[From Heaven to Hell] From Heaven to Hell Discussion

Man, I was listening to Frozen music earlier, and it reminded me of how much I liked Illyasviel. IMPERIAL HAMMER REPORTING FOR DUTY. Too bad Shards exploded... and I'm not friends with that chick who RP'd her ork waifu anymore... and Shards is dead. And SOMEDAY I'll get around to finding somewhere to play that resident-evil-style bio-symbiote guy. Never really played with a regenerator type character, and his personality was fun - using Jake from Resident Evil, he kinda looked like a hoodlum but he was actually pretty much white bread, low key archeology student with a girlfriend aaaand then he got eaten by a symbiote that replicated his body and most of his mind because it didn't have a consciousness of its own, and his "story" is mostly "him" losing his memories and mind and eventually realizing the real Jake is long since dead and he's actually the symbiote mimicking its dead host.

...Man that was even more depressing to write than it was in my head. I love the poor dumb bastard though. And he could theoretically have a happy ending if he managed to forge enough bonds to actually keep his mind intact! But mostly it's just an excuse to play a character with horrific regenerative skills and Prototype 2-style extruded weapons like blades and spikes and shit. I'm a monster.
Yeah. Might just be you an' me here still. Though, we're waiting on me, right?

Should we spin off a new separate story parallel?
I HAVE NO IDEA WHO'S WAITING ON WHAT I had a question for hoshi before I responded I think, and about a month ago blacklion and I were trying to decide how to respond... I think.

Could do something on the side tho definitely, maybe Cydaea funsies or something.
I'm really open. I think this is my last open game here. I let all the others fall away. My life is waaaaay too busy these days.
We still love you. SOME BROMO. <3 And I'm glad you didn't ditch this one, I always like your games and on a purely selfish level it makes me feel a bit more important! Because that is EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED, Tabby with an even bigger ego, amirite or amirite?

...Also I kinda want to write Amnelis. And Cydaea. Even Naesala... I dunno. How would you feel about just doing some one on one RPing with some of the characters from Sakuya's circle, past events or whatnot? Work through and work out events on the fly with each of us controlling a character and see where things end out, as well as how it fleshes out the character? There are a million possible stories we could probably tell there, from chance events Amnelis has with major players throughout creation to Naesala getting into fights for training or after feeling like Sakuya was insulted, or even stuff like Sakuya's meetings or interactions with past characters to make stuff in the future more poignant, like the dude god who will end up being sort of an antagonist but was really close to Sakuya for a long time before disappearing. It doesn't have to be fighting or talking or anything in particular, each of these stories would lend itself best to one side or another, but it could be fun to do.

Alternatively, modern-timeframe or near-future side events could also work, like Cydaea finding out Sakuya had gone missing; while some of the highest ranking gods would likely know within a day or two, or instantly for the Maidens and Nara-O, the full news wouldn't fully spread for weeks or even months to gods below that. Working out Yu-Shan's current or near-future state could be interesting. And there are other characters I could throw in the mix too, from a feisty young lesser elemental dragon to ssssome sort of storm spirit I haven't finished working out.

Or just Naesala/Amnelis arguing. That could fill up 50 topics on its own. In ten minutes.

Does any of that sound interesting to you? I can come up with a million more ideas too, I've had too much time to think, haha. Would rather only do one of them at a time though, I do have a number of RP commitments as well as life, fucking math classes man.
Possible futures and pasts are also fair game - I imagine Naesala especially has seen a lot of shit, from timelines in which Sakuya's quest failed and ended in her death or eternal imprisonment into starmetal, as well as darker futures in which Sakuya was corrupted by the Yozis in their hunt to regain their power, or decided on her own that Wisdom should rule the unruly mortals and lazy gods alike in a bloody campaign in which she conquered creation. The past as well - I dunno the specifics but I'm thinking that the "past" Amnelis lives in is not set - each act that changes fate (read: anything Exalts do, much of what major gods do) sends reverberations back through time and alters past facts, closing off paths to now-defunct pasts as their linked futures are changed in the present. I actually like the idea of all Creation crumbling to dust and then nothingness around her as these linked past-futures are destroyed; even if she hasn't seen the horrors that Sakuya's journey could spawn, like Naesala has, she has seen countless past-futures obliterated and more every second, and as Sakuya's journey continues and she+her motley crew (HUE) continue to grow in power and alter fate more, that only means more pasts destroyed... and new paths to possible future-pasts created.

So really we could RP pretty much literally anything since it probably happened in at least one of those alternate fatelines. Law aspect Sakuya as a brutal but just ruler (isn't there a Yozi who pretty much does that?) doesn't sound too bad, but I think I'd rather focus on the "real" timeline for now I think.
Oh, hi! Sorry, for some reason I never got updates past Tabby's post saying we were still here, I'm so sorry for not replying sooner? I've been somewhat busy with work, but I'm still here and absolutely willing to go on, if you both are!

I'll keep checking the forums themselves more often, instead of relying on email updates, sorry!
Hahaha. Well, this is the right time if we want to get thing rolling again. The semester just ended for me. I have a few weeks to myself.

Let's do it.
Seriously, I thought you guys just decided to ignore me for a month or something. God DAMMIT RPdom alerts.

I'm still down for giving something a shot though. Working out a naval commander for another site but she's not moving along terribly quickly so I can get to pondering what I would want to do here. And see if I can figure out a way to shoehorn valkyries into all this somehow. I LIKE VALKYRIES THEMATICALLY OKAY.
Have to see if I can migrate this bad boy. Then, I envision just tossing a new description up of a situation. You guys can then insert a character and start directing where the story should go from there. I'll be asking questions to help form that.

School is back in full force. With my job and kids, a lot is going on. But this game/forum will persist!
Just have a few finishing touches. I opened a bunch of sub-forums and will be deleting them. We don't need them yet. I just wanted to see what it was like.
Tabs, I think you're the only player now. Are you interesting in recruiting and making this a bigger game or more interested in keeping it one-on-one with the occasional jump in from the others?

I'm okay with either, leaning toward one-on-one.
I also got a message from JayTee asking to join, if you we didn't object. I'm a huge fan of both Feantari and JayTee, so I'm fine with it. But what are your thoughts, Tabs?

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