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Fantasy From Once There Was.

Euclid Leaf

Metamorphasis, Genesis, Metastasis
A Tale Most Forgotten...


The current year has long been forgotten, washed away in the listless drift. Our beloved planet, our nurturing Apothos, is no more. What remains is a wasted husk swept under regret and hatred. Memory of Light exists only in children's stories and Darkness has enveloped all that remains of the dying world.

This is our punishment for taking what we had for granted.

All that remains are the shamblings of the
Age of Gods.

The vast nation of Humanity has crumbled beneath a sea of smoke and ash, their enigmatic arcane devices and the once glimmering cities now turned gnarled nests for accursed beings. Fiercest of us all, the Ancient Dragons have all but become extinct, their massive boned graveyards marking the corrupted borders of the Grimmlands. And the mythical Fae'il have but vanished, having abandoned this dying world in the final dark hours. Naive they were, to believe they can escape the cause of their Sins. Eternal snowfall now blankets the toiled land and merciless eldrich storms boom in the distance. Only a fading artificial light leads us in the darkness, to protect us from what lies beyond.

For the Fallen, twisted creatures that defy death and convention, lurk the flickering shadows. Forever hunting to the wretched call of a bygone God, they will stop at nothing to consume what they will never have.

It had not always been like this...


We were among Gaia's first children, the
Cardinals, who inherited her gift of creation.

Born from the most enriched seeds of the World Tree and swept across the continent by the winds of Aeolus, the Cardinals were among the first to rise and wake from the ground. We were truly the firstborn of the Gods, inheriting their sacred powers. The Cardinals were able to mold the very mountains and bridle the tides of the ocean by their will, matchless in strength and power by any lesser vessel of the Soul.

Much of our knowledge on this ethereal essence has be lost in the chaos. But we have done our best to preserve the fundamentals. Any creature possessing a 'Soul' can wield this basic essence of life,
Aether, the innate energy that dwells within everything, to enact her miracles. But lesser beings can only use this power to limited effects. Aether is capable of anything, so long as one has the Will to control and harness this raw energy and forge it into something more. Only the Cardinals, who had acquired Gaia's 'imagination' are able to tap into the truest potential of this sacred power.

While our dominance over Aether was what defined us above all of Gaia's other children, it also became our greatest downfall. Unable to find peace among ourselves, blinded by hubris and lust, we turned this power upon one another.

This was the onset of the
'War of Crowns'.

This runic war lasted for many tenuous centuries and the conflict could have lasted another millennium, another chance to waste away all we had, if not for the grim reminder we all were given; the Cardinals are nothing more than mortals borrowing greatness and playing 'God'.

Unable to see past our anger and spite, we did not realize we were poisoning our beloved world. We paved the land with so much death and destruction, ignorant to the fact that we were actually digging out our very graves. The most basic concept of life was lost in all of the turmoil, that all living things are connected in a divine cycle. To take, one must give back. All actions have consequences. In that age of ceaseless conflict and warfare, untold millions would die, hopeless, lost, and afraid. This negativity remaining in our passing souls seeped deep into the ground and was absorbed by the World Tree, the very heart of the planet.

It was too late when we realized our mistakes. As the ancient wilted and succumbed to the corruption, so did everything that is connected to it. The planet suddenly erupted with a fury that was unmatched, as though all of that pain we inflicted upon it made manifest. And from the chaos of this eternal war, rose a God of Calamity, one whom thought the living unworthy of their precious gift and sought to bring about silence unto the ailing world. Taking the corruption and wickedness that lied in all hearts, the God created mockeries that they thought fitting to serve this purpose, the 'Fallen'.


Weakened and scattered, the Cardinals stood no chance against the ceaseless black horde. Like the maws of a colossal twisted beast, the false Gods were swallowed in darkness.

This event is known as the

Apothos would have consumed completely by shadows and snow, the embers of life dying away in the frigid cold, if not for the rise of destined heroes. Aspects of the ancient Gods, who were granted powers from the divine, together they banished the unholy deity and set about gathering the tattered remnants of the fallen world. Although the evil effigy was defeated, their central purpose has been fulfilled. Without the World Tree to govern the cycle of life and death, their link to Aether all but abolished, the Cardinals had been cursed to damnation.

Erecting a beacon of sacred golden flame, the heroes cast away the ocean of shadows and called for any who still possessed the Gift of God in their blood. And flock to this symbol these lost souls did. For the first time in centuries, there was a glimpse of hope as we followed underneath the shining, golden banner.

Thus we call our current time, the Golden Age of Flame.

But even these heroes could not hold off the imminent dark forever. In the following millennium, these Aspects had been immortalized as true Gods by their followers for their grand achievements and protection, but they were never more mortal at their core. For darkness lies and grows in all places.

Knowing they were not truly Gods and could not protect their people forever and everywhere, these Aspects delved into long-lost places in search of a to cure the spreading corruption. While they were busy shuffling through the ancient ruins, they established an order of holy warriors, the Knights of Dusk, those who can carry the burden and carry out their will. These solemn warriors will be the hands where they have none, the only thing standing between the light and the dark, life and death.

Life here has remained thus long. But the dusty capital, Ciro, the last refuge in the darkness, will be soon tested by an old threat.



Hello denizens of the internet! If you've stuck around thus far, that must mean you have at least some interest in my roleplay! For that, I'm glad and very thankful.

This roleplay will have a focus on these 'Knights' and how they cope being the saviors but also inevitably, the enemies of this world. There will be gory details and dark themes, so I suggest anyone who wants to get involved be mature enough to handle such things. These users of Magic, or for a less worn-out term, Arcanus, the art of using Aether, is not an ability that is necessarily lost, but those who dare use this power risk losing themselves.

I will go into more detail about this certain thing in the final version of the roleplay, but for now just think that Aether itself has become very volatile and corrupt now.

My aim is to develop deep and interesting characters, so I will be very critical about characters, so please give me your best. I am also working very hard right now fleshing out the world and set pieces so that such a thing is can be achieved. But remember, while I merely set out the framework, it is you who decide what to do. In this RP, your characters will be driving the plot, not the other way around. I will be purposefully leaving information vague so that you can discover more later on. So Please bear that in mind if you wish to join. I will not accept anyone who is not invested in the story and characters.

The core theme when I conceived this roleplay are 'Contrasts', but not in the typical sense. I want the use of them to serve as a method to accent and compliment one another. Ideas such as; "Innocence despite Corruption", "Beauty in Ugliness", and "Hope in face of Despair", where the kinds of concepts running through my mind.

I can only hope I am skilled enough to deliver.

Even though this is a dark fantasy themed world, the world will still retain a bit of modern levels of technology, even parts that might be considered futuristic, all in part to the existence of Aether. Of course, with usually a grim twist.

Anyways, if any of you still have questions, feel free to PM me or message it anywhere below.
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Thanks for showing interest! do you guys have any idea what kind of character you will be playing?
Somewhat, but since the character creation is not clarified, I'm not 100% on the fine details. For reasons of my being in the knight order, I'll have to contrive that when more information becomes available. Other than that, I know the personality and capabilities aspect - with further tweaking planned.
I will be putting out more details by tomorrow. I was just curious. :3
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I will wait for a few more interests and then I'll post an OOC, maybe like 2 or 3 more. I am so excited! I am working on the CS sheets and details, meanwhile!
Welp, that was much, much faster than I thought. I still some time to work on the character sheet format and details, but hopefully it'll be done by tonight! :D

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