[From Heaven to Hell] From Heaven to Hell Discussion

Hoshiko said:
No worries, Wolf, and, thank you!
Um, on Suzume, if it's okay with you, I think it's okay to keep her artifact locked elsewhere when she's not in her true form, and have her improvise some kind of weaponry or something if she has to? I'll wait until after your post to reply, then, myself!
For sure. Work it however you think would be cool or works for the story.
Will do, I want to give her the attention she deserves/has deserved. Side note, let me try my hand at writing Amnelis whenever she shows up, yeah? I'd like to give it a shot if nothing else.
Tabby said:
Will do, I want to give her the attention she deserves/has deserved. Side note, let me try my hand at writing Amnelis whenever she shows up, yeah? I'd like to give it a shot if nothing else.
Wait, play her? Or write up her profile. I'm okay with either, just wondering.
And actually, I've read it several times, now. I'm going to jump us into the next bit with a new thread. Is there something anyone wants to add to this one before I jump us ahead?
Playing Amnelis. You're doing a great job with muninn (huginn? I honestly cannot remember which her name is) but I have some stuff I'd like to try in terms of writing Amnelis in particular. Just let me know when you want her to show up/what news she'd have so I can try it out? I dunno how well it'll WORK but hey, gotta try it sometime.

And I'm good on the topic, ready to move to future stuff anytime.
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Tabby said:
Playing Amnelis. You're doing a great job with muninn (huginn? I honestly cannot remember which her name is) but I have some stuff I'd like to try in terms of writing Amnelis in particular. Just let me know when you want her to show up/what news she'd have so I can try it out? I dunno how well it'll WORK but hey, gotta try it sometime.
And I'm good on the topic, ready to move to future stuff anytime.
Sounds good to me. I'll let you know. Feel free to have her jump in when you want, too.
'Kay. Raven lady, now named Naesala since I can actually remember that, is up. Same general character just more detail.

Man the more I think/write about Cydaea, the more I'm convinced I could just play a full game with her. She's not even a NPC so much as just the protagonist of another story.
I'm... severely tempted. Would be really fun to play her in the background, doing her own thing. Could also be an opportunity to futz about with politics in Yu-Shan and have her doing her own thing. A different perspective on the same world.


I'll give you an answer when I get her properly written up. Right now it's all just ideas and they may fall flat when I finish writing her up, but I'm definitely intrigued. Truth be told I almost replaced Sakuya with her several times during the chargen process, so I think I could probably get something tolerable done.
I'm all for multiple stories going at the same time. So, let me know what you think. That goes for you too, @Hoshiko. You can play more than one character. You guys can play many.
Blacklion said:
Oh. Wlf. I'll be finished by today, I'm just finishing the backstory on the artifact and finishing his charm sets.
Awesome! Take your time. You're spot is always here.
Well. I've seen how you've run the topic and I like your player central ways to running the game. Way eager to jump in with you all!
Blacklion said:
Well. I've seen how you've run the topic and I like your player central ways to running the game. Way eager to jump in with you all!
Really excited to have you (and a third player). Also, the multiple character bit extends to you, as well.
Alrighty, perfect, Wolf! I'm sorry for the short replies, I'm on a trip right now, but absolutely, playing more than one story in parallel could be really fun! On the topic, I'm okay on skipping ahead if you'd like, or, if you all don't mind, I'd been planning one more post for the current thread, which I could write once I'm at the hotel tonight? (I'm at an airport wifi right now, sorryyy). Either way is perfect with me, though! And, to Tobi, it's great to see you, I'm excited about playing with you, too!

I'll be back later today,have a great day, all!
Hoshiko said:
Alrighty, perfect, Wolf! I'm sorry for the short replies, I'm on a trip right now, but absolutely, playing more than one story in parallel could be really fun! On the topic, I'm okay on skipping ahead if you'd like, or, if you all don't mind, I'd been planning one more post for the current thread, which I could write once I'm at the hotel tonight? (I'm at an airport wifi right now, sorryyy). Either way is perfect with me, though! And, to Tobi, it's great to see you, I'm excited about playing with you, too!
I'll be back later today,have a great day, all!
No worries. I'll wait to close this current thread until you get yours in. Thanks! Enjoy your trip.
Blacklion said:
Since this thread is coming to a close, I'll be able to come into the next one?
For sure. In fact, when you had mentioned that you were almost finished, I was wondering if you wanted to use the new thread as a good intro for your character. Could be fun.
Awesome post, @Hoshiko. Thanks. I almost had Hayashi grab Suzume and kiss her, but decided to hold off for now.

@Blacklion, how's the character coming? Do you need any help?
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SEVEN MONTHS LATER the core party is finally coming together

naw congrats and thanks for finishing Deus good sir. looking forwards to RPing with you again. been too long.

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