[From Heaven to Hell] From Heaven to Hell Discussion

Suzume since she's from this area. And she gets to make up how/why she knows him.

I had assumed you've never had dealings with him since he's a lesser god. But, maybe you have. :)
If he's never met Sakuya, how does he know it's her then? Is it just some god thing/wind stuff? 'cuz with the disguise thing not everyone is supposed to instantly recognize her. I mean it's more fun when they do, I'm not complaining, just curious how.
Not as fancy as all that, but:

"I was... Sakuya. Just Sakuya." A wry, nigh-bitter smile flitted across her countenance for a moment
You are in his woods. He may not recognize you, but he has put the name together with who Heaven is looking for.
I'll make it a point not to abuse it so your disguise counts for nothing. That would suck. But you said your name out loud in his woods. Gods can do cool stuff or something.

And yes, I am too.
Yeah I understand dawg, it makes things MUCH more interesting when she has to deal with her past, especially when it's a problem, I was just curious 'cuz I figured that only people who had known her personally would be able to see directly through it, Cydaea especially.
Sakuya is responding in Old Realm, in hopes of keeping Marianne out of the conversation (hey, she can't read Suzume's character sheet, and Marianne did a good job of acting clueless. A REALLY GOOD JOB, ALMOST AS IF IT'S HER SPECIALTY OR SOMETHING) and because I have no idea which language wood guy greeted them in.
Hi! Hi! I'm aliiiive, I'm sorry, it's the end of classes, so I've been kiiiiind of busy the last few days and forgot to check here? Welcome back, Wolf, I'm glad to hear from you, it's great that you're okay! Tabby already said so, but don't feel guilty or anything, I completely understand, life can pull you away like that.

I just read both your post and Tabberin's, sooooo amazing! I'm really excited about moving ahead with this story, too! Before posting, I wanted to ask your opinion on this take of the background between Suzume and Hayashi, if that's okay? I thought Suzume could have used the woods as a sort of refuge, a place to flee to whenever she needed time to herself, or felt she was at risk, perhaps on full moons...and, she might have befriended Hayashi as a result, maybe not as a result of one particular action, like, I don't know, a single heroic deed or anything like that, but rather...just someone who talked with him, took care of the woods, or scared hunters away; someone who saw him as an equal instead of looking down on him, regardless of his status on the hierarchy of Heaven? Suzume is pretty firm on not judging people based on social status, it's the reason she wants to overthrow the Empire, after all, and I think she'd apply the same kind of thinking to spirits, too, not just the distinction between dynasts and mortals? He might even have been the first person she opened up to willingly after her exile, considering how her confiding in the other lunars was more motivated by fear of chimerism, and she still hasn't completely shaken off the prejudices of the immaculate philosophy, she spent pretty much her entire life listening to the monks before exalting...how does that sound?

Oh, and, on Suzume's theme, I'm not -sure-, but I thiiiiiiiiiiiiiink it might be a remix of Suika's theme, from Touhou, Broken Moon? But, the playlist I got it from has a lot of other songs like that, all gathered from different sources, like anime, or movie soundtracks, too, so I can't tell if it's that for sure...I really liked it, though, and I think it fits her, hehe, both the longing she has for what was her home, her old life, and how she still, deep down, misses the empire and the dynasty, and also her own longing for her vision of the future? It kind of makes me think of a rainy day, of still being unsure of whether the clouds will clear up soon, of being lost in thought, of doubt, and...deep longing, probably, yup?

I really liked Tabby's song, too, it's amazing~
Oh, also, if you liked Suzume's song, there's a group dedicated to playing pieces in that same style, they're called Kitaro? Her theme isn't one of their songs, but they're amazing, and reaaaally relaxing, you might like them!
Hoshiko said:
Hi! Hi! I'm aliiiive, I'm sorry, it's the end of classes, so I've been kiiiiind of busy the last few days and forgot to check here? Welcome back, Wolf, I'm glad to hear from you, it's great that you're okay! Tabby already said so, but don't feel guilty or anything, I completely understand, life can pull you away like that.
Thanks! Glad to be playing again.

Hoshiko said:
I just read both your post and Tabberin's, sooooo amazing! I'm really excited about moving ahead with this story, too! Before posting, I wanted to ask your opinion on this take of the background between Suzume and Hayashi, if that's okay? I thought Suzume could have used the woods as a sort of refuge, a place to flee to whenever she needed time to herself, or felt she was at risk, perhaps on full moons...and, she might have befriended Hayashi as a result, maybe not as a result of one particular action, like, I don't know, a single heroic deed or anything like that, but rather...just someone who talked with him, took care of the woods, or scared hunters away; someone who saw him as an equal instead of looking down on him, regardless of his status on the hierarchy of Heaven? Suzume is pretty firm on not judging people based on social status, it's the reason she wants to overthrow the Empire, after all, and I think she'd apply the same kind of thinking to spirits, too, not just the distinction between dynasts and mortals? He might even have been the first person she opened up to willingly after her exile, considering how her confiding in the other lunars was more motivated by fear of chimerism, and she still hasn't completely shaken off the prejudices of the immaculate philosophy, she spent pretty much her entire life listening to the monks before exalting...how does that sound?
That is perfect. We might flashback to those moments as needed too.
Tabby said:
Sakuya is responding in Old Realm, in hopes of keeping Marianne out of the conversation (hey, she can't read Suzume's character sheet, and Marianne did a good job of acting clueless. A REALLY GOOD JOB, ALMOST AS IF IT'S HER SPECIALTY OR SOMETHING) and because I have no idea which language wood guy greeted them in.
Oh yes, he was using... Why can't I think of the common language? I don't have my book in front of me. Low-Realm?
WlfSamurai said:
Tabby, is Sakuya referring to @Blacklion's character?
Yes sir. I actually have no idea how much she knows about him or how she figured it out, probably called in a favor from Lytek or the Pattern Spiders.

WlfSamurai said:
Oh yes, he was using... Why can't I think of the common language? I don't have my book in front of me. Low-Realm?
Low Realm is the "default" tongue p much everywere, High Realm is dynasts only (well, only USED in dynastic society as I understand it), Old Realm is the default spirit tongue. And First Age Solars.
Tabby said:
Yes sir. I actually have no idea how much she knows about him or how she figured it out, probably called in a favor from Lytek or the Pattern Spiders.
So, we have a question to ask ourselves. He hasn't been on since October. My first instinct is to get you guys in that town and meet up with him. But, since he's not here ... I can only create so many smokescreens leading up to that moment. Thoughts, suggestions?
I talk to him all the time via txts/AIM, he's been computerless for a while but will be getting a laptop for christmas, at which point he should be back - it sounds like he's basically done with the character, just can't really rp and I know he had a few questions for you.

Since Hoshi just got out of a cuhRAYzay few months of school, and can finally actually post and alldat, I wouldn't mind spending a bit of time in the forest while prepping for the town stuff - assuming he does get his computer by christmas we should be able to go full bore in a week, with hoshi and I just doing our thing in the forest until then I guess?
Man. I am having way too much fun planning out Sakuya's aspect forms and transformations. WAY too much fun playing with fire and wind , especially combined, and transformations will be suitably epic. +playing with scythe and shadowflame will be fnu.


all of which makes the waiting harder since I know it'll be a while of ingame time before any of those plans come to fruition
Tabby said:
Man. I am having way too much fun planning out Sakuya's aspect forms and transformations. WAY too much fun playing with fire and wind , especially combined, and transformations will be suitably epic. +playing with scythe and shadowflame will be fnu.

all of which makes the waiting harder since I know it'll be a while of ingame time before any of those plans come to fruition
We'll get it rolling. I'm the sort that likes to jump to the interesting parts.
As long as I'm playing with you and hoshi and blacklion, it's -all- fun, though. So no worries.
Hurm. I'm gonna let Hoshi respond before I post again. Need to give her a chance to respond to that Sakuya post.
Alrighty, posted!

...Also, somewhere along the way, while writing, it seems like Suzume developed a little crush for a certain forest spirit. Totes unexpected, but it'll be fun to RP!
It's nice that Sakuya isn't the only one terrible at stealth identities. I kinda imagine them thinking that holding up palm trees and wearing those crazy-nose eyeglasses are the HEIGHT of stealth action.

On a totally unrelated note, sneak peak of the next big Sakuya... acquaintance I've been working on~

Hoshiko said:
Alrighty, posted!
...Also, somewhere along the way, while writing, it seems like Suzume developed a little crush for a certain forest spirit. Totes unexpected, but it'll be fun to RP!
Awesome! Love it.

Tabby said:
It's nice that Sakuya isn't the only one terrible at stealth identities. I kinda imagine them thinking that holding up palm trees and wearing those crazy-nose eyeglasses are the HEIGHT of stealth action.
On a totally unrelated note, sneak peak of the next big Sakuya... acquaintance I've been working on~


Can I say, you guys make this way too easy and enjoyable. What a pleasure. Thanks so much.

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