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Fantasy From Once There Was. [Accepting]

Euclid Leaf

Metamorphasis, Genesis, Metastasis

Rules of the RP

1. All site rules apply.

2. My word is absolute here, above even another GM's. I will always give detailed reasons for why I do something or make a sentence, such as denying character sheets, deleting posts, or revoking membership of this Roleplay.

3. Naturally, no God-modding, Auto-hitting, etc.

4. Have fun!~

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Wow! That was a very quick sheet. Well done nonetheless. I'm not even done with a few of my own actually, haha... > . <;; Regardless, I have no complains about the background and powers. I like the personality too. Seems like a swell lad. Thus, you have been accepted! Hurray~

//offers cake.
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RyuShura said:
Wow! That was a very quick sheet. Well done nonetheless. I'm not even done with a few of my own. > . <;; Regardless, I have no complains about the background and powers. I like the personality too. Seems like a swell lad. Thus, you have been accepted! Hurray~

//offers cake.
Ahh thank you! I really wanted to crank out this oc before I went to bed, since graduations taken its toll. So I'll eat that cake and food coma to sleep :^) . Gn!~
Afternoon, folks, this sounds like a fun time.

Well, as fun as the slow death of the world can be.

Kinda reminds me of Dark Souls. And I like that. A lot a lot a lot a lot.
Yeah, I wanted to make a grim fantasy where everything is hopeless, yet hopeful too. I drew some inspiration of the Souls and Borne series, but made sure to keep much of it original. xD It's kind of a difficult task, but I'm working very hard on it!
Haha sorry I'm taking awhile. Been running around family parties and it's taking a toll on my energy. =p Finally have a breather to myself.

Even so, excited about the characters I'm seeing here. ^^
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Don't worry! We're in no rush. We have to wait for other people to post their sheets before we do anything. Meanwhile, I can just work on lore and other GMing nonsense.

Everything on your character sheet checks out! I like the short and simple quote for the personality, and that you thought of a unique beast companion. Welcome aboard! :D

Now to come up with a better name than just 'Riders', hmm...

EDIT: I've settled on the name, 'Outriders'. Yeah, I know. It's not much different, but I just think it's a more fitting term. xD You don't have to edit your sheet or anything with this change, just remember this name whenever I refer to it or whatever.
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Woo, I kept thinking "Jeez I hope this isn't considered overpowered. *tweaks anyway*" during the process. I considered doing Dragoons but Outriders works too. ^^ I made the changes with the term 'Outriders' being the official name and just 'riders' for a more casual context. Still kicking the kinks out the profile: sentence flow, syntax-grammar, and whatnots including the backstory. =)
Sorry that it's taking so long! :c ugh haha I've been having some trouble but I think I have gotten my shit together now so I will hurry up and finish my character~

bRUH HE IS DONEEEE OMG. I trashed 3 characters before him but DAmN if I get accepted I'm gonna have a hard time with his science crap. Lol.
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Naw, he might be stronger than the rest by a bit, in terms of physical prowess.. And I see some clear weaknesses too, so I enjoy that fact you made a balanced and fair character. The Fallen are no joke either. I want it to feel a little despairing while fighting them. And about the name, well there used to be actual Dragonriders, and this sub chapter used be inspired by them, but yah know... those don't exist anymore. And I figured the an Outrider's purpose would be more like scouts and emergency backup. anyway. xD


No problems! I don't care about the time, I'm just glad you made a fun character. And about the science stuff, you don't have to be too technical about it. I'll leave the rules somewhat lax so long as you get the essential components right about Alchemy. :)
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@Ophirius I think your character and Crag will hit it up really well. xD And he definitely won't have any issues screwing around with mine! Hahaha.

@RyuShura Thanks! I put a pinch of forethought to it. Hanui definitely won't be a pushover and I do intend to try to make him look cool. =p As for Outriders, maybe they have an extensive role depending on their beasts. I imagine Shanoths are good for travelling/carrying a few cargo. Monsters are powerful in their own right and it'd be wasteful to not use them as a resource - hence needing people with the right disposition to work alongside them.

Either way, I think I'll start babbling away on the backstory soon. :D
@Fenn I must say though that the pressure that ya'll created with your quirky characters almost made me give up xD Still I got a lot of things to fix and I'm just happy that he passed (I think? Lol rip). I'll make sure to torture your character with Aias nonsense since you asked for it ;)
My character isn't that quirky. I just had the strong compulsion to play someone with one-arm. O.o ;; And your character looks good! Haha, but be careful Aias isn't the one being tortured in the exchange!

Okay he's a little quirky. xD It's just not too clear since I'm against writing personalities exceeding a sentence. Haha. You have to figure it out through storying!
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There's a lot of room to grow, so don't worry if a character is a little flat at the beginning! This is supposed to be both a character focus RP as much as it is plot stuffs.
QQ this backstory is a little lengthy since I'm trying to cover how he grew up, how he lost the arm, how he stumbled upon the sword, and how he became an Outrider since these are pretty significant. Plus his history and reputation, for a particular reason, would be known to more veteran members of the Knight of Dusks.

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