer in doing so. The trees below that were gently swaying would all stiffly bend against the wind. The nature's merriment that had taken place up to that time had apparently passed. Everything took cover in the wake of the stiff wind. The wind started to swirl some distance from the tower. The occupants of the tower could see the makes of a spiraling air column forming as the red leaves of the forest road the wind currents. A full blown red leaf tornado formed despite there not being a cloud in the sky. It started moving toward the tower. As it did so, the wind shifted again and grew stronger as the moments passed. It threatened to blow the occupants from their perch.



| Novama Novama | conman2163 conman2163 (Lucius Gallicus) | Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo (Pierre Rothel) | Wildruid Wildruid (Basil Machiavelli) | Speed Speed (Alexander Cruz) | ReptilianDude ReptilianDude (Slaxetron) | saxon saxon (Kasumi Kagu) |

Baharius nodded when Basil and Alex mentioned about the brochures. "As did I." he replied with recognition, "They must be responsible for transporting us here. Who originally distributed them, however, I do not know."

As Baharius swallowed his slice of pie whole, he took a moment to glance out at the ocean of autumn leaves spread below them. The sound of rustling foliage mixed with the lively ambience of chirping birds and wildlife felt relaxing. For a few moments, the saurian cleared his mind and basked in the rays of the sun; with jaws open as a gentle breeze caressed his face. The large patterned sail upon his back, illuminated by the light, would look almost as if it was glowing. The yellow splotches and rings would reveal themselves being much more prominent and attractive, if not mildly intimidating. That was its primary usage; a means of display to ward off rivals and attract mates. Yet this organic contraption was also useful for thermoregulation; allowing Baharius to take in or dispel as much heat as it needed. This worked best in cooler climates, like here, but his sheer bulk and mass were already enough to keep him satiated for the meantime. He was already comfortable here...

Perhaps, too comfortable.

As the saurian began to close his blissful eyes, he'd feel the breeze abruptly change direction. While initially subtle, this stiff change was enough of a slap to Baharius' face for him to take notice. Something was off. He shook off his dazed expression and began scouring his surroundings. The swaying trees were now beginning to bend and strain against the gusts, while the fauna below began to screech and cry in panic. "Something's coming." he announced stiffly at the group. The winds were continuing to pick up, now moving towards the southwest. When the saurian turned his head, he'd see the red leaves swirling and gathering into a massive tornado! And it was heading right for them. Baharius felt the winds whipping at his body with force strong enough for a freak gale to rip him and the others off this very tower!

They needed to act quickly.

"Grab hold of something! Quickly!" Baharius roared as he sunk his claws into one of the tower's pillars. His feet also planted firmly into the ground, shifting his full weight to stand firm against the chaos that was fast approaching.

Kasumi took a mental note as a few others also mentioned the brochures. Well at least it seems like we have found a connection to why we are all here. She thought to herself as she moved away from the table of sweets. There were still a lot of questions that needed to be answered but thus far magic seemed to be involved in some shape for sure at this point.

Looking out to the sea of autumn trees she let out a sigh. The floor healed on its own which was odd, though she wouldn't be surprised if magic could do that. Or maybe it was some kind of organic material that repaired itself. Turning back to the group she saw Alex walk over to the ledge and dump some water over the edge of the tower. Watching for a moment to see the result before turning around and looking at Baharius.

Seeing as he was now looking around and told the group something was coming before gripping onto a pillar.
"Huh?" She inquired feeling the change in the wind turning to the source of the wind she saw the leaves swirling up into a column of air. "You have got to be kidding me!" She yelled as she followed her companion's action and firmly gripped onto a pillar with all her strength.

Mentions: conman2163 conman2163 Novama Novama Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo ReptilianDude ReptilianDude Develius Develius Wildruid Wildruid Speed Speed


Alexander Cruz | F0DC82

  • Any strange suspicions Alex had swiftly vanished as he watched the water he threw, just fall and splashed into the ground. Alex hoped for something peculiar to take place, but there was none.

    Needing some food for thought, Alex went back to the brownie he smacked on earlier. It wasn't as warm as before, but still tasted good. Too good in fact, as if there was something artificial was additive to heighten it's flavor. However, whatever speculation Alex could come up with had to wait. The winds began to blow harder, and from the looks of things it was just beginning. Responding to Baharius' instructions, Alex rushed towards the massive lizard, using his large frame to deter the forceful gale that was heading their way. Grabbing on to Baharius as tight as he could, Alex braced himself for the worst. "This looks like a big one!"

Lucius Gallicus
Location: ???, Some Tower
Mentioned: Wildruid Wildruid Speed Speed saxon saxon Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo ReptilianDude ReptilianDude

Lucius made his way back over to the desert cart and picked up another mug of cider, absentmindedly listening to Baharius and the others. He grinned and raised the cup towards Kasumi in response to her greeting. Here was another one who at least knew of his homeland. Judging from the way she dressed she was perhaps a barbarian from the east? Another one that Jupiter plucked from their world and sent here? An odd choice in Lucius's opinion, but it didn't matter. He seemed to almost totally ignore Kasumi's objections regarding the food and drink as well. Not that he exactly noticed the regenerating food and drink, he was just a bit of a glutton. It always did good for a legionary to fatten up when not on the march. It gave a man something to burn when they had to keep going past the times they normally would stop. Besides, ambrosia and nectar like this wasn't a given in life. One had to enjoy food fit for the gods when they had the chance. Bacchus would be disappointed otherwise. He turned his head at the sound of rustling and saw what he could only assume was divine punishment for his comment about Jupiter's balls. He shouted a curse in latin and pointed at his men. "Grab hold of something you lot!" They interpreted this liberally and would make their way to Pierre. Being the largest and what they assumed to be heaviest object in the room, they grabbed onto him. They would grab convenient hand holds, but not impede Pierre if he tried to move. Lucius for his part grabbed onto one of the pillars facing the storm. He would try and hide behind it while it buffeted the tower.
“Well then, I’ll get something to eat, since I somehow feel, a bit hungry? I don’t know really…” Slaxetron clunked towards the strange carter, and lifts up a apple pie slice, despite his doubt that he can really eat. Returning back to the group with slice in hand, he would decide to continue his talk with Pierre, until the wind came.

Slaxetron at first didn’t notice the wind, but suddenly, he felt like he was being… blown away? the blow was getting stronger and stronger, and now, he knew what was happening. He scrambled to find something to hold on, which was eventually a pillar facing the strong air, like Lucius. He held on to it, hoping his weight wouldn’t cause the pillar to break. ”Hold on tight!” He advised to the crew in order to avoid getting pulled away. His pie slice got blown away easily too, and overrall, possibly the food the rest began to eat.
Mentions: conman2163 conman2163 saxon saxon Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo ReptilianDude ReptilianDude Develius Develius Wildruid Wildruid Speed Speed
Time: 6:20pm
Weather: cold, breezey
Post Listening:

Ivory Tower...Somewhere?


The tornado of leaves collided with the tower and exploded. The roar of the wind suddenly boomed into eerie silence followed by the rustling of thousands of leaves as they gently floated down the tower or scraped and skittered across the platform's surface. Basil and Pierre would get sent tumbling backward and collide with a pillar before stopping (pierre slid across the smooth floor and took the soldiers with him). While Pierre and Basil were a bit scuffed up and maybe bruised, no one was blown off the tower. The tower platform was also covered in a sea of red.

Those hiding behind the central pillar didn't notice it at first, but the floor, covered in so many red leaves obscured the floor. Shifting the leaves didn't seem to uncover the floor either. No matter where they moved or how they moved, the floor of the tower remained covered in layers of leaves. Moving around carelessly threatened walking off the tower if one didn't pay attention to the tower's support columns around the perimeter. In trying to get reference of where the floor was to walk around on, the party would note a rising ramp extending over the forest below and ascending higher into the sky.

From the obscured edge of the platform, the leaves collected and covered an invisible rise. Like with the platform of the tower, the ramp did not reveal itself as the leaves that covered it were stirred. The smell of dead leaves was stronger now but the air was also very refreshing to breath. The angle of the ramp curved and made it difficult to determine what the ramp led to. It was definitely not there prior to the storm though, at least, it was not visible prior to the leaves covering it. Another bit of curiosity: the food cart was gone. In its place was a gift basket filled with samples of what the food cart had offered in abundance.


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