[From Heaven to Hell] From Heaven to Hell Discussion

That image is strange to me. It's ridiculous, weird, somehow hot, and somehow cute... I have to stop looking at it.
The sideboob is rather tasteful.

Also how would you feel about a somewhat huninn/muninn, past/future-possibilities-scrying duo of underlings? Maidens ARE atemporal and all, it only seems fitting that Wisdom should be represented by Sakuya (present) as well as past and future parts.




also we should just start at some point, like a short Sakuya solo topic or something as a leadup to party fun times.
Tabby said:
The sideboob is rather tasteful.
It is.

Tabby said:
Also how would you feel about a somewhat huninn/muninn, past/future-possibilities-scrying duo of underlings? Maidens ARE atemporal and all, it only seems fitting that Wisdom should be represented by Sakuya (present) as well as past and future parts.


I don't know what this means.

Tabby said:
also we should just start at some point, like a short Sakuya solo topic or something as a leadup to party fun times.
Yes, let's. In fact, let's establish some relationships. But first, let's start simple and establish some facts. I've read your backstory, but where do you live now, Sakuya? Where do you sleep?
Okay so the basic idea was. Uh. Temporal scouts who delve into the future and past to objectively gather potential outcomes and facts that have otherwise been skewed by perspective and bias. Between them and Sakuya they could represent the core facets of the lost Maiden, since Sakuya lives in the present and all that. REALISTICALLY I would see them a lot less as "useful and reliable information" as "SOMETIMES they're useful!" More of a focus on possibilities and consequences of actions and generally just confusing, probably mixed with colorful personalities and quirkiness. Or something. Huginn/Muninn were Odin's ravens, Mind and Thought respectively I think, and I would see the relationship being more like underlings than equals. Maybe not quite pets, but still.

On the current Sakuya thing - I dunno. I was thinking it'd be cool to actually write her in the immediate aftermath of giving up so much of herself, but that can be done in backstory or in play. Could also do some sort of essence scarring/localized disaster from the implosion if there was one... or just do it more simple, her power all wrapped up into herself... hmmm. Either way she's lost and confused on arrival, lion and I were thinking it might be interesting to meet up first since he'll likely be the second person done.
Tabby said:
Okay so the basic idea was. Uh. Temporal scouts who delve into the future and past to objectively gather potential outcomes and facts that have otherwise been skewed by perspective and bias. Between them and Sakuya they could represent the core facets of the lost Maiden, since Sakuya lives in the present and all that. REALISTICALLY I would see them a lot less as "useful and reliable information" as "SOMETIMES they're useful!" More of a focus on possibilities and consequences of actions and generally just confusing, probably mixed with colorful personalities and quirkiness. Or something. Huginn/Muninn were Odin's ravens, Mind and Thought respectively I think, and I would see the relationship being more like underlings than equals. Maybe not quite pets, but still.
On the current Sakuya thing - I dunno. I was thinking it'd be cool to actually write her in the immediate aftermath of giving up so much of herself, but that can be done in backstory or in play. Could also do some sort of essence scarring/localized disaster from the implosion if there was one... or just do it more simple, her power all wrapped up into herself... hmmm. Either way she's lost and confused on arrival, lion and I were thinking it might be interesting to meet up first since he'll likely be the second person done.
Fantastic. How about a scene where Sakuya wakes up in Creation after giving up so much of herself, essentially falling from favor down to Creation. How does that sound?
Okay so got one of the two alt-selves worked out. Mostly. Sort of. First off we have (tentatively named) Huginn. Future scout. Represents Thought. Terse and confusing, but her bark is worse than her bite; everything she says makes perfect sense to her, it's just no one else has her unique future/present perspective. Her arrival tends to be signified by a raven with translucent black wings, shimmering in impossible colors, but she always appears just out of anyone's notice in a sprinkling of feathers. Usually at the periphery of someone's vision, which tends to give them a bit of a headache as though they just saw the aftermath of something that their brain cannot comprehend. Very serious and rational, but tends to get frustrated when anyone not-Sakuya doesn't understand what she's saying. Sakuya is usually frustrated with her regardless because SHE has no idea what Huginn is talking about, so group communication is really just a downwards spiral. She's actually fairly nice, but the whole "communication" thing leaves her pretty much friendless and thoroughly lonely, in turn covering up her natural kindness with tinges of bitterness.


(I have nothing solid for the other one, but I see her being bubbly and friendly and scatterbrained WHICH SHOULD BE FUN)
I'm still here, and still working on my backstory, I got two whole paragraphs written today! Sorry for being so sloooooooow, I promise I'll try my best to have it ready by this weekend!
Hoshiko said:
I'm still here, and still working on my backstory, I got two whole paragraphs written today! Sorry for being so sloooooooow, I promise I'll try my best to have it ready by this weekend!
No need to be sorry.
Tabby said:
Okay so got one of the two alt-selves worked out. Mostly. Sort of. First off we have (tentatively named) Huginn. Future scout. Represents Thought. Terse and confusing, but her bark is worse than her bite; everything she says makes perfect sense to her, it's just no one else has her unique future/present perspective. Her arrival tends to be signified by a raven with translucent black wings, shimmering in impossible colors, but she always appears just out of anyone's notice in a sprinkling of feathers. Usually at the periphery of someone's vision, which tends to give them a bit of a headache as though they just saw the aftermath of something that their brain cannot comprehend. Very serious and rational, but tends to get frustrated when anyone not-Sakuya doesn't understand what she's saying. Sakuya is usually frustrated with her regardless because SHE has no idea what Huginn is talking about, so group communication is really just a downwards spiral. She's actually fairly nice, but the whole "communication" thing leaves her pretty much friendless and thoroughly lonely, in turn covering up her natural kindness with tinges of bitterness.

(I have nothing solid for the other one, but I see her being bubbly and friendly and scatterbrained WHICH SHOULD BE FUN)
Is this who Sakuya has to deal with when she "falls" to Creation?
She's one of sakuya's two temporal scouts mentioned a few posts up. She could show up in intro topic for sure, but she and the other tend to show up unexpectedly (read: ST fiat) to relay (possibly) useful info. bound to Sakuya by Samsara, not that she knows that
How's this for Muninn?

View attachment 2569<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.08698c4eb966a39faa3617d5b14f0570.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24365" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.08698c4eb966a39faa3617d5b14f0570.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Ooh, I like it! Not sure exactly what I want to do with second one though, and she wouldn't have to feature for a while anyways, so I might just sit on that pic and other possibles, and ponder what I want to do.
SWEET! I'll have a short response up sometime tonight, gonna probably go small while I try to get used to Sakuya.

Also, side note, I'm ok with you writing all of the allies except Cydaea - if possible I'd like to write her, though what she DOES I'd run by you and likewise when she shows up, but I'm just pumped as fuck to write her in particular
Tabby said:
SWEET! I'll have a short response up sometime tonight, gonna probably go small while I try to get used to Sakuya.
Also, side note, I'm ok with you writing all of the allies except Cydaea - if possible I'd like to write her, though what she DOES I'd run by you and likewise when she shows up, but I'm just pumped as fuck to write her in particular

I'm okay with you writing all of them. So, you just let me know which you want me to write.
Nara-O should definitely be all you, I think - I put her in partially to maybe inspire you for possible behind-the-scenes bullshit as well as so you could have a really easy vehicle for anything you already had planned; she tests and probes Sakuya, never revealing much directly but always leaving behind things to think about. I'll have to think about the others.
Alright, so, since Sakuya just asked a question that makes this very relevant, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about EXACTLY how limited Huginn (and her eventual counterpart) are. The way I see it, Huginn sees possible futures, lives them, so she couldn't say "Roland is 2.5 miles to the northeast" because he'll be there at x time in the future, but out of infinite possible futures, he might tend to be in a few nearby locations, in futures similar to the current timeline. I REALLY don't want the "future" bullshit to be a crutch to just spoil everything, it's more a tool for perspective and possibilities rather than concrete answers. Does that sound interesting to you, like something you can play with and be as vague or specific as you want to be?
I just realized that I have a perfect pic of Sakuya, Deus, and whatsherface working together as a team

Tabby said:
Alright, so, since Sakuya just asked a question that makes this very relevant, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about EXACTLY how limited Huginn (and her eventual counterpart) are. The way I see it, Huginn sees possible futures, lives them, so she couldn't say "Roland is 2.5 miles to the northeast" because he'll be there at x time in the future, but out of infinite possible futures, he might tend to be in a few nearby locations, in futures similar to the current timeline. I REALLY don't want the "future" bullshit to be a crutch to just spoil everything, it's more a tool for perspective and possibilities rather than concrete answers. Does that sound interesting to you, like something you can play with and be as vague or specific as you want to be?
Yes. It does. I think that makes a lot of sense and will work well.
@Hoshiko, I think I'd like to keep it simple. There's a forest here. It's the Threshold. I think, passing though the forest as you normally do, you stumble on Sakuya sitting and contemplating.

Thoughts from you both?


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